Remedial Enrichment
Remedial Enrichment
Remedial Enrichment
Seminar on
Catering for Learner Diversity for English
Teachers at Primary Level
10 March, 2006
English Language Education Section,
Curriculum Development Institute, EDB
Learner Diversity
face of A
7. complains
Attitudinal A works hard
A is quiet in a problem, about his group because she
& &
3. Personality A frets about members enjoys English
4. Motivation
while Emotional
the problem while
Social activities while
while B tries B leads a group B works hard
B is talkative. Development Maturity
discussion. for high marks.
to solve it.
A can pronounce In acquiring new A has got A likes
a word quickly words, A learns problems with
by chunking the through songs
5. Ability
syllables while 1.whereas
Learning (Learning) 8. Interests
while B has while
B can finish Style
B learns through needs
reading a passage doing crossword pronouncing /l/ B likes car
quickly. puzzles. and /r/ sounds. racing.
Catering for
Learner Diversity
Catering for
Learner Diversity
Learner Diversity
Curriculum Framework
Curriculum Adaptation:
• Additional opportunities
• Additional time
• Focused learning
Planning an Intervention Programme
1. Data Collection
2. Identification of Learning Problems
3. Identification of Causes of Problems
4. Identification of Teaching Focus &
Designing Tasks/Activities
5. Assessment for Learning
How? 20
Curriculum Adaptation
Learning and Teaching Materials
• Divide/ condense units of learning into manageable
Curriculum Framework
• Adapt coursebook materials
(amount, range, sequence, varieties, graphics)
• Design extended tasks/materials to draw on and expand
learners’ existing knowledge and skills
• Include specific guidelines to focus attention on concepts
How? 21
Curriculum Adaptation
Learning and Teaching Strategies
• Assess retention of previous learning and adjust strategies
Curriculum Framework
• Structure teacher demonstration before participation
• Apply effective questioning techniques
How? 22
Curriculum Adaptation
Learning and Teaching Strategies
• Assess retention of previous learning and adjust strategies
Curriculum Framework
• Structure teacher demonstration before participation
• Apply effective questioning techniques
How? 23
Curriculum Adaptation
Assessment for learning
Assessment for learning Assessment of learning
Curriculum Framework
What to For improvement For accountability
•Identifying learners’ strengths •Reporting learners’ attainment
and weaknesses against the learners’ targets
•Setting different targets for and objectives
different learners •Including questions of
•Acknowledging pupils’ efforts different difficulty levels in
and achievements summative assessment papers
•Providing quality feedback for to cater for different learners
learners, which entails timely
support and enrichment, and
helping teachers review the
learning objectives, lesson plans
and teaching strategies
Thank You