Lab 4

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Update: Session I 2022/23


CLO3: Analyse laboratory result in achieving objective of PLO4: Investigations: Conduct investigations of well-defined problems; locate DP1: Depth of Knowledge Required
structure, hydraulics and water quality using engineering and search relevant codes and catalogues, conduct standard tests and DP3: Depth of Analysis Required
report standard. (C4/PLO 4) measurements DK6: Practical Engineering Knowledge

Taxonomy Excellent Very Good Good Fair Unsatisfactory

Criteria Marks
Domain/Level 5 4 3 2 1
(DP1) – Student able to relate/apply fundamental knowledge (DK3) to analyze the result of experiment accordingly to the manual/calculation procedure
Result Presentation (Raw Data/Value/ Plan/ Graph, etc) *if any
Professional looking and
Accurate representations
accurate representation of Accurate representation of
of the data in written Incomplete result, major Data are not shown or
the data in tables and/or the data in tables and/or
form, but no graphs or mistakes. are inaccurate.
graphs. Graphs and tables graphs.
tables are presented.
are labelled and titled.
Calculation and More than 50% calculation 50% calculation and Less than 50% calculation Calculation and
description complete, and description complete, description complete, and description complete, description are not
Report Analysis clear, accurate and clear, accurate and clear, accurate and clear, accurate and complete, clear,
detailed. detailed. detailed. detailed. accurate and detailed.
(DP3) – Student able to discuss and conclude the experiment individually accordingly to laboratory requirement & reference related about laboratory result
C4 Result Discussions
Some points of discussion Some points of discussion on
All point of discussion on Most points of discussion on Very few points of
on results obtained results obtained covered
the results obtained results obtained covered discussion, not properly
covered and and but not properly
covered and elaborated. and elaborated. elaborated.
elaborated. elaborated.
Elaborated conclusions
relate the data obtained Conclusions drawn relate Conclusions are not
Draw weak conclusions Little effort to relate data to
to relevant theories and the data obtained to the related to data and
to relate data to theory. theory.
suggest method relevant theories. theory.
Complete the report within a given time
Submitted report after 8
Time management Submitted report after 1-2 Submitted report after 3 – Submitted report after a
Submitted report on time days – 2 weeks from
days from time given 5 days from time given week from time given
time given.
CLO3/C4 = _______ /25 x 30 =_______/ 30

Remarks for Assessment

a. Laboratory Practical (9) b. Laboratory Safety (3) c. Laboratory Report (6)

i. Structure Laboratory =3 i. Structure Laboratory =1 i. Structure Laboratory =2
ii. Hydraulics Laboratory =3 ii. Hydraulics Laboratory =1 ii. Hydraulics Laboratory =2
iii. Water Quality Laboratory =3 iii. Water Quality Laboratory =1 iii. Water Quality Laboratory =2

No Criteria Excellent (10) Good (8) Moderate (6) Fair (4)
The ability to The ability to The ability to
The ability to The ability to
demonstrate a demonstrate a demonstrate a
perform a basic perform a limited
Reflection thorough good sufficient
understanding of understanding of
understanding of understanding of understanding of
the practical work the practical work
the practical work the practical work the practical work


Write a reflection according to your practical work. Your reflection must include the following items:
1. Today’s accomplishment
2. The significance/importance of the practical work
3. The obstacles encountered during practical work.

A reflection must be submitted at the end of practical session.

Update: Session I 2022/23


CLO1: Construct appropriate instrumentation/ PLO5: Modern tools usage: Apply appropriate technique, resource and DP1: Depth of Knowledge Required
measurement techniques/ models/ simulation in structure, modern engineering and IT tools to well-defined engineering problems, with DP4: Familiarity of Issues
hydraulics and water quality engineering using standard an awareness of the limitations (DK 6) DP5: Extensive Applicable Codes
procedure and equipment. (P3/PLO 5) DK6: Practical Engineering Knowledge

Taxonomy Excellent Very Good Good Fair Unsatisfactory Mark

Domain/Level 5 4 3 2 1 s
(DP1) – Student able to apply knowledge related practical skill (DK6) in completing the laboratory work
Displays correct procedures for investigating the problems
Display correct procedures Require assistance to
Display correct procedures Display correct Unable to determine the
leading to results obtained ensure the correct
leading to reliable results. procedures. correct procedures.
within less than 10 % error procedures.
(DP1 & DP5) – student able to apply practical knowledge (DK6/DP1) accordingly to the standard/manual of laboratory work (DP5) procedure
Select and uses
Displays the usage of the tools/ apparatus/ machine/ to run the study/ laboratory work
Conduct experiment with
Conduct experiment with Display < 50% ability to
good knowledge on Unable to conduct
good knowledge on Conduct experiment with conduct experiment,
handling the experiment, using wrong
handling the tools/ right tools/ apparatus/ wrong tools/ apparatus/
tools/apparatus/machine tools/ apparatus/
apparatus/ machine and machine. machine as required by the
and result obtained within machine.
produced reliable results. procedures.
less than 10% error.
(DP4) – Student familiar with specification of laboratory outcome performance (measuring procedure, result and how student complete the task
Measures the data with accuracy and quality
Measure the data and Measure the data and Measure the data and Incomplete output
P3 Measure the data and
output reading quite output reading with some output reading with many reading with many
output reading precisely.
precisely. errors. errors. errors.
Measurement Displays performance of data measurement

Able to complete the task Able to complete the task Able to complete the task Able to complete the task Able to complete the
accurately by using the accurately by using the accurately by using the accurately by using the task accurately by using
given data without given data with minor given data with rarely given data with sometimes the given data with total
guidance. guidance. requires guidance. requires guidance. guidance.

Follows time management

Able to finish the Unable to finish the

Unable to finish the
Able to finish the Able to finish the experiment within the experiment within the
Time management experiment within the
experiment earlier than the experiment within the stipulated time. Takes stipulated time.
stipulated time. Experiment
stipulated time. stipulated time. additional half hours to Experiment takes
takes another hour to finish.
finish. another week to finish.

CLO1/P3 = _______ / 25 x 60 = _______ /60

Update: Session I 2022/23


CLO2: Practice the importance of achieving safety in PLO6: Engineer & Society: Demonstrate knowledge of the societal, health, DP1: Depth of Knowledge Required
structure, hydraulics and water quality according to OSH safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant DP5: Extensive Applicable Codes
standard. (A4/PLO6) to engineering technician practice and solutions to well-defined engineering DK6: Practical Engineering Knowledge
problems (DK7) DK7: Knowledge

Taxonomy Excellent Very Good Good Fair Unsatisfactory

Criteria Marks
Domain/Level 5 4 3 2 1
(DP1 & DP5) – Student able to apply and follow the safety procedure/protocol (DK6 &DK7- DP1) accordingly to the code of practices in laboratory (DP5)
Adhere to safety procedure during laboratory
Safety procedure/
Follows consistently safety Inconsistent Significant
protocols Follows safety procedures Usually follows safety
procedures with adherence to safety disregard for safety
without prompting procedures.
occasional lapses. procedures. procedures.
(DP4) – Familiar and Practices code of conduct/ laboratory regulation consistently during laboratory session
Adhere to safety dress code, wears suitable safety equipment accordingly to the task and situation

Appearance Comply and moderately

A4 Excellent & consistently Good and practices most Unable to practice even
of the time of laboratory Practice under supervision
practice of time in laboratory session after supervision

Organizes laboratory equipment and workplace accordingly to the laboratory regulation of housekeeping
2 of the total equipment is 3 or more of the total
All equipment is cleaned 1 of the equipment is not
Cleanness & not cleaned and not keep equipment is not cleaned
and kept in place. cleaned and not keep in Not clean equipment
neatness in place. Work area is and not keep in place.
Work area is cleaned and place. Work area is and not keep in place.
cleaned Work area is not clean and
organized. cleaned and organized.
and organized. organize.
CLO2/A4 = _______ / 15 x 10 = _______ /10
Civil Engineering Department Structure, Hydraulics and Water Quality Laboratory


Title : Impact of Water Jet / Water Jet Force

Objectives : To investigate jet forces impacting against stationary deflectors.
Apparatus / Equipment : Impact of Jet Apparatus

Unit Description

The theoretical jet force is calculated from the principle of linear momentum. The density (ρ) of the
water is 1000 kg/m3.
Force = Fluid Mass x Variable of Velocity = (ρ.A.v) x (Δv) = (ρQ) x (v1–v2)
Where: ρ = Density of fluids
A = Area of nozzle
V1 = first velocity
V2 = Second velocity

Civil Engineering Department Structure, Hydraulics and Water Quality Laboratory


1. Place the test set-up on the HM150 so that the drain routes the water into the channel.
2. Fit connecting hose between HM150 and unit.
3. Open HM150 drain.
4. Assemble deflector [1], (Plate, Hemisphere, Slope or Cone). Loosen the 3 screws [3] on the
cover [4] and remove cover together with lever mechanism. Fit appropriate deflector. Do not
forget to tighten lock nut [2] on rod. Screw cover back onto vessel.
5. Use adjusting screw [5] to set pointer to zero (zero notch [7]). When doing so, do not place any
loading weights on measurement system [8].
6. Apply desired loading weight [8] 0.5N; 1N; 1.5N; 2N; 2.5N, 3N or combinations thereof.
7. Close main HM150 cock.
8. Switch on HM150 pump.
9. Carefully open main cock until pointer is on zero again.
10. Close HM150 drains cock.
11. Determine volumetric flow. This involves recording time t required to fill up the volumetric
tank of the HM150 from 20 to 30 litres.
12. Add loading weights and note down time t for 10 litres.
13. Switch off pump, open drain.

Civil Engineering Department Structure, Hydraulics and Water Quality Laboratory

Experimental Data / Results:

i) Measured Values for Slope (450 and 1350 deflection)

Force, F (N) Measuring time (s) Volume (m3)


Note: Nozzle diameter, d = 8 mm

Cross Sectional Area of Nozzle, A = πd2/4
Discharge, Q = Volume/Time (m3/s)
Velocity, V = Q/A (m/s)
Gravity, g = the gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s ).

ii) Slope (450 and 1350 deflection)

Flow rate, Q Calculated Force Measured Force

Velocity, v (m/s)
(m3/s) Fth (N) F (N)

Discussion :
Plot the graph of forces Measured (F) vs Calculated (Fth).

Conclusion :

Summarize your conclusion


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