Gi Od 09 04
Gi Od 09 04
Gi Od 09 04
For the purpose of this document, and although the terms may relate to different notion in EU countries, Distribution network is the network delivering gas to domestic customers, transit network is the network
transmitting gas (generally connected to other big network or infrastructure as storages), transport network is the network transmitting gas to distribution network, sometime identified as regional transport.
DE: The German law refers to DVGW codes or equivalent; odorisation in only a few transport systems, mostly based on sulphur free odorant.
FR: The law requires that transmission companies deliver odorised gas to all customers (industrial and distributors), not to odorise network. However, the current practice (all transported gas is odorised) is recognised
by French authorities as best practice in safety studies.
HU: Transmission Company performs Odorisation.
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Is a Level of If Yes, please specify
Odorisation Transit Odorisation Odorisation Distribution concentration/ the requirement (i.e.:
Transport Pressure Control Requirements specified
Country required on Pressure required on required on pressure olfactory sensation minimum concentration
(bar) required standards or codes
Transit (bar) transport1? distribution (bar) Required? or olfactory degree at
(Yes or Not) 1% natural gas in air)
Both: olfactory control
is the primary
requirement and it is
legally accepted, but
AEEGSI (Regulatory UNI CIG 7133 (6)
> 24 from the fields
IT No No5 Yes 0,004-5 bar Yes6 Body), for economic Yes UNI CIG 9463
12-24 outside cities
incentives purpose, Dir ARG/Gas 574/13
< 12 inside the cities
considers only
determinations of the
level of concentration
by gaschromatography7
National Regulation
NL No >40 No 40-80 bar Yes <8bar Yes Minimum concentration Yes Regeling gaskwaliteit
NO No No Yes Yes Minimum concentration Yes No
National Regulation
Dz.U. 2010, No 133, 89
PL No <84 No 20<p<63 Yes <4 Yes Olfactory degree Yes
Both: olfactory degree
according to technical
PT No No8 Yes9 Yes Yes DVGW G 280
Minimum concentration
according to TSO
SR 13406 (Natural Gas
RO No Yes No Yes Olfactory degree Yes SR 3317 (Natural Gas
Quality Requirements)
EN ISO 13734
SK No --- No 18 to 40 bar Yes < 4 bar Yes Minimum concentration Yes TPP 918 01
IT: The gas transmission network is not odorised except for the gas delivered to the domestic customers and premises directly connected with them.
IT: Directive ARG/Gas 574/13 from AEEGSI (Regulatory Body) considers only “positive controls” referred to UNI 7133.
IT: UNI 7133 states the odorant concentrations that assure level 4 of Odorisation on DecaSales scale in natural gas.
PT: The Portuguese law and regulations do not require for odorisation in transport, and the Portuguese TSO (REN Gasodutos) does not odorise the gas transmission network; nevertheless, the gas entering by pipeline
through the interconnection(s) with the Spanish grid (operated by Enagas) is, from the18th January 2010 received in an odorized condition, as in Spain the odorisation in transport is mandatory. Thus, the transported
gas has, now, a variable odorant concentration (ranging between 0 and 15mg/m3(n)).
PT: Distribution (pressure lower than 20 bar), the gas is odorised at the Transport Grid Delivery Points (GRMS - Gas Metering and Regulating Stations); the gas is also odorised at Delivery Points from the Transport
Grid to Direct Consumers, which receive the gas at pressures > 20 bar.
PT: The Portuguese TSO REN Gasodutos holds a concession from the Portuguese State granted for the high pressure gas transmission system. The concession law refers that the gas quality shall be defined on a
Technical regulation to be issued by the Energy Office. The concession law, which is dated 2006, did not yet formally published the referred Technical Regulation, so REN Gasodutos is following the previous
mandatory article (from Decree Law 285/90, that states”. The supplied gas shall be odorized in a way that any potential leak can be easily detected by human olfact when the mixture gas/air presents a volumetric
composition equals to 1/5 of LIL (Lower Inflammable Limit).
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Is a Level of If Yes, please specify
Odorisation Transit Odorisation Odorisation Distribution concentration/ the requirement (i.e.:
Transport Pressure Control Requirements specified
Country required on Pressure required on required on pressure olfactory sensation minimum concentration
(bar) required standards or codes
Transit (bar) transport1? distribution (bar) Required? or olfactory degree at
(Yes or Not) 1% natural gas in air)
Gas Safety
UK No <85bar No11 <85bar Yes <35bar Yes Olfactory degree 12 Yes Management
Regulations 1996
UK: from 1998 must odorise 7 bar and below. National Transmission System is not odorised (>35bar). Distribution Networks Systems are odorised.
UK: The concentration of odorant in natural gas will be such to achieve the alert olfactory degree 2 on the scale of Sales, which corresponds to a gas leak of 1 % natural gas concentration into the air (equivalent to 20
% of LEL).
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It means the furthest location from injection point
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Control location Frequency:
Who does What is
(end point of the continuous Who asks for
Control Control on work the controlled Controlled Controlled by Controlled by Controlled by
Control on pipe13, entry (CI) or the control
Country on Distributio control (odorant by gas chemical odorant
Transport point of the periodical (regulation,
Transit n (third part or concentration, Olfaction chromatography sensor consumption
pipe, odorisation inspection voluntary)
not) smell, etc.)
station,...) (P)
injection points)
In distribution: Legal
city gate and requirement Odorant
ES Yes No Yes 1/month and third No Yes Yes No
end point of the (Governmen concentration
and CI part (P)
pipe t)
Transport: At
≈ 55
(entry points Regulation
Not and some node (Transport) Grid Odorant
FR Yes Yes on network No Yes Yes No
defined of the network) Voluntary operator concentration
Distribution: (Distribution)
n): several
locations on
Exit point and
P Odorant
HU No Yes No distribution Regulation Third party No No No Yes
and CI concentration
CI of
Primary test odorant Technical
point for each injection rules
Entry point and rate at each (Code of
TSO/Third Odorant
IE Yes Yes Yes secondary test- plant + P: Operations) No No No Yes
Party concentration
points across Monthly only require
the distribution samples at gas to be
system TX and DX odorised
requirement Odorant
End point of the (Law concentration No (only for
Yes (domestic pipe, and P: 6 1083/71) Grid , odorisation
IT No Yes (see note Yes No15
customers)14 odorisation months operator plants check,
station Regulation smell (see as option)
(ARG/Gas note 7)
City gate
station, Grid Odorant
NL No No Yes P: 3 weeks Regulation No Yes No Yes
Odorisation operator concentration
Grid Odorant
NO No No Yes - P Voluntary No Yes No No
operator concentration
PL No No Yes End point of the P: 2 weeks Technical DSO and/or Smell and Yes Yes Yes Yes
IT: The gas transmission network is not odorised except for the gas delivered to the domestic customers and premises directly connected with them.
IT: Sensors sometimes are used as indicators.
Page 5 of 16 D303
Control location Frequency:
Who does What is
(end point of the continuous Who asks for
Control Control on work the controlled Controlled Controlled by Controlled by Controlled by
Control on pipe13, entry (CI) or the control
Country on Distributio control (odorant by gas chemical odorant
Transport point of the periodical (regulation,
Transit n (third part or concentration, Olfaction chromatography sensor consumption
pipe, odorisation inspection voluntary)
not) smell, etc.)
station,...) (P)
pipe, pressure and CI rules grid odorant (olfactory (indicative
stations MP/LP (Dz.U. 2010, operator concentration is the measuremen
No 133, 89 primary ts)
PN-C- method)
End point of
P: monthly TSO (O&M Odorant
PT No Yes No regulating and Voluntary No No Yes Yes
and CI Department) concentration
Smell and (olfactory
P: 3 rules Grid
RO No Yes Yes - odorant is the Yes Yes No
months (SR 13406 operator
concentration primary
Selected points
of transport Legal
P: 6 Smell and (olfactory
pipes and end requirement
SK No No Yes months DSO odorant is the No Yes No
point of the (State
and CI concentration primary
distribution legislation)
At entry to and
The relevant (olfactory No Yes
across P
UK No No Yes Regulation distribution Smell is the (only when No (continuously
distribution and CI
network primary required) monitored)
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CZ: It is possible, but with really small amount (4 crossborder villages with Germany, Austria or Poland)
DE: Generally not, but exceptions, e.g. LNG stations, may exist.
DE: Possible only, if gas odorisation is guaranteed by contract to be contained in accordance with DVGW-G 280, gas to comply with DVGW-G 260
FR: Except in the North of France where a 30 km pipeline is not odorised.
FR: At the entry points of transmission network (including LNG terminals), operating continuously.
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Can odorised gas
Use of
Injection on Injection on Injection on Number of Use of be received from
Country Injection on other Electronic Use of Bypass
transit Transport City Gate plants Pneumatic pump outside the
PT: Leaving National Transport System
UK: Leaving National Transmission Pipeline
UK: Gas entering via Interconnectors connected to the Transmission system is unodorised.
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DE: 204 biomethane plants (+6 injections of hydrogen or syngas) end of 2017. Thereof around 20 biomethane plants inject in transmission grids.
DE: no odorisation of natural gas/biomethane on transport grid.
DE: German technical rule for odorisation of natural gas, no specific requirements or a separate standard for odorisation of biomethane.
Page 11 of 16 D303
Number of Number of Number of Number of
Biomethane biomethane Odorisation Biomethane biomethane Odorisation Standards for
Specific requirement for biomethane
Country injection on injections on plants on injection on injections on plants on biomethane
Transport? Transport Transport Distribution? Distribution Distribution Odorisation
(if known) (if known) (if known) (if known)
PT No No No
RO No No No
SK No No No
IGEM/SR/16 Edition
local NTS is unodorised and so any
2 (Edition 3
transmission biomethane plant connected to NTS
currently in
systems only would not require odorisation. For
UK 17 17 Yes 77 77 production -
(not NTS – local transmission distribution
National systems there are no specific
publication late
Trasmission requirements.
Page 12 of 16 D303
Country Minimum required olfactory degree Control required Requirements specified standards or codes
AT Not required No -
BE Not required No -
CH Not required No -
3 DVGW scale
CZ Yes TPG 918 01, TPG 905 01 (codes of practice)
(Table 1, A 3, TPG 918 01)
DE Not required No -
DK Not required No -
EL Not required No -
ES Not required No -
FR Not required No -
HU Not required No -
IE 2 (Sales scale) Yes Code of Operations
UNI CIG 7133
IT 4 (DecaSales scale27) National Authority considers mandatory
Dir ARG/Gas 574/13
only gaschromatographic analyses.
NL Not required Yes -
NO Not required No -
National Regulation
Dz.U. 2010, No 133, 89
PL Olfactory is the primary measurement Yes
PT Olfactory degree is required by Technical regulation Yes DVGW G 280
SR 13406 (Natural Gas Odorisation),
RO 2 (Sales scale) Yes
SR 3317 (Natural Gas. Quality Requirements),
SK Not required No -
UK 2 (Sales scale) Yes Gas Safety Management Regulations, GS(M)R1996
The new DecaSales scale was introduced in UNI 7133-1: 2019, doubling the Sales Scale and using only integer from 0 to 10 olfactory degrees.
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Customers receiving
Unit Odorised
Minimum Typical non-odorized gas: Odorised Odorised Odorised gas
Percent Maximum concentration reference gas in
Country Odorant concentration concentration specify what type of gas in Salt gas in lined in aquiferous
consumption (mg/m³) (Standard depleted
(mg/m³) (mg/m³) industry is receiving cavern? cavern? storage?
or Normal) field?
non odorised gas
THT 93% 9,0 12-14
Industry: glass,
Other odorants 5% - As required at the -
AT Normal ceramics, chemical, No No No No
Sulphur Free 2% 8,0 endpoint 10
power plants
THT 17 34 20 Chemical Industry &
BE - Normal No No No No
TBM+IPM+NPM 5,4 7,1 6 power plants
THT 100% 10 30 15-30
CH Normal some Industry No No No No
S-Free Acrylate - 8,8 - 12 14
THT 10% 8 12
CZ TBM+DMS 89% 5 Not specified 10 Normal Chemical Industry No No No No
Gasodor S-free 1% 8 8,8
59 – 74% 10 15–18
THT According
2% Not specified -
Other odorants mixt to DVGW G 260
THT + EA the total sulfur Industries: glass,
DE - 6 11-15 Normal No No No No
Sulphur Free concentration ceramics, chemical
21% 8 11-15
Odorant shall not exceed
TBM+IPM+NPM 8 mg/m³
15-17% 3 5-8
10,5 (at Not allowed in
DK THT 100% consumer Not specified 11-17 Normal Denmark. All gas is No No No No
location) odorized
EL THT 100% 15 35 20 Normal
15 (TSO)
ES THT 100% - 22 Normal None
18 (DSO)
FR THT 100% 15 40 25 Normal None Yes No Yes Yes
Every customer
HU THT + TBM 100% 13 25 16 Not known Yes (16) No No No
receives odorized gas
Every customer
IE TBM+DMS 100% 3 10 6 Standard No No No Yes
receives odorized gas
THT 40% 32
As required at the
IT TBM+IPM+NPM 60% 9,329 - Standard Industry No No No Yes
Industry; Power plant;
NL THT 100% 10 40 18 Normal No No No No
Dedicated Pipe
NO THT 100% 12 15 - Not known Industry
PL THT 100 % Not specified Not specified 25 Standard Industry
Combined Cycle Power
PT THT 100% 8 40 24 Normal Yes No No No
IT: The 2019 revision of UNI 7133 – Part 2, has an annex in which a concentration of 24,1 mg/m3 is given as basis for further studies for usage of odorant without sulphur with a composition of 32% of methyl
acrylate, 66% of ethyl acrylate and 2% of 2-ethyl-3-methylpyrazin.
IT: the concentration is expressed as TBM, because it is the only compound of the mixture that can be analysed on the field at the lower concentration. This concentration of TBM alone reach 4 olfactory degrees at
1% of natural gas in air even in absence of the other two mercaptans of the odorant mixture (IPM and NPM are more reactive, and can be easily lost in the grid).
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Customers receiving
Unit Odorised
Minimum Typical non-odorized gas: Odorised Odorised Odorised gas
Percent Maximum concentration reference gas in
Country Odorant concentration concentration specify what type of gas in Salt gas in lined in aquiferous
consumption (mg/m³) (Standard depleted
(mg/m³) (mg/m³) industry is receiving cavern? cavern? storage?
or Normal) field?
non odorised gas
RO EM 100% 3 30 8 Not known Some Industry No No No No
Chemical industry and
THT 59 % 8 40 18
SK Normal some technological No No No No
TBM(80%)+MES(20%) 41 % 5 15 10
As required, but
must not exceed
UK TBM+DMS 100% Not specified 6 Standard Any before injection (15)
No No No No
total sulphur limit of
GS(M)R regulation
NOTE 1: The unit can be expressed in reference to normal or standard conditions: the difference is related to the temperature to which the volume is expressed; the following
definitions are taken from the EN ISO 14532:
Normal reference conditions: reference conditions of pressure, temperature and humidity (state of saturation) equal to: 101,325 kPa and 273,15 K for a dry, real gas.
Standard reference conditions: reference conditions of pressure, temperature and humidity (state of saturation) equal to: 101,325 kPa and 288,15 K for a dry, real gas.
Composition % Density Vapour
THT TBM IPM NPM MES DMS EM Ethyl Methyl 2-Ethyl-3- at 273K Pressur
Tetrahydr Tertiary Isopropyl Normal Methy Diethy Ethyl Acrylat Acrylat Methylpyrazi (kg/m3 e Vapour
Odorant Density
o Butyl Mercapta Propyl l Ethyl l Mercapta e e n ) at 3 Pressur
thiophene Mercapta n Mercapta sulfid sulfide n %S 273K e
n n e (mbar (bara at
Formula C4H8S C4H10S C3H8S C3H8S C3H8S C2H6S C2H6S C5H8O2 C4H6O2 C7H10N2 ) 15°C)
88,2 90,2 76,2 76,2 76,2 62,1 62,1 100,1 86,1 122,2
Sulphur Free 66 % 32 % 2% 0,0 Note31 Note32
(Ethyl 12 % 88 % 4,4 950 11
THT+TBM 70 % 30 % 893,1 0,084
36, 1002,
THT 100 % 1016 5,8 0,014
4 8
76 % 16 % 8% 825 82 810,8 0,17
M 1
TBM+MES 80 % 20 % 828 71
80 % 20 % 830 114 814,4 0,23
(UK+IE) 8
65 % 35 % 837 140
(CZ) 2
PT: For the customers to be exempted from receiving odorised gas the Energy Office (DGEG – Direcção Geral de Energia e Geologia) must issue a formal permit. This permit is supported on a demonstration that the
customer has installed a gas detection system or, alternatively, a leak detection system; in one of the CCPP, REN Gasodutos installed a leak detection system based on flow measurement by annubar metering devices.
From the Safety Data Sheet: 0,9300 - 0,9400 at 20 °C (relative density).
From the Safety Data Sheet: 83 mbar (at 25 °C).
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EM 100 % 861 246 844,3 0,474
The information and data included in this document have been compiled by MARCOGAZ from a variety of sources from its Members. MARCOGAZ will not accept any liability for the data accuracy
and completeness.
AT 02/10/2012
BE 15/03/2018
CH 02/10/2012
CZ 15/03/2018
DE 11/10/2019 DVGW code of practice G 280 was revised in December 2018
DK 02/10/2012
EL 02/10/2012
ES 18/10/2019
FR 15/03/2018
HU 02/10/2012
IE 17/10/2019
IT 24/10/2019 The new revision of UNI 7133 was published in May 2019
NL 09/01/2020
NO 02/10/2012
PL 02/10/2012
PT 02/10/2012
RO 02/10/2012
SK 02/10/2012
UK 16/09/2019
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