Dependence, Withdrawal and Rebound of CNS
Dependence, Withdrawal and Rebound of CNS
Dependence, Withdrawal and Rebound of CNS
The purpose of this article is to describe dependence and withdrawal phenomena related to CNS drugs discontinuation and to clar-
ify issues related to the evaluation of clinical drug withdrawal and rebound as they relate to safety in new drug development. The
article presents current understanding and definitions of drug dependence and withdrawal which are also relevant and important
features of addiction, though not the same. Addiction, called substance use disorder in DSM-5, affects an individual’s brain and be-
haviour, represents uncontrollable drug abuse and inability to stop taking a drug regardless of the harm it causes. Characteristic
withdrawal syndromes following abrupt discontinuation of CNS-active drugs from numerous drug classes are described. These in-
clude drugs both scheduled and non-scheduled in the Controlled Substances Act, which categorizes drugs in five schedules based
on their relative abuse potentials and dependence liabilities and for regulatory purposes. Schedules 1 and 2 contain drugs identified
as those with the highest abuse potential and strictest regulations. Less recognized aspects of drug withdrawal, such as rebound
and protracted withdrawal syndromes for several drug classes are also addressed. Part I presents relevant definitions and describes
clinical withdrawal and dependence phenomena. Part II reviews known withdrawal syndromes for the different drug classes, Part
III describes rebound and Part IV describes protracted withdrawal syndromes. To our knowledge, this is the first compilation of
withdrawal syndromes for CNS drugs. Part V provides details of evaluation of dependence and withdrawal in the clinical trials for
CNS drugs, which includes general design recommendations, and several tools, such as withdrawal questionnaires and multiple
scales that are helpful in the systematic evaluation of withdrawal. The limitations of different aspects of this method of dependence
and withdrawal evaluation are also discussed.
1 Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002, USA
2 Controlled Substance Scientific Solutions LLC, 4601 North Park Avenue #506, Chevy Chase, MD 20815-4572, USA
Correspondence to: Alicja Lerner, MD, PhD, FDA
Controlled Substance Staff, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration
10903 New Hampshire Avenue, Building 51
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002, USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Correspondence may also be addressed to: Michael Klein, PhD
Controlled Substance Scientific Solutions LLC
4601 North Park Avenue #506
Chevy Chase, MD 20815-4572
E-mail: [email protected]
Received April 29, 2019. Revised September 12, 2019. Accepted September 16, 2019. Advance Access publication October 16, 2019
C The Author(s) (2019). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted reuse,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 | BRAIN COMMUNICATIONS 2019: Page 2 of 23 A. Lerner and M. Klein
Abbreviations: ARSW ¼ Adjective Rating Scale for Withdrawal; ASAM ¼ American Society of Addiction Medicine; BZ ¼ benzo-
diazepines; CB1 ¼ cannabinoid 1 receptors; COWS ¼ Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale; DSM-5 ¼ diagnostic and statistical man-
ual of mental disorders, fifth edition; FDA ¼ Food and Drug Administration; INF ¼ information not found; MAOIs ¼ monoamine
oxidase inhibitors; NMS ¼ neuroleptic malignant syndrome; NAS ¼ neonatal abstinence syndrome; SSRIs ¼ selective serotonin re-
uptake inhibitors; SNRIs ¼ serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors; THC ¼ D9-tetrahydrocannabinol; VAS ¼ Visual
Analogue Scale
Graphical Abstract
Addictive Disorders’ section, and are further defined for dependence; but again, this would not be classified as an
drugs and substances known to be related to substance addiction.
use disorders. These substances include opioids, sedatives, The phenomena of dependence are related to withdraw-
hypnotics, anxiolytics, stimulants, cannabis, caffeine, alco- al, tolerance and rebound. Ashton (1991) described the
hol and tobacco. Of these substances, cannabis is listed in relation of withdrawal, rebound and tolerance using the
Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act, many example of BZ. The excerpt below is somewhat lengthy
opioids and stimulants are listed in Schedule 2; sedatives, for the citation, but it describes withdrawal phenomena,
hypnotics and anxiolytics are listed in Schedule 3 or 4, their sequence and physiological background so well that
whereas caffeine, alcohol and tobacco are not listed in the the authors decided to provide it here in full.
Controlled Substances Act (United States Congress, 1970). Any chronically used drug gradually engenders a series of homeo-
However, for drugs, in particular CNS active, which are static responses which tend to restore normal function despite the
being developed and evaluated by FDA, we will be using presence of the drug. With chronic benzodiazepine use, compensa-
another definition, more appropriate for this function, tory changes occur in GABA receptors. Such changes consist of
namely, part (i) of the dependence definition cited by the decreased sensitivity of these receptors to GABA, probably as a re-
American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM). The re- sult of alterations in affinity state and decreased density (Cowen
cent ASAM definitions of dependence, addiction, tolerance and Nutt, 1982; Nutt and Malizia, 2001).
and withdrawal gained support by the American Academy
In addition, there are changes in the secondary systems controlled
of Pain Medicine and the American Pain Society in 2001,
by GABA, so that the output of excitatory neurotransmitters tends
and have since then been updated (Ries et al., 2014).
to be restored, and/or the sensitivity of their receptors increases. The
• Physical dependence—used in three different ways: (i) whole complex of primary and secondary changes eventually results
physical dependence is a state of adaptation that is in benzodiazepine tolerance.
manifested by a drug class-specific withdrawal syn-
The development of pharmacodynamic tolerance sets the scene for
drome that can be produced by abrupt cessation,
the withdrawal syndrome. Cessation of the drug exposes all the
rapid dose reduction, reducing blood level of the drug adaptations which have accrued to counteract its presence, releasing
and/or administration of an antagonist; (ii) psycho- a rebound of unopposed activity involving many neurotransmitters
logical dependence is a subjective sense of need for a and their receptors and many brain systems. Clinically this state is
specific psychoactive substance, either for its positive manifested as the withdrawal syndrome, consisting of effects that
effects or to avoid negative effects associated with its are largely the opposite of these originally induced by the drug.
abstinence; and (iii) one category of psychoactive sub-
stance use disorder in previous editions of the Evaluation of dependence and withdrawal is an integral
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental part of FDA’s evaluation of new drugs.
Disorders, but not in the DSM-5, published in 2013. The development of dependence is a general feature of
• Addiction is characterized by inability to consistently drug effects on the human body which frequently cannot
abstain, impairment in behavioural control, craving, be predicted a priori. Thus, it is important to evaluate
diminished recognition of significant problems with thoroughly new drugs for development of dependence,
one’s behaviours and interpersonal relationships, and withdrawal and rebound symptoms, as well for develop-
a dysfunctional emotional response. Like other chronic ment of abuse potential (FDA Abuse Guidance 2017;
diseases, addiction often involves cycles of relapse and FDA and Center for Drug Evaluation and Research,
remission. Without treatment or engagement in recov- 2017).
ery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in The evaluation of human dependence and withdrawal
disability or premature death. is important for regulatory reasons, as it relates to
• Tolerance—a state of adaptation in which exposure to 21U.S.C. 811 and 812 (United States Code, Title 21—
a drug over time results in diminution of one or more FOOD AND DRUGS; U.S. Government, 2006): a drug
of the drug’s physiologic effects. that is a controlled substance, needs to be monitored for
• Withdrawal syndrome—the onset of a predictable con- abuse and misuse and new data that relate to abuse and
stellation of signs and symptoms following the abrupt dependence liability resulting from abuse needs to be
discontinuation of, or rapid reduction in, the dose of assessed.
a psychoactive substance. The assessment of dependence and withdrawal is also
necessary as a potential warning for physicians and
These definitions are important for distinguishing between patients and should be provided in the drug label to in-
dependence and addiction or substance use disorder. form if the drug can be abruptly withdrawn at the end
To further clarify the concept of dependence it can be of treatment or must be slowly tapered to avoid poten-
said that an individual can be addicted to the drug of tially dangerous even life-threatening adverse events after
abuse, or merely develop dependence to the drug of abrupt withdrawal. It is also important to inform subjects
abuse without being addicted. For drugs not associated abusing the drug about health consequences of the devel-
with abuse potential, an individual may still develop opment of dependence and of drug withdrawal.
4 | BRAIN COMMUNICATIONS 2019: Page 4 of 23 A. Lerner and M. Klein
Drug dependence and withdrawal widely recognized that formation of physical dependence
We present here withdrawal-related phenomena which resulting in a clinically significant withdrawal syndrome can
can be identified for many different drug groups; this list occur within 6 weeks of BZ administration, especially if suf-
is based largely on a description of clinical aspects of ficiently high doses (two to three times the therapeutic dose)
withdrawal emerging after discontinuation of selective are used. MacKinnon and Parker (1982) reviewed the litera-
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs; Chouinard and ture on this topic and found that withdrawal may occur
Chouinard, 2015). These withdrawal phenomena include: even after only 4–8 weeks of drug exposure; however, in
these cases frequently excessively high doses were used.
• New symptoms (acute withdrawal symptoms): Newly Kales et al. (1987) observed that after only 7 days of
emerging signs and symptoms which occur almost imme- administration of alprazolam (1 mg) insomnia patients de-
diately after abrupt drug discontinuation or sometimes velop tolerance and drug lost 40% of efficacy, addition-
even after the dose decrease. These symptoms are related ally abrupt withdrawal caused rebound insomnia.
to the disruption of neuroregulatory changes (neuroadap- Roy-Byrne et al. (1989) compared the withdrawal
tation) established during drug administration. effects of alprazolam and diazepam in patients with panic
• Rebound: Recurrence of symptoms of the treated dis- disorder after 6 weeks of drug administration. After an
order in patients, more severe than before the treatment. initial taper, abrupt discontinuation of drug treatment
• Protracted withdrawal syndrome: Usually appears long resulted in relapse and rebound in the patients taking al-
past the timeframe of acute withdrawal symptoms, prazolam and diazepam, with higher prevalence of these
may last for weeks and months, and sometimes may symptoms for alprazolam.
present as a newly emerging disorder. Dependence even after therapeutic exposure to opioids
• Relapse. Return of signs and symptoms of the disease such as oxycodone develops even more rapidly, within 2–
after a remission due to natural causes or termination 3 weeks as described by Wakim (2012), Pasero and
of treatment; it occurs as a phenomenon in the natural McCaffery (2010) and Dowell et al. (2016) in Oxycontin
history of the disorder. Relapse is not an aspect of de- label September 2018 and Roxybond label April 2017.
pendence; however, it is mentioned here because it These studies would suggest that dependence formation
occurs during the timeframe of acute withdrawal and after administration of opioids can occur within 2–
needs to be differentiated from the withdrawal. 3 weeks using therapeutic doses and for BZ can occur
• Symptoms of delayed drug toxicity: May be over- within 6 weeks using therapeutic doses of BZ and in 4
imposed on acute withdrawal symptoms and some- weeks with supratherapeutic doses.
times are difficult to differentiate from them.
Pesce et al. (1994) reported sex differences in withdrawal symptoms of intact and castrated mice that were first treated with subcutaneously
implanted pellet of diazepam and then underwent precipitated withdrawal with flumazenil injection. Both sexes experienced seizures and jerks;
however, seizures were more pronounced in females. Castration significantly increased the incidence of seizures in male mice.
Sloan et al. (2000) observed the sex differences in the number in seizures, respiratory rate and vocalization in rats which first had implanted di-
azepam and then underwent withdrawal precipitated with either with PK11195, a peripheral BZ antagonist, and/or flumazenil. Flumazenil induced
higher withdrawal scores in females, also female rats vocalized significantly more than male rats; however, flumazenil tended to produce more tach-
ypnoea in male than in female rats.
Marusich et al. (2014) studied impact of gonadal hormones on D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) dependence in gonadectomized rats. Rimonabant,
selective cannabinoid 1 receptor blocker, precipitated withdrawal in rats with increased forepaw tremors, licking, and increased startle amplitude.
However, testosterone treatment of gonadectomized males decreased withdrawal-induced licking, whereas oestradiol and progesterone treatment
of gonadectomized females increased withdrawal-induced chewing, and progesterone increased withdrawal-induced sniffing.
Harte-Hargrove and Dow-Edwards (2012) who studied the sex differences in adolescent THC-dependent rats after the spontaneous THC with-
drawal showed increased anxiety-like behaviour in females and decreased anxiety-like behaviour in males early in withdrawal, also female rats
showed greater locomotor depression than males.
Torres et al. (2013) reported that during nicotine withdrawal, adult female rats displayed higher levels of anxiety-like behaviour than adult males.
However, adolescents displayed less nicotine withdrawal than adults, but adolescent males displayed some increase in anxiety-like behaviour.
Hamilton et al. (2010) observed more severe withdrawal behaviours in adolescent male Long-Evans than females. However, these sex differen-
ces were not seen in the adolescent Sprague Dawley male and female rats, both sexes had significant withdrawal behaviours.
differences in withdrawal symptoms were revealed with score. Women had significantly higher composite WDS
the ARSW or VAS. Subjective craving as measured with scores than men as well as higher scores than men on six
VAS was significantly higher in women than men. individual symptoms in two domains: mood symptoms
However, further research studies with humans, males that included irritability, restlessness, increased anger and
and females, are needed to investigate sex and gender vari- violent outbursts; and gastrointestinal symptoms, that
ables that influence the various conditions affected by included nausea and stomach pain.
opioids, including treating pain, occurrence of adverse Cuttler et al. (2016) based on the online survey that
events and development of addiction (Koons et al., 2018). assessed the cannabis users’ practices and experiences
Cannabis. Agrawal et al. (2008) examined symptoms of found that during the withdrawal period men more often
cannabis withdrawal in subjects who reported its use during than women reported insomnia and vivid dreams, where-
the past 12 months to the National Epidemiologic Survey on as women more often reported nausea and anxiety. Also,
Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC). It was noted significantly more women (44.9%) than men (36.7%) did
that nausea was more frequently reported by women (3.2% not experience withdrawal symptoms.
versus 1.7%) and goose bumps and pupil dilation more fre- Stimulants. Chartier et al. (2015) examined sex-specific
quently reported by men (2.2% versus 4.6%) at P ¼ 0.02. factors associated with severity of stimulant withdrawal
Copersino et al. (2010), in a study that evaluated soci- in a population of abusing or dependent subjects under-
odemographic characteristics of the cannabis withdrawal going treatment. The results of the study that used
experience, reported that women were more likely than Stimulant Selective Severity Assessment (SSSA), showed
men to report physical withdrawal symptoms. Also, dur- that women reported greater severity of stimulant with-
ing cannabis withdrawal women reported more symptoms drawal, namely 13.78 (SD 11.9) than did men 10.44 (SD
of upset stomach but significantly fewer instances of crav- 11.1). This difference was seen in anxiety-related with-
ing or increased sex drive compared with men. drawal symptoms (anxiety, tension, attention and irrit-
Herrmann et al. (2015) reported on sex differences dur- ability) which were more frequent in women.
ing cannabis withdrawal which were assessed with the Rungnirundorn et al. (2017) evaluated withdrawal
Marijuana Withdrawal Checklist (MWC), then converted symptoms in both genders of methamphetamine users.
into a composite Withdrawal Discomfort Scale (WDS) Females were more likely than males to be
6 | BRAIN COMMUNICATIONS 2019: Page 6 of 23 A. Lerner and M. Klein
methamphetamine dependent (79% versus 60%), and to which is obviously incorrect, although it is not clear
experience withdrawal (65.3% versus 48.9%). Also, some where this statement originated as we did not find the
withdrawal symptoms were more frequent in women ver- source. For example, heroin half-life is 2-6 min, but dur-
sus men, including hypersomnia (77.2% versus 64.8%), ation of the withdrawal syndrome is approximately 4–
fatigue (77.5% versus 70.3%). 10 days (see Fig. 1), although this delay may be explained
Ketamine. Chen et al. (2014) analysed sex differences in by the fact that the main active molecule in the brain
subjective withdrawal symptoms associated with ketamine after heroin administration is not heroin itself but rather
use. Results of the study showed that female ketamine morphine and 6-acetylmorphine, which have longer half-
users, compared with male users, reported meaningful dif- lives and thus intoxication and withdrawal is longer last-
ference in withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety (23.4% ing (Inturrisi et al., 1983; Rook et al., 2006). For
versus 17.4%), dysphoria (24.1% versus 15.9%) and amphetamines, half-life is 9–11 h, whereas withdrawal
cravings (23% versus 17.9%). symptoms only start 2–4 days after drug discontinuation
(New South Wales Government, 2008) and last at least
Nicotine. Foulkner et al. (2018) examined in young adult
2–4 weeks. Generally, acute withdrawal symptoms for
smokers impact of varied yields of nicotine on sex differen-
drugs with very short lifetimes (e.g. heroin) last about a
ces in craving, withdrawal and affect. Women reported
week; for drugs with a medium half-life of 10–20 h
greater psychological withdrawal, greater sedation and
(e.g. short-acting BZ), the acute withdrawal syndrome
trend towards greater craving than men during abstinence.
may last 2–4 weeks; whereas for drugs with longer half-
lives (e.g. long-half-life BZ) the withdrawal phase may
Age as a factor in dependence last 2–8 weeks (Fig. 2). However, this generalization
formation and severity of applies only to acute withdrawal syndrome; symptoms of
withdrawal syndrome protracted withdrawal may last for weeks and months.
Summary points (1) New withdrawal symptoms include the symptoms that
first appeared during the drug discontinuation or dose
• Dependence and withdrawal are results of neuroadap-
decrease and are not related to symptoms of the
tation that occur during drug treatment.
patient’s original illness.
• Dependence and withdrawal are not equated with drug
(2) Different classes of CNS drugs have some common
addiction although may coexist.
withdrawal symptoms, as well as some specific to the
• The shortest known time to acquire dependence occurs
drug class withdrawal symptoms.
with opioid drugs where 2–3 weeks or longer exposure
(3) New withdrawal symptoms which are common to
at the therapeutic dose may produce dependence and
many CNS drugs include: nausea, anxiety, headaches,
upon drug discontinuation or exposure to antagonist
decreased concentration, irritability, agitation, tremor,
(naloxone) also an acute withdrawal syndrome.
sleep disturbances, dysphoria and depression.
(4) Some new withdrawal symptoms may be characteristic
Part II: Specific acute of a specific CNS drug class:
• Lacrimation, rhinorrhoea and sneezing for opioids
withdrawal syndromes • Electric-shock sensations, confusion and myoclonus
for SSRIs.
acute withdrawal (5) The new withdrawal symptoms are usually transient
syndrome—general features and reversible.
(6) Major complications of abrupt withdrawal may occur,
Ries et al. (2014) report the American Society of such as seizures and psychoses in cases of BZ with-
Addiction Medicine (ASAM) definition of withdrawal as drawal (Preskorn and Denner, 1977; Petursson, 1994),
‘The onset of a predictable constellation of signs and seizures in cases of sertraline (Zoloft label) and zolpi-
symptoms following the abrupt discontinuation of, or dem withdrawal (Aragona, 2000), and suicidality
rapid reduction in, the dose of a psychoactive substance’. involving antidepressants (Yerevanian et al., 2004;
Chouinard and Chouinard (2015) describe in a very com- Valuck et al., 2009) and MAO inhibitors such as phen-
prehensive manner general features of the emergence of elzine (Dilsaver, 1994).
new, acute withdrawal symptoms after drug discontinuation. (7) The onset of withdrawal symptoms depends on the
duration of action; usually, short-acting drugs have an
early peak of onset.
(8) Drugs with higher potency and short/intermediate half-
life have greater risks for formation of drug dependence
and withdrawal symptoms.
There are well-known withdrawal syndromes in differ-
ent classes of scheduled and unscheduled drugs. These
are described in detail below, along with symptoms and pressure, respiratory rate and heart rate (Oxycontin label
time course of withdrawal syndrome. Sep 2018, Roxybond label April 2017).
Withdrawal syndromes for scheduled drug classes apply Opioid withdrawal symptoms have been also observed
to: in children undergoing treatment with opioids. In these
cases, physical dependence developed as early as 2–3 days
• Opioids
following continuous opioid therapy; the most commonly
• Benzodiazepines
seen symptoms of withdrawal in children included:
• Z-Drugs (Zolpidem, Zaleplon and Eszopiclone)
• Barbiturates (1) Neurological adverse events such as anxiety, agitation,
• Stimulants (amphetamine, cocaine and methamphetamine) grimacing, insomnia, increased muscle tone, abnormal
• Testosterone and androgenic anabolic steroids tremors and choreoathetoid movements.
• Ketamine (2) Gastrointestinal symptoms included vomiting, diar-
• Cannabis rhoea and poor appetite.
(3) Autonomic signs included tachypnoea, tachycardia,
Withdrawal syndromes for unscheduled drug classes fever, sweating and hypertension (Ista et al., 2008;
apply to: Anand et al., 2010; Fisher et al., 2013).
• Antidepressants: SSRIs and serotonin-norepinephrine Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is unusual in that
reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) the withdrawal symptoms are related to the maternal opi-
• Tricyclic antidepressants oid intake but then manifest in the newborn. The clinical
• Antipsychotics presentation of NAS includes signs of neurological excit-
• Anti-Parkinsonian drugs ability such as tremors, hyperirritability, increased wake-
• Monoamine oxidase inhibitors fulness, excessive high-pitched crying, increased muscle
• Gabapentin tone, hyperactive deep tendon reflexes, exaggerated Moro
• Nicotine/tobacco reflex, seizures, frequent yawning and sneezing, and also
• Corticosteroids symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction such as poor
• Statins feeding, unco-ordinated and constant sucking, hyperpha-
• Aspirin gia, vomiting, diarrhoea and dehydration. Onset varies
with the opioid pharmacology, in case of maternal use of
Acute withdrawal syndromes— heroin NAS may start 24 h of birth, whereas in case of
scheduled drugs—examples withdrawal from methadone NAS usually starts around
24–72 h of age (Hudak et al., 2012; Kocherlakota, 2014).
Opioid withdrawal syndrome Although generally not life-threating, in some cases opi-
The first descriptions of opioid withdrawal are those by oid withdrawal may lead to serious adverse events such
Light and Torrence (1929) and Himmelsbach (1939). The as Takotsubo cardiomyopathy ‘broken heart syndrome’
symptoms include yawning, rhinorrhoea, piloerection, in cases of methadone and extended-release long-acting
perspiration, lacrimation, mydriasis, hand tremors, hot oxycodone withdrawal (Rivera et al., 2006; Lemesle
and cold flashes, restlessness, muscle twitches, abdominal et al., 2010; Saiful et al., 2011; Spadotto et al., 2013), or
cramps, anxiety and chills, myalgia, irritability, backache, seizures due to neonatal abstinence syndrome (Hudak
joint pain, weakness, insomnia, nausea, anorexia, vomit- et al., 2012; Kocherlakota, 2014).
ing, diarrhoea, or increased blood pressure, respiratory The time course of the severity of acute withdrawal
rate or heart rate (Light and Torrence, 1929; symptoms for opioid drugs depends usually on the half-
Himmelsbach, 1939; Handelsman et al., 1987), morphine life of the drug, although it can be quite variable.
label (morphine sulphate extended-release tablets, mor- Figure 1 shows onset, peak, duration and severity of
phine sulfate Contin, label 2018; Table 1). Symptoms of acute withdrawal symptoms for two frequently used and
withdrawal may start as early as 6–24 h after the last abused opioids, heroin and methadone (New South
dose (heroin), peak at 24–48 h, and resolve after 5– Wales Government, 2008).
10 days. It is important to note that opioid withdrawal also
For long-acting opioid (methadone) withdrawal starts includes a protracted phase of withdrawal which occurs
after 36–48 h after the last dose, and may last 3–6 weeks after the acute withdrawal phase and is further discussed
(New South Wales Government, 2008). in the ‘Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome’ section.
The withdrawal symptoms of oxycodone products in- As mentioned in the ‘Definitions of dependence and
clude restlessness, lacrimation, rhinorrhoea, yawning, per- withdrawal’ section, there is a difference between with-
spiration, chills, myalgia and mydriasis, also other drawal syndrome and addiction.
symptoms may develop such as irritability, anxiety, back- Opioid addiction is a complex disorder and its develop-
ache, joint pain, weakness, abdominal cramps, insomnia, ment can vary. An individual’s risk in developing addic-
nausea, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhoea, increased blood tion likely relates to a combination of health, social,
Table 1 Summary table for the most common withdrawal syndromes
Suicidality (rare) þ þ þ þ
Tremors þ þ þ þ
Restlessness þ þ þ þ þ þ þ
Seizures þ Neonates þ
Nausea/vomiting þ þ þ þ
Diarrhoea þ þ þ
Constipation þ
Appetite # " # # " # #
Weight # # "
Heart rate " " # " #
Blood pressure " #Postural
Sweating " " " " "
Drug group specific AEs Piloerection/mydria- Depersonalization/ Vivid, unpleasant Brain zaps/ dereal- Disturbing dreams/ Rhinorrhea/rare Decreased libido/
sis/yawning/ derealization/ dreams/paranoid ization/deperson- abdominal pain NMS hypogonado-
rhinorrhea delirium ideation alization/ tropic
myoclonus hypogonadism
Acute withdrawal syndrome. þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ
• Onset 6 h to 2 days 2–7 days 1–4 days 36–96 h 1–4 days 24–72 h 36–96 h INF
• Duration 10 days to 6 weeks 2–8 weeks 1–4 weeks 6 weeks 2–3 weeks 2–4 weeks 6 weeks
Rebound þ þ þ þ
• Peak onset 1–5 daysa hours-attention-def- 36–96 h 36–96 h
• Duration Insomnia 3 nights icit/hyperactivity 6 weeks 6 weeks
Anxiety 2 weeks disorder
Protracted withdrawal þ þ þ þ þ þ
• Onset after drug discontinuation 6–9 weeks 4–6 weeks 2–4 weeks 24 h to 6 weeks 24 h to 6 weeks weeks to months
• Duration 6–9 months 6–12 months Weeks to months Months or longer Months or longer
Rebound insomnia is specific to short and intermediate half-life BZ compounds.
, symptom/syndrome present; ", symptom increased; #, symptom decreased; BZ ¼ benzodiazepines; INF ¼ information not found; NMS ¼ neuroleptic malignant syndrome; SSRIs ¼ selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; SNRIs ¼ selective
serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.
| 9
10 | BRAIN COMMUNICATIONS 2019: Page 10 of 23 A. Lerner and M. Klein
economic, lifestyle and genetic factors. A history of sub- Landowski, 2007; Victorri-Vigneau et al., 2007; Victorri-
stance abuse, psychiatric disorders, mistreatment, poverty, Vigneau et al., 2014; Chattopadhyay et al., 2016).
and access to prescription or illegal opioids may also The withdrawal syndrome after abrupt withdrawal of
contribute to a person’s risk of opioid addiction (Webster zolpidem was already noted during the clinical studies of
et al., 2011). Ambien (zolpidem tartrate). Adverse events reported with-
in 48 h of drug discontinuation included fatigue, nausea,
Benzodiazepine withdrawal flushing, lightheadedness, uncontrolled crying, emesis,
stomach cramps, panic attack, nervousness, abdominal
syndrome discomfort, hyperventilation, shallow breathing, angry
BZ withdrawal symptoms may vary in intensity. Mild feelings, cramping muscles and restlessness (Watsky,
withdrawal may include anxiety, apprehension, fearful- 1996; Sethi and Khandelwal, 2005) and labels for zolpi-
ness, insomnia, irritability, agitation, restlessness, dizzi- dem (e.g. Ambien, Edluar 2019). Withdrawal seizures
ness, headache, anorexia, weight loss, difficulty in after zolpidem discontinuation were reported mainly in
concentration, muscle stiffness and pain, hyperosmia, me- cases of use of supratherapeutic doses (Aragona, 2000;
tallic taste, perceptual changes, sweating and intolerance Tripodianakis et al., 2003; Sethi and Khandelwal, 2005;
to light and sound. More severe symptoms include nau- Cubala and Landowski, 2007).
sea, vomiting, vertigo, cramps, weakness, tremor, tachy- Also, withdrawal symptoms after discontinuation of
cardia, postural hypotension, hyperthermia, panic attacks, zopiclone were reported, and included cravings, rebound
depression, psychotic reactions, depersonalization, de- insomnia, anxiety or panic attacks, weakness, palpita-
realization, delirium, delusions and hallucinations tions, tachycardia, tremor and withdrawal seizures. These
(MacKinnon and Parker, 1982; Petursson, 1994; New symptoms were mainly seen in subjects using suprathera-
South Wales Government, 2008). The most serious ad- peutic doses; rebound insomnia and rebound anxiety
verse events which may occur are psychosis, delirium, were also noted (Cimolai, 2007).
suicidality, seizures and in older people catatonia
(Preskorn and Denner, 1977; Owen and Tyrer, 1983; Barbiturate withdrawal syndrome
Risse et al., 1990; Lader, 1994; Petursson, 1994;
Abrupt discontinuation of a barbiturate after prolonged
Rosebush and Mazurek, 1996; Lebin and Cerimele,
use or abuse can result in a withdrawal syndrome which
2017; Reeves and Kamal, 2019; Table 1).
is sometimes life-threatening. Withdrawal symptoms in-
The timing of withdrawal symptoms depends on several
clude weakness, tremor, muscle twitches, agitation, anx-
factors; the main one is BZ half-life. Long-acting BZs in-
iety, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, weight loss,
clude diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, flurazepam and clora-
disorientation in time and place, agitation, tremulousness,
zepate; shorter-acting BZs include oxazepam, lorazepam
insomnia, delusions, visual and auditory hallucinations,
and triazolam. For the long-acting BZs, there is a lag
postural hypotension and high fever. The most serious
period of 3–7 days for onset of withdrawal symptoms
adverse events of withdrawal are delirium, generalized
following the drug discontinuation; whereas the short-act-
convulsions and cardiovascular collapse that may lead to
ing BZs symptoms of withdrawal may occur within 24 h.
death; however, severe withdrawal occurs mainly after
The correlation between drug half-life and onset of symp-
dependence on short- or intermediate-acting barbiturates
toms and length of the withdrawal is presented in Fig. 2,
such as pentobarbital, secobarbital, amobarbital or butal-
below (New South Wales Government, 2008). Figure 2
bital (Fraser et al., 1953; Essig, 1968; Gault, 1976;
also shows formation of protracted withdrawal which
Gussow and Carlson, 2013).
starts at the end of the acute withdrawal phase.
Also, neonatal withdrawal syndrome associated with
Use of BZ during the later stages of pregnancy can result
barbiturates has been identified.
in withdrawal symptoms in the neonate such as apnoea,
Infants born to mothers physically dependent on barbi-
bradycardia, hypertonia, irritability, hypothermia, hyper- turates may develop dependence and subsequently experi-
activity, tachypnoea, restlessness, tremors, hyperreflexia, in- ence withdrawal. The withdrawal may manifest within
consolable crying, cyanosis, diarrhoea, vomiting and feeding the first few days of life and symptoms include excessive
difficulties (Iqbal et al., 2002; Hudak et al., 2012). crying, hyperphagia, vomiting, diarrhoea, tremors, irrit-
ability, hyperacusis, vasomotor instability, sweating, rest-
Z-drugs withdrawal syndrome lessness, sleeplessness, increased tone and sometimes
(zolpidem and zopiclone) seizures (Desmond et al., 1972; Hudak et al., 2012;
Gresham and LoVecchio, 2015) and label Butisol (2019).
Dependence following the use of zolpidem has been
known since the 1990s as occurring mainly in people
abusing it. There are also a considerable number of zolpi- Stimulant withdrawal syndrome
dem dependence case reports in the scientific literature Withdrawal from stimulants such as amphetamine
(Aragona, 2000; Tripodianakis et al., 2003; Cubala and (including dexamphetamine and methamphetamine),
CNS drug dependence and new drug development BRAIN COMMUNICATIONS 2019: Page 11 of 23 | 11
onset of insomnia and shakiness, followed by irritability is misleading since withdrawal may occur without discon-
and anxiety (day 4–5) and anger and aggression peaking tinuation, for example, in between two doses of rapid-
after 2 weeks of abstinence (Fig. 4) setting. The timing of onset and short-acting drugs (e.g. clock watching syn-
the severity of withdrawal symptoms to some degree drome) and with a decrease in medication’. Fava et al.
reflects the changes at the cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors (2015) adds, ‘The term “discontinuation syndrome” mini-
level in the brain where regular cannabis intake causes a mizes the vulnerabilities induced by SSRI and should be
desensitization and down-regulation of CB1 receptors, replaced by “withdrawal syndrome”’. However, discus-
and during the first 2 days of withdrawal this begins to sion on the topic of this nomenclature continues in the
reverse and the receptors begin to return to normal func- scientific literature (Schatzberg et al., 1997; Shelton,
tioning within 4 weeks of abstinence (Bonnet and Preuss, 2006; Nielsen et al., 2012; Chouinard and Chouinard,
2017). 2015; Fava et al., 2015).
In addition, neonatal withdrawal syndrome associated
Acute withdrawal syndromes— with SSRIs has been identified. It includes respiratory dis-
non-scheduled drugs—examples tress, cyanosis, seizures, feeding difficulty, vomiting,
hypoglycaemia, hypotonia or hypertonia, hyperreflexia,
Antidepressant SSRIs and SNRIs withdrawal tremor, jitteriness, irritability, pulmonary hypertension;
syndrome and with paroxetine use, necrotizing enterocolitis (Stiskal
Some more frequently used SSRIs include: fluoxetine, flu- et al., 2001; Sanz et al., 2005; Koren and Boucher, 2009;
voxamine, paroxetine, citalopram and sertraline. Some Hudak et al., 2012) and SSRI labels e.g. Paxil, 2014;
more frequently used SNRIs include: venlafaxine, desven- Prozac, 2017; Zoloft, 2017.
lafaxine and duloxetine.
The SSRIs and SNRIs withdrawal syndrome is charac-
terized by the following symptoms, general: headaches, Tricyclic antidepressant withdrawal syndrome
flu-like symptoms, tachycardia; gastrointestinal: nausea, Some more frequently used tricyclic antidepressants in-
vomiting, diarrhoea, anorexia; sleep-related: vivid dreams, clude: imipramine, clomipramine, amitriptyline, amoxa-
nightmares, insomnia or hypersomnia; neuropsychiatric:
pine, desipramine, doxepin and nortriptyline. Tricyclic
anxiety, depression, suicidality, hypomania, agitation, dys-
antidepressant withdrawal symptoms can be grouped into
phoria, aggression, hallucinations, de-realization and de-
four discrete syndromes: (i) gastrointestinal and general
personalization, decreased concentration, dizziness, ataxia,
somatic distress with occasional anxiety and agitation,
electric-shock sensations (‘brain-zaps’), confusion and
also nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and
myoclonus (Leiter et al., 1995; Rosenbaum et al., 1998;
anorexia; (ii) sleep disturbances, such as initial and mid-
Haddad, 2001; Yerevanian et al., 2004; Chouinard and
dle insomnia, vivid dreams and nightmares; (iii) parkin-
Chouinard, 2015; Fava et al., 2015) and labels e.g. Paxil,
sonism including bradykinesia, cogwheel rigidity, tremor
2014; Prozac, 2017; Zoloft, 2017, Table 1. SSRIs and
or akathisia; and (iv) paradoxical mania. Sometimes with-
SNRIs withdrawal symptoms have their peak of onset at
drawal syndrome presents as a ‘flu-like’ syndrome; which
36–96 h or later, depending on the drug’s half-life, and
may last up to 6 weeks, also depending on drug half-life in addition to gastrointestinal symptoms, also includes
(Chouinard and Chouinard, 2015). The individual SSRIs diaphoresis, dizziness, chills, malaise, fatigue, myalgia and
have somewhat different profiles of adverse events, and it headache; also suicidality and delirium may occur
seems that severity might be related to half-life (Dilsaver, 1990; Ceccherini-Nelli et al., 1993; Garner
(Rosenbaum et al., 1998; Fava et al., 2015). Also, it was et al., 1993; Dilsaver, 1994; Haddad, 2001; Yerevanian
observed that withdrawal syndrome was more common et al., 2004) and label Anafranil, 2014.
in young patients than in the elderly (Himei and In paediatric populations, the most frequent symptoms
Okamura, 2006; Fava et al., 2015). Frequently, acute are irritability, decreased appetite, drowsiness, fatigue, in-
withdrawal syndrome may be followed by disease re- somnia; also nausea, vomiting and abdominal cramps,
bound (see Rebound section) and protracted withdrawal which, if severe, may lead to dehydration (Garner et al.,
syndrome (see Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome section). 1993).
Of note, there is a tendency in the scientific literature There are also neonatal withdrawal symptoms that are
to call SSRIs and SNRIs withdrawal syndrome a ‘discon- attributed to maternal use of tricyclic antidepressants;
tinuation syndrome’, which in our opinion is both scien- these adverse events include irritability, respiratory diffi-
tifically incorrect and misleading, as it may suggest an culty, hypothermia, poor feeding, tremors, jitteriness,
absence of the withdrawal syndrome. A comment by myoclonus and hyperactive Moro reflex. Serious with-
Chouinard and Chouinard (2015) explains this issue well: drawal reactions may be present, such as tachycardia,
‘The terminology discontinuation refers to the medical cyanosis and convulsions (Cowe et al., 1982; Bloem
prescribing act or a patient’s self-discontinuation of medi- et al., 1999; Haddad, 2001; Hudak et al., 2012; ter
cation. Furthermore, the term discontinuation syndrome Horst et al., 2012) and label Anafranil (2014).
CNS drug dependence and new drug development BRAIN COMMUNICATIONS 2019: Page 13 of 23 | 13
discontinuation immediate substitute with the drug with discontinuation, such as severe psychosis after neurolep-
similar mechanism of action or reinstitute the discontin- tics (Chouinard et al., 2017), severe worsening of mul-
ued drug, if possible, and taper much slower; (iii) treat tiple sclerosis after immunomodulatory drugs (Gonzalez-
symptomatically the dangerous or unpleasant symptoms Suarez et al., 2017; Larochelle et al., 2017) or suicidality
such as seizures, psychosis, depression, headaches, vomit- after antidepressants (Valuck et al., 2009). However, un-
ing, diarrhoea (Ashton, 1994; Kosten and O’Connor, like protracted withdrawal syndromes rebound symptoms
2003; O’Brien C, 2005; New South Wales Government, are transient and reversible and return after days or
2008; Chouinard and Chouinard, 2015; Chouinard et al., weeks to the baseline.
2017). Lupolover et al. (1982) reviewed several CNS-active
The above presented list of acute withdrawal syn- and non-CNS-active drugs and provided the following
dromes is by no means complete; it only represents better conclusion. ‘The survey of the medical literature with re-
known syndromes. However, it is important to emphasize gard to the “rebound phenomenon” after withdrawal of
that the list of new withdrawal syndromes is growing drugs shows that it can appear after all classes of drugs,
along with new drug approvals and the identification of irrespective of their chemical formulation or pharmaco-
new withdrawal syndromes for older drugs that are fre- logical action. Cardiovascular drugs, diuretics, hormones,
quently recognized only during the post-marketing anticoagulants, antacids and neuropsychiatric drugs have
period. been said to produce “rebound phenomena” on
The reason for listing the above non-scheduled drugs, withdrawal’.
which are used by innumerable numbers of patients, is to Emergence of rebound is variable for different drugs
point out that these drugs not only can produce depend- and may be seen in only 36–96 h for SSRIs and oral anti-
ence, withdrawal and rebound; but in some cases, these psychotics (Chouinard and Chouinard, 2015; Chouinard
adverse events may be life-threatening, and the labels do et al., 2017) and in 1–5 days for some BZ such as in
not necessarily reflect this fact and provide necessary patients with anxiety experiencing rebound after abrupt
warnings for patients and physicians. discontinuation of bromazepam and diazepam (Fontaine
We provide the additional listing of acute withdrawal et al., 1984) and Fig. 6 and in the cases of patients with
syndromes in the Supplementary material 2 for less fre- insomnia after abrupt withdrawal of triazolam (Kales
quently used drugs and/or few not CNS-active drugs al- et al., 1987) or lorazepam (Scharf et al., 1982).
though frequently used including monoamine oxidase The mechanisms that underlie the occurrence of the re-
inhibitors, gabapentin, corticosteroids, statins and aspirin. bound effect are not yet fully elucidated; also, for the dif-
In Table 1 are listed the most frequent and relevant ferent CNS drugs the brain mechanism implicated in
acute withdrawal syndromes, rebound and protracted rebound may differ.
withdrawal syndromes. Generally, rebound is explained as a consequence of
down-regulation and desensitization of the receptors tar-
Summary points geted by the therapeutic drug, where increased severity of
disease symptoms is related to the lag in time for recep-
• Majority of CNS-active drugs, scheduled and not
tors to be synthesized after the decrease in receptor sites
scheduled, produce acute withdrawal syndromes. during treatment (Fontaine et al., 1984; Bhanji et al.,
• Onset and duration of withdrawal depends on drugs’
2006). An alternative explanation is that there is a lag
duration of action and half-life. in production and replacement of endogenous neurotrans-
• The characteristic of withdrawal syndrome mainly
mitters after their production was suppressed during
depends on neurotransmitter system affected, and gen- treatment with the drug (Kales et al., 1983b).
erally presents opposite symptoms to that seen during The treatment options for the rebound are the same as
drug administration. for acute withdrawal syndrome, but there is one more
option, namely, the rebound symptoms also often im-
prove rapidly after reintroduction of the discontinued
Part III. Rebound drug, if it is not medically contraindicated (Chouinard
phenomena—definition and and Chouinard, 2015; Chouinard et al., 2017), then the
drug should be tapered very slowly.
Another aspect of withdrawal, rebound effect, also called
Benzodiazepine rebound
rebound phenomenon, occurs in a similar timeframe to One of the most common examples is anxiety and insom-
that of acute withdrawal. Rebound phenomenon is a nia rebound following abrupt discontinuation of treat-
rapid return of the patient’s original symptoms at a ment with BZ. Symptoms usually appear within 1–5 days
greater intensity than before the treatment. Rebound may of drug discontinuation, depending on the half-life of the
cause in a small subset of susceptible individuals serious individual drug, and may last at least 3 days for insomnia
and fatal adverse events after abrupt drug rebound (Kales et al., 1983a, 1987; Bixler et al., 1985),
CNS drug dependence and new drug development BRAIN COMMUNICATIONS 2019: Page 15 of 23 | 15
Stimulant rebound
Stimulants such as methylphenidate and amphetamine
may cause rebound in children with attention-deficit/
hyperactivity disorder, which can include serious and
Figure 5 Rebound insomnia in patients treated with consistent deterioration of behaviour manifested in sad-
triazolam after abrupt drug withdrawal. The figure shows ness, crying, emotional lability, irritability, social with-
that after abrupt drug discontinuation the symptoms of insomnia
drawal, restlessness, distractibility, belligerence,
(measured as total wake time) not only promptly return but there
excitability, talkativeness, euphoria and insomnia, emerg-
is a rebound of insomnia, that is worsening of the symptoms far
above disease baseline from pre-treatment period (red arrow), in ing after the last stimulant dose has worn off (Rapoport
fact, this worsening is considerably greater than the maximal degree et al., 1978; Porrino et al., 1983; Smucker and Hedayat,
of improvement of sleep during the drug treatment. Adapted from 2001; Carlson and Kelly, 2003; Connor, 2015). In fact,
Kales et al. (1983a). up to one-third of children taking methylphenidate for at-
tention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder experience a rebound
as interdose recurrence of symptoms in the late afternoon
when the medication wears off and symptoms of atten-
and at least 2 weeks for anxiety rebound (Fontaine et al., tion-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, such as irritability and
1984), but frequently the rebound was not evaluated for non-compliance, return (Riccio et al., 2001); however, the
all its full duration. Patients experienced rebound insom- total duration is not known as the next dose of drug
nia after treatment with several short- and intermediate- is given; in more severe cases the medication is
acting BZ used for insomnia, including alprazolam, lor- discontinued.
azepam, nitrazepam, triazolam, midazolam, flunitrazepam
and lormetazepam (Kales et al., 1978, 1983a, 1987;
Bixler et al., 1985; Lader and Lawson, 1987; Roehrs
Selective serotonin reuptake
et al., 1992). Figure 5 shows rebound insomnia after inhibitor’s rebound
abrupt withdrawal of treatment with triazolam (Kales Rebound involves the return of symptoms of the treated
et al., 1983b). However, rebound insomnia was not disorder, but at greater intensity. These include: anxiety,
reported following use of long-acting BZ such as quaze- panic, agitation, insomnia, depression, obsessions and
pam and flurazepam (Kales et al., 1982; Bixler et al., compulsions (Bhanji et al., 2006; Chouinard and
1985). Chouinard, 2015). Generally, peak of onset is 36–96 h
Rebound anxiety or panic attacks resulted from abrupt which depends mainly on drug duration of action, where-
withdrawal of BZ such as alprazolam, lorazepam, diaze- as the duration can be up to 6 weeks, which depends on
pam, clorazepate and bromazepam (Scharf et al., 1982; drug elimination half-life (Chouinard and Chouinard,
Fontaine et al., 1984; Pecknold et al., 1988; Rickels 2015).
et al., 1988; Roy-Byrne et al., 1989; Chouinard, 2004).
Anxiety patients more frequently experience rebound with
short- and intermediate-actin BZ than long-acting
Antipsychotic rebound
(Chouinard, 2004). Rebound psychosis, was noted not only for many classic
Rebound insomnia was also reported for a non-BZ antipsychotics, such as haloperidol; but also, atypical
hypnotic drug, zolpidem (Voshaar et al., 2004). antipsychotics such as quetiapine and clozapine. Rebound
16 | BRAIN COMMUNICATIONS 2019: Page 16 of 23 A. Lerner and M. Klein
inability to think clearly, fatigue, anxiety, depression, dys- 2017). The peak of onset is 24 h to 6 weeks after drug
phoria, irritability, sleep disturbances, insomnia, palpita- discontinuation or dose reduction or switch and pro-
tions, restlessness, periodic diarrhoea and hypomania tracted withdrawal may last several months (Chouinard
(Kolb, 1928; Satel et al., 1993; SAMHSA, 2010). Some et al., 2017).
symptoms, such as fatigue, insomnia and restlessness can
last for weeks or months following withdrawal from Summary points
opioids, in some cases, 6–9 months.
• Protracted withdrawal is a relatively less known aspect
Some opioid drugs may produce physiological pro-
of dependence and withdrawal; however, its duration
tracted withdrawal symptoms. During abrupt morphine
and severity affect the ability of subjects to terminate
withdrawal, Martin and Jasinski (1969) observed after
therapeutic drugs and drugs of abuse and addiction.
the acute withdrawal phase occurrence of a protracted or
• Protracted withdrawal may represent very slowly re-
secondary phase which usually began to emerge between
versible or permanent pathological changes in the
the sixth and ninth weeks after drug withdrawal and per-
sisted through the weeks 26–30. This phase was charac-
terized by decreased blood pressure, heart rate and body
temperature, as well as miosis and hyposensitivity of the
respiratory centre to CO2.
Part V: Evaluation of drug
Benzodiazepine protracted withdrawal syndrome
dependence in clinical
Protracted withdrawal symptoms include: anxiety, depres- studies—regulatory
sion, psychotic reactions, memory impairment, motor
symptoms (muscle jerking, blepharospasm), paraesthesia, considerations
formication, tinnitus and irritable bowel syndrome, and
there is a characteristic fluctuation of symptoms that may
Human dependence study—design
wax and wane (Smith and Wesson, 1983; Ashton, 1991; and considerations
SAMHSA, 2010). Generally, the symptoms of protracted Evaluation of dependence, withdrawal and rebound for
withdrawal start 4–6 weeks after drug discontinuation new drugs being developed is of great importance, as it
and may last 6–12 months, but some symptoms, such as provides information related to potential drug scheduling
anxiety, may persist for up to 2 years (Ashton, 1991). and safe use. The evaluation provides critically important
safety information for patients and physicians, especially
Stimulants protracted withdrawal
in cases when the drug must be abruptly withdrawn due
Protracted withdrawal sometimes called the extinction
to serious, life-threatening adverse events.
phase is characterized by symptoms such as fluctuations
It is probably important to note here that for regula-
in mood and energy levels, irritability, restlessness, anx-
tory purposes an animal dependence study is not an al-
iety, agitation, fatigue, lacking energy and anhedonia, ternative to a human dependence evaluation. It is only a
cravings and disturbed sleep and this phase may last for first step, one which is important for gathering informa-
weeks to months (New South Wales Government, 2008). tion about potentially serious adverse events of withdraw-
al, such as convulsions.
Non-scheduled drugs The recommended design of a clinical dependence study
SSRIs and SNRIs protracted withdrawal syndrome contains consideration of the following components:
population, design, statistical considerations, dose, phar-
Protracted withdrawal symptoms include: tardive insom-
macodynamic and pharmacokinetic assessments, evalu-
nia, major depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder,
ation of rebound, adverse events collection and analysis.
agitation, anxiety disorders and panic attacks, emotional
All listed technical details and considerations are available
lability, mood swings, irritability, aggression, impaired
as the Supplementary material 1.
concentration, impaired memory and pathological gam-
bling. These disorders can last for several months to
years when the previous drug treatment is not restarted
(Bhanji et al., 2006; Belaise et al., 2012, 2014;
Chouinard and Chouinard, 2015). Major issues in the evaluation of dependence and with-
drawal involve the definitions and nomenclature currently
Antipsychotic protracted withdrawal syndrome used. Both can possibly contribute to misunderstanding
Main protracted withdrawal symptoms for antipsychotics and confusion. This particularly affects different authors’
include tardive dyskinesia and supersensitivity psychosis naming conventions for acute withdrawal syndrome, and
(Crane, 1968; Chouinard and Jones, 1980; Margolese even more so, for protracted withdrawal syndrome.
et al., 2005; Chouinard and Chouinard, 2008; Oda In general, the authors consider the nomenclature of
et al., 2015; Chouinard et al., 2017; Nakata et al., withdrawal syndrome and the time course of withdrawal
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