Episodes 11 13

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Delivering My Lessons
FS 2 11

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure to

read through the whole episode before participating in your FS 2 Resource Teacher’s class.
Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do before working on this

Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:

● Explain the Importance of Lesson/Learning Plans.

● Execute my lesson/demonstration well.

● Apply all given suggestions of my Resource Teacher.

● Demonstrate the ability to teach two or more lessons or subjects using appropriate
teaching competencies and multiple teaching strategies.

● Reflect on the instructional process to improve quality of instruction.

● Use professional reflection and learning to improve practice (PPST 7.4.1.)

Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

Segments of Events of Strategies and Learning

Learning Instruction Activities Resources/

Preparation 1. Gaining I asked questions Visual Aids and

Attention with appropriate
points or rewards Digital Learning
and use visuals. Resources (videos,

audio, text,

animation and


2. Inform Learning I prepared a Visual aids, PPT

Objectives PowerPoint
presentation for the
learning objectives.
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

3. Stimulate Recall I used memory Flashcards, PPT

of Prior Learning games and
flashcards. I also
asked questions.

Instruction and 4. Present the I posed interesting Digital Learning

Practice Content questions to pique
the students' Resources (videos,
interest. I also used audio, text,
management to try animation and
and cut down on
the students'
disruptive behavior.

5. Provide Learning I utilized Digital Learning

Guides. straightforward
language to Resources (videos,
explore the subject audio, text,
and provided
tangible examples animation and
to help explain the
lesson. I've given
my instructions Printed handouts,
once more. I called
on the students textbook.
who did not raise
their hands and I
gave video clips
from YouTube.

6. Elicit I prepared group Visual aid, PPT,

Performance activities and and
sharing. I also used
compare and videos
contrast graphic
organizer and
learning games
such as charades
and guessing

7. Provide There are criteria Notebook and

Feedback and rubrics where sheet
students can add
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

their thoughts and of paper

ideas, and I have
my own
notebook in which
to record input.

Assessment and 8. Assess I provided written PPT, Visual aids

Transfer Performance exams and
questions in essay
format. I also used

9. Enhance I gave students Visual aids, PPT,

Retention ideas and real- and
world examples on
which to write Lectures
essays. I also
issued instructions
for tasks and
activities that would
be passed after.

Using Robert Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, what did you notice in the following
segments of learning?:

● How did the students react to the activities/ various elements to arouse their
The students' reactions varied in response to various exercises and
instructions. Some students choose educational games over lectures. Some
students took an active role in the discussion by sharing their ideas and
personal stories and by asking questions. Of course, there were some
reserved students who preferred team and pair activities.

● Where the students focused when you were stating the learning objectives at
the beginning of the lesson?
I already had their attention at the beginning of the presentation, so I can
safely say that every student was paying attentively. When I explained the
objectives to them in my prepared presentation, they were able to read them
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

● How did the new learning relate with what they really know?
Students might focus on how their newly gained knowledge relates to their
prior knowledge. They can relate and apply new knowledge to what they
already know. In this approach, students are able to generalize, consider, and
self-explain the concepts and ideas they have learned and are familiar with.
They can also distinguish between where their prior knowledge and the new
information diverge.

● Did you notice some students who needed assistance? What did you do?
There are pupils who do really need help, which is why I included pair and
group activities. Students who previously felt uncomfortable participating in
conversations by asking questions or offering ideas can now do so during
peer instruction and group assignments.

● Did the students find difficulty in applying the theories/ concepts learned in
real life?
Actually, by writing an essay with the right framework, pupils had the chance
to put what they had learned into practice. As a pre-service teacher, I had the
opportunity to give students situations where they could apply the abilities
they had learned—like cooperation and collaboration—to collaborate and
learn from one another. I was also able to develop workouts that link deeper
connections and related mental processes.

● How did the students react to your feedback?

The comments I gave the students was well received, and they were open to
my suggestions for improving their work based on my constructive criticism.

● What pieces of evidence can prove that the students had retention of

I could tell the students had remembered their knowledge since they were
able to finish the assignment I gave them. Although there were some
unavoidable grammatical errors, students were nevertheless able to produce
highly creative writing, especially in the literary genre, proving that they at
least have a basic understanding of the different elements and characteristics
that make up creative writing.

After planning your lesson(s), you may be requested by your resource teacher to
deliver them. Your Resource Teacher will use a classroom observation sheet to
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

evaluate the delivery of your lesson(s) Schools use different tools in rating
classroom/online observations.
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

Having implemented several lessons in your Cooperating School under the
supervision of your Cooperating Teacher, in what areas of the lesson do you need to

I must improve the learning resources I provide for the lesson. I need to work on my
presentation to pique my pupils' interest in the topic. Even though I had their
attention at the beginning of the conversation, I also needed to maintain it
throughout. Getting the pupils' focus will help them focus more intently and reduce
their disruptive behavior. Reduced distractions allow me to more easily implement
my instructional strategies and learning management plan.

Write Action Research Prompts

Problems/ Challenges I encountered in delivering my lessons:
Some problems I encountered in giving my lessons were student involvement
and motivation on the topic.

I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by requesting
support from my resource teacher for advice on how to effectively engage my

Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these
situations/ problems is to watch tutorials on YouTube and read different

4. ACT
Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research in
this episode is: My action research in this episode may have the title Using
Educational Technology to Enhance Students' Interest and Motivation based
on my responses to nos. 1-3.

To further enrich my knowledge on delivering my instruction whether in the

classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources
which will help me in activities. (include books, websites, youtube videos and
the likes and share these to your peers.
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

Subject Grade Level:


Learning Objectives/Outcomes:

Resources/Instructional What is the use or Explain why you selected the

Materials you plan to utilize purpose of resource/material based on
in this lesson. resource/material? the guide points mentioned
Describe how you will above. How are these criteria
use the met?
resource/materials to
attain learning

Visual Aids, PPT, Videos The goal of I chose this resource because
instructional/resource it would provide learners with
factual and meaningful
materials are meant to content, is inclusive,
give readers useful corresponds with the
information on the objectives, grabs students'
subjects. It aids in their attention, fosters critical
professional development thinking, and enables
and keeps them informed
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

of pertinent facts. collaboration. Additionally,

Additionally, these these resources will enable
resources are utilized to pupils to be adaptable for
manage or assist with the group activities. With the aid of
course. These items are the learning objectives, these
used in conjunction with requirements were satisfied.
activities, discussions, Because learning objectives
and assessments to help will serve as a direction for
students meet their how to incorporate activities
learning objectives. This using the course's instructional
will support students' resources.
hands-on learning
opportunities, which
enable them to build
concepts and abilities
and collaborate in a
number of ways.

1. As the situation would permit, try out these resources/materials with the
students. Be sure to follow the steps in using instructional materials found in
the infographics section of this episode.

2. What do I still need to learn to select and develop resources/ instructional

materials in teaching effectively?
The things that I need to learn in developing instructional materials to teach
effectively is to be creative, flexible, and watch and read article that can help
me to develop my instructional materials.

3. What can I do to learn more and practice the use of resources and
instructional materials?
I need to learn and practice how to deliver my discussion using the
instructional materials that I made.
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

Write Action Research Prompts

This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you’ve noticed,
analyzed and reflected on to come up with a possible topic to explore an
action research.


1. Doing this episode on selecting and using resources/ instructional materials,

what problematic situation/ challenges/ area of improvement did I find?
Finding materials that are appropriate for both the students' requirements and
the learning objectives is one of the obstacles I experience while choosing
and utilizing instructional materials. For your pupils to achieve the required
learning, the instructional materials or resources must be in alignment with the
learning objectives.


2. List at least three resources that you have read about this problem/
challenges/ area of improvement.

Resources or Reference about the Topic Key Points/ Findings in what I read.

Factors to consider when selecting Take into consideration individual need

and learning styles.
instructional materials

Availability and use of instructional Select and skillfully handle the

materials resources to male their teaching

The different kinds of instructional materials Teacher uses selected resources to

teach their students.

On what Theories/Principles can these problems be anchored?

3. What do I hope to achieve to address the challenge/area of improvement,

what changes do I want to achieve?
I'm hoping that I can provide my students with the tools and teaching aids they
need in the proper manner.

Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

4. What strategies/solutions/means can I employ to improve the situation/solve

the problem?

To improve the situation, I will employ new instructional materials or resources

that will engage and motivate students to learn.


5. If you will conduct Action Research, what will be the title? (Based on your
answer in nos. 1-3): Using Educational Technology to Enhance Students'
Interest and Motivation
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio


Assessing FOR, AS and
FS 2 12 OF Learning
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

● Did the formative assessment task help students master what they expected
to learn?
When teachers use formative assessment, it helps them pinpoint their
students' learning gaps and issues. If they notice that a student is not
acquiring the knowledge that is required of them, they will take appropriate
action. Additionally, these evaluations aid students in better understanding
their own academic strengths and weaknesses.

● Was students’ response formative assessment exercise favorable or

unfavorable? Why?
Formative assessment is advantageous since it carries no risk yet is very
advantageous to both teachers and pupils. This will give teachers and
students feedback on how well they are learning what is required of them.
Additionally, this assessment will help pupils improve their academic

● Did the conduct of Formative Assessment and Self-Assessment affect

students’ attainment of learning outcome?
The way these evaluations are conducted has a positive impact on how well
students learn; excellent formative assessment methods will raise students'
engagement in their studies and their test-taking performance. Students that
employ self-assessment as part of their learning are also the ones who greatly
outperform their peers in terms of marks.
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

● What was the effect of students assessing their own progress on their
motivation to learn?
The ability of students to evaluate their own development has a favorable
impact on their ability to stay motivated to learn. This will increase their desire
to learn and motivate them to do so. They will also learn to be accountable for
their own learning.

How would attainment of Learning Outcomes be affected if there were either no
formative assessments or self-assessments?

If there were no formative assessment or self-assessment the students will

get a poor performance that will affect the attainment of the learning
outcomes. They will not achieve what they are expected to learn if these
assessments will not be conducted.
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

Write Action Research Prompts


1. One thing that went well in the development/ use/ administration of formative
assessment tasks (assessment for learning) is:

Students will develop strong understanding to their academic strengths and


2. One thing that did not go well in the development/ use/ administration of
formative assessment tasks (assessment for learning) is:

If students performed poorly on working formative assessments, it might affect

their performance and their ability to learn what is expected of them.

3. One good thing observed in students’ self-assessment (assessment as

learning) is:

Assessing their own progress will enhance their motivation to learn.

4. One thing in students’ self-assessment (assessment as learning) that needs

improvement based on what were observed is:

Reflect on your accomplishment for you to motivate more in conducting your



 The Formative Assessments went well because: students are doing well to
 The Formative Assessments did not go well because: students did not
achieve what they are expected to learn.
 For the students, Self-Assessment worked because: they have the motivation
to learn and gain progress.
 For the students, Self-Assessment did not work because: some students
underestimate their abilities to learn.
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio


● To ensure the formative and self-assessments processes serve their purpose,

to help students learn, I will learn from other’s best practices by researching


● To help improve formative and self-assessment practices; I plan to sonduct an

action research on: “Improve Formative and Self-Assessment Using
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

1. Take notice of:
● The alignment of different assessment task/s both paper-and-pencil
(traditional) and non-paper-and-pencil (authentic) used to assess learning
● The quality of both traditional and authentic assessment tasks used (if
constructed) with accordance to principles of test construction/assessment
task development.
● The students’ comments/reaction/response/behavior while doing both
traditional and authentic assessment tasks.
● The CT’s comments/reaction/response/behavior while giving both traditional
and authentic assessment tasks.
● The assessment tasks used for formative purposes (to ensure lesson
understanding and mastery) and for summative (grading) purposes
● Your own feelings and thoughts as you assisted your CT.
-formulate the assessment task
- administer the assessment

1. Are the assessment tasks aligned with the learning outcomes?
Yes, the assessment tasks are aligned with learning outcomes.

2. Did the teacher make use of both traditional and authentic assessment tasks?
Yes, the teacher use traditional assessment using the paper and pen while in
authentic assessments she uses online resources in assessing the learning

3. Are the traditional and authentic tasks (written tests) formulated in accordance
with the principles of test construction?
Yes, the quality of both traditional and authentic assessment tasks used with
accordance to principles of test construction.

4. Was the assessment for formative also used for summative purposes,
why/why not?
Yes, to ensure the lesson understanding and the mastery of the test.

5. Where were results students better – in the results of traditional or authentic

Authentic assessment has better results.
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

6. Which assessment/activities did the students like more? Like least? Why?

Students like more the authentic assessment because they were active and
engage to the activity. While traditional assessment is the least they like
because it has less engagement.

How can I make the assessment process more meaningful to and more acceptable
to students?

I'll start my assessment process by getting feedback from my pupils in order to make
it meaningful so that they can prepare their thoughts for the new information. I will
set clear performance standards for the students and base my decisions on the
learning objectives and student results.
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

Write Action Research Prompts


1. One thing/ Some things that went well is/are in the development/use
/administration of assessment tasks are:
Students will develop strong understanding to their academic strengths and
2. One thing/ Some things that did not go very well is/are in the development/use
/administration of assessment tasks are:

Students may do poorly and not learn what is required of them if they perform
poorly on working formative assessments.


1. This part of assessment process went well because students are active and
have the motivation to learn and gain progress
2. This part of assessment process did not go well because some students were
not able to do the work because they underestimate their abilities and lazy to
do the task.


To ensure the assessment process serves its’ purpose, to help students learn
I will read researches on… or watch a video on…

To help students learn I will read researches on internet about the meaning
importance, purpose, and strategies of assessment in education


To help improve assessment practice, would like to conduct an action

research on “Strategies in Making Engaging Assessment”
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio


Writing an Initial Action
FS 2 13 Research Plan
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

Participate and Assist

We said at the beginning that all teachers can make an Action Research. It is
easy to do it. Let’s try doing it. Today, you shall develop a Plan for our Action
Research by following the simple cycle.

Use the following steps of the model. Your answer to the Key Questions in
each step will guide you in making your plan.

Step 1: OBSERVE, Observe and notice to identify the common problems.

Key Questions:
● What common problem have I observed and noticed?
● Can I translate the problem into questions?
● Why is the problem important to me as a future teacher?
● Why is the problem important to the learners?
● What have I read and learned about this problem in my previous courses?
● What do references say about the problem?

Step 2: REFLECT, Start to reflect on the identified problem. However, reflection

is done all throughout the action research process.

Key Questions:

● Is there a way to solve the identified problem? How will I do it?

● Is looking for a solution or answer to the problem worth doing?
● Will solving the problem improve my teaching practice? How?
● Will it improve my skill as a researcher and reflective teacher?

● Step 3: PLAN FOR ACTION, Appropriate action or solution to the

problem in a plan.
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

Key Questions:

● What probable action will I make? Will my intervention be doable?

● How will I describe my intervention, innovation or actions to address the
identified problem?
● How long will it take to implement the intervention, action or innovation?
● With whom shall I work with?
● Will the result be of use?

Step 4: ACT ON THE PLAN, This step will be done during the Teaching
Internship or in FS2 if given the time. You may elaborate with your mentor or
your classmate.
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

We said at the beginning that all teachers could make an action research. It is
easy to do it. Let’s try doing it! Today, you shall develop a Plan for our Action
Research by following the simple cycle. You will share your output with your mentor
for an opportunity to work together.

Topic you chose: (from the past episodes):

Episode Number and Title:

Writing Action Research Prompt Page:

Activity 1: Developing an Initial Action Research

A. Observe/Notice

What problem have I noticed that affect the teaching-learning?

Example response: The problem I have noticed is that there is a lot of

competition in the classroom.

Write your observed/noticed classroom problem here:


B. Reflect

Think deeply of the problem and your observation. Why is this happening?
Can the slow learners be helped? How will it be done?

Example Response: I think most of the activities are very competitive. There
are always winners and losers. The smart students overrule the poor
students, thus often they continue to be losers. With this situation, I believe,
that I should modify my classroom strategy.

● Write your reflective response to problem you stated:

Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio


C. Plan for Action

Key Questions:

- What will I do as a teacher to solve the problem?

- How will I describe my intervention, innovation, or actions to the identified


- How long will it take to introduce the intervention?

- With whom shall I work?

- What materials do I need?

- Are methods participants, data collection, time table considered in my Plan

for Action.
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio


D. References

Include at least 3 reading materials about the intervention that will be used.




E. Act (Implementation of Action Research Plan)

Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

Model B. DepEd Template

Action Research Proposal


Proposed Title:

I. Context and Rationale Study Background

Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

II. Action Research Questions AR Questions

Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention Strategy Describe Innovation/

Intervention/ Strategy
Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

IV. Action Research Methods (Describe Action Research Methods)

a. Participants. Other Sources of Data

b. Data Gathering Methods

c. Data Analysis Plan

Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

V. Action Research Work Plan (Summarize Action Research Work Plan)

Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

VI. Cost Estimate (Write Cost Estimate)

Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

VII. Plan for Dissemination and Utilization (Describe how the result will be

VIII. References (Write at least three references)

Jehan Athena Dimalanta FS402 Portfolio

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