GEE1 Envi Scie
GEE1 Envi Scie
GEE1 Envi Scie
SSU Vision
SSU Mission
The University shall primarily provide advanced instruction and professional training in the arts, philosophy, social sciences, agriculture and fishery, forestry,
science and technology, engineering, education, law and other related fields. It shall also undertake research and extension services, and provide progressive leadership
in its areas of specialization.
Quality Policy
Samar State University commits to provide and uphold service excellence in instruction, research and extension in conformity to legal and statutory requirements
for continual improvement and customer satisfaction.
BOR No. 80 series 2016
VII. College Goal
The College of Arts and Sciences commits itself to the following goals:
1. Develop through instruction, intellectual acumen and globally acceptable technology-based skills directed at the service of God, country, and fellowmen;
2. Foster a desirable attitude towards research and promote continuing education as a means of achieving personal growth and development;
3. Encourage meaningful community involvement through innovative and responsive strategies geared towards national development; and
4. Instill positive productivity for gaining sustainable growth and self-sufficiency in a progressive and environment-friendly society.
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Arteche Blvd., Catbalogan City, Philippines 6700
Office of the Vice President | Academic Affairs SSU-OVPAA-FR-018
21-JUN-2021 REV 6
14. Demonstrate and apply the methods of psychological inquiry in building knowledge on local culture and context Solution Provider, Excellence
(psychological research). Competent, Life-long learner, Leadership
Committed, Service Innovation,
Oriented, Team Player Service
15. Demonstrate and apply psychological theories and methods in personal and professional setting ( application of Communicator, Solution Excellence,
psychology). Provider, Competent, Life- Service
long learner, Committed, Discipline
Service Oriented, Team Leadership
16. Demonstrate capability for self-reflection and independent learning in graduate education or in a professional Competent, life-long learner, Excellence,
context (independent learning). Committed, Communicator Leadership,
17. Demonstrate professional and ethical behavior in research and practice in psychology (ethics). Committed, Service-oriented Service
18. Demonstrate harmonious interpersonal relationship with colleagues, clients, and others (interpersonal skills) in Communicator, resource Excellence
diverse cultural setting Manager Leadership
19. Demonstrate the ability to conduct psychological assessments and evaluation (psychological assessment). Solution Provider, Excellence
Competent, Committed, Service
Service-Oriented, team Discipline
Player Leadership
The Bachelor of Science in Psychology (BS Psych) Program aims to develop student professionals who are not only knowledgeable, competent in the dynamics
of human behavior but most of all, skillful in human/interpersonal relationship in all aspects of their working environment.
1. Prepare students with the basic and advanced knowledge of the psychological theories, principles and laws to be scientifically grounded and prepared in the
theory, research and practice of Psychology;
2. Prepare students with employable conceptual, technical human/ interpersonal skills and competencies so that they will become potential human resource assets
in their respective working environment, especially where human behavior/mental processes are important components;
3. Prepare students for flourishing careers in education, human resource management, guidance and counseling, psychometrics, training and development,
industrial consultancy and related fields; and
4. Produce young professionals who possess moral values and ethical standards in the practice of their profession.
Contact us: (055) 530-0629 | [email protected]
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Arteche Blvd., Catbalogan City, Philippines 6700
Office of the Vice President | Academic Affairs SSU-OVPAA-FR-018
21-JUN-2021 REV 6
X. Course Description
This 3-unit course examines people’s impacts on the environment over a local, regional and global spatial scale. Particularly, it encompasses human activities on
the environment as well as the consequences of environmental responses.
Leadership, Excellence, Discipline, Service, Diligence, Honesty, Creativity, Perseverance, Neatness and Commitment, Open-mindedness
1. Preliminaries 1
1.1 Introduction/Course Overview/ Orientation on the VMGO
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Arteche Blvd., Catbalogan City, Philippines 6700
Office of the Vice President | Academic Affairs SSU-OVPAA-FR-018
21-JUN-2021 REV 6
Krohne, David T. (2012). General Ecology, 2nd Edition. Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd
Lilia M. et al, (2010) Dynamic Science: An integration of Physical and Biological Sciences. Vibal Publishing
Miller, Jr., and Spoolman (2015). Introduction to Environmental Science 14th Edition. Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd
Neil A. et al. (2014) Ecology.. Campbell, BIOLOGY 10th Edition, Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.
Serraon-Claudio, Virginia (2014). Basic Foods for Filipinos, 5th Edition. Merriam and Webster Bookstore, INC.,
Smith, Thomas M. (2015). Elements of Ecology, 9th Edition/Global Edition. Pearson Education INC., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
2. Laptop, cellphones, headsets and other electronic gadgets are encourages to be used.
3. Install SSU Moddle for online learning.
4. Maintain honesty and integrity in all submitted outputs.
5. Submit needed course requirements on time of retrieval. Notify your instructor if in cases of delayed submission.
Course Time
Learning Intended Learning Outcome Frame Teaching-Learning
Content Resources Assessment
Outcome (ILO) (Hour) Activities
0.1 University VGMO &
1. Explain the University ISO Quality Policy, CAS Goals, 1 Syllabus Independent Reflection
VGMO and discuss and Program Objectives LMS Moddle Based Learning Essays
classroom policies. 0.2 Course Requirements SSU Youtube Channel Video Presentation (Rubrics)
and Classroom Policies, (Via GC
grading system Messenger)
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Arteche Blvd., Catbalogan City, Philippines 6700
Office of the Vice President | Academic Affairs SSU-OVPAA-FR-018
21-JUN-2021 REV 6
Sub – Total (Mid-term) 27
1. Articulate the role of 3. People, Water and Aquatic Learning Packet 3 in GEE1
water in the sustainability Ecosystem LMS Moodle Based Independent Summative
of life on earth 3.1 Water Supports Life Learning Test
CLO’s1, 2
2. Extrapolate how human 3.2 Water and Ecosystem 13 file60547.pdf ( Video Presentation
activities affects/alter Services (Via GC Technical
aquatic ecosystem. 3.3 Management of Water for Water Resources: 4. How can human actions seriously Messenger) Paper
Aquatic Ecosystem affect water resources? ( (Rubric)
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Arteche Blvd., Catbalogan City, Philippines 6700
Office of the Vice President | Academic Affairs SSU-OVPAA-FR-018
21-JUN-2021 REV 6
Contact us: (055) 530-0629 | [email protected]
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Arteche Blvd., Catbalogan City, Philippines 6700
Office of the Vice President | Academic Affairs SSU-OVPAA-FR-018
21-JUN-2021 REV 6
Prepared by:
Peer Reviewed:
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