I Receivables

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The key takeaways are that iReceivables is an online billing and collections module that aims to empower customers and reduce costs through automation of dispute processing and payments.

The objectives of iReceivables are to introduce it for potential savings in accounts receivable billing and collections costs, show how bill disputes can be automatically processed, and demonstrate secure online access for customers.

Some of the salient features of iReceivables include a web interface for 24/7 customer access, configurable account information, online aging information, interactive invoices and statements, payment by credit card or bank account, self-registration, customer search capabilities, and online dispute launching and monitoring.


Session ID# 11636

Ajaz Ahmed Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

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to introduce iReceivables for potential savings in A/R billing and collections cost structure. to show how bill disputes can be autoprocessed, eliminating the need for paperbased claims. to show how iReceivables self-registration offers a robust and secure online access for customers.


1. Product Introduction 2. Typical users and uses 3. Salient Features 4. Simplified Dispute Processing 5. Secure online access without VPN 6. Multi-dimensional Savings 7. Q & A

Product Introduction:

iReceivables is a jet set, bolt-on module for Oracle Receivables. It reduces the cost structure of billing and collections by empowering customers as well as staffers of the deploying organization. The product requires minimum setups and has one of the quickest implementation paths.

Typical users and uses:

Employee and Customers use iReceivables to Review, Print, Dispute and Pay their invoices online - as an on-demand service Internal staff like collectors, salespersons, and customer service representatives can use iReceivables, to review customer accounts and identify recent trends.

Typical users and uses:

Salient Features:
1. Web Interface 24/7 access for Customers 2. Configurable Account Information pages 3. Online Aging information 4. Interactive Invoice and Statements 5. Multiple Customer Access 6. Payment by Credit Card / Bank Account

Salient Features..contd:
7. Self Registration for customers 8. Customer Search capabilities 9. Online Dispute launching and monitoring 10. Multi Print and Multi Pay functionality 11. Out of the box solutions for online payments integration with several vendors

Accounts Summary Page

Account Details Page

Invoice Page

Dispute Processing

Dispute Processing - Reasons

Secure Online Access

All Self Service applications including iReceivables that are accessible to external users via the internet require use of Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) protected with firewalls to ensure that only authorized traffic is allowed to cross firewall boundaries.

Secure Online Access

This arrangement ensures that even if intrusion attempts against the DMZ are successful, it remains contained within the DMZ, leaving EBS inside the intranet unaffected. Allows for Secure Online Access to iReceivables and other self service modules using public internet without having a need to use VPN.

Multi-dimensional Savings:
1. Customer Support Services

Customer can view, examine and print their own invoices results in drastic reductions in customer services calls volume.

Multi-dimensional Savings:
2. IT Services Self-Registration features relieves IT services from creating new EBS user accounts and password. If self registration is successful, this initiates the HZ User Creation workflow to validate and automatically create user records in EBS.

Multi-dimensional Savings:
3. Accounts Department Customer can enter information about the dispute. Once the user submits the dispute, the system creates a credit (CM) request. Approved CM get applied to Invoices automatically. This automated process relives Accounts department from entering and maintaining paper based disputes and avoiding lengthy correspondence and delayed responses.

Multi-dimensional Savings:
4. Collection Department Customer can check aging information online and tend to Pay their invoices more promptly. Online Payment facility allows collectors for speedier collections as now a customers can pay online using credit card while on the call with a Collector.

Multi-dimensional Savings:
Time savings by Accounts Dept. Time savings by Customer Services

Time savings by IT Dept.

Time savings by Collections Dept.

iReceivables a Win-Win Proposition

Empowered and Happy Customers

Savings for the Organization

Questions? Comments?

Ajaz Ahmed ERP Solution Architect / Lead Functional Analyst Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada [email protected] Tel. 613-730-8177 | ext 156 www.royalcollege.ca

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