School Entry Inventory - 2022-2023
School Entry Inventory - 2022-2023
School Entry Inventory - 2022-2023
4. Preschool Experiences:
Nursery School
Will your child be attending the extended day / before and after school program provided at this school?
Yes ❑ No ❑
5. Has your child experienced any of the following?
** For questions 6, 7, and 8, please provide copies of any relevant written documentation. **
6. Has your child ever had a medical diagnosis that would have an effect on school performance?
Yes ❑ No ❑
Please comment:
Date of last full medical:
Has your child had a hearing test in the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑
Date: Results:
Please comment:
Has your child had a vision assessment in the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑
Date: Results:
12. Is there any physical activity in which your physician has indicated your child should not participate?
Yes ❑ No ❑
If yes, please comment and forward the necessary doctor’s certification:
14. Do people outside your home understand your child’s speech? Yes ❑ No ❑
Please comment:
15. Has your child ever been seen by a Speech-Language Pathologist? Yes ❑ No ❑
If yes, please give details (name, when, where):
16. Has your child ever been seen or assessed by any outside agencies (e.g., nutritionist, psychologist or therapist)?
Yes ❑ No ❑
If yes, please give details (name, when, where):
17. In what types of social / recreational activities has your child been involved (e.g., dance lessons, music, lessons, sports
activities, swimming, etc.)?
19. Does your child have any behaviours about which the school needs to be aware (e.g., tantrums, runs away, biting)?
Yes ❑ No ❑
Please explain:
20. How does your child react to new situations / transitions?
21. Are there any situations that might frighten your child (e.g., the dark, dogs, thunderstorms)?
Yes ❑ No ❑
Please explain:
22. Has your child experienced any significant changes/ disruptions in his/her life in the past?
(e.g., birth of a baby, death of a family member, moving, separation or divorce or parents, etc.)
Yes ❑ No ❑
Please comment:
22. Is there anything else that you would like to share that would help in planning your child’s transition to school?
Yes ❑ No ❑