Draft 01 10 2021
Draft 01 10 2021
Draft 01 10 2021
Board of Studies
Proposed Curriculum Framework for Multidisciplinary
Four-year Undergraduate Programme
Year Objective Nature of Courses Outcome No. of
I-year Understanding 1. Major/Minor Understanding of
(Semester and Discipline specific Core Disciplines Language
1 and 2) Exploration Courses Competency Gaining 2+2
2. Languages perspective of 2+2
3. Ability Enhancement context/Generic skills
Compulsory Courses Basic skills sets to pursue 1+1
4. Skill Enhancement any vocation
Courses 1+1
Exit option with certification
II-year Focus and 1. Major/Minor
Understanding of
(Semester Immersion Discipline specific Core
disciplines Gaining
3 and 4) Courses 2+2
perspective of context Skill
2. Languages 2+2
sets to pursue vocation
3. Ability Enhancement
Development of various
Compulsory Courses 1+1
Domains of mind
4. Skill Enhancement
Courses 1+1
Exit option with Diploma
III-year Real time 1. Major/Minor In depth learning of
(Semester learning Discipline specific Core major and minor
5 and 6) Courses disciplines, Skill sets for
2. Major/Minor employability.
Discipline specific Exposure to discipline 1+1
Elective Courses beyond the chosen
3. Skill Enhancement Subject
courses Experiential learning/ Res 1+1
Exit option with Bachelor Degree
IV-year Deeper 1. Major Discipline 4+4
Deeper and Advanced
(Semester concentration specific Core Courses
Learning of Major Discipline
7 and 8) 2. Major Discipline
Foundation to pursue
specific Elective Courses
Doctoral Studies &
3. Research
Developing Research
methodology and
research project
Exit option with Degree with Honours
V-year Masters of the 1. Major Discipline 4+4/
(Semester Subject specific Core Courses 6+6
Deeper and Advanced
9 and 10) 2. Major Discipline
Learning of the Major
specific Elective Courses
Discipline towards gaining
3. Research
proficiency over the subject
methodology and
research project
Master’s Degree
Curriculum Structure for Physics as Major Discipline
Semester- I to Semester – X
Open Electives (OE)
Note: Students with core papers other than Physics who would like to make Physics as
minor subject in third year by changing one of the core subjects are advised to take
PHYOE01 and PHYOE06 as open electives in I and II semesters respectively.
Discipline Specific Electives (DSE)
Students who wish to study courses PHYDSE13, PHYDSE14, PHYDSE21, PHYDSE22,
PHYDSE23 and PHYDSE24 must have studied PHYDSE01, PHYDSE02, PHYDSE15,
PHYDSE16, PHYDSE17, PHYDSE18 respectively.
Students who wish to study PHYDSE19 must have studied both PHYDSE01 and
Students who wish to study PHYDSE20 must have studied both PHYDSE02 and
Detailed Syllabus of Discipline Specific Core Courses
for Semester-I and II
Chapter Contact
Topics to be covered
Number hours
Unit - 1
Units and Measurements: System of units (CGS and SI),
Chapter-1 dimensional formulae of physical quantities. Measurement, 3
errors and error analysis; Standard deviation. Problems
Momentum and Energy: Momentum, Work and energy,
Conservation of linear momentum (statement and proof).
Conservation of energy (statement and proof) with examples.
Chapter-2 5
Motion of rockets (Equation of motion for variable mass system,
expression for velocity and acceleration of single stage rockets).
Special Theory of Relativity: Frames of References, Constancy
of speed of light. Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity.
Chapter-3 5
Lorentz transformations, Length contraction and Time dilation
illustrations. Relativistic addition of velocities. Problems
Topics for self-study
Measurement of length, mass, time and other fundamental
physical quantities.
Suggested Activities for students
relation between elastic constants, Poisson’s Ratio-expression
for Poisson’s ratio in terms of elastic constants.
Work done in stretching and work done in twisting a wire-
Twisting couple on a cylinder. Torsional pendulum-
Determination of rigidity modulus and moment of inertia - q, η
and σ by Searle’s method. Problems
Topics for self-study
Yield point stress and elastic limit; Plastic deformations
Check whether ST for the mixture is more or less than pure
water. List the reasons.
Activity: Collect a set of different liquids and measure their
i) Find out whether sticky or non-sticky liquids are most
viscous. List the reasons.
ii) Mix non sticky liquid to the sticky liquid in defined
quantities and measure viscosity. Find out viscosity is
Activity-8 increasing or decreasing with increase of non- sticky
liquid concentration.
iii) Do the above experiment by mixing sticky liquid to
the non-sticky liquid. Find out change in viscosity
with increase of concentration of sticky liquid.
Text Books:
Sl. Year of
Title of the book Authors name Publisher
No. publication
1 Mechanics D. S. Mathur S. Chand and co 2000
2. Mechanics and Vidwan Singh Soni PHI Learning Pvt. 2013
Relativity Ltd
3 Mechanics: Charles Kittel Tata McGraw-Hill 2007
Berkeley Physics
4 Properties of Brijlal and S. Chand and co 2002
Matter Subramanyam
5 Concepts of H. C. Verma Bharathi Bhawan 2017
Reference Books:
Sl. Year of
Title of the book Authors name Publisher
No. publication
An introduction to University Science
1 John R. Taylor 1997
Error analysis Books
Resnick, Halliday
2 Physics Wiley 2010
and Walter
Halliday and
3 Physics Vol-I John Wiley & sons 2013
List of Experiments to be performed in the Laboratory:
Sl Year of
Title of the Book Authors Name Publisher
No Publication
Physics through experiments B.Saraf Vikas 2013
A lab manual of Physics for Vikas
2 undergraduate classes, 1st Edition, Publications.
3 BSc Practical Physics Revised Ed CL Arora S.Chand & Co. 2007
New Central
An advanced course in D. Chatopadhyay,
4 Book Agency Pvt 2002
practical physics. PC Rakshit, B.Saha Ltd.
Formative Assessment
Assessment Marks
End of Unit-1 10
End of Unit-2 (Test) 10
End of Unit-3 10
Total 30
Students should be given multiple chances to improve his or her formative assessment
Course Content for Semester – II
Topics to be covered Contact hours
Electric charge and field, Coulomb’s law, electric field
Chapter-1 strength, electric field lines and flux, point charge and 2
electric dipole in an electric field; Problems.
Gauss’s law and its applications, Electric fields of a
Chapter-2 spherical charge distribution, line charge and infinite flat 2
sheet of charge. Problems.
Electric potential: Definition of electric potential; Relation
between electric field strength and potential - Electric
potential as line integral for electric field and electric field
as gradient of potential; Work done by a charge,
derivation of the expression for potential energy;
Chapter-3 Potential due to point charge and distribution of charges 9
(Examples: potential associated with a spherical charge
distribution, infinite line charge distribution, infinite plane
sheet of charges). Constant potential surfaces, Potential
due to an electric dipole. Potential due to electric
quadrupole (qualitative). Problems.
Topics for self-study
Vector Calculus: Vector differentiation - Gradient,
divergence and curl; Line, Surface and Volume integral.
Suggested Activities for students
Learn the difference between and DC and AC electricity
and their characteristics. Voltage and line frequency
Activity-1 standards in different countries.
A small project report on production of electricity as a
source of energy: Different methods.
Learn to use a multimeter (analog and digital) to measure
voltage, current and resistance. Continuity testing of a
Activity-2 wire.
Learn about household electrical connection terminals:
Live, neutral and ground and voltage between the
terminals. Role of earthing and safety measures
Conductors and insulators in electric field; Atomic view of
dielectric materials; Capacitance and capacitors; Calculation
Chapter-4 of capacitance in a parallel plate capacitor (with and 5
without dielectric); Energy stored in a capacitor; Guass’s
law in dielectrics. Problems.
Electric currents and current density; Derivation for the
expression for electrical conductivity and Ohm’s law; Physics
of electrical conduction (conduction in metals and
Chapter-5 semiconductors); Circuits and circuit elements – resistors, 8
capacitors and inductors; Variable currents in capacitor
circuits; Combination of resistor, inductor and capacitors.
Topics for self-study
Types of resistors and capacitors; Capacitance of earth
References Books:
Sl Year of
Title of the Book Authors Name Publisher
No Publication
1 Physics-Part-II, David Halliday and Wiley Eastern Limited 2001
Robert Resnick
2 Berkeley Physics Edward M Purcell Tata Mc Graw-Hill 2008
Course, Vol-2, Publishing Company
Electricity and Ltd, New Delhi
Magnetism, Special
Formative Assessment
Assessment Marks
End of Unit-1 (Activity) 10
End of Unit-2 (Test) 10
End of Unit-3 (Activity) 10
Total 30
Students should be given multiple chances to improve his or her formative assessment
Detailed Syllabus of Open Elective Courses in Physics
Students can try and understand conservation of
energy in every day examples. For example:
iv) What happens in solar conservation panels
v) Pushing an object on the table it moves
Activity-2 -
vi) Moving car hits a parked car causes parked car to
In these cases, energy is conserved. How? Understand
and verify if possible.
Unit – 2
Gravitation: Law of Gravitation. Acceleration due to
Chapter-4 gravity, Weightlessness, Satellite in a circular orbit: 6
Orbital velocity, escape velocity, time period of
Elasticity: Hooke’s law - Stress-strain diagram, elastic
moduli-relation between elastic constants, Poisson’s
Ratio-expression for Poisson’s ratio in terms of elastic
Chapter-5 constants. 7
Work done in stretching twisting a wire, Torsional
Pendulum-Determination of rigidity modulus and
moment of inertia
Topics for self-study
Variation of g with height and depth, Elastic constants of
different materials and comparison, Methods to
measure elastic constants.
Suggested Activities for students
Arrange a steel spring with its top fixed with a rigid
support on a wall and a meter scale alongside. Add 100
g load at a time on the bottom of the hanger in steps. This
means that while putting each 100g load, we are
Activity-3 increasing the stretching force by 1N. Measure the
extension for loads up to 500g. Plot a graph of extension
versus load. Shape of the graph should be a straight line
indicating that the ratio of load to extension is constant.
Go for higher loads and find out elastic limit of the
Unit - 3
Surface tension: Definition of surface tension. Surface
energy, relation between surface tension and surface
Chapter-6 energy, pressure difference across curved surface 7
example, excess pressure inside spherical liquid drop,
angle of contact.
Viscosity: Streamline flow, turbulent flow, equation of
Chapter-7 continuity, determination of coefficient of viscosity by 6
Poisulle’s method, Stoke’s method
Suggested Activities for students
Surface tension dependence on temperature and
Activity-4 impurities, viscosity of liquids dependence on
2. Measure surface tension of water and other
common liquids and compare and learn
i) Why water has high ST? think of reasons.
ii) Check whether ST is a function of
temperature? You can do it by heating
the water to different temperatures and
Activity-5 measure ST.
iii) Plot ST versus T and learn how it behaves.
Reference books
Sl. Year of
Title of the book Authors name Publisher
No. publication
1 Mechanics D. S. Mathur S. Chand and co 2000
2. Mechanics and Vidwan Singh Soni PHI Learning Pvt. 2013
Relativity Ltd
3 Mechanics: Charles Kittel Tata McGraw-Hill 2007
Berkeley Physics
4 Properties of Brijlal and S. Chand and co 2002
Matter Subramanyam
PHYOE02: Energy Sources
No. of
Unit Content
Unit- I: Non-Renewable energy sources
Introduction: Energy concept-sources in general, its significance &
necessity. Classification of energy sources: Primary and Secondary
energy, Commercial and Non-commercial energy, Renewable and
Non-renewable energy, Conventional and Non-conventional
energy, Based on Origin-Examples and limitations. Importance of
Non-commercial energy resources.
Conventional energy sources: Fossil fuels & Nuclear energy-
production & extraction, usage rate and limitations. Impact on
environment and their issues& challenges. Overview of Indian &
world energy scenario with latest statistics- consumption &
necessity. Need of eco-friendly & green energy & their related
Unit-II: Renewable energy sources
Chapter-3 Introduction: Need of renewable energy, non-conventional
energy sources. An overview of developments in Offshore Wind
Energy, Tidal Energy, Wave energy systems, Ocean Thermal
Energy Conversion, solar energy, biomass, biochemical
conversion, biogas generation, geothermal energy tidal energy,
Chapter-4 Solar Energy: Solar Energy-Key features, its importance, Merits &
demerits of solar energy, Applications of solar energy. Solar water
heater, flat plate collector, solar distillation, solar cooker, solar
green houses, solar cell -brief discussion of each. Need and
characteristics of photovoltaic (PV) systems, PV models and
equivalent circuits, and sun tracking systems.
Unit-III: Wind and Tidal Energy Harvesting
Chapter-5 Fundamentals of Wind energy, Wind Turbines and different
electrical machines in wind turbines, Power electronic interfaces,
and grid interconnection topologies. Ocean Energy Potential
against Wind and Solar, Wave Characteristics and Statistics, Wave
Energy Devices. Tide characteristics and Statistics, Tide Energy
Technologies, Ocean Thermal Energy.
Chapter-6 Geothermal Resources, Geothermal Technologies. Hydropower
resources, hydropower technologies, environmental impact of
hydropower sources. Carbon captured technologies, cell, batteries,
power consumption.
Activity for tutorial classes 01 lectures/week
1. Demonstration of on Solar energy, wind energy, etc, using
training modules at Labs.
2. Conversion of vibration to voltage using piezoelectric materials.
3. Conversion of thermal energy into voltage using
thermoelectric (using thermocouples or heat
sensors) modules.
4. Project report on Solar energy scenario in India
5. Project report on Hydro energy scenario in India
6. Project report on wind energy scenario in India
7. Field trip to nearby Hydroelectric stations.
8. Field trip to wind energy stations like Chitradurga, Hospet,
Gadag, etc.
9. Field trip to solar energy parks like Yeramaras near Raichur.
10.Videos on solar energy, hydro energy and wind energy.
Reference Books:
1. Non-conventional energy sources - G.D Rai - Khanna
Publishers, New Delhi
2. Solar energy - M P Agarwal - S Chand and Co. Ltd.
3. Solar energy - Suhas P Sukhative Tata McGraw - Hill
Publishing Company Ltd.
4. Godfrey Boyle, “Renewable Energy, Power for a
sustainable future”, 2004, Oxford University Press, in
association with The Open University.
5. Dr. P Jayakumar, Solar Energy: Resource Assessment
Handbook, 2009
6. J.Balfour, M.Shaw and S. Jarosek, Photovoltaics,
Lawrence J Goodrich (USA).
PHYOE03: Physics in Daily Life
Topics to be covered Contact hours
Unit - I
Motion: Motion and its properties; Concept of inertia;
Jerking when accelerated or decelerated as examples,
importance of car seat belts. Relative motion and addition
of velocities. Conservation laws (Linear momentum,
angular momentum and energy). Balancing of bicycle,
rolling of solid and hallow cylinders as examples. 13
Oscillations and Waves: Simple harmonic oscillations,
pendulums as examples; Waves-types of waves and their
Chapter-2 propagation; Sound-velocity of sound in air, its variation
as function of temperature and humidity; Musical notes
and resonance; Doppler effect.
Topics for self-study
Centripetal force, Coriolis force and banking of roads
Light: Theories of light; reflection, refraction and total
internal reflection. Formation of rainbow. Diffraction and
Chapter-3 interference (definitions and types only). Formation of
halos around moon. Scattering of light: Blue colour of sky
and red colour of rising or setting sun.
Heat: Heat and temperature; Good and bad conductors
and their applications; Law of cooling and applications;
Chapter-4 Thermodynamic processes – examples; Phase transitions
– effect of impurities on melting and boiling points
(Addition of salt to frost);
Topics for self-study
Formation of mirage; Specific heat and heat capacities.
Take ice and add some salt on to it. Observe what happens.
Radiation: Electromagnetic spectrum, common sources
of various types of radiation and their properties. Radio
communication, working of microwave oven, IR
Chapter-5 thermometer and pulse oximeter; Visible light-basic and
complementary colours; Ultra-violet radiation and its
hazard, importance of Ozone layer; X-rays, principle and
Radioactivity: Types of radioactivity, radiation hazard;
Chapter-6 Application of radiations in medicine; Radiation level
detection and radiation safety.
Topics for self-study
Electromagnetic shielding -
Suggested Activities for students
Measure the temperature of various systems like hot pan,
red charcoal, candle fire, gas stove flame etc, using IR
thermometer. Explain the results.
Activity-3 -
Combine different colours and find out what colour you
get. Compare the colours based on their frequency or
wavelength from the electromagnetic spectrum.
Visit a nearby hospital where radiation therapy is being
administered for cancer patients. Find out what kind of
radiations are employed.
Reference Books
PHYOE04: Electrical Instruments
Topics to be covered Contact hours
Unit - I
Voltage and current sources, Kirchoff’s current and
Chapter-1 voltage laws, loop and nodal analysis of simple circuits
with dc excitation. Ammeters, voltmeters: (DC/AC)
Representation of sinusoidal waveforms, peak and rms
values, power factor. Analysis of single-phase series and
parallel R-L-C ac circuits. Three-phase balanced circuits,
Chapter-2 voltage and current relations in star and delta
connections. Wattmeters: Induction type, single phase
and three phase wattmeter, Energy meters: AC. Induction
type single phase and three phase energy meter.
Instrument Transformers: Potential and current
transformers, ratio and phase angle errors, phasor
diagram, methods of minimizing errors; testing and
Topics for self-study
Types of switches and Circuits, Safety precautions and
rules in handling electrical appliances, Electric shock,
first aid for electrical shocks, Fuses, MCB, ELCB and
Relays, Filament lamp, Tube light, CFL and LED
Suggested Activities for students
Identify variety of electrical switches and note down their
Activity-1 Identify the hazards involved in handling electrical
circuits and instruments, make a list of safety precautions
as well as first aid for electrical shocks.
Galvanometers: General principle and performance
Chapter-4 equations of D'Arsonval Galvanometers, Vibration
Galvanometer and Ballistic Galvanometer.
Potentiometers: DC Potentiometer, Crompton
potentiometer, construction, standardization, application.
AC Potentiometer, Drysdale polar potentiometer;
standardization, application. 13
DC/AC Bridges: General equations for bridge balance,
measurement of self-inductance by Maxwell’s bridge
(with variable inductance & variable capacitance), Hay’s
bridge, Owen’s bridge, measurement of capacitance by
Schering bridge, errors, Wagner’s earthing device,
Kelvin’s double bridge.
Topics for self-study
Importance of grounding and Earthing, Methods for
Suggested Activities for students
Make a study of importance of grounding in electrical
Prepare a detailed account of various methods of earthing
and their utility/applications
Transducer: Strain Gauges, Thermistors, Thermocouples,
Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT),
Capacitive Transducers, Peizo-Electric transducers,
Optical Transducer, Hall Effect Transducer
CRO: Block diagram, Sweep generation, vertical
amplifiers, use of CRO in measurement of frequency,
phase, Amplitude and rise time of a pulse. Digital Multi-
meter: Block diagram, principle of operation
Basics of lead acid batteries, Lithium Ion Battery, Battery
Chapter-9 storage capacity, Coulomb efficiency, Numerical of high
and low charging rates, Battery sizing.
Topics for self-study
Fuses, MCB, ELCB and Relays, Filament lamp, Tube light,
Suggested Activities for students
Prepare a document on evolution of incandescent bulbs to
the present-day LED lights
Make a comparative study of Fuses, MCB, ELCB and Relays
highlighting their use and applications
Reference Books
1. AK.Sawhney, A Course in Elec. & Electronics
Measurements & Instrumentation, Dhanpatrai & Co.
2. A.D. Helfrick & W.D. Cooper, Modern Electronic
Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques
3. D C Kulshreshtha, Basic Electrical Engineering, Mc
Graw Hill Publications,2019
4. David G Alciatore and Michel B Histand, Introduction
to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 3rd,
Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New
Delhi., 2005
5. Vincent Del Toro, Electrical Engineering
Fundamentals Prentice Hall India2009
PHYOE05: Sports Science
Topics to be covered Contact hours
Unit - I
Measurement: Physical quantities. Standards and Units.
Chapter-1 International system of Units. Standards of time, length
and mass. Precision and significant figures.
Newton's laws of motion: Newton's first law. Force,
Chapter-2 mass. Newton's second law. Newton's third law. Mass and 13
weight. Applications of Newton's laws.
Chapter-3 Projectile motion: Shooting a falling target.
Physics behind Shooting, Javelin throw and Discus throw.
Topics for self-study
Suggested Activities for students
Identify variety of electrical switches and note down their
Activity-1 Identify the hazards involved in handling electrical
circuits and instruments, make a list of safety precautions
as well as first aid for electrical shocks.
Conservation laws: Conservation of linear momentum,
Chapter-4 collisions – elastic and inelastic. Angular momentum.
(Physics behind Carom, Billiards, Racing) 13
Centre of mass: Physics behind Cycling, rock climbing,
Gravitation: Origin, Newton's law of gravitation.
Chapter-6 Archimedes’s principle, Buoyancy (Physics behind
Topics for self-study
Archimedes' Principle: Made EASY | Physics in You tube
Activity Learn breathing exercises.
No. 5
Reference : 1)Simple Breathing Exercise for Beginners |
Swami Ramdev
2) https://www.yogajournal.com
Write an essay on Physical health v/s Mental health or
Activity conduct a debate on Physical health v/s Mental health. 01
PHYOE06: Electromagnetism
Course credits 3
Chapter Contact
Topics to be covered
Number hours
Electric charge and field, Coulomb’s law, electric field
strength, electric field lines, point charge in an electric
Chapter-1 4
field and electric dipole, work done by a charge,
derivation of the expression for potential energy.
Gauss’s law and its applications, Electric fields of a
Chapter-2 spherical charge distribution, line charge and infinite 4
flat sheet of charge.
Electric potential, line integral, gradient of a scalar
Chapter-3 function, relation between field and potential. Potential 5
due to point charge and distribution of charges
Topics for self-study
Constant potential surfaces, Electric potential due to line
charge, spherical charge distribution
Suggested Activities for students
Learn the difference between and DC and AC electricity
and their characteristics. Voltage and line frequency
Activity-1 standards in different countries.
A small project report on production of electricity as a
source of energy: Different methods
Learn to use a multimeter (analog and digital) to
measure voltage, current and resistance. Continuity
Activity-2 testing of a wire.
Learn about household electrical connection terminals:
Live, neutral and ground and voltage between the
terminals. Role of earthing and safety measures
Conductors in electrostatic field: Conductors and
insulators, conductors in electric field. Capacitance and
Chapter-4 capacitors, calculating capacitance in a parallel plate 6
capacitor, parallel plate capacitor with dielectric,
Energy stored in a capacitor, Dielectrics and Guass’s law
Magnetism: Definition of magnetic field, Ampere’s law
and Biot-Savart law (magnetic force and magnetic flux),
Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor.
Chapter-5 7
Electromagnetic induction, conducting rod moving in a
magnetic field, law of induction and mutual inductance,
self inductance and energy stored in a magnetic field
Topics for self-study
Types of resistors and capacitors; Capacitance of earth,
AC dynamo
Suggested Activities for students
Learn about types of resistors and their colour codes
Activity-3 and types of capacitors (electrolytic and non-
4. Learn about power transmission: 3-phase
electricity, voltage and phase
5. Visit a nearby electrical power station. Interact
Activity-4 with line men, Electrical engineers and
managers. Discuss about power loss in
transmission. How to reduce it?
6. Prepare a small project report on street lighting
and types of electrical bulbs.
7. Build a small coil with insulated copper wire.
Connect an ammeter micro/milli ammeter.
Verify magnetic induction using a powerful bar
Electromagnetic waves: Equation of continuity,
Maxwell’s equations, displacement current,
electromagnetic wave, energy transported by
Chapter-6 electromagnetic waves.
Field of a current loop, magnetic moment, Electric 13
current in atoms, electron spin and magnetic moment,
magnetization and magnetic susceptibility
Types of magnetic materials: diamagnetic,
Chapter-7 paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials. B-H
hysteresis curves.
Topics for self-study
Hall Effect
Suggested Activities for students
Prepare a small project report on production of
magnetic field: Permanent magnets, electromagnets
Activity-5 and superconducting magnets.
Learn the principle of working of a Gauss meter to
measure magnetic field
Model the earth’s magnetic field with a diagram. Explain
the effect of tilt of the earth’s axis and reasons for the
change in the tilt of the earth’s axis over thousands of
Reference Books
Sl Year of
Title of the Book Authors Name Publisher
No Publication
1 Physics-Part-II, David Halliday and Wiley Eastern Limited 2001
Robert Resnick
2 Berkeley Physics Edward M Purcell Tata Mc Graw-Hill 2008
Course, Vol-2, Publishing Company
Electricity and Ltd, New Delhi
Magnetism, Special
PHYOE07: Climate Science
Course Title Climate Science
Course code PHYOE07
Course credits 3
Total Contact Hours 39
Formative Assessment Marks 30
Summative Assessment Marks 70
Model Syllabus Authors State Physics Expert Committee
Chapter Contact
Number Topics to be covered hours
Atmospheric Science (Meteorology) as a multidisciplinary science.
Physical and dynamic meteorology, Some terminology, difference
between weather and climate, weather and climate variables,
composition of the present atmosphere: fixed and variable gases,
Chapter-1 13
volume mixing ratio (VMR), sources and sinks of gases in the
atmosphere. Greenhouse gases. Structure (layers) of the
atmosphere. Temperature variation in the atmosphere,
temperature lapse rate, mass, pressure and density variation in
the atmosphere.
Topics for self-study
Distribution of winds; Indian monsoon and its importance
Climate Science
Overview of meteorological observations, measurement of:
temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction and pressure.
Surface weather stations, upper air observational network,
satellite observation. Overview of clouds and precipitation,
Chapter-2 13
aerosol size and concentration, nucleation, droplet growth and
condensation (qualitative description). Cloud seeding, lightning
and discharge. Formation of trade winds, cyclones.
Modelling of the atmosphere: General principles, Overview of
General Circulation Models (GCM) for weather forecasting and
prediction. Limitations of the models.
R and D institutions in India and abroad dedicated to climate
Science, NARL, IITM, CSIR Centre for Mathematical Modeling and
Computer Simulation, and many more
Topics for self-study
Contribution of remote sensing and GPS to climate science
Global Climate Change
Greenhouse effect and global warming, Enhancement in
concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere, Conventional and non-conventional energy sources
and their usage. EL Nino/LA Nino Southern oscillations.
Chapter-3: Causes for global warming: Deforestation, fossil fuel burning, 13
industrialization. Manifestations of global warming: Sea level rise,
melting of glaciers, variation in monsoon patterns, increase in
frequency and intensity of cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes.
Geo-engineering as a tool to mitigate global warming. Schemes of
Activities to be carried out on Climate Science:
1. Try to find answer to the following questions:
(a) Imagine you are going in an aircraft at an altitude
greaten than 100 km. The air temperature at that
altitude will be greater than 200oC. If you put your
hands out of the window of the aircraft, you will not feel
(b) What would have happened if ozone is not present in
the stratosphere.
2. Visit a nearby weather Station and learn about their
4. Design your own rain gauge for rainfall measurement at
your place. Learn to determine atmospheric humidity
using wet bulb and dry bulb thermometers.
5. Visit the website of Indian Institute of Tropical
Meteorology (IITM), and keep track of occurrence and land
fall of cyclone prediction.
6. Learn about ozone layer and its depletion and ozone hole.
7. Keep track of melting of glaciers in the Arctic and Atlantic
region through data base available over several decades.
8. Watch documentary films on global warming and related
3. (Produced by amateur film makers and promoted by British
Council and BBC).
1. Basics of Atmospheric Science – A Chndrashekar, PHI
Learning Private Ltd. New Delhi, 2010.
2. Fundamentals of Atmospheric Modelling- Mark Z Jacbson,
Cambridge University Press, 2000.
PHYOE08: Optical Instruments
Course Title Optical Instruments
Course code PHYOE08
Course credits 3
Total Contact Hours 39
Formative Assessment Marks 30
Summative Assessment Marks 70
Model Syllabus Authors State Physics Expert Committee
Camera and microscopes
Human eye (constitution and working), Photographic camera (principle,
Chapter - 2. construction and working), construction, working and utilities of Simple 13
microscopes, Compound microscope, Electron microscopes, Binocular
microscopes (Construction part can be discussed through block diagrams)
Topics for self-study
Telescopes and Spectrometer Construction, working and utilities of
Chapter - 3. Astronomical telescopes, Terrestrial telescopes Reflecting telescopes, 13
Construction, working and utilities of Eyepieces or Oculars (Huygen,
Ramsden’s, Gauss) Spectrometer - Construction, working and utilities,
measurement of refractive index.
Topics for self-study
PHYOE09: Physics for All
Chapter Contact
Topics to be covered
Number hours
Energy and Power
Explosions and energy; Energy, heat and its units; Energy table
Chapter 1
and discussions; Discussion of cost of energy; Measuring energy;
Power; Different power sources; Kinetic energy.
Gravity, Force and Space 13
The force of Gravity; Newton’s third law; Weightlessness; Low earth
Chapter-2 orbit; Geosynchronous satellites; Spy satellites; Medium Earth Orbit
satellite; Circular Acceleration; momentum; Rockets; Airplanes,
helicopters and fans; angular momentum and torque.
Topics for self-study
Working of Hot air and helium balloons
Nuclei and radioactivity
Radioactivity; Elements and isotopes; Radiation and rays; Seeing
radiation; The REM – The radiation poisoning; Radiation and cancer;
Chapter - 3 13
The linear hypothesis; Different types of radiation; The half-life rule;
Smoke detectors; measuring age from radioactivity; Environmental
radioactivity; Glow of radioactivity; Nuclear fusion.
Topics for self-study
Nuclear fission and nuclear reactors
Unit - III
Climate change
Global warming; IPCC; A brief history of climate; carbon dioxide; The
greenhouse effect; Enhancement of Greenhouse effect; Hurricane
Chapter-4 and tornadoes; Antarctica; Fluctuations; Paleoclimate; Global 13
warming vs Human caused global warming; Can we stop global
warming, Fossil Fuel Resources; Energy security; Energy efficiency
and conservation; Bio-fuels; Nuclear, Wind and Solar power.
Topics for self-study
Initiations and laws around the world to fight against global
This course is extracted from the book titled “Physics and
Technology for Future Presidents: An Introduction to the Essential
Physics Every World Leader Needs to Know” by Richard A Muller,
WW Norton and Company, 2007. (Unit-1 to 4 are from chapters 1, 3,
4 and 10, respectively).
PHYOE10: Space Missions
Course Title Space Missions
Course code PHYOE10
Course credits 3
Total Contact Hours 39
Formative Assessment Marks 30
Summative Assessment Marks 70
Model Syllabus Authors State Physics Expert Committee
Chapter Contact
Topics to be covered
Number hours
Introduction to Space Missions:
Rockets, types and their applications, Different types of orbits,
Unit I: Artificial satellites – basic idea and their applications, 13
Introduction to Space Missions, Beginning of Space Missions -
World and India, Applications of Space Research, Space crafts,
Launching Vehicles.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
About NASA and its Goals, History of Creation. Foundational
human spaceflight: X-15 program (1954–1968), Project Mercury
(1958–1963), Project Gemini (1961–1966), Project Apollo
(1960–1972), Skylab (1965–1979), Apollo-Soyuz (1972–1975).
Unit II: 13
Modern human spaceflight programs: Space Shuttle program
(1972– 2011), International Space Station (1993–present),
Constellation program (2005–2010), Commercial Crew Program
(2011–present), Journey to Mars (2010–2017), Artemis
program (2017–present).
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
About ISRO and its Goals, History of Creation. General Satellite
Programmes: The IRS series, The INSAT series. Gagan Satellite
Navigation System, Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC),
Other satellites.
Unit III: 13
Launch vehicles: Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV), Augmented
Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV), Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
(PSLV), Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV).
Experimental Satellites: Details and applications (Any Five)
Earth Observation Satellites: Details and applications (Any Five)
Communication satellites: Details and applications (Any Five)
Topics for self-study
Major Space Centres in the World (at least 10) – brief idea about
their location, establishment, capabilities and achievements.
People behind space programs – at least 2 from India. Successful
Missions (Any Five).
Activities - 1
Design of working model of Rocket launching.
Preparation of report and presentation on application of
satellites in agriculture, communication, weather
forecasting, exploration of natural resources and Global
positioning system (GPS).
Activities - 3
Preparation of report and presentation on the
recent space missions of ISRO.
Preparation of report and presentation on any one
proposed space programme of ISRO.
Preparation of report and presentation on the
contributions of Scientists from Karnataka to Indian
Space Program and use of space technology in the local
Detailed Syllabus of Skill Enhancement Courses in Physics
Chapter Contact
Topics to be covered
Number hours
Voltage and current sources, Kirchoff’s current and
Chapter-1 voltage laws, loop and nodal analysis of simple circuits
with dc excitation. Ammeters, voltmeters: (DC/AC).
Three-phase balanced circuits, voltage and current
relations in star and delta connections. Wattmeters:
Chapter-2 Induction type, single phase and three phase wattmeter,
Energy meters: AC. Induction type single phase and
three phase energy meters.
Instrument Transformers: Potential and current
transformers, ratio and phase angle errors, phasor
diagram, methods of minimizing errors; testing and
Types of switches and Circuits, Safety precautions and
rules in handling electrical appliances, Electric shock,
first aid for electrical shocks, Fuses, MCB, ELCB and
Relays, Filament lamp, Tube light, CFL and LED.
Suggested Activities for students
Identify variety of electrical switches and note down
their applications/utility.
Activity-1 Identify the hazards involved in handling electrical
circuits and instruments, make a list of safety
precautions as well as first aid for electrical shocks.
Make a study of importance of grounding in electrical
Prepare a detailed account of various methods of
earthing and their utility/applications
Make a comparative study of Fuses, MCB, ELCB and
Relays highlighting their use and applications
List of Experiments to be performed in the Laboratory
1 Preparing a three-pin extension box.
PHYSEC02: Instrumentation and Measurement
Chapter Contact
Topics to be covered
Number hours
Voltage and current sources, Kirchoff’s current and
Chapter-1 voltage laws, loop and nodal analysis of simple circuits
with dc excitation. Ammeters, voltmeters: (DC/AC)
AC and DC power sources. Conversion of AC to DC,
rectifiers and regulators. Current limiting networks; DC
regulated power supply.
Audio oscillators: Principle of oscillators, barkhausen
criteria, fixed frequency and variable frequency
oscillators, IC-555 and its applications
Sensors: Temperature sensors (thermostat), Light
Chapter-3 sensors (IR and visible), moisture sensors, motion
sensers, smoke detectors,
Types of switches and Circuits, Safety precautions and
rules in handling electrical appliances, earthing, Electric
shock Fuses, MCB, ELCB and Relays. Design of simple
circuits for lighting, heating and security applications.
Suggested Activities for students
Design simple electrical networks and determine the
current through and voltages across various branches.
Find out various types of voltage regulations and learn
their advantages and disadvantages.
Activity-1 Take an electrical appliance and enlist the components
used in that.
Visit an electrical appliance repair shop and prepare a
chart of frequently used components and their
Design and prepare a printed circuit board (PCB)
List of Experiments to be performed in the Laboratory
Preparation of a printed circuit board (PCB) and
construction of related instrument.
Design and construction of a regulated DC power
Design and construction of fixed/variable frequency
audio oscillator
4 Construction of an incubator with temperature control
Setting up of modern lighting system using light and
motion sensors.
6 Setting up of irrigation system using moisture sensor.
PHYSEC03: Mathematical ability for
competitive examinations – 1
Chapter Contact
Topics to be covered
Number hours
Arithmetical Ability: Problems on HCF and LCM;
simplification of decimal fractions; problems on ages;
Unit-I percentage; profit and loss; Ratio proportion; 13
Partnership; chain rule; pipes and cisterns; Time and
Time and distance; Boats and streams; Problems on
trains; Volume and surface area; Calendars and clocks;
Unit-II 13
Permutations and combination; Probability; Heights
and distances; Races and games of skill.
Suggested Activities for students
Collect various problems related to mathematical
Activity-1 ability from different competitive exams and solve
Books for Reference
1. Quantitative Aptitude, R. S. Agarwal, S. Chand
pub, 2017
2. Quantitative Aptitude – Quantum CAT, Sarvesh
K. Verma, Arihant pub, 2020
PHYSEC04: Science Communication
Chapter Contact
Topics to be covered
Number hours
Science writing- introduction to science writing, why science
communication, types of science writing-news, news articles, blogs,
websites, newsletters, popular science books etc. Use of storytelling
crafts in science writing, understanding the elements of a story
Understanding what makes for a good science story, picking out a
story from a research paper, identifying sources. Key principles for
effective writing.
Difference between popular science writing and research article-
change of register (in language) avoiding equations, familiarising the
audience with terms and concepts
Identifying the story-what to communicate-choosing a topic,
reviewing the sections of a scientific manuscript. Understanding
tables and figures. Writing results, methods, introduction, and
discussion sections.
Components of a popular science article- title, opening paragraph,
Unit-I body, conclusion 13
Language and length, style, describing methods and
results identifying audience’s language
Reporting a story-presentation-making it effective, critically
evaluating a research paper, interviewing scientists, background
Outlining and creating a narrative flow, crafting quality leads and
Writing with strong, active verbs, writing in the active voice,
avoiding turning verbs into nouns; choosing strong verbs etc. A
catchy title, the subjective element, relevance, the myth of complex
Writing draft, self-editing and revising draft, sealing with the curse
of jargon, importance of checking facts
Activities for students
1. Student will be asked to study at least two sources from each
category of science writing.
2. Student will be asked to identify different forms of science
3. Student will be asked to identify a topic and collect proper
4. Student will asked to identify a research publication and to
Activity 26
examine the factors to consider while preparing his/her own
5. Student will be asked to structure a narrative based on his/her
6. Student will be asked to prepare a) 3 news articles, b) 3 press
releases, c) 3 blog articles d) 1 book chapter with suitable
headlines based his/her study of research publications chosen
Visit this website:https://thewire.in/culture/science-
communication -desiraju-twitter
Visit this website: https://questproject.eu/how-to-improve-science-
Visit the website: https://science.thewire.in/the-sciences/a -
beginners -guide-to-writing-a-popular-science-article-by-a-teacher/
Visit this website: https://www.americanscientist.org/blog/from-
the -staff/12-tips-for-scientists-writing-for-the-general-public
Visit this website: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/
29/learning/star- polymers-space-origami-and-singing-finches-the-
winners -of-our-2nd- annual-stem-writing-contest.html
Visit this website: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/23/
Visit this website: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/23/
Visit this website: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/29/
winners-of-our-2nd- annual-stem-writing-
i% 20and,Contest%20%2D%20The%20New%20York%20Times
Visit this website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popular_science
Visit this website:
Visit this website: