WEEK 7 English 7

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Quarter 3- Module 7: Reacting on Public Forums and Discussions

Name: ____________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________ Date: _______________
MELCs: Raise sensible, challenging thought-provoking questions in public forums/panel discussions,
etc. (EN7OL-III-h-1.3.1)
Learners are expected to:
1. Identify the members of public forum and panel discussion;
2. Differentiate public forum from panel discussion; and
3. Raise thought provoking questions in a public forum/panel discussion.

In the last module, you learned to react to what is asserted or expressed in a text.
This time, your oral skills will be tested. With enough confidence, you will be able to raise sensible,
challenging thought-provoking questions in a public forum/panel discussion.

What’s In
A Short Story on Jaja’s Confidence
By: Khay Anne A. Calampiano

There is a girl named Jaja. This girl is a very shy one. Whenever she speaks in public, she stutters and
loses her confidence. One day, she gathered all her guts, entered her room and took a pillow. To help her
develop her skill in raising questions in a public forum, she tried to construct several questions about her
pillow and expressed them out loud. She did that to her other stuff too. Through practice, she developed her
skill of questioning.

1. What does skill develop on her act?

2. What did she do to develop her skill of questioning?


Let’s read and understand this concept…

What’s New
Public Forum
In a public forum, citizens discuss important issues such as
health problems. In this well-publicized meeting, the
facilitator leads a discussion of various aspects of the issue
like the community’s strengths and potential problems. It
gives people of diverse backgrounds a chance to express their
views. It is the first step toward understanding the
community’s needs and resources.

Members in a Public Forum

1. Speakers
- are recognized experts or noted authors on the topic of interest;
- have the knowledge and breadth of experience needed given the overall message and purpose of forum; and
- prepare in advance the reasons for adoption of the topic.
2. Facilitator
- creates the process and conditions that enable a group to discuss, plan, decide, learn or grow.
- conducts the discussion without trying to direct the group to a particular outcome; and
- achieves learning objectives.
3. Audience
- bring with them expectations about the occasion, topic, and speaker; and
- their knowledge of a topic can vary widely on any given occasion; therefore, communicator should find out
what their audience already know about the topic.

How should you conduct a public forum?

1. Designate a discussion leader or group facilitator who is known and respected, who is neutral on the topic,
who has good listening and group process skills and who can keep things moving and on track.
2. Introduce the leader of the community initiative and the discussion leader.
3. Agree upon an ending time and keep to it.
4. Provide information about your own organization, if appropriate.
5. Consider allowing some time for addressing each of the following topics, issues and concerns.
6. Use a newsprint to record the discussion on each of the topic.
7. Conclude with a summary of what was achieved and a preliminary plan of action. Announce the next
meeting if possible.
8. Prepare a written summary of brainstorming ideas and mail to all participants, with thanks, and with

Source: Department of Education – MIMAROPA REGION

mention of opportunities for further involvement.

Panel Discussion
A panel discussion is a discussion in which few persons
(the panel) carry on conversation in front of the audience. At the end
of the discussion, audience also participates. The audience put
important questions and the experts answers them and clarify the
points. The purpose of panel discussion is to reproduce the features
of a small discussion group for a benefit of a larger group.

Types of Panel Discussion

1. Public panel discussions
- These are organized for common men problems.

2. Educational panel discussion

- Used in educational institutions to provide factual and conceptual knowledge and clarification of certain
theories and principles. Sometimes, these are organized to find out the solutions of certain problems 1.

Members in a Panel Discussion

1. Instructor
- Plays an important role in a panel discussion.
- Plans how, where and when the panel discussion will be organized.
- Prepares the schedule for panel discussion.
- Sometimes plans for rehearsals.

2. Moderator
- Keeps the interaction on the theme and encourages interaction among members.
- Summarizes and highlights the points.
- Should have mastery over the theme or problem of the discussion.
3. Panelists (4-10 panelists)
- Members sit in a semi-circle shape in front of the audience.
- The moderator sits in the middle of the panelists.
- All the panelists should have mastery over the subject matter.
4. Audience
- Audience are allowed to put questions and seek clarifications.
- They can put forward their point-of-view and their experiences regarding the theme.
How to proceed on a Panel Discussion
1. Identify the topic or issue (an important conflict in values or interest).
2. Negotiate with your teacher or an invited expert as panelist.
3. The moderator/host will discuss the objectives of the activity. Students will be given 15-20 minutes to
organize ideas for the discussion.
The following procedures have been used effectively:
a. The leader or moderator introduces the topic and the panelists present their views and opinions regarding
the issue.
b. The panelists discuss the issue or topic and also react to other panel members’ views and opinions. A
specific amount of time should be set.
c. The leader or moderator closes the discussion and provides a summary of panel presentation and
d. The leader or moderator calls for a forum to all the members of the class to address some questions, views,
and opinions to the panelist.
4. Panel discussion.
5. Process and Feedback

What Is It
Activity 1: Picture Out
Directions: Complete the Venn Diagram with the members of Public Forum and Panel Discussion. Members
are given in the box below.

Source: Department of Education – MIMAROPA REGION

Activity 2
Directions: Identify the key persons involved in a Panel Discussion and Public Forum. Choose your answer in
the pool of words given below.

Activity 3: PD OR PF?
Directions: Write PF if the situation falls under Public Forum and PD if it falls under a Panel Discussion.
_____ 1. Cases of COVID- 19 in Puerto Princesa will be updated to public.
_____ 2. Experts from Manila visited Puerto Princesa to discuss about COVID- 19 concerns.
_____ 3. Resident of Brgy. Inagawan, Puerto Princesa City raised a question to DPWH representative about the
road widening in Acacia Tunnel.
_____ 4. Justine, the moderator/host, will discuss the objectives of the activity in San Jose National High
_____ 5. At 8PM, Principals, supervisors and head teachers will have an online talk about the module writing
in English for Grade 7 learners.

What I Have Learned

Complete the given
puzzle words based from the
provided clues and definition.

Source: Department of Education – MIMAROPA REGION

Source: Department of Education – MIMAROPA REGION

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