Vladyslav Nikiforov - TP8 Lesson Plan

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Teacher: Vladyslav Nikiforov TP# Length: Tutor: Sarah Smith

45 min
Lesson Focus: Target Language:
(for Vocabulary/Grammar/Functional language lessons only)

Main Aim / By the end of the lesson, the Ss will: have further developed their sub-skills listening for
gist and detailed comprehension in the context of asking for medical help, and will be able to use the
functional language in the context of asking for medical help.

- Subsidiary Aim(s) / To enable the Ss to: To practice oral fluency

Personal aims (Consider which areas to work on from the previous TP(s) you can focus on in this
TP - please indicate no more than the 3-4 most important personal aims)
● Conduct a nice smooth and structured MFP

● Manage to have all my stages

Materials (if you use textbook content, provide book title/author/year/page; specify self-created
materials) B1 Cutting Edge 3rd edition p94

Language Analysis
I have completed (leave only what you have completed):
- a language analysis sheet (functions)
Assumptions What do you expect the students will know about your target language/content of your
I assume the Ss …
Time and
Stage name & Aim Procedure and Anticipated problems/solutions
Task setting I have a friend who really likes to travel.
Have you ever had a situation like this?
Selectively ask

Task completion (when necessary)

Stage: Lead-in (set
up context) 4 min

Feedback Interaction patterns:

Aim: To set the
context for the lesson Materials distributed via:
/ to raise learners’ T-Ss, OC
interest in the
topic of the lesson Anticipated problems/solutions re: classroom
Problem 1: no one experienced anything like I will have
told about my friend
Solution 1: Just ask to name the illnesses they know

Task setting Lets talk a little about doctors, *nominate*,

would you like to be a doctor? Why?
Show and do ex 1, pair work.

Task completion BOR pair discussion of questions

Stage: Pre-text 5 min
Feedback: content feedback open class Interaction patterns:
Aim: To activate
learners’ schemata Materials distributed via: T-Ss, OC, S-S

related to the
Anticipated problems/solutions re: classroom
Problem 1: Students will lack ideas
Solution 1: Suggest in chat while monitoring/intervene
and provide ideas

Stage: pre-teach Task setting Im gonna need tour help with the next one, 3 min
blocking Ive got a couple of pictures, can you tell me what they
vocabulary are showing? Interaction patterns:

T-Ss, Ss-T
Aim: To unblock
Task completion Power point presentation, pictures,
vocabulary necessary
words are covered at first
complete the next

Materials distributed via:

Anticipated problems/solutions re: classroom
Problem 1: Ss will not know the words at all
Solution 1: Have the answers hidden behind boxes,
show if eliciting doesn’t work

Task setting You are going to watch a doctor and a

couple of patients. Take a look at these phrases (show).
Write “P”, if a patients said it and “D” if it was doctor’s.

Task completion in googledoc, listening

Stage: Listening 1: 7 min

for gist Feedback show answers OC, ask if there are
differences, ask “what does doctor usually do, ask or Interaction patterns:

Aim: To develop answer questions?”(ask)

learners’ ability to T-Ss, OC
listen for gist Materials distributed via:

Anticipated problems/solutions re: classroom

Problem 1:
Solution 1:

Stage: MFP Task setting Lets take a look at the phrases from the 8 min
video again. Elicit meaning for “a bee stung me, I feel
Aim: To clarify and very breathless, earache, medication” Interaction patterns:

ensure that CCQs: have you been stung by a bee? T-Ss

learners have How did it feel?
understood relevant
When do people feel breathless? (running, gym)
elements of the
What do people do when they have an earache, show
functional language

Give me an example of medication? (some pill/syrup


Listen, tell me where the stress is?

Highlight relevant features

Listen, repeat after me.

Task completion (when necessary)


Materials distributed via:

Anticipated problems/solutions re: classroom

Problem 1:
Solution 1:

Task setting Show ex 2. Do you remember what was

wrong with the lady patient? (she was stung by a bee)
And what were the symptoms? (swollen hand,
breathless). Great. listen and write patient’s symptoms
and illnesses.
Stage: Listening 2:
for detailed Task completion listening, ex in googledoc 7 min
Interaction patterns:
Feedback show answers, ask if theres any differences
Aim: To develop
learners’ ability to
listen for detailed Materials distributed via:

Anticipated problems/solutions re: classroom

Problem 1:
Solution 1:

Stage: Productive Task setting Show the scheme, “*nominate*, imagine 11 min
follow-up you are a doctor, im a patient and I came to you. Good
Interaction patterns:
(Speaking) morning doctor, I need your help”, student replies, we
have a short dialogue. Show the illness and symptoms Ill T-Ss, S-S, OC
Aim: To provide oral have used in a conversation, say: Have a minute, come
fluency practice on up with an illness and symptoms, take notes. Work with
the topic your partner, one of you is a doctor, the other is a
patient. Then swap roles.

Task completion pair dialogues

Feedback Nominate, what was your partners illness and


Materials distributed via:

Anticipated problems/solutions re: classroom

Problem 1: Ss shy to act
Solution 1: Monitor, provide ideas, encourage

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