To grown up my knowledge, skills and abilities and want to implement it for the welfare of the Organization. What we learn we actually learn by doing. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS
EXAM / DEGREE MBA (Pursuing with Finance as major & marketing as minor) BBA 12th Board 10th Board
SUMMER PROJECT DETAILS Project Title Company and Place Duration Description Summer Project Training Maruti Suzuki Iindia Limited June 1-30, 2011 Summer Project Training is about motivating the employees to do their best return to the institution/ organization. A trainee is one who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about, his or her work, and thus will act in a way that furthers their organizations interests/ goals
Biographical analysis of Arundhati Rao. Project on Levis in Sales & distribution. Project on ITC Company in Indian Management. Project on Hotel Management System in Management Information System.
Project on Student Exchange Program in Organization Development and Change. Project on Employee Satisfaction in Hyline Auto Industries Project on Stay Interview in Maruti Suzuki India Limited.
A Good listener, Fast learner, Confident and team handling skills. Enthusiastic towards any type of work. Comprehensive problem solving abilities. Good verbal and written communication skills.
Ability to interact with people diplomatically. ACHIEVEMENTS & EXTRA CURRICULAR Secure first position in opening and closing ceremony of sports. An active member of presentation committee in WISDOM. Member of Discipline Committee in Navotkrarsh (Management fest), 2009-10. Member of Dinner Committee in Navotkarsh (Management fest),2010-2011. GROUP REPRESENTATIVE of SARTHAK PRAYAS Group in UDAAN. Secure first position in skit of UDAAN session. An active member in extra CO-CURRICULAR Activities at school level. Participated In NNS (National Social Scheme). Did ICICI E-Learning in HR Modules.
PERSONAL PROFILE Nationality : Gender : Date of Birth : Fathers name : Permanent Address: Indian Female 8th August 1988 Mr.K.V.Khatana H.NO-1460 Sector-17/C, Gurgaon (Haryana).
I here by declare that above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place: Banasthali Vidyapith Date: 14 July, 2011
REFERENCES: 1. Dr. Siddhartha Shastri (Professor of Economics & Dean) WISDOM, Banasthali University, Rajasthan 304022 Tel: +91 1438 228477, [email protected]
2. Dr. Harsh Purohit (Associate Professor & Chair Coordinator ICICI Bank CBFSI) WISDOM, Banasthali University, Rajasthan 304022 Tel: +91 1438 228956, [email protected]