Assignment Reg 2013 Tuesday1

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No 1.

Kelompok 1 For the control volume shown in Figure, determine the air volume flowrate leaving through surface 3-4. The entering profile at 1-4 is uniform. The exiting profile at 2-3 is parabolic (u/U = 2 (y/) (y/)2). The free stream velocity is U = 3 m/s and = 6.0 mm at surface 2-3. Find force in x direction to hold the plate. Use mass balance and momentum balance on CS. Assume that velocity in x direction on surfaces 41 and 43 = U.

No 2. Kelompok 1. For laminar flow over a flat plate, a reasonable assumption for the velocity profile is a polynomial in y: u = a + by + cy2. The physical boundary conditions are: 1. at y = 0; u = 0 2. at y = ; u = U, where U is the freestream flow approaching the plate in parallel direction. 3. at y = ; u = uy a. Find constants a, b and c. b. Find an equation u/U as a function of where =y/ c. Find w as a function of U and d. Find cf as a function of Rex. No 3. Kelompok 2 A laboratory wind tunnel has a test section that is 305 mm square cross-section. Boundary-layer velocity profiles are measured at two cross-sections and displacement thicknesses are evaluated from the measured profiles. At section 1, where the freestream speed is U1 = 26 m/s, the displacement thickness is * = 1.5 mm. At section 2, located downstream from section 1, * = 2.1 mm. Calculate the change in static pressure between sections 1 and 2. Express the result as a fraction of the freestream dynamic pressure at section 1. Assume standard atmosphere conditions. See Slide 35 of the lecture material for guidance No 4. Kelompok 2. 1 m x 2 m sheet of plywood is attached to the roof of your vehicle. At what speed (in km/hr, in 30oC air) will the boundary layer first start becoming turbulent? At what speed is about 90 percent of the boundary layer turbulent? No 5. Kelompok 3. Consider two-dimensional laminar boundary-layer flow along a flat plate. Assume the velocity profile in the boundary layer is sinusoidal, u/U = sin (/2 y/) where U is a constant. Find:

a. The boundary layer thickness, , as a function of x. Use momentum integral equation involving w. b. The displacement thickness, *, as a function of x. c. The total friction force on a plate of length L and width b as a function of ReL. No 6. Kelompok 3. Velocity profiles in laminar boundary layers often are approximated by the equations Linear: u/U = y/ Sinusoidal: u/U = sin (/2 y/) Parabolic: u/U = 2 (y/) (y/)2 Compare the shapes of these velocity profiles by plotting y/ (on the ordinate) versus u/U (on the abscissa) and find */ for each profile. No 7. Kelompok 4. Water flows at U = 1 m/s past a flat plate with L = 1 m in the flow direction. The boundary layer is tripped (collided with a small vertical plate) so it becomes turbulent at the leading edge. Evaluate the boundary layer thickness due to disturbance, , displacement thickness, *, and wall shear stress, w, at x = L. Compare with laminar flow maintained to the same position. Assume a 1/7-power turbulent velocity profile for turbulent boundary layer. No 8. Kelompok 4. Air flows in a horizontal cylindrical duct of diameter D = 100 mm. At a section a few meters from the entrance, the turbulent boundary layer is of thickness 1 = 5.25 mm, and the velocity in the inviscid central core is U1 = 12.5 m/s. Farther downstream the boundary layer is of thickness 2 = 24 mm. The velocity profile in the boundary layer is approximated well by the 1/7-power expression. Find the velocity, U2, in the inviscid central core at the second section, and the pressure drop between the two sections. See Slide 35 of the lecture material for guidance. No 9. Kelompok 5. A fluid, with density = 773 kg/m3, flows at U = 3 m/s over a flat plate 3 m long and 0.9 m wide. At the trailing edge, the boundary-layer thickness is = 25.4 mm. Assume the velocity profile is linear, as shown, and that the flow is two-dimensional (flow conditions are independent of z). Using control volume abcd, shown by the dashed lines, compute the mass flow rate across surface ab. Determine the drag force on the upper surface of the plate. Use mass balance and momentum balance on CV. Assume that velocity in x direction on surfaces ad and ab = U.

No 10. Kelompok 5. A supertanker is 360 m long and a draft (height part of supertanker side which is in contact with seawater) of 25 m. Estimate the force and power (=drag force x U) required to overcome skin friction drag at a speed of 6.7 m/sec in seawater at 10oC. The tanker sides are assumed to be two vertical plates.

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