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Detailed Lesson Plan - 3

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Demonstrator REINALYN B. SIQUIG Grade Level 10

Learning Area TLE Quarter 4th Quarter
I.Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should able to;
a. identify the two methods of cooking meat;
b. perform the different example of dry heat and moist heat cooking method; and
c. appreciate the importance of knowing the two methods of cooking meat.
II. Learning Content
1. Topic: Methods of Cooking Meat
2. Reference: Learning Module in Cookery Grade 10, pp.349-366
TLE/HE Cookery Curriculum Guide
3. Learning Materials: Powerpoint presentation, Laptop, Tv, Blackboard, Chalk
III. Leaning Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
I am requesting everybody to please (students rise)
stand for the prayer.

Will you please lead (call a student)

 Greetings
Good morning class Good morning ma’am

Before we start kindly arrange your (student will start arrange their
chairs and pick up all the pieces of trash chair and pick the pieces of trash)

 Checking of attendance
May I know who is absent? (student answer)

 Review
Before we start our new lesson, what is
our last lesson all about? (students raise their hands)
(call a student)
Ma’am marinades

Okay very good, so what are the three (students raise their hands)
basic components in marinating?
(call a students) Ma’am acid, oil, and herbs/spices.
Very good! I’m glad that you’re still
remembered our previous lesson.

B. Motivation
Before we will proceed to our topic, let’s have an
activity. This is to test your knowledge about our
topic for today.

I will flash a picture on the screen and you will Okay ma’am
identify if it is dry heat cooking method or moist
heat cooking method.

C. Presentation of the lesson

The activity that we did a while ago has a
relation to our topic for today.

Do you have any idea what is our lesson for Yes ma’am
(students raise their hands)
So, what was our lesson all about?
Ma’am it’s all about dry-heat and
(call a student) moist-heat cooking method.

Okay very good!

So, our topic is about dry heat and moist heat

cooking method or the methods of cooking

D. Discussion
Before we begin our lesson, let's first identify the
unknown words you should be familiar with.

Can you read (call a student)

Unlocking of difficulties: (reading)

Braising- fry (food) lightly and then stew it slowly
in a closed container
Sauteing- fry quickly in a little hot fat
Submerging- cause to be under water

Again, our topic for today is about methods of

cooking meat.

We have two methods in cooking meat the dry-

heat and moist-heat cooking method.

Do you have idea about dry-heat and moist heat

cooking method? Yes ma’am

Okay, what is dry-heat and moist-heat cooking

method? (students raise their hands)
(call a student)
Ma’am the dry-heat method use fat
or oil when cooking, whereas the
moist heat method employs liquid
or water.
Very good!

Dry-heat cooking method refers to any cooking

techniques where the heat is transferred to the
food item without using extra moisture.

Moist-heat cooking method refers to any

cooking technique where the heat is transferred
to the food item using liquid or moisture.

Now, we are going to identify the different

examples of dry-heat and moist-heat cooking

Let's start with an example of dry-heat cooking.

Can you give me an example of a food or dish

cooked utilizing the dry-heat method?

Raise your hand if you want to answer!

(call a student) (mixed answers)
(students raise their hands)

Yes, what else? Ma’am fried chicken

(call a student) (students raise their hands)

Ma’am barbeque or grilling

Very good! All your answers are correct

Examples of dry-heat cooking method include:

 Roasting
 Baking
 Grilling
 Broiling
 Sauteing
 Pan- frying
 Deep frying

What is roasting?
Do you have idea about roasting?

Can you give me example of roasting?

Yes ma’am
(call a students)
(students raise their hands)

Ma’am roasting is cooking in open

Okay ,that’s right. fire. Example lechon.

Roasting is recommended on large cuts of meat.The

action of cooking something in an oven or over an
open fire.

Are you familiar in a word baking?
So, what are the common food that we can baked? Yes ma’am
(call a student) (students raise their hands)

Yes, and also baking can be used to prepare meat. Ma’am breads, cookies and cakes

To cook food in an oven.

The temperature for roasting and baking range from
300-425˚F (149-218˚C)

Can you give me a example of grilling
(call a student) (students raise their hand)
Ma’am barbeque
Yes, that’s right!
Rely on the heat being conducted through the air from
an open flame. Grilling cooks hot and fast because air
is a poor conductor of heat.


In broiling, the food is cooked with the radiant heat from

above instead of below. The food is cooked directly
under a primary heat source.


Sautéing requires a very hot pan and a small amount of

fat to cook the food very quickly.
Avoid overloading or overcrowding the pan.

A form of frying food characterized by the use of

minimal cooking oil or fat.

Involves submerging food in hot liquid fat/oil.

We are done on dry -heat cooking method, are

you still learning?

Okay very good!

Yes ma’am
Before we proceed to moist- heat cooking
method, again what are the examples dry- heat
cooking method?
(call a student)
(students raise their hand)

Very good! Ma’am roasting, baking, grilling,

sauteing and deep- frying.
Now, let’s proceed on moist-heat cooking

Again, class what is moist-heat ,method?

Very good!

Moist-heat cooking method include any

technique that involves cooking with moisture. Ma’am it cooks using moisture or
_whether it’s steam water, stock, wine or some liquid
other liquid.

Examples of moist-heat cooking method


 Simmering
 Boiling
 Steaming
 Braising and Stewing

With simmering the cooking liquid is a bit hotter than
poaching from 180 °F to 205 °F. Here we see bubbles


The hottest of these three stages is boiling, where the

water reaches its highest possible temperature of 212


Cooking technique that employs hot steam to conduct

the heat to the food item.

Are you familiar in steaming?

Would you give me some examples of foods

Yes ma’am
that can be cooked using steam?
(student raise their hand)
(call a student)

Yes, what else?

Ma’am siomai
Yes, that’s right. So that’s are the example of
Ma’am siopao
foods using steam or moist heat cooking

Braising and Stewing

In this method the item to be cooked is partially covered

with liquid and then simmered at a low temperature.

E. Generalization
1. Class, what are the two methods of cooking
2. What is the importance of knowing the two
methods in cooking meat?

F. Application
The teacher will divide the class into three
groups, each group will choose atleast 2-3
member to identify the difference between moist
heat and dry heat method and write the
(write the answer on board)

IV. Evaluation
Test I: Fact or Bluff. State FACT if the statement is correct if BLUFF state the
corresponding correct answer.

1. Deep-frying involves submerging food in hot liquid fat/oil.

2. With simmering the cooking fat is a bit hotter than poaching from 180 °F to 205 °F.
3. Moist-heat cooking method include any technique that involves cooking without using
any moisture.
4. Dry-heat cooking method refers to any cooking techniques where the heat is
transferred to the food item without using extra moisture.
5. Sautéing requires a very hot pan and a small amount of fat to cook the food very

Test II: Answer what is being asked(identification). Write the answer before the

_____1. It refers to any cooking techniques where the heat is transferred to the food item
without using any moisture.
_____2. This cooking technique employs hot steam to conduct the heat to the food item.
_____3. It involves submerging food in a hot liquid fat/oil.
_____4. Include any technique that involves cooking with moisture.
_____5. It is cooked with the radiant heat from above instead of below.

V. Assignment
Direction: Perform different cooking method at home, 1 type for dry-heat cooking
method and 1 type for moist-heat cooking method.

Criteria Points
Eye-appeal: 20%
Work of art-excellent plating, color and
Effort: 20%
Perform the excellent level of effort in
Cleanliness: 10%
Maintaining cleanliness and personal

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teaching Intern Teacher III Head Teacher III
Cooperating Teacher

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