Newtons Ring Viva Questions

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What are Newton rings ?

Ans.) Dark and bright rings ar formed due to the presence of air film when Plano convex lens
is placed on glass plate
How are Newton's rings formed ?
Ans.) They are formed due to the result of interface between light wave reflected from upper
and lower surface of the air film developed between the convex surface of Plano convex lens
and Plano glass plate
What is the function of 45 inclined glass plane in experiment setup ?
Ans.) It turns the light Ray coming from an external source to 90° and so the Ray fall normal
on the Plano convex lens .
Why rings get closer as their order increase ?
Ans.) The diameter of the dark frings is directly proportional to the square root of natural
numbers .while bright rings are directly proportional to the square root of odd numbers, hence
they don't increase at the same rate .
What happens if we us plane glass in experiment setup instead of convex lens ?
The shape of rings will be irregular if we use plane glass .so this may result in finding exact
measurements .so to overcome this problem we use convex lens .
What happens to size of rings if we use lens of small radius of curvature ?
Ans.) The rings will form with a small radius of curvature if we lens of small radius of
curvature .
What happens if we use white light instead of sodium light Ray ?
Ans.) If we use white light instead of sodium light few colored will be observed near center .
What happens if we introduce water in between the lens and glass ?
Ans.) Diameter of rings will decrease if we introduce water between the lens and glass, as it
is inversely proportional to refractive index .
What process takes place during the formation of Newton rings ?
Ans.) Interference,reflection.
What is the formula for Newton ring ?
Ans.) (Dm)2-(dn)2/(n-m)R
What are the equipments used during the experiment ?
Ans.)Travelling microscope,a sodium lamp,newtons ring apparatus,a spherometer, a cone
lens of short focal length .
Why Newton rings are circular in shape?
Ans.) The air film formed is wedge shaped locus of point of intersection is equal to the
thickness of circles .
What are the uses of Newton's ring experiment ?
Ans.) Quality control of optical surface,we can also find the wavelenght of any light Ray,
refractive index of the liquid.
Why sometimes rings are not in circuar shape reason ?
ans.)(i) if the plate is not optically flat.
(ii) when the surface of the lens is not be the part of a perfect sphere;
(iii) if the plate,lens are not cleaned perfectly.
On what factors the radius of the ring depends on ?
Ans.)The radius of rings mainly depends on the following factors :
(i) wavelength of light used.
(ii) refractive index of enclosed film.
(iii) radius of curvature R of convex lens.
Why is the centre of the ring dark?
Ans. At centre, the thickness of air film is zero . but at the point of contact the
two interfering rays are opposite in phase and produce zero intensity.
What is meant by interferece ?
Ans.) in physics interference is defined as the combination of two or more electromagnetic
waves to form a resultant wave
Why do rings get closer as their order increases?
A.The diameter of dark rings is proportional to the square root of natural numbers while
bright rings are proportional to the square root of odd natural numbers hence the don’t
increase at the same rate.
Why is the center of the ring dark?
A.At the point of contact the path difference is zero but one of the rays is reflected so the
effective path difference becomes λ/2 thus the condition of minimum intensity is created
hence it is a dark spot.
What if the glass plate is replaced with plane mirror?
A.Then we will not get interference fringe because the intensity of light reflected from mirror
will be so great that it won’t be visible and we will get uniform illumination.
What if sodium light is replaced with white light?
A.Few colored fringes will be observed near the center.
What will happen if we replace the lens with plane glass?
A.Then interference will take place but the shape of the rings will be irregular.
What will happen if we use a lens of small radius of curvature?
A.Then the rings will be of smaller diameter and there is chance of error while taking the
What if a plane glass making some angle with the glass stripe is used in place of lens?
A.Then we will have dark and bright fringes in shape of a line.

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