EF4e A1 A2 PocketBook Unit6

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fourth edition

English File
A1/A2 for speakers of Spanish

Robin Walker
Christina Latham-Koenig
Clive Oxenden
Jerry Lambert
Paul Seligson
6A  object pronouns

Be careful with the word order of object pronouns (me, you, him, her, us, them).
No la conozco. = I don’t know her. NOT I don’t her know.
Los veo todos los días. = I see them every day. NOT I see every day them.
Use object pronouns after prepositions.
Nunca nos llaman. = They never call us.
Estoy de acuerdo contigo. = I agree with you.

Be careful with stressed words in sentences. We normally stress the
verb not the object pronoun.
¿Me puedes ayudar? = Can you help me? NOT Can you help me?
No me gusta. = I don’t like it. NOT I don’t like it.
Te necesito. = I need you. NOT I need you.

6B  like + (verb + -ing)

Gustar and like mean the same but work in different ways.
Me gusta. = I like it. NOT I like. or It likes me.
Me gustan. = I like them. NOT I like. or They like me.
No me gusta. = I don’t like it. NOT I don’t like. or It doesn’t like me.
No me gustan. = I don’t like them. NOT I don’t like. or They don’t like me.
Use the gerund after like, love, don’t mind, hate.
Me gusta nadar. = I like swimming. NOT I like swim.
A ella le encanta bailar. = She loves dancing. NOT She loves dance.
A él no le gusta conducir de noche. = He doesn’t like driving at night. NOT He
doesn’t like drive at night.
Odio levantarme temprano. = I hate getting up early. NOT I hate get up early.
Remember to use it in questions and short answers.
¿Te gusta? = Do you like it? NOT Do you like?
Sí, me encanta. = Yes, I love it. NOT Yes, I love.
¿Les gusta? = Do they like it? NOT Do they like.
Sí, les gusta mucho. = Yes, they like it very much. NOT Yes, they
like. or Yes, they like very much.

6C  be or do?

Be and do can be main verbs or auxiliary verbs.

¿De dónde son? = Where are they from? (main verb)
¿Qué están comiendo? = What are they eating? (auxiliary verb)
Hago mucho trabajo voluntario. = I do a lot of voluntary work. (main verb)
¿Vienes mucho por aquí? = Do you come here often? (auxiliary verb)
¿ Siempre hace las tareas domésticas? = D
 oes he always do the housework? (auxiliary
and main verb)
Remember to use the auxiliary verb do in present simple questions and
¿Hablan español? = Do they speak Spanish? NOT They speak Spanish?
¿Qué quieres? = What do you want? NOT What you want?

7A  past simple of be: was / were

Remember that both ser and estar = to be.

Somos españoles. = We are Spanish.
Estamos en casa. = We are at home.
This is also true in the past simple.
Fui feliz en Nueva York. = I was happy in New York.
Su casa estaba enfrente de la nuestra. = Their house was opposite ours.
Las películas de Fernando Rey eran = Fernando Rey’s films were very popular.
muy populares.
¿Dónde estuviste anoche? = Where were you last night?
Remember to use the verb be with born.
Nací en Zamora. = I was born in Zamora. NOT I born in Zamora.

The auxiliary verbs was and were are not normally stressed and have a ‘weak’
was /wəz/  were /wə(r)/
Be careful with the stressed words in sentences with the past of be.
He was /wəz/ a great actor.
We were /wə/ too late.
I was /wəz/ born in Glasgow.

Be careful with the sentence stress of these phrases.
call your sister hear a noise meet a friend
paint a picture buy a newspaper look for my keys
wait for the bus give her mother flowers tell a friend a secret
leave her bag on the train

5C  The weather and seasons

Está nublado / fresco / agradable. = It’s cloudy / cool / warm.

but also
Hace sol / calor / frío / viento. = It’s sunny / hot / cold / windy.
Hay niebla. = It’s foggy.
Está lloviendo / Llueve. = It’s raining, it’s wet.
Hoy hace calor. = It’s hot today. NOT Today it makes hot.
Be careful – tiempo can be time or weather.
¡El tiempo vuela! = Time flies!
¿Qué tiempo hace? = What’s the weather like?

Be careful with the pronunciation of these words.
autumn /ˈɔːtəm/ cold /kəʊld/
cool /kuːl/ windy /ˈwɪndi/
foggy /ˈfɒgi/ sunny /ˈsʌni/

6B  Ordinal numbers and the date

el doce de marzo = the twelfth of March NOT the twelve of March

el veintidós de julio = the twenty-second of July NOT the twenty-two of July
La reunión es el viernes 5 = The meeting is on Friday the fifth of September. NOT
de septiembre. The meeting is the Friday five of September.
en diciembre = in December NOT on December
el 2013 = t wo thousand and thirteen NOT the two thousand

Be careful with the pronunciation of the final consonants in these ordinal numbers.
first = /fɜːst/ NOT /fɜːs/ second = /ˈsekənd/ NOT /ˈsekən/
third = /θɜːd/ NOT /θɜːt/ fourth = /fɔːθ/ NOT /fɔːt/
fifth = /fɪfθ/ NOT /fɪft/ sixth = /sɪksθ/ NOT /sɪks/
eighth = /eɪtθ/ NOT /eɪt/
! twelfth = /twelfθ/ but in normal speech most people say /twelθ/

Glossary terms
Parts of speech  Partes de la oración Pronunciation  Pronunciación
verb verbo consonant consonante
noun sustantivo vowel vocal
adjective adjetivo short vowel sound  sonido vocálico corto
adverb adverbio long vowel sound  sonido vocálico largo
preposition preposición contracted form  forma contraída
subject sujeto syllable sílaba
object objeto stress acento/énfasis
pronoun pronombre weak sounds  sonidos débiles
possessive posesivo
Instructions  Instrucciones
Nouns  Sustantivos Remember to use…  Acuérdate de usar…
countable noun  sustantivo contable Don’t forget…  No olvides…
uncountable noun  sustantivo incontable Look (at)…  Mira (a)…
quantifiers cuantificadores Be careful with…  Ten cuidado con…
Check… Comprueba…
Verbs and tenses  Verbos y tiempos Don’t confuse… and…  No confundas… y …
present tense presente Other  Otros
past tense pasado expressions of frequency  expresiones de
third person  tercera persona frecuencia
present simple  presente simple time expressions  expresiones de tiempo
present continuous  presente continuo common expressions  expresiones comunes
past simple  pasado simple ending terminación
present perfect  presente perfecto word order  orden de las palabras
future futuro
imperative imperativo
finished actions  acciones acabadas
predictions  predicciones
ability capacidad
possibility posibilidad
infinitive infinitivo
-ing form  terminación -ing
gerund gerundio
main verb  verbo principal
auxiliary verb  verbo auxiliar
past participle  participio pasado


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