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Project number IEC 62257-5 TS Ed.2

IEC/TC or SC Secretariat
Distributed on Voting terminates on
2015-02-27 2015-05-29
Also of interest to the following committees Supersedes document
TC 64 82/871/RR
Functions concerned

Safety EMC Environment Quality assurance



IEC 62257-5 TS:
Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
electrification - Part 5: Protection against electrical hazards

The French NC has declared that it does not provide French versions for TS documents of IEC 62257 series.

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® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission 2009-01-09
–2– IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015

FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 2
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 4
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 5
2 Normative references ....................................................................................................... 6
3 Terms and definitions ....................................................................................................... 7
4 Classification of decentralised rural electrification systems ............................................... 7
5 Protection against electric shock ...................................................................................... 8
5.1 General ................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Requirements on the d.c. side of a DRES ................................................................ 8
5.3 Requirements on the a.c. side of a DRES ................................................................ 8
6 Protection against overcurrent .......................................................................................... 9
6.1 General ................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Protection against overload currents ....................................................................... 9
6.3 Protection against short-circuits .............................................................................. 9
7 Protection against risk of fire .......................................................................................... 10
8 Protection against effects of lightning ............................................................................. 10
8.1 Principle ................................................................................................................ 10
8.2 Provisions for lightning protection of DRES ........................................................... 10
9 Selection and erection of electrical equipment ................................................................ 11
9.1 General ................................................................................................................. 11
9.2 Operational conditions and external influences ...................................................... 11
9.3 Wiring system........................................................................................................ 12
9.4 Isolation and switching .......................................................................................... 12
9.5 Surge protective devices ....................................................................................... 14
9.6 Earthing arrangement, protective conductors and protective bonding
conductors ............................................................................................................ 14
10 Verification ..................................................................................................................... 15
11 Operation and maintenance ............................................................................................ 15

Annex A (informative) Protection against electric shock in electrical installations (for

complete information, see IEC 61140 and IEC 60364-4-41) .................................................. 16
Annex B (informative) Types of LV distribution systems earthing ......................................... 20
Annex C (informative) Classification of electrical equipment ................................................ 27
Annex D (informative) General information concerning protection against lightning ............. 30

Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 32

Figure B.1 – TN-S system ..................................................................................................... 21

Figure B.2 – TN-C-S system. ................................................................................................ 21
Figure B.3 – TN-C system. .................................................................................................... 21
Figure B.4 – TT system ......................................................................................................... 22
Figure B.5 – TN-S d.c. system .............................................................................................. 23
Figure B.6 – TN-C d.c. system .............................................................................................. 24
Figure B.7 – TN-C-S d.c. system........................................................................................... 25
IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 –3–

Figure B.8 – TT d.c. system .................................................................................................. 26

Figure D.1 – Example of effects of a lightning stroke ............................................................ 30

Table 1 – Typology of decentralized electrification systems .................................................... 7

Table 2 – Rated operating residual current of the protective device depending on the
value of the earthing resistance .............................................................................................. 9
Table 3 – Number of protected poles regarding to the characteristics of the distribution
system .................................................................................................................................. 13
–2– IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015


2 ____________
7 Part 5: Protection against electrical hazards
11 1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
12 all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote
13 international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To
14 this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications,
15 Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as “IEC
16 Publication(s)”). Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested
17 in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-
18 governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. IEC collaborates closely
19 with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by
20 agreement between the two organizations.
21 2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international
22 consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from all
23 interested IEC National Committees.
24 3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National
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28 4) In order to promote international uniformity, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publications
29 transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional publications. Any divergence
30 between any IEC Publication and the corresponding national or regional publication shall be clearly indicated in
31 the latter.
32 5) IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for any
33 equipment declared to be in conformity with an IEC Publication.
34 6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.
35 7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors, employees, servants or agents including individual experts and
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39 Publications.
40 8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is
41 indispensable for the correct application of this publication.
42 9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of
43 patent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

44 The main task of IEC technical committees is to prepare International Standards. In

45 exceptional circumstances, a technical committee may propose the publication of a technical
46 specification when

47 • the required support cannot be obtained for the publication of an International Standard,
48 despite repeated efforts, or
49 • the subject is still under technical development or where, for any other reason, there is the
50 future but no immediate possibility of an agreement on an International Standard.

51 Technical specifications are subject to review within three years of publication to decide
52 whether they can be transformed into International Standards.

53 IEC 62257-5, which is a technical specification, has been prepared by IEC technical
54 committee 82: Solar photovoltaic energy systems.

55 This technical specification is to be used in conjunction with IEC 62257 series.

IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 –3–

56 The text of this technical specification is based on the following documents:

Enquiry draft Report on voting

82/370/DTS 82/390/RVC

58 Full information on the voting for the approval of this technical specification can be found in
59 the report on voting indicated in the above table.

60 This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

61 This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition issued in 2005. It constitutes a
62 technical revision.

63 The main technical changes with regard to the previous edition are as follows:

64 Redefine the maximum AC voltage from 500Vac to 1000Vac, the maximum DC voltage from
65 750Vdc to 1500Vdc and removal of the limitation of 100kVA system size. Hence the removal
66 of the word “” w.r.t the title and related references in this document.


68 The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until
69 the maintenance result date indicated on the IEC web site under "http://webstore.iec.ch" in
70 the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be

71 • transformed into an International standard 2,

72 • reconfirmed,
73 • withdrawn,
74 • replaced by a revised edition, or
75 • amended.
77 A bilingual edition of this publication may be issued at a later date.


2 This text is standard IEC text but it is not the intention of IEC technical committee 82 to convert this into an IEC
standard. This might be done by another body at a later date, if needed.
–4– IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015


80 The IEC 62257 series intends to provide to different players involved in rural electrification
81 projects (such as project implementers, project contractors, project supervisors, installers,
82 etc.) documents for the setting up of renewable energy and hybrid systems with AC voltage
83 below 1000 V and DC voltage below 1500 V.

84 These documents are recommendations:

85 • to choose the right system for the right place,

86 • to design the system,
87 • to operate and maintain the system.

88 These documents are focused only on rural electrification concentrating on but not specific to
89 developing countries. They should not be considered as all inclusive to rural electrification.
90 The documents try to promote the use of renewable energies in rural electrification; they do
91 not deal with clean mechanisms developments at this time (CO 2 emission, carbon credit, etc.).
92 Further developments in this field could be introduced in future steps.

93 This consistent set of documents is best considered as a whole with different parts
94 corresponding to items for safety, sustainability of systems and at the lowest life cycle cost as
95 possible. One of the main objectives is to provide the minimum sufficient requirements,
96 relevant to the field of application that is: renewable energy and hybrid off-grid systems.

97 The purpose of this part of IEC 62257 is to specify the general requirements for the protection
98 of persons and equipment against electrical hazards to be applied in decentralized rural
99 electrification systems.


IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 –5–


105 Part 5: Protection against electrical hazards

109 1 Scope

110 Decentralized Rural Electrification Systems (DRES) are designed to supply electric power for
111 sites which are not connected to a large interconnected system, or a national grid, in order to
112 meet basic needs.

113 The majority of these sites are:

114 • isolated dwellings,

115 • village houses,
116 • community services (public lighting, pumping, health centers, places of worship or
117 cultural activities, administrative buildings, etc.),
118 • economic activities (workshops, micro-industry, etc.).

119 The DRE systems fall into three categories:

120 • process electrification systems (for example for pumping),

121 • individual electrification systems (IES) for single users,
122 • collective electrification systems (CES) for multiple users.

123 Process or individual electrification systems exclusively consist of two subsystems:

124 • an electric energy generation subsystem,

125 • the user's electrical installation.

126 Collective electrification systems, however, consist of 3 subsystems:

127 • an electric energy generation subsystem,

128 • a distribution subsystem, also called micro-grid,
129 • user’s electrical installations including interface equipment between the installations
130 and the micro-grid.

131 The purpose of this document is to specify the general requirements for the protection of
132 persons and equipment against electrical hazards to be applied in decentralised rural
133 electrification systems. Requirements dealing with protection against electric shock are based
134 on basic rules from IEC 61140 and IEC 60364.

135 These general requirements are to be applied to all the identified categories of DRES.
136 Application to each subsystem of a DRES is dealt within a specific section of IEC 62257-9.

–6– IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015

138 2 Normative references

139 The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
140 For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition
141 of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

142 IEC 60050-826, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) – Part 826: Electrical
143 installations

144 IEC 60364 (all parts), Electrical installations of buildings

145 IEC 61024-1:1990, Protection of structures against lightning – Part 1: General principles

146 IEC 61140:1997, Protection against electric shock – Common aspects for installation and
147 equipment

148 IEC 62257-1, Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
149 electrification – Part 1: General introduction to rural electrification

150 IEC 62257-2, Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
151 electrification – Part 2: From requirements to a range of electrification systems

152 IEC 62257-3, Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
153 electrification – Part 3: Project development and management

154 IEC 62257-4, Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
155 electrification – Part 4: System selection and design

156 IEC 62257-5, Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
157 electrification – Part 5: Safety rules

158 IEC 62257-6, Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
159 electrification – Part 6: Acceptance, operation, maintenance and replacement

160 IEC 62257-7, Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
161 electrification – Part 7: Technical specifications: generators 3

162 IEC 62257-8, Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
163 electrification – Part 8: Technical specifications: batteries and converters 3

164 IEC 62257-9, Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
165 electrification – Part 9: Technical specifications: integrated systems 3

166 IEC 62257-10, Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
167 electrification – Part 10: Technical specifications: energy manager 3

168 IEC 62257-11, Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
169 electrification – Part 11: Technical specifications: considerations for grid connection 3

170 IEC 62257-12, Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
171 electrification – Part 12: Appliances 3

172 IEC 62257-13, Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
173 electrification – Part 13: Other topics 3

174 IEC 62305-2:2005, Protection against lightning – Part 2: Risk management

3 Under consideration.
IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 –7–

175 3 Terms and definitions

176 For the purpose of this part of IEC 62257, the following terms and definitions apply.

177 3.1
178 DRES
179 decentralized rural electrification system

180 3.2
181 RE
182 renewable energy

183 3.2
184 mini-grid (To check with WG1-Glossary)
185 subsystem of a DRES intended for power distribution
186 NOTE The prefix «micro» being intended to express the low level of transmitting capacity, usually less than 50 kVA.

187 3.3
188 mini-powerplant (To check with WG1-Glossary)
189 subsystem of a DRES intended for power generation. The prefix «micro» being intended to
190 express the low power level generated (from a few kVA to a few tens of kVA)

191 3.4
192 SPD
193 Surge Protection Device

194 4 Classification of decentralised rural electrification systems

195 DRES are classified into six different types. See Table 1.

196 Table 1 – Typology of decentralized electrification systems

Type of generator Classification of associated systems

Individual Collective

REN only, hybrid or not no storage T 1 .I T 1 .C

REN only, hybrid or not storage T 2 .I T 2 .C
REN, hybrid or not no storage T 3 .I T 3 .C
plus Genset
REN, hybrid or not storage T 4 .I T 4 .C
plus Genset
Genset only no storage T 5 .I T 5 .C
Genset only storage T 6 .I T 6 .C
Notation principle: Ti.I = individual system, type i; Tj.C = collective system, type j.
“Storage” = storage of energy produced by one of the generator of the system and which can be reconverted.
198 Architecture and characteristics of the different electrification system types are developed in
199 Clause 6 of IEC 62257-2.

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201 5 Protection against electric shock

202 5.1 General

203 Basic rules for protection against electric shock are given in IEC 61140 and IEC 60364-4-41.
204 Information is also available in Annex A.

205 5.2 Requirements on the d.c. side of a DRES

206 The principles for the design and erection of a d.c. electrical circuit are similar to those for an
207 a.c. circuit. The main differences concern short-circuit current calculation and the selection of
208 the protective devices.

209 Protection by extra-low voltage (SELV and PELV systems) or protection by double or
210 reinforced insulation should preferably be adopted on the d.c. side of DRES.
211 NOTE Protection by automatic disconnection of supply on the d.c. side requires special measures which are
212 under consideration.

213 Simple separation, at least, should be provided between the a.c. side and the d.c. side unless
214 the inverter is not able, by construction, to feed d.c. fault current into the a.c. installation.

215 Earthing of one of the live conductors of the d.c. side is permitted, if there is at least simple
216 separation between the d.c. side and the a.c. side.

217 5.3 Requirements on the a.c. side of a DRES

218 5.3.1 General

219 Protection by use of automatic disconnection of supply should preferably be adopted on the
220 a.c. side of a DRES. For each circuit, maximum disconnecting times given in IEC 60364-4-41
221 should apply.

222 TN-S system should preferably be used for user's installations, TN-S or TN-C system being
223 preferably used for the micro-grid.

224 TT system is acceptable. IT system is normally not used for DRES and has hence not been
225 dealt with in this specification.

226 A residual current protective device, with a rated operating residual current not exceeding
227 30 mA, should be provided as additional protection for each installation or for a group of
228 installations.

229 5.3.2 TT system

230 Basic protection is provided by basic insulation of live parts or by barriers or enclosures. Fault
231 protection is provided by residual current devices regarding the resistance value of the earth
232 electrode to which the PE conductor is connected. The fault current should be high enough to
233 activate the differential current device. The rated operating residual current I ∆ n of the device
234 should fulfil the formula:

U 236
I Δn ≤ L with U L = 50

239 where U L is the conventional maximum voltage and R A is the earthing resistance.
IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 –9–

240 This formula results in the values shown in Table 2.

241 Table 2 – Rated operating residual current of the protective device

242 depending on the value of the earthing resistance

RA I∆n


RA ≤ 50 1

50 < R A ≤ 100 0,5

100 < R A ≤ 167 0,3

167 < R A ≤ 300 0,1

300 < R A ≤ 500 0,03

244 5.3.3 TN system

245 Basic protection is provided by basic insulation of live parts or by barriers or enclosures. Fault
246 protection is provided by devices protecting against over-currents.

247 Additional information is given in Annexes A and B.

248 6 Protection against overcurrent

249 6.1 General

250 Protective devices should be provided to break any over-current flowing in the circuit
251 conductors before such a current could cause a danger due to thermal and mechanical effects
252 or a temperature rise detrimental to insulation, joints, termination (see IEC 60364-4-43).

253 6.2 Protection against overload currents

254 The operating characteristics of a device protecting a cable against overload current should
255 satisfy the two following conditions:

256 Ib ≤ In ≤ Iz
257 I 2 ≤ 1,45 × I z
258 where
259 Ib is the current for which the circuit is designed;
260 Iz is the continuous current-carrying capacity of the cable;
261 In is the nominal current of the protective device;
262 I2 is the current ensuring effective operation in the conventional time of the protective
263 device.

264 6.3 Protection against short-circuits

265 For cables and isolated conductors, each short-circuit protective device should meet both of
266 the following conditions:

267 – The breaking capacity should not be less than the prospective short-circuit current at the
268 place of its installation, except where another protective device having the necessary
269 breaking capacity and coordinated characteristics is installed upstream.
– 10 – IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015

271 – All current caused by a short-circuit occurring at any point of the circuit should be
272 interrupted in a time not exceeding that which brings the conductors to the admissible limit
273 temperature. For short-circuits of duration up to 5 s, the time t, in which a given short-
274 circuit current will raise the conductors from the highest admissible temperature in normal
275 duty to the limit temperature can, as an approximation, be calculated from the formula:

276 t = k × S/I

277 where
278 t is the duration in s;
279 S is the cross-sectional area, in square millimetres;
280 I is the effective short-circuit current, in amperes, expressed as r.m.s. value;
281 k is a factor taking account of the resistivity, temperature coefficient and heat capacity of
282 the conductor material, and the appropriate initial and final temperatures.

283 7 Protection against risk of fire

284 Where there is a risk of personal injury or property damage due to fire caused by an earth
285 fault in the system, a residual current protective device should be provided at least at the
286 entry to the user’s installation. Its rated operating residual current should be ≤300 mA. Such a
287 device should switch all live conductors.

288 8 Protection against effects of lightning

289 8.1 Principle

290 Information about the effects of lightning on electrical supply systems is given in Annex D.

291 Decision for lightning protective provision (lightning rod, surge protective devices, …) should
292 be based on risk assessment, taking account of the lightning frequency statistics, the
293 characteristics and position of the structures, the length of the overhead lines, if any, the cost
294 and the requested availability of the equipment.

295 Examples of risk assessment methods appropriate for lightning protection can be found in the
296 draft IEC 60364-4-44:2001, Clause 443 and IEC 62305-2:2005.

297 8.2 Provisions for lightning protection of DRES

298 8.2.1 Protection against overvoltages

299 Where protection against overvoltages (for example due to indirect lightning) is required, an
300 SPD(s) should be installed both at the distribution board of the micro-power plant, and at the
301 entry point of the user's installations or associated with each socket-outlet.

302 Installation of SPD should comply with IEC 60364-5-53, Clause 534.

303 To minimize voltages induced by lightning, the area of all wiring loops should be as small as
304 possible.

305 8.2.2 Protection against direct lightning

306 Where protection against direct lightning is required, the following provisions apply:

307 – In case of wind powered generation, the lightning rod should be installed at the summit of
308 the mast.
IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 – 11 –

309 – Where PV generation coexists with wind-powered generation, protection against direct
310 lightning is generally achieved by placing the panels inside the pick-up zone of the wind-
311 powered generator mast.
312 – Where PV generation is alone, the panels can be protected by installing a protective wire
313 above the PV panel with an appropriate pick-up area.
314 – Protection should be completed by the installation of SPDs between conductors and
315 between conductors and earth, with appropriate characteristics (see IEC 60364-5-53,
316 Clause 534).

317 Determination of the pick up area of a rod or wire should be achieved according to
318 IEC 61024-1.

319 9 Selection and erection of electrical equipment

320 9.1 General

321 All equipment should be selected according to the rules of IEC 60364-5-53.

322 9.2 Operational conditions and external influences

323 Every item of equipment should be selected and erected in compliance with the appropriate
324 standards.

325 Equipment should be suitable for the nominal voltage (r.m.s. value for a.c.) of the circuit
326 concerned and for the overvoltages which could occur.

327 Equipment should be selected for the design current (r.m.s. value for a.c.) which it has to
328 carry in normal service.

329 Equipment on the d.c. side should be suitable for direct voltage and direct current.

330 Equipment should also be capable of carrying the currents likely to flow in abnormal
331 conditions for such periods of time as are determined by the characteristics of the protective
332 devices.

333 If frequency has an influence on the characteristics of equipment, the rated frequency of the
334 equipment should correspond to the frequency and frequency variations which could occur in
335 the circuit concerned.

336 The electrical equipment should withstand the expected external influences such as wind, ice
337 formation, temperature and solar radiation, etc. If a piece of equipment does not have, by
338 construction, the necessary qualities corresponding to the location in which it is installed,
339 appropriate additional protection should be provided, forming part of the installation.

340 Electrical equipment should be selected and erected so that it does not produce, in normal
341 service, any interference with the other equipment in the system. The causes of interference
342 include:

343 – power factor,

344 – inrush current,
345 – phase unbalance (three-phase systems),
346 – harmonics.
– 12 – IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015

347 9.3 Wiring system

348 The minimum cross-sectional area of protective conductors should be determined according
349 IEC 60364-5-54.

350 The minimum cross sectional area of conductors should be determined according to:

351 – The current-carrying capacity of conductors taking account of external influences and of
352 the methods of installation. See tables in IEC 60364-5-52.
353 – The acceptable voltage drop in conductors. Voltage value should comply with the following
354 limits at the terminals of any user’s electrical equipment:
355 230 V a.c. ± 10 %

356 NOTE A wider range of voltage variation (up to 20 %) may be accepted regarding the agreed target for power
357 quality (see IEC 62257-2).

358 12/24 V d.c. ( +−20

15 ) %.

359 9.4 Isolation and switching

360 9.4.1 Isolation

361 The purpose of isolation is to separate a circuit or equipment unit from the rest of the system
362 in order to guarantee the safety of persons who may have to work on, to maintain or repair it.

363 Every circuit should be capable of being isolated.

364 In TN-C systems, the PEN conductor should not be interrupted (broken, switched or
365 disconnected). In TN-S systems, the neutral conductor need not be interrupted.

366 Suitable means (padlocking, location within lockable enclosure, etc.) should be provided to
367 prevent any equipment from being unintentionally energised.

368 The isolating distance between open contacts should be visible or clearly and reliably
369 indicated.

370 9.4.2 Over-current protective devices

371 General

372 Fuses (gG type) or circuit-breakers with appropriate range of instantaneous tripping should be
373 used.

374 The range of instantaneous tripping for a circuit-breaker should be selected according to the
375 prospective short-circuit current.

376 Over-current protective devices should be preferably of a type ensuring protection against
377 both overload and short-circuit currents and capable of acting as isolating switch in the open
378 position.

379 Special attention should be paid to over-current protective devices installed in series, to
380 ensure that an appropriate coordination is achieved. Selectivity between protective devices in
381 series should preferably be total.

382 AC over-current protective devices

383 The number of protected poles depends on the neutral earthing distribution system and on the
384 cross-sectional area the neutral conductor, in accordance with Table 3.
385 NOTE A protected pole is a pole provided with an over-current release.
IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 – 13 –

387 Table 3 – Number of protected poles with regard to the characteristics

388 of the distribution system

Neutral earthing Conductors Cross-sectional area of Protected poles Conditions

distribution system the neutral conductor
3 ph 3 ph
3 ph + N S N = S ph 3 ph or 3 ph + N
TT or TN-S ph + N S N = S ph ph or ph + N
3 ph + N S N < S ph 3 ph 1+2+3+4
3 ph + N S N < S ph 3 ph + N 1+2+3
3 ph + PEN S N = S ph 3 ph
TN-C 3 ph + PEN S N < S ph 3 ph 1+2+3+4
ph + PEN S N = S ph ph
1: The cross-sectional area of the conductors is >16 mm 2 Cu or >25 mm 2 Al.
2: The power consumed between phases and neutral is <10 % of the total power transmitted by the mains.
3: The maximum current expected to flow in the neutral conductor is less than its permissible current.
4: The neutral conductor is protected against short-circuits by the steps taken to protect the phase conductors.
390 DC over-current protective devices

391 For the selection of d.c. overcurrent protective devices, it is recommended to be assisted by
392 the manufacturer after having determined and transmitted the characteristics of the circuit
393 (short-circuit current, rated current, time constant).
394 NOTE For calculation of the short-circuit current in case of a battery whose internal resistance is not known, the
395 following formula may be used:
396 I k =10 × C
397 C in A/h.
398 For calculation of the short-circuit current at the terminals of a d.c. generator, the following formula may be used:
399 I k =1,1 × U n / R i
400 R i is the internal resistance of the generator
401 For calculation of the short-circuit current at any point of the installation, the following formula may be used:
402 I k =1,1 × U n /R i + 2R L
403 R L is the line resistance.
404 And in case of the presence of a d.c. motor, the value of I k , here above is increased by the value of
405 6I N of the motor.

406 9.4.3 Residual Current protective Devices (RCD)

407 Residual current devices should be so selected, and the electric circuits so subdivided that
408 any earth-leakage current which may be expected to occur during normal operation of the
409 connected load(s) will be unlikely to cause unnecessary tripping of the device.
410 NOTE Residual current protective devices may operate at any value of residual current in excess of 50 % of the
411 rated operating current.

412 Residual current protective devices in d.c. systems should be specially designed for detection
413 of d.c. residual currents, and to break circuit currents under normal conditions and fault
414 conditions.

415 For the systems concerned, RCDs installed upstream surge protective devices should be of
416 type S, in order to allow service continuity.
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417 9.5 Surge protective devices

418 The selection and erection of SPDs should comply with IEC 60364-5-53, Clause 534.

419 The following are the leading parameters needed to select SPDs (see also Annex 3):

420 UP = protection level for nominal current (for example 2,5 kV, 1,5 kV).
421 UC = continuous service voltage to be chosen on the basis of mains
422 nominal voltage.
423 I nominal (8/20 wave) = nominal discharge current. Standard values: 20 kA, 10 kA, 5 kA, etc.

424 Use of SPDs in presence of harmonics (e.g. where non sine-wave inverters are used) is
425 problematic. Due to harmonics, the ageing of varistors is accelerated. The solution consists in
426 installing SPDs including internal spark-gaps in series with the varistor (SiC or ZnO).

427 9.6 Earthing arrangement, protective conductors and protective bonding conductors

428 9.6.1 Earth electrodes

429 General

430 Materials and dimensions of the earth electrodes should be selected to withstand corrosion
431 and to have mechanical strength.

432 When selecting type and embedded depth of earth electrode, consideration should be given to
433 local conditions so that soil drying and freezing will be unlikely to increase the earth
434 resistance of the earth electrode to such a value that would impair the protective measures
435 against electric shock.

436 Earth electrodes for the supply system

437 Examples of earth electrodes which may be used are:

438 – underground structural network embedded in foundations (foundation earthing),

439 – rods or pipes,
440 – tapes or wires,
441 – metal sheaths and other metal coverings of cables according to local conditions or
442 requirements,
443 – plates.

444 Where possible, a foundation earthing should be preferred.

445 Common minimum sizes for earth electrodes of commonly used material can be found in
446 IEC 60364-5-54.

447 Earth termination (electrode) of a lightning protection system

448 In order to disperse the lightning current into the earth without causing dangerous
449 overvoltages, the shape and the dimensions of the earth termination system of an LPS are
450 more important than the value of the resistance of the earth electrode (characteristic
451 applicable for d.c. or low frequency phenomena).

452 The earth termination system should be composed of:

453 – either conductors of the same nature and same cross-section as the down-conductors (in
454 general, 30 mm × 2 mm copper strip) laid out in the form of a large crow’s foot:
455 3 conductors 7 m to 8 m long buried horizontally at a depth of at least 0,60 m,
IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 – 15 –

457 – or a set of 3 vertical rods 2 m in length connected together and set out at the apexes of an
458 equilateral triangle with sides measuring about 2 m.

459 The earth termination system of the LPS should be bonded to the earthing arrangement with
460 short connexions.

461 Application to the protection of an ENR power system

462 The wind-powered generator and/or the frame of the PV panels should be earthed by a crow’s
463 foot earth electrode with the lowest possible resistance (a 10 Ω at 50 Hz is frequently
464 adopted). This earth electrode should be bonded, with short connexions, to the earthing
465 arrangement of the technical rooms housing the other equipment of the installation.

466 9.6.2 Protective bonding conductors

467 Where protective equipotential bonding conductors are installed, they should be parallel to
468 and in close contact as possible with d.c. cables and a.c. cables and accessories
469 (IEC 60364-7-712).

470 10 Verification

471 See IEC 62257-6.

472 11 Operation and maintenance

473 See IEC 62257-6.

– 16 – IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015

475 Annex A
476 (informative)
478 Protection against electric shock in electrical installations
479 (for complete information, see IEC 61140 and IEC 60364-4-41)

481 A.1 Terms and definitions

482 For the purposes of this Annex, the following terms and definitions, taken from IEC 60050-195,
483 apply.

484 A.1.1
485 protection against electric shock
486 provision of measures reducing the risk of electric shock

487 A.1.2
488 basic protection
489 protection against electric shock under fault-free conditions

490 A.1.3
491 fault protection
492 protection against electric shock under single-fault conditions

493 A.1.4
494 direct contact
495 electric contact of persons or animals with live parts

496 A.1.5
497 indirect contact
498 electric contact of persons or animals with exposed-conductive-parts which have become live
499 under fault conditions

500 A.1.6
501 hazardous-live-part
502 live part which, under certain conditions, can give a harmful electric shock


504 A.2 Protection against electric shock

505 The fundamental rule of protection against electric shock, according to IEC 61140, is that
506 hazardous-live-parts should not be accessible and accessible conductive parts should not be
507 hazardous live either under normal conditions or under single fault conditions.

508 According to IEC 61140, protection under normal conditions is provided by basic protective
509 provisions and protection under single fault conditions is provided by fault protective
510 provisions. Alternatively, protection against electric shock is provided by an enhanced
511 protective provision which provides protection under normal conditions and under single fault
512 conditions.
513 NOTE Formerly, protection under normal conditions was referred to as protection against direct contact and
514 protection under single-fault conditions was referred to as protection against indirect contact.
IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 – 17 –

516 Consequently, a protective measure is:

517 • an appropriate combination of a basic protective provision and an independent fault

518 protective provision, or
519 • an enhanced protective provision which provides both basic protection and fault
520 protection.

521 In each part of an installation, one or more protective measures should be applied. Except
522 otherwise specified, the following protective measures are permitted:

523 • automatic disconnection of supply,

524 • double or reinforced insulation,
525 • electrical separation for the supply of one item of current using equipment,
526 • extra-low voltage.

527 The following protective measures

528 • use of obstacles,

529 • placing out of reach,

530 should only be used under the control of skilled or instructed persons.

531 The following protective measures

532 • non-conducting location,

533 • earth-free local equipotential bonding,
534 • electrical separation for the supply of more than one item of current using equipment,

535 may be applied only when the installation is under the control of skilled or instructed persons
536 so that unauthorized changes cannot be made.

537 A.3 Automatic disconnection of supply

538 A.3.1 General

539 Automatic disconnection of supply is a protective measure in which:

540 • basic protection is provided by basic insulation of live parts or by barriers or

541 enclosures, and
542 • fault protection is provided by automatic disconnection of supply.

543 NOTE 1 Where specified, additional protection is provided by a residual current protective device with rated
544 residual operating current not exceeding 30 mA.

545 A protective device should automatically disconnect the supply to the circuit or equipment in
546 the event of a fault of negligible impedance between a live part and an exposed-conductive-
547 part or a protective conductor in the circuit or equipment within the time required.

548 The maximum disconnection time is given in IEC 60364-4-41.

549 If automatic disconnection cannot be achieved in the time required as appropriate,

550 supplementary protective equipotential bonding should be provided.

551 In a.c. systems, additional protection by means of a residual current protective device with
552 rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 mA should be provided for:
– 18 – IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015

553 – socket-outlets with a rated current not exceeding 20 A, under the supervision of ordinary
554 persons and
555 NOTE 2 This additional protection may be in the socket-outlets (SRCD) or the circuit supplying the socket-
556 outlet.
557 NOTE 3 For example, domestic dwellings are normally under the supervision of ordinary persons.
558 – the final circuits for portable and Class I current-using equipment, with a current rating not
559 exceeding 32 A, for use outdoors where the equipment is connected other than through a
560 socket-outlet.

561 A.3.2 In TN systems

562 The characteristics of protective devices and the circuit impedances should fulfil the following
563 requirement:

564 Zs × Ia ≤ U 0

565 Z s is the impedance in ohms of the fault loop comprising the source, the live conductor up to
566 the point of the fault and the protective conductor between the point of the fault and the
567 source.
568 I a is the current in amps causing the automatic operation of the disconnecting device within
569 the time required. When the protective device is a residual current protective device, this
570 current is the rated residual operating current.
571 U 0 is the nominal a.c. or d.c. line to earth voltage in volts.

572 A.3.3 In TT systems

573 When a residual current device is used for fault protection, the following condition should be
574 fulfilled:
575 R A × I n ≤ 50 V

576 R A is the sum of the resistance in ohms of the earth electrode and the protective conductor
577 for the exposed conductive-parts,
578 I n is the rated residual operating current of the RCD.

579 NOTE Fault protection is also provided in this case if the fault impedance is not negligible.

580 When an overcurrent protective device is used for fault protection, the following condition
581 should be fulfilled:
582 Zs × I a ≤ U 0

583 Z s is the impedance in ohms of the fault loop comprising the source, the live conductor up to
584 the point of the fault, the protective conductor of the exposed conductive parts, the earth
585 electrode of the installation and the earth electrode of the source.
586 I a is the current in amps causing the automatic operation of the disconnecting device within
587 the time required.
588 U 0 is the nominal a.c. r.m.s. or ripple-free d.c. voltage in volts to earth.

589 A.4 Double or reinforced insulation

590 Double or reinforced insulation is a protective measure in which:

591 – basic protection is provided by basic insulation, and fault protection is provided by
592 supplementary insulation, or
IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 – 19 –

594 – basic and fault protection is provided by reinforced insulation between live parts and
595 accessible parts.
596 NOTE This protective measure is intended to prevent the appearance of dangerous voltage on the accessible
597 parts of electrical equipment through a fault in the basic insulation.

598 A.5 Extra-low-voltage (SELV and PELV)

599 Protection by extra-low-voltage is a protective measure which consists of two different extra-
600 low-voltage systems:

601 • SELV
602 • PELV

603 in which protection is provided by:

604 • limitation of voltage in the SELV or PELV system to 50 V a.c. or 120 V d.c. ,
605 • protective separation of the SELV or PELV system from all circuits other than SELV and
606 PELV circuits, and basic insulation between the SELV or PELV system and other SELV or
607 PELV systems.

608 For SELV systems only, basic insulation is provided between the SELV system and earth.

609 A.6 Electrical separation

610 Electrical separation is a protective measure in which:

611 • basic protection is provided by basic insulation of live parts or by barriers and enclosures,
612 • fault protection is provided by simple separation of the separated circuit from other circuits.

613 This protective measure should be limited to the supply of one item of current using
614 equipment supplied from one unearthed source with simple separation.

615 A.7 Additional protection

616 The use of residual current protective devices, with a rated operating residual current not
617 exceeding 30 mA, is recognized in a.c. systems as additional protection in the event of failure
618 of other basic protective provisions or carelessness by users.
– 20 – IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015

619 Annex B
620 (informative)
622 Types of LV distribution systems earthing

624 B.1 Types of distribution system earthing used in DRES (Figures are from
625 IEC 60364-1)

626 TN and TT distribution system earthing are taken into account in this specification. IT system
627 is normally not used in DRES.

628 Figure B.1 to Figure B.4 show examples of commonly used a.c. systems. Figure B.5 to Figure
629 B.8 show examples of commonly used d.c. systems. For the purposes of this Annex, the
630 following symbols are used in Figures B.1 to B.8:

Neutral conductor (N)

Protective conductor (PE)

Combined protective and neutral conductor (PEN)

632 NOTE The codes used have the following meanings:
633 First letter – Relationship of the power system to earth:
634 T = direct connection of one point to earth;
635 I = all live parts isolated from earth, or one point connected to earth through an impedance.
636 Second letter – Relationship of the exposed-conductive-parts of the installation to earth:
637 T = direct electrical connection of exposed-conductive-parts to earth, independently of the earthing of any
638 point of the power system;
639 N = direct electrical connection of the exposed-conductive-parts to the earthed point of the power system
640 (in a.c. systems, the earthed point of the power system is normally the neutral point or, if a neutral point is
641 not available, a phase conductor).
642 Subsequent letter(s) (if any) – Arrangement of neutral and protective conductors:
643 S = protective function provided by a conductor separate from the neutral or from the earthed line (or in
644 a.c. systems, earthed phase) conductor;
645 C = neutral and protective functions combined an a single conductor (PEN conductor).

646 B.2 Type of system earthing for a.c. systems

647 B.2.1 TN systems

648 TN power systems have one point directly earthed, the exposed conductive parts of the
649 installation being connected to that point by protective conductors. Three types of TN system
650 are considered according to the arrangement of neutral and protective conductors, as follows:

651 • TN-S system: in which throughout the system, a separate protective conductor is
652 used;
653 • TN-C-S system: in which neutral and protective functions are combined in a single
654 conductor in a part of the system;
655 • TN-C system: in which neutral and protective functions are combined in a single
656 conductor throughout the system.
IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 – 21 –

L1 L1

L2 L2

L3 L3



Exposed-conductive-parts Exposed-conductive-part
Earthing of system Earthing of system
IEC 1041/05
Separate neutral and protective conductors Separate earthed phase conductor and
throughout the system protective conductors throughout the system

659 Figure B.1 – TN-S system





Earthing of system IEC 1042/05
661 Neutral and protective functions combined in a single conductor in a part of the system

662 Figure B.2 – TN-C-S system





Earthing of system
663 IEC 1043/05

664 Neutral and protective functions combined in a single conductor throughout the system

665 Figure B.3 – TN-C system

– 22 – IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015

666 B.2.2 TT system

667 The TT power system has one point directly earthed, the exposed-conductive-parts of the
668 installation being connected to earth electrodes electrically independent of the earth
669 electrodes of the power system.

L1 L1

L2 L2

L3 L3


Exposed-conductive-parts Exposed-conductive-parts
Earthing of system Earthing of system
IEC 1044/05
672 Figure B.4 – TT system

673 B.3 Type of system earthing for d.c. systems

674 NOTE In earthed d.c. systems, electromechanical corrosion should be considered.
675 Where the following figures B.5 to B.8 show earthing of a specific pole of a two-wire d.c. system, the decision
676 whether to earth the positive or the negative pole should be based upon operational circumstances or other
677 considerations.
IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 – 23 –

679 B.3.1 TN systems


PEN (d.c.)


System a)

Earthing of system

PEN (d.c.)



System b)

Earthing of system
IEC 1045/05


681 Figure B.5 – TN-S d.c. system

682 In Figure B.5, the earthed line conductor (for example L– in system a) or the earthed mid-wire
683 conductor (M in system b) are separated from the protective conductor throughout the system.

– 24 – IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015


PEN (d.c.)

System a)

Earthing of system


PEN (d.c.)


System b)

Earthing of system IEC 1046/05
686 Figure B.6 – TN-C d.c. system

687 In figure B.6, the functions of the earthed line conductor (for example L– in system a) and
688 protective conductor are combined in one single conductor PEN (d.c.) throughout the system,
689 or the earthed mid-wire conductor (M in system b) and protective conductor are combined in
690 one single conductor PEN (d.c.) throughout the system.

IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 – 25 –


PEN (d.c.)


System a)

Earthing of system

TN-C system TN-S system

TN-C-S d.c. system

PEN (d.c.)



System b)

Earthing of system

TN-C system TN-S system

TN-C-S d.c. system

692 IEC 1047/05

693 Figure B.7 – TN-C-S d.c. system

694 In figure B.7, the functions of the earthed line conductor (for example L– in system a) and
695 protective conductor are combined in one single conductor PEN (d.c.) in parts of the system,
696 or the earthed mid-wire conductor (M in system b) and protective conductor are combined in
697 one single conductor PEN (d.c.) in parts of the system.

– 26 – IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015

700 B.3.2 TT system




System a)


Earthing of system Earthing of exposed-conductive-parts



System b)


Earthing of system Earthing of exposed-conductive-parts

IEC 1048/05
703 Figure B.8 – TT d.c. system

IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 – 27 –

706 Annex C
707 (informative)
709 Classification of electrical equipment

711 C.1 Classification of residual current devices (RCDs)

712 (see IEC 61008, IEC 61009, IEC 60755, IEC 60947-2)

713 Residual Current Devices (RCDs) are classified according to a number of criteria including the
714 following.

715 a) Classification according to the presence of integral over current protection

716 • RCBOs: Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral over current
717 protection
718 • RCCBs: Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral over current
719 protection
720 b) Classification according to the method of operation
721 • Functionally independent of the line voltage
722 • Functionally dependent of the line voltage
723 – Opening automatically in case of failure of the line voltage with or without delay
724 – Not opening automatically in case of failure of the line voltage
725 c) Classification according to the type of installation
726 • For fixed installation and fixed wiring
727 • For mobile installation and corded connexion
728 d) Classification according to the number of poles and current paths
729 e) Classification according to the possibility of adjusting the residual operating current
730 f) Classification according to the resistance to unwanted tripping due to voltage surges
731 • General type
732 • Type S (increased resistance to unwanted tripping)
733 g) Classification according to time-delay
734 • Without time delay
735 • With time delay: type S for selectivity
736 h) Classification according to behavior in presence of d.c. components

737 DC components are caused by the rectifier devices now increasingly forming part of
738 equipment. These d.c. components may diminish the sensitivity of certain differential devices
739 or even completely inhibit operation by saturating their magnetic circuits. For this reason,
740 three types of differential devices – AC, A and B – have been adopted by the relevant
741 standards.

742 1) AC type
743 Device for which tripping is ensured for residual sinusoidal alternating current, whether
744 suddenly applied or slowly rising.
745 2) A type
746 Device for which tripping is ensured for
747 • residual sinusoidal alternating current,
748 • residual pulsating direct current,
– 28 – IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015

749 • for residual pulsating direct currents superimposed by a smooth direct current of
750 0,006 A,
751 with or without phase-angle control, independent of polarity, whether suddenly applied or
752 slowly rising.
753 3) B type
754 Device for which tripping is ensured for
755 • residual sinusoidal alternating current,
756 • residual pulsating direct current,
757 • for residual pulsating direct currents superimposed by a smooth direct current of
758 0,006 A,
759 • for residual direct current which may result from rectifying circuits,
760 with or without phase-angle control, independent of polarity, whether suddenly applied or
761 slowly rising.

762 C.2 Classification of circuit breakers for a.c. operation

763 (see IEC 60898-1, IEC 60947-2)

764 Circuit breakers for overcurrent protection are classified according to a number of criteria
765 including the following.

766 a) Classification according to the number of poles

767 b) Classification according to the instantaneous tripping current
768 • Instantaneous tripping current.
769 • Minimum value of current causing the circuit-breaker to operate automatically without
770 intentional time-delay.
771 c) Classification according to the I 2 t characteristic

772 The I 2 t characteristic is the curve giving the maximum value of I 2 t as a function of the
773 prospective current under stated conditions of operation.

774 Standard ratings:

775 • Rated short-circuit capacity
776 • Rated current
777 • Rated operational voltage
778 • Ranges of instantaneous tripping

779 Standard ranges of instantaneous tripping are given hereunder

780 • B type: above 3 I n up to and including 5 I n
781 • C type: above 5 I n up to and including 10 I n
782 • D type: above 10 I n up to and including 50 I n

783 C.3 Classification of surge protective devices (see IEC 61643-1)

784 Surge Protective Devices (SPDs) are classified according to a number of criteria including the
785 following.

786 a) Classification according to number of ports

787 • one-port SPD: SPD connected in shunt with the circuit to be protected
788 • two-port SPD: SPD with two sets of terminal, input and output
IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 – 29 –

789 b) Classification according to design topology

790 • voltage switching type SPD: spark gaps, gas tubes, thyristors and triacs
791 • voltage limiting type SPD: varistors and suppressor diodes
792 c) Classification according to test class
793 • Class I test is intended to simulate partial conducted lightning current impulses. SPDs
794 subjected to Class I test methods are generally recommended for locations at points of
795 high exposure, e.g. line entrances to buildings protected by LPS.
796 • SPDs tested to class II or III test methods are subjected to impulses of shorter
797 duration. These SPDs are generally recommended for locations with lesser exposure.
798 d) Classification according to location and accessibility
799 • indoor or outdoor
800 • accessible or out-of-reach
801 e) Classification according to disconnector location and function
802 A SPD disconnector is a device for disconnecting an SPD from the system in the event of
803 SPD failure. It is to prevent a persistent fault on the system and to give visible indication
804 of the SPD failure
805 f) Classification according to temperature range
806 • Normal or extended
807 g) Standard ratings
808 • Impulse current (class I tests)/Nominal discharge current (for class II tests)/ Open
809 circuit voltage (class III tests).
810 • Voltage protection levels.
811 • r.m.s. or d.c. maximum continuous operating voltage.

– 30 – IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015

813 Annex D
814 (informative)
816 General information concerning protection against lightning

818 D.1 General

819 Lightning acts in different ways, depending on whether the structure is struck directly or not.

820 • direct strokes inflicting mechanical damage and at the same time generating an
821 increase in potential along the structures hit and around the point of impact,
822 • indirect strokes, source of over voltages that may result in remote destruction via a
823 number of different propagation channels (air, soil, conductors, etc.).


Lightning conductor (1) First pole of the microgrid

wire (2) Each pole located 200 m
after the previous
(3) Last pole of the microgrid

(a) (d)

Lightning rod

(1) (2) (3)

Equipment site Installation

Earthing electrodes
IEC 1049/05

828 (a) lightning stroke on wind generator,
829 (b) lightning stroke on a photovoltaic panel,
830 (c) direct stroke on a structure,
831 (d) electromagnetic coupling between the lightning current and the distribution line and/or the installation cabling
832 system.

833 Figure D.1 – Example of effects of a lightning stroke

835 NOTE The electromagnetic coupling may be conductive or inductive.
836 Conductive coupling: the lightning strikes the soil near an installation and part of the lightning current is injected
837 into the system through its earth electrodes.
838 Inductive coupling: the lightning strikes the soil near the installation and generates over voltages in the system by
839 magnetic induction.
IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015 – 31 –

840 For each of the propagation modes, a combination of protective measures is to be applied (suitably adapted means
841 and rules) to limit the direct and indirect effects of lightning to levels required for the safety of persons, the
842 protection and the operation of equipment.
844 General basic information regarding surge over voltages and surge protection in low voltage
845 a.c. power systems is given in IEC 62066.

846 General principles for the protection of structures against lightning are given in the IEC 61024
847 series.

848 D.2 Protection against lightning – Definitions

849 D.2.1
850 lightning protection system
851 LPS
852 complete system used to protect a structure and its content against the effects of lightning

853 D.2.2
854 external lightning protection system
855 combination of an air-termination system which is intended to intercept lightning strokes, a
856 down-conductor system and an earth-termination system intended to disperse lightning
857 current into the earth

858 D.2.3
859 surge protective device
860 SPD
861 device that is intended to protect the electrical apparatus from transient over voltages and
862 divert surge currents. It contains at least one non-linear component

863 D.2.4
864 earthing arrangement, grounding arrangement (US)
865 all the electric connections and devices involved in the earthing of a system, an installation
866 and equipment

867 D.2.5
868 equipotential bonding system
869 EBS
870 interconnection of conductive parts providing equipotential bonding between those parts
871 NOTE If an equipotential bonding system is earthed, it forms part of an earthing arrangement.

872 D.3 Protection against lightning – Principles

873 Installing a lightning protection system on a building (LPS) usually results in implementing:

874 • An external lightning protection system (ELPS).

875 • Surge protective devices. These devices are located at the different links between
876 the structures and their environment: mainly the power networks and data
877 transmission cables.
878 • A unique earthing arrangement. This is necessary to limit the potential differences at
879 any point on a site, and achieved by:
880 – interconnecting the earth termination of the elps to the earthing arrangement with short
881 connexions;
882 – bonding of metal enclosures and screening;
883 – metal pipes and cables should enter the buildings at the same place. metal sheets,
884 screens, metal pipes and connections of these parts should be bonded and connected
885 to the earthing arrangement with low impedance conductors;
886 – connecting all the metal elements of the structure to the earthing arrangement.
– 32 – IEC DTS 62257-5  IEC 2015

888 Bibliography

889 IEC 60439-1, Low-voltage switchgear and control-gear assemblies – Part 1: Type-tested and
890 partially type-tested assemblies

891 IEC 60664-1:1992, Insulation coordination for equipment within low voltage systems – Part 1:
892 Principles, requirements and tests

893 IEC 60755, General requirements for residual current operated protective devices
894 Amendment 1 (1988)
895 Amendment 2 (1992)

896 IEC 60898-1:2002, Electrical accessories – Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for
897 household and similar installations – Part 1: Circuit-breakers for a.c. operation

898 IEC 60947-2:2003, Low voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 2: Circuit-breakers

899 IEC 61008-1:1996, Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral over current
900 protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs) – Part 1: General rules

901 IEC 61009-1:1996, Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral over current
902 protection for household and similar uses (RCBOs) – Part 1: General rules

903 IEC 61643-1, Low-voltage surge protective devices – Part 1: Surge protective devices
904 connected to low-voltage power distribution systems – Requirements and tests

905 IEC 61643-12, Low-voltage surge protective devices – Part 12: Surge protective devices
906 connected to low-voltage power distribution systems – Selection and application principles

907 IEC 62066, Surge overvoltages and surge protection in low-voltage a.c. power systems –
908 General basic information

909 ___________

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