Mcqs Upse 2007 Part 2
Mcqs Upse 2007 Part 2
Mcqs Upse 2007 Part 2
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UPSC CMS 2007 Paper 2
manipal exam
16. Intrauterine foetal growth retardation may be associated with the following except
DNB (a) maternal drug addiction
Admissions No b) maternal smoking
c) foetal viral infection
Delhi SET (d) regular maternal aspirin intake (ANS)
2006 D.
17. Face to pubes delivery is possible with which cephalic presentation?
a) Mento-anterior
Scholarships b) Mento-posterior
c) Occipito sacral (ANS)
A* STAR (d) Brow presentation
18. With reference to meningococcal meningitis, which one of the following statements is not correct?
(a) Fatality in untreated cases is 60 percent (ANS)
AusAID (b) Disease spreads mainly by droplet infection
Australian (c). Treatment of cases has no significant effect on epidemiological pattern of disease
(d) Mass chemoprophylaxis causes immediate drop in the incidence rate of cases
SCHOLARSHI 19. With reference to the epidemiology of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which one of the f
(a) Patient is most infectious during the first five days of illness
b) No evidence of mother to child transmission is observed
JNU d) Children are rarely affected
Scholarships (d). No evidence of child to child
SGPGI MDEE 22. An epidemiological hypothesis should specify the following except
2006 J a) population
b) Time response relationship
c) Geographical trends
2006 RESU d) Expected outcome (ANS)
23. Under DOTS chemotherapy, which one of the following is not a correct dose for an adult patient weigh
Books (a) Rifampicin 600 mg
(b) Isoniazid 600 mg(ANS)
AIPGE Books (c) Pyrazinamide 1500 mg
Recom (d) Ethambutol 1200 mg
24. What is the approximate penetrating ability of alpha particle radiation at tissue level?
Mnemonics a) 0. 05 mm (ANS)
b) 0. 10 mm
Lymphoedema c) 1. 50 mm
: Cau d) 2. 00 mm
25. The criteria for 'at risk' infant include the following except
(a) Artificial feeding
Types of (b) Grade 11 malnutrition(ANS)
Imperfor (c) Working mother
(d) Birth order 4 and more
Indications for 26. How is the Protein Energy Ratio (PER) in diet expressed as?
a) Energy in diet x 100
Hepatocellular Protein in diet
Ca (b) Energy from protein x 100 (ANS)
Total energy from diet
c) Total protein in diet x 100
LARP Total energy in diet
(d) Total energy consumed x 100
Mock Tests Total protein consumed
a) A B C D
Faiz786 b) A B C D
Newest Member
c) A B C D
d) A B C D (ANS)
29. The following conditions are associated with molar pregnancy except
a) Pregnancy induced hyper tension
b) Thyrotoxicosis
(c) Gestational diabetes (ANS)
(d) Hyperemesis gravidarum
30. The current imaging technique of choice for the diagnosis of hydatidiform mole is
(a) Computed tomography
(b) ultrasonography (ANS)
(c) plain X-ray abdomen
(d) magnetic resonance imaging
31. Poor prognostic factors in the management of cancer cervix are the following except
(a) Young age
(b) Well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma (ANS)
c) hydroureter
(d) adenocarcinoma
34. Which one of the following is not a correct statement regarding the use of condom?
(a) Air should be squeezed out of the tip(ANS)
(b) It should be tested by inflating
c) It should be unrolled on erect penis
d) K-Y Jelly may be used for lubrication
36. The 'highest incidence of ectopic pregnancy amongst contraceptive users is observed with
(a) Combined contraceptive pills
(b) Cu-T intrauterine contraceptive device
c) Progestasert intrauterine device
(d) Lippes loop intrauterine device (ANS)
37. Which one of the following is the most suitable situation for prescribing the progestin only pill?
(a) Perimenopausal patients
(b) Emergency contraception (ANS)
c) Lactational mother
(d) Diabetic mother
40. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists:
List – I Type-II
(type of vaccine) (Example)
A. Purified protein antigen 1. Acellular pertussis vaccine
B. Subunit 2. Hib vaccine
C. Conjugated capsular 3. Hepatitis A vaccine
D. Inactivated whole cell 4. Influenza vaccine
a) A B C D
b) A B C D
c) A B C D (ANS)
d) A B C D
41. Yearly data pertaining to deliveries and their outcome in a community is as follows:
Total number of births: 12600
Total number of stillbirths: 114
Total number of deaths –
(i) During first week after birth: 410
(ii) During second to fourth weeks
after birth : 280
Which one of the following formulae is used to calculate perinatal mortality rate?
(a) 114+410 x 1000 (ANS)
c) 114+410 x 1000
12600 -114
42. Which of the following are the first incisors to erupt in an infant?
a) Lower central (ANS)
(b) Lower lateral
c) Upper central
(d) Upper lateral
43. A 50-hour old full-term breast-fed newborn boy weighing 3100 g 'presents with clinically evident jaundi
dl. What would be the correct treatment?
a) Continue breast feeds review after 48 hours (ANS)
b) Stop breast feeds and review after 24 hours
c) Continue breast feeds and start blue-light phototherapy
d) Arrange for a double-volume exchange transfusion
44. An infant can sit with leaning forward on his hands. He bounces actively when made to' stand. He laug
(a) 12 weeks
b) 16 weeks
c) 22 weeks (ANS)
d) 28 weeks
45. Birth weight of a baby doubles at the age of 5 to 6 months. At what age does his birth length double?
(a) One year
(b) Two years
c) Three years
(d) Four years (ANS)
46. Which one of the following is not a feature of combined immunodeficiency in children?
(a) Decreased total immunoglobulin level
(b) Neutropenia and eosinophilia (ANS)
c) Defective T-cell function
(d) Recurrent pulmonary infection
48. A four-year old child presents with mild fever, malaise, purpura, arthritis, abdominal pain and microsco
(a) Thrombasthenia
b) Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
c) Systemic lupus erythematosus
(d) Henoch-Schonlein purpura (ANS)
49. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists:
List –I List-II
(Drug taken by a (Adverse effect on foetus)
Pregnant woman)
A. Sodium valproate 1. Supravalvular aortic stenosis
B. Vitamin D 2. Cleft lip and palate
C. Prednisolone 3. Deafness
D. Chloroquine 4. Spina bifida
a) A B C D
b) A B C D
c) A B C D (ANS)
d) A B C D
50. Straining and dribbling of urine in a male infant with recurrent urinary infection should lead to the suspi
a) vesico-ureteric reflux
b) posterior urethral valve (ANS)
c) pelvic ureteric junction obstruction
d) phimosis
51. Which one of the following is an autosomal dominant type of genetic disorder?
(a) Colour-blindness
b) Haemophilia
c) Phenylketonuria
d) Tuberous sclerosis (ANS)
53. A two-year old boy presented "with episodes of becoming dusky. On examination, there was central cy
parasternal heave. A systolic thrill was palpable over the left middle sternal border. First heart sound was
would be the most likely diagnosis?
a) Congenital methemoglobinemia
b) Eisenmenger syndrome
c) Aortic stenosis
d) Tetralogy of Fallot (ANS)
54. What would be the minimum calorie requirement of a normal sedentary lactating mother of a eight mon
a. 1900 kcal b. 2100 kcal
c. 2300 kcal(ANS) d. 2600 kcal
56. Which one of the following is not a test for pasteurized milk?
(a) Methylene blue reduction test (ANS)
(b) Standard plate count
(c) Coliform count
(d) Phosphatase test
57. What is the percent of total energy ratio supplied by fish protein (PE% kcal)?
a) 20 (ANS)
b) 40
c) 60
d) 80
58. With a birthrate of 30 per thousand, in a subcentre of 5000 population, what would be the number of p
a) 150 (ANS)
b) 155
c) 160
d) 165
59. Among the following, which one is the absolute contraindication .for combined oral contraceptive pills?
(a) Diabetes mellitus
b) Migraine
c) Previous history of thromboembolism (ANS)
(d) Heart disease
61. Systematic observation and recording of activities of one or more individuals at random interval is don
a) Systems analysis
b) Network analysis
(c) Work sampling (ANS)
d) Input-output analysis
63. Which one of the following intervention studies on coronary artery disease did not observe significant c
a. Stanford- three-community study
b. The north kerala project
c. Multiple risk factor intervention trial
d. Lipid research clinic study
66. A 32-year old woman with two live children was brought in emergency with the history of missed perio
15 days, spotting since 7 days and pain abdomen since 6 hours. Her pulse was 120-I min, pallor ++, and s
was seen through external os on per speculum examination. On p/v examination, cervical movements wer
suffering from
(a) pelvic inflammatory disease
(b) missed abortion with infection
c) ruptured ectopic pregnancy (ANS)
(d) Threatened abortion
67. Immediately after third stage, of labour in a case of full-term delivery, the fundus of the uterus is
(a) at the level of Xiphisternum
(b) at the level of umbilicus
(c) just below the level of umbilicus (ANS)
(d) just above the symphysis pubis
69. The Kleihauer test for detecting foetal erythrocytes is based on the fact that
(a) adult erythrocytes are larger than those of foetus
(b) HbA has higher oxygen affinity than HbF
c) HbF is more resistant acid elution than HbA (ANS)
(d) HbA takes up erythrosin stain less than HbF
71. \What is the treatment of choice of unruptured tubal pregnancy with serum beta hCG titre of 2000 IV/m
a) Single dose of methotrexate
(b) Variable doses of methotrexate
(c) Expectant management
(d) Laparoscopic salpingostomy (ANS)
72. Which one of the following causes the greatest risk of ectopic pregnancy?
(a) Pelvic inflammatory disease(ANS)
(b) Intrauterine contraceptive devices' use
(c) Previous ectopic pregnancy
(d) Previous medical termination of pregnancy
76. A 20-year old primigravida is admitted with full-term pregnancy and labour pains. At 4: 00 AM she goe
clear liquor. A repeat p/v examination after 4 hours of good uterine conditions reveals a cervical dilatation
(a) Reassess after 4 hours
(b) Immediate cesarean section
(c) Oxytocin drip
(d) Reassess for occipitoposterior position and cephalopelvic disproportion (ANS)
77. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists:
List –I List-II
(Condition of delivery) (Procedure of delivery)
A. Hand prolapse 1. Lovset technique
B. Placental 2. Decapitation
C. Extended arms of 3. Brandt-Andrews procedure
breech at delivery
D. Deep transverse arrest 4. Vacuum extraction
a) A B C D (ANS)
b) A B C D
c) A B C D
d) A B C D
78. A primigravida with full-term pregnancy in labour for one day is brought to casualty after dai handling.
100 minutes, BP 120/80 mm Hg. Abdominal examination reveals a fundal height of 36 weeks, cephalic pre
head is at plus one station, caput with moulding present, pelvis is adequate.
Dirty, infected discharge present. What would be the best management option after initial work-up?
a) Cesarean section
b) Oxytocin drip (ANS)
c) Ventouse delivery
(d) Craniotomy and delivery
79. Which one of the following is not an epithelial tumour of the ovary?
a) Serous cystadenoma
b) Brenner tumour
(c) Clear cell tumour
(d) Endodermal sinus tumour (ANS)
80. An elderly multiparous woman with intrauterine foetal death was admitted with strong labour pains. Th
likely clinical diagnosis is
(a) Rupture of uterus
(b) Congestive heart failure
(c) Amniotic fluid embolism (ANS)
(d) Concealed accidental haemorrhage
81. G2 P1 A0 presents with full-term pregnancy with transverse lie in the first stage of labour. On examina
appropriate management in this case?
(a) Wait for spontaneous evolution and expulsion
b) External cephalic version
c) Internal podalic version
d) Cesarean section (ANS)
82. A patient has just delivered a live baby and is referred to in a state of shock. On abdominal examinatio
likely diagnosis?
(a) Cervical fibroid polyp
b) Third degree uterine prolapse
c) Acute inversion of uterus (ANS)
d) Rupture of uterus
84. Match list –I with list-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:
List-I List-II
(Foetal tests) (Indications)
A. Non-stress test 1. Neural tube defect
B. Lecithin/ 2. Foetal well-being
sphingomyelin ratio
C. Estimation of alpha- 3. Downs syndrome
fetoprotein in liquor amni
D. Triple test 4. Lung maturity
a) A B C D
b) A B C D (ANS)
c) A B C D
d) A B C D
86. On Doppler, the most ominous sign indication foetal compromise is:
a. Increased pulsatility index in umbilical artery
b. Increased systolic-diastolic blood flow ratio
c. Increased cerebral artery flow
d. Absent diastolic flow (ANS)
87. Which one of the following medical disorders leads to delayed foetal lung maturity?
a. Heart disease
b. Diabetes (ANS)
c. Thalassemia minor
d. Epilepsy
88. What is the incidence of chromosomal abnormality per 1000 live births?
a. 1.6 b. 3.6
c. 5.6 (ANS) d. 7.6
89. Which one of the following is the method in the context of health education in which four to eight qualif
a. Group discussion
b. Panel discussion (ANS)
c. Symposium
d. Brainstorming
90. As per WHO classification, what is the IQ score for moderate mental retardation?
a. 20 – 34
b. 35 – 49 (ANS)
c. 50 – 60
d. 60 – 65
91. Absorption of vitamin A can be enhanced by giving the child a diet rich in:
a. fat (ANS)
b. Protein
c. minerals
d. carbohydrates
92. If a new sputum smear positive patient of tuberculosis continues to be smear positive at the end of inte
(a) start category treatment again
(b) treat him as failure and start category II treatment under DOTS
(c) continue the intensive phase of V treatment for one more month (ANS)
(d) start continuation phase under category I
93. What is the index for measuring operational efficiency of the Malaria Control Programme?
(a) Annual Parasite Index
b) Annual blood examination rate (ANS)
c) Slide Positive Rate
(d) Infant Parasite Rate
95. Under National Cancer Control Programme, oncology wings were sanctioned to
a) Regional Cancer Institutes
b) District Hospitals
c) Medical College Hospitals (ANS)
(d) Voluntary Agencies treating cancer patients
96. Which one of the following statements is not correct regarding National Leprosy Eradication Programm
(a) Multibacillary leprosy treatment is recommended for one year
(b) Skin smear examination is done for classification into (ANS)
paucibacillary and multi bacillary
c) Special Action Project for Elimination of Leprosy is for rural areas
(d) Surveillance for two years for a treated case of paucibacillary leprosy to be carried out
97. Under Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) programme, which one of the following interventions is do
a. Medical termination pregnancy at PHC level
(b) High quality of training at all levels (ANS)
c) Screening and treatment of RTI at district level
(d) Transport facility for referral of pregnant women during emergency
99. For the prevention of parent to child transmission of HIV, the NACO's recommendation is to give
a) niverapine 200 mg in active labour to mother
(b) niverapine 200 mg, four hours after rupture of membranes, to mother
(c) niverapine 200 mg in active labour to mother and niverapine 2 mg/kg weight to newborn 72 hours of de
(d) Syrup niverapine 2 mg/kg body weight to newborn within 72 hours of birth
100. During Pomeroy's method of female sterilization, which portion of tube is ligated?
(a) Isthmus (ANS)
(b) Ampullary
c) Isthmo-ampullary
(d) Cornual
102. A 20-year old girl was raped around 13th day of her regular cycle. The best possible emergency cont
(a) centchroman tablets
(b) Cu - T insertion
(c). levonorgestrel tablets (ANS)
(d) ethinylestradiol tablets
105 Ultrasound of 36 year old gravida reveals small grape like cystic structures without the evidence of co
a genotype of the mole is 46XX and os completely paternal in origin . (ANS)
b genotype of the mole is triploid
c hCG levels are , markedly decreased
d serum levels of alpha-fetoproteinsare elevated
106. With reference to vagina, which one of the following statement is not correct?
A. it has mucus secreting glands
B it is supplied by uterine artery(ANS)
C it is lined by stratified squalors epithelium.
D its posterior wall is covered by peritinium
107 with reference to syndromes approach in reproductive tract infection consider the following statement
1. single drug can be used foe treatment
2. the diagnosis of exact disease is not relevant
3. the management is disease specific .
4. The is an important part of family health awareness campaign
which of the statements given above are correct?
A 1 and 2 only
B 1 and 3 only
C 2 and 4 only(ANS)
D 1 2 3 and 4
108. The risk of mongolism in a mother at the age of 20 year is 1: 3000. what would be this ratio when she
A . 1: 6000
B . 1:3000
C . 1: 1040
D . 1: 50(ANS)
110. Match list –1` with list II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists
List I List II
(IUD ) (expulsion rate per 100 women year )