Comms 3
Comms 3
Comms 3
The space wave follows two distinct paths There are a lot of forms of precipitation -
from the transmitting antenna to the rain, snow, fog, etc. This greatly affect in
receiving antenna - one through the air communications; since, attenuation because
directly to the receiving antenna, the other of precipitation is proportional to the
reflected from the ground to the receiving frequency and wavelength of the radio wave.
For example, rain has a pronounced effect snow is limited, scientists assume that
on waves at microwave frequencies. attenuation from snow is less than from rain
falling at an equal rate. This assumption is
borne out by the fact that the density of rain
Rain is eight times the density of snow. As a
result, rain falling at 1 inch per hour would
Attenuation because of raindrops is greater have more water per cubic inch than snow
than attenuation because of other forms of falling at the same rate.
precipitation. Attenuation may be caused by
absorption, in which the raindrop, acting as a Hail
poor dielectric, absorbs Attenuation by hail is determined by the size
power from the radio wave and dissipates of the stones and their density.
the power by heat loss or by scattering
Attenuation of radio waves by scattering
because of hailstones is considerably less
than by rain.
The scattering effect because of snow is
difficult to compute because of irregular
sizes and shapes of the flakes. While
information on the attenuating effect of