Topic 1
Topic 1
Topic 1
Acute Injury
is usually associated with a sudden, traumatic event such as clashing into another player
during a game or fall from bike. A traumatic impact can cause your bone to crack,
muscles to tear and ligaments to snap.
Chronic Injury
is caused by repeated overuse of muscle or joints.
Badminton was first called Poona. It was developed from a children’s game called battledore
and shuttlecock. The object of this game was to see how long a group could volley the
shuttlecock by hitting it with battledore, or paddle. This cooperative, non-competitive game was
originally made without a net.
It was 1860’s, when some British officers in India who were stationed at Kirkee near the city of
Poona used to play a game which was very similar to badminton and the game was known
‘Poona’ game at that time.
Year 1877, is of historic significance for badminton, as the Bath Badminton Club, the first
badminton club ever, was formed and also the first official set of rules were developed
The International Badminton Federation (IBF) was formed in 1934 with 9 founding members.
1. England
2. Ireland
3. Scotland
4. Wales
5. Denmark
6. Holland
7. Canada
8. New Zealand
9. France
Thomas Cup- for men
Uber Cup- for women
Badminton was officially granted Olympic status in the 1992 Barcelona Games. From 9
pounding members now they have 150 member countries