LP Week 2

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College of Teacher Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching English V
I. Objectives
Presented various activities, the Grade 5 learners are expected to perform the
following competencies with at least 85% proficiency:
a. share their favorite story;
b. tell the picture based on the given clues;
c. answer the questions based on the story read;
d. identify the elements of story; and
e. tell the elements of the story present in the stories they have read.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic/ Content
Elements of the Story

B. References
K-12 Curriculum Guide in English V

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C. Materials
pictures, PowerPoint presentation, Google meet

D. Values Integrated
Cooperation, Contentment
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III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
Good afternoon, pupils! Good afternoon, teacher.

How are you today? We are good, teacher.

That’s good to hear! Are you now

ready to learn? Yes, teacher!

2. Classroom Rules
Before we begin our class this
afternoon, may we remind
ourselves of our online classroom
rules that we must follow
whenever we have our class.

In this image, what rule does it

That image represents the rule that
we must mute our microphones if we
do not have something important to
tell, teacher.

Yes! Mute when you don’t have

something important to tell and
unmute only when you want to
recite or ask question. But before
we talk, what is the next rule that
we must do?
Before we talk, we must click the
‘raise a hand button’ and wait for the
teacher to call our name.

Very good! And in this picture,

what rule does it show?

The picture shows the rule that we

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must use the chat box in a wise
That’s right! How about in this
picture, what does it represent?

The picture represents the rule that

we must listen to the teacher when
she is teaching.

Yes! Not only to the teacher, but

also to your classmates who are

3. Review
Before we proceed to our new
lesson. Let’s have a quick review of
what you have learned last week.

So, what did you learn last time?

Very Good!
Let’s see if you really learned your
last topic last week. As you can see,
the storyboard is incomplete. What
I want you to do is you will
complete the story by choosing the
correct kinds of adverb in the cells.

1. near
2. restlessly
3. yesterday
4. suddenly
5. loudly
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6. behind
7. toward
8. always
9. towards
10. quickly
11. tomorrow
12. never

Very good. I’m so glad that you’ve

learned something about your lesson
last week.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Let’s take a look at the picture. Can
you tell me what this little boy is

The boy is reading, teacher.

Correct! The boy is reading a book.

How about you? What kind of book

do you most love to read? I love to read storybooks, teacher.

Do you have any favorite stories?

Can you share to the class your Emma’s Favorite Restaurant.
favorite stories? Three Little Pig.
The Ugly Duckling.

Wow! Why are these your favorite

stories? Because the story is beautiful,
Yes! This afternoon, we will read a
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new story and we will learn what a
beautiful story is made.

2. Unlocking of Difficulties

Before we read the story, let us first

find out the meaning of the words in
the story, so that we can understand
it better.

I will present pictures and I will

give you clues about the pictures.
What you will do is to tell me what
is shown in the picture. Do you

If that's so, let’s begin.

Yes, teacher.
This is a very large and impressive
house, which serves as the home of
a king and a queen.

How about this one? This is the

sound of a frog. Palace, teacher.

Very good!
Croak, teacher.
It is a woman who has a long nose
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and a flying broomstick.

You’re correct! Witch, teacher.

3. Presentation
Since you have already unlocked
the meaning of the words, I believe
that you are all ready to read the

4. Raising the motive Question

Before we read the story, let us look
at and read with our eyes the
question on the screen.

What happened to the frog after the

princess allowed him to eat and
slept with her?

We will answer this question after

we read the story.

5. Setting of Standards for Reading

When listening to and reading a
story, there are things that we need
to remember. Kindly read what’s on
the screen.
Read with a good tone and

Listen with your eyes, ears, and

Okay. I hope I will see them in you
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when we read the story.
6. Reading the Selection Concentrate on the story.
We will now read the story. May
we have volunteers to read each

Thank you for volunteering. Okay,

for the others, read with your eyes Me, teacher!
and mind. I volunteer, teacher!

The Frog Prince

Once upon a time, there lived a

beautiful princess. One day, while
she was playing with her favorite
golden ball, she threw it too far and
it fell into the palace well. She cried
and cried thinking about the water
was too deep for her to find the
golden ball.
A frog nearby heard the princess
crying. He told her that if he found
the ball for her, she should take him
back of the palace with her. She
should love him, let him eat from her
plate, and let him sleep on her bed.

The princess agreed but as soon as

she got her ball, she grabbed it and
ran away. The frog went to the
palace and called for her. The
princess told her father everything
that had happened. Her father asked
her to keep her promise.

As soon as the frog saw the princess

croaking happily. He ate from her
plate and also slept on her bed. She
hated to have a frog around her but
she slowly began growing fond of the
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Then, one morning when the

princess woke up, she saw that in the
place of the frog, there was a
handsome young prince. The prince
thanked her and explained that a
witch cursed him. He would have to
live like a frog till he met a kind girl
who would love her, let him eat from
her plate, and sleep on her bed.
7. Discussion of the Story
A. Answering the Motive Question Very soon, the frog prince and the
Now that we have read the story, let princess were married and ruled
us answer the question about the their kingdom for many years.
story that we read a while ago.

What happened to the frog after the

princess allowed him to eat and
slept with her?

Correct! He became a handsome

young prince. After the Princess allow him to eat
and slept with her the frog became a
B. Comprehension Check handsome young prince, teacher.

How did the princess and the frog


What did the frog want the Princess The princess and the frog met when
to do in exchange of helping her? the princess threw her ball too far
and went to the palace well. The
princess cried and the frog heard her
Who tells the princess that she must crying.
keep the promise she made to the
The frog wants the princess to love
One morning when the princess her, let him eat from her plate, and
woke up, what did she see on her sleep on her bed.
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What caused the prince to turn into The one who tells the princess to
a frog? keep her promise is her father.

IV. Genuine Love for

Is the story “The Frog Prince” She saw a handsome young prince.
beautiful and interesting?

What do you think makes the story The Prince turn into a frog because
beautiful and interesting? of a witch cursed him.

Yes! The parts of the story. Do you Yes, teacher.

have any idea what are these parts
or elements of the story?
The parts of the story make it
You’re right! Let us discuss first the beautiful, teacher.
characters. Can you tell me who the
characters are in the story that we
The elements of the story are the
character, setting, conflict, solution,
When we say “characters in the theme, and plot.
story”, does it only apply to people?

Why do you think so? The characters in the story are the
Princess and the frog Prince.

That’s right! When we say No, ma’am.

“setting”, what do we mean by this
element of the story? Because a character can be a person,
animal or a thing who takes part in
the action of a story.
And where did the story “The Frog
Prince” happen?

In a story, there is always a Setting is the time and place in which

problem. What element of the story the story happens.
is it?

What do we mean by “conflict” in a It happens in the palace, teacher.

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It is the conflict, ma’am.

Can you identify the conflict in the
story that we read?
Conflict is a struggle between two
people or things in a story.
Very good! When there is a problem
or conflict, there is also a way to
solve it. What do we call the The conflict in the story is the
element of a story where the conflict princess refusing to keep the promise
is solved? that she made to the frog.

Then, what is the solution in the


It is the solution, ma’am.

Brilliant! In the story, there is a

main idea. What element is the main The princess kept her promise to the
idea or central idea or belief of the frog after his father, the King, told
story? her to keep the promise she made.

Can you tell me what the theme is in

the story that we read? It is the theme, ma’am.

Why do you think so?

The theme is loyalty, teacher.

Brilliant! You were really able to
understand the story very well. This Because the story tells us to keep our
happens because the sequence of promises we made to someone.
events in the story is organized.
What do we call the elements of a
story that tells what happens in a

Can you tell me what the plot is of

the story that we read a while ago?
It is the plot, ma’am.
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The plot in the story is about a prince
who turned into a frog by a witch. In
order to break the curse a kind girl
who will love her, let him eat from
her plate, and sleep on her bed.
Excellent! Luckily a princess in the palace came
to play near the well so the frog got
he’s chance to become a prince
Guided Practice again.

A. Identify the story elements

present in the story below.

Johnson cooked delicious

food in the kitchen. He prepared all
the ingredients and materials to be
used. He enjoyed it very much.
Johnson shared the foods to his
family. They enjoyed eating

Character: ______________
Setting: ________________
Plot: ___________________
Character: Johnson
Conflict: _________________
Setting: In the kitchen
Resolution: _________________
Plot: Johnson cooked delicious food
Theme: ___________________ for his family.
Conflict: None
B. Identify what element of a story Resolution: None
is the underlined word or phrase.
Theme: care for the family
Mang Boyet went to the
beach to catch fish. He found out
that his hat was missing so, he
looked for it before going fishing,
because it’s too sunny at the beach.
He enjoyed fishing and caught a
big fish that day, in the afternoon,
Mang Boyet went back home and
cooked the fish he caught.
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1. Mang Boyet went to the

beach to catch fish.
2. He found out that his hat
was missing. 1. Character
3. Mang Boyet went to the
beach. 2. Plot
4. He enjoyed fishing and
caught a big fish. 3. Setting
5. In the afternoon, Mang
Boyet went back home. 4. Plot

V. Developing Mastery 5. Setting

We have here a short story. The

verbs in the story have
corresponding images. What I want
you to do is tell me the story
elements present in the story “My
Dad’s Birthday”. We will do this by
story map below.

Today, Mrs. Ana and Jasmin will

bake a cake for her dad’s

birthday. They scoop flour into a

bowl. They crack eggs and add

them to the bowl.

Next, Mrs. Ana mixes the

milk and sugar and Jasmin spread
butter in the pan and her mom pours
in the butter.

They place the pan into the hot oven

and waited patiently.

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After 1 hour, the cake is already

baked. They eat and

excitedly greet her dad a

“Happy birthday, Dad!”




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