Sample OPSP Sporting Goods Distributor-RCI

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Organization Name:

Strategy: One-Page Strategic Plan (OPSP) (Retail) Sporting Goods Distributor

People (Reputation Drivers)

Employees Customers Shareholders
1. _______________________________
eNPS 1. _______________________________
NPS 1. _______________________________
Net Income

2. _______________________________
% A Players 2. _______________________________
Loyalty Program % 2. _______________________________
Return On Capital

3. _______________________________
Referrals / Position 3. _______________________________
Purchases / Year 3. _______________________________
Core Capital


(Should/Shouldn't) (Why) (Where) (What)

Deliver Extreme Value - Deliver To help facilitate the joy and Future Date 12/31/2020 Yr. Ending 12/31/2016
more than what the customer exhilaration of participating in Revenues $7,200,000 Revenues $4,200,000
pays for the product. sports.
Profit $1,080,000 Profit $630,000
Do the Right Thing - No matter We do this by providing the best Cash $500,000 NPS 65%
what, do the right thing for our sporting goods at fair prices,
customers, out team, our vendors backed by award winning service Sandbox Gross Margin 50%
and our community and support. Cash $150,000
Brick & Mortar
Celebrate the Victories - North Texas A/R Days 37
Celebrate every chance we get Online - Around the World Inv. Days 14
Rev./Emp. $250,000
Over Communicate - Good or
Bad, all communication is good.
Take the initiative to over Actions Key Thrusts/Capabilities Key Initiatives
communicate. To Live Values, Purposes, BHAG®

Sharpen the saw - Always be in Team Building - Consistent Implement an Inventory System Purchases Inventory Control
1 Quarterly Activities 1 1 process and system implementation
process of developing ourselves,
our processes and our products.
Topgrading Hiring Process Design and build an online store Qualify 3 suppliers for every SKU
2 2 2

Regular Celebrations Strategic Vendor Relationships Build Customer Service Culture and
3 3 3 Training Program

Ongoing education and staff Develop an Outside Sales Team Create and implement company KPI
4 development (Program) 4 4 dashboard

Give back to community at least 10% Clearing House for used equipment Build comprehensive pricing model
5 of what we produce or sell. 5 exchange 5 for volume purchases

Profit per X Brand Promise KPIs Critical #: Average Order Size

Profit per customer Customer Satisfaction (NPS) 750
On-time delivery (%) 500
Repeat Business - Referrals (%)
Between green and red

BHAG® Brand Promises Inventory Out of Stock

Generate $10mm in top line 1. Get what you need, when you 3 x per month
revenue with company owned need it for the price you need. 5 x per month
stores in 8 Dallas Fort Worth 2. On-time Delivery Every time
metroplex cities 3. The right solution for the need. Between green and red
10 x per month

Strengths/Core Competencies Weaknesses

1. __________________________________________________
Industry Knowledge 1. __________________________________________________
Pricing Strategy

2. __________________________________________________
Vendor Relationships 2. __________________________________________________
Inventory control

3. __________________________________________________
Established Customer Base 3. __________________________________________________
Web site platform - Yahoo Store

Gazelles Growth Toolstm v3.3 – 10.1.14 (ENG) For use by Gazelles International Coaches. ©2015 Gazelles, Inc. this copy courtesy For help with your OPSP, contact us at [email protected] 8
Your Name: Date:

Robert Johnson 12/15/2015

Process (Productivity Drivers)

Make/Buy Sell Record Keeping
1. _______________________________
Average Gross Margin Per SKU 1. _______________________________
Average Order Size 1. _______________________________
Operational Metrics

2. _______________________________
Inventory 2. _______________________________
Revenue/Promotion 2. _______________________________
Inventory Turns

3. _______________________________
Inventory Turns per SKU 3. _______________________________
Avg. Revenue/Sales Rep. 3. _______________________________
A/R Aging Days


(How) (Qtr./Annual) (Who/When)

Your KPIs Goal

Qtr. # Q1 Deadline 3/31/2016
Revenues $1,050,000 Measurable Target/Critical # Revenue 1,050,000
Profit 15% Revenue - $1,050,000
NPS 60% 1 in 100
Inventory Stock Outs
Gross Margin 50% 2
Theme Name
Cash $37,500
Spring Training 15%
A/R Days 45 Profit
Inv. Days 21
Rev./Emp. $175,000

Rocks Scoreboard Design Your Quarterly Priorities Due

Who Describe and/or sketch your
design in this space 1
Inventory Control Specs 1/31/16
Specification for Inventory Control System MD
Baseball Diamond with target
Number in the middle. As we Conduct Vendor Review 3/31/16
Pricing Model Research SD 2
2 accomplish 1/4th of the target, we
will color in each leg of the
diamond. Complete Quarterly Staff Reviews 3/31/16
Schedule First Round of Customer Service SD 3
3 Training

Conduct Vendor Review MD 4

Design and Implement Financial Dashboard MD

5 5

Revenue Celebration Revenue

1,250,000 Tailgating at Opening Day of the 1.250.000
1,050,000 Texas Rangers for entire staff 1.050.000
Between green and red Between green and red
900.000 900.000

Stock Outs Reward Critical #: Process or P/L

.5 in 100 orders Opening Day Tickets for Staff and .5 in 100 orders
1 in 100 orders Families + Tailgating 1 in 100 orders
Between green and red Between green and red
5 in 100 orders 5 in 100 orders

1. __________________________________________________
Online sporting goods purchasing is up 3.2% over last year 4. __________________________________________________
Leagues are consolidating their purchasing, looking for single vendors

2. __________________________________________________
Vendor consolodation has slowed 5. __________________________________________________
Smart phones with everyone

3. __________________________________________________
Under Armor is tightening its supply channel 6. __________________________________________________
Millennials lack loyalty (Price Shoppers)

Gazelles Growth Toolstm v3.3 – 10.1.14 (ENG) For use by Gazelles International Coaches. ©2015 Gazelles, Inc. this copy courtesy For help with your OPSP, contact us at [email protected] 9

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