Sample OPSP Sporting Goods Distributor-RCI
Sample OPSP Sporting Goods Distributor-RCI
Sample OPSP Sporting Goods Distributor-RCI
2. _______________________________
% A Players 2. _______________________________
Loyalty Program % 2. _______________________________
Return On Capital
3. _______________________________
Referrals / Position 3. _______________________________
Purchases / Year 3. _______________________________
Core Capital
Deliver Extreme Value - Deliver To help facilitate the joy and Future Date 12/31/2020 Yr. Ending 12/31/2016
more than what the customer exhilaration of participating in Revenues $7,200,000 Revenues $4,200,000
pays for the product. sports.
Profit $1,080,000 Profit $630,000
Do the Right Thing - No matter We do this by providing the best Cash $500,000 NPS 65%
what, do the right thing for our sporting goods at fair prices,
customers, out team, our vendors backed by award winning service Sandbox Gross Margin 50%
and our community and support. Cash $150,000
Brick & Mortar
Celebrate the Victories - North Texas A/R Days 37
Celebrate every chance we get Online - Around the World Inv. Days 14
Rev./Emp. $250,000
Over Communicate - Good or
Bad, all communication is good.
Take the initiative to over Actions Key Thrusts/Capabilities Key Initiatives
communicate. To Live Values, Purposes, BHAG®
Sharpen the saw - Always be in Team Building - Consistent Implement an Inventory System Purchases Inventory Control
1 Quarterly Activities 1 1 process and system implementation
process of developing ourselves,
our processes and our products.
Topgrading Hiring Process Design and build an online store Qualify 3 suppliers for every SKU
2 2 2
Regular Celebrations Strategic Vendor Relationships Build Customer Service Culture and
3 3 3 Training Program
Ongoing education and staff Develop an Outside Sales Team Create and implement company KPI
4 development (Program) 4 4 dashboard
Give back to community at least 10% Clearing House for used equipment Build comprehensive pricing model
5 of what we produce or sell. 5 exchange 5 for volume purchases
2. __________________________________________________
Vendor Relationships 2. __________________________________________________
Inventory control
3. __________________________________________________
Established Customer Base 3. __________________________________________________
Web site platform - Yahoo Store
Gazelles Growth Toolstm v3.3 – 10.1.14 (ENG) For use by Gazelles International Coaches. ©2015 Gazelles, Inc. this copy courtesy For help with your OPSP, contact us at [email protected] 8
Your Name: Date:
2. _______________________________
Inventory 2. _______________________________
Revenue/Promotion 2. _______________________________
Inventory Turns
3. _______________________________
Inventory Turns per SKU 3. _______________________________
Avg. Revenue/Sales Rep. 3. _______________________________
A/R Aging Days
Conduct Vendor Review MD 4
1. __________________________________________________
Online sporting goods purchasing is up 3.2% over last year 4. __________________________________________________
Leagues are consolidating their purchasing, looking for single vendors
2. __________________________________________________
Vendor consolodation has slowed 5. __________________________________________________
Smart phones with everyone
3. __________________________________________________
Under Armor is tightening its supply channel 6. __________________________________________________
Millennials lack loyalty (Price Shoppers)
Gazelles Growth Toolstm v3.3 – 10.1.14 (ENG) For use by Gazelles International Coaches. ©2015 Gazelles, Inc. this copy courtesy For help with your OPSP, contact us at [email protected] 9