Aldrich Spectra Libraries 04-02B
Aldrich Spectra Libraries 04-02B
Aldrich Spectra Libraries 04-02B
S.T. Japan-Europe also offers a great variety of FTIR transmittance and Raman spectra databases.
Please contact us for more information.
Content: To help you determine which database fits best your needs, we provide you Listings of all
libraries: For each library we created a pdf-file, which lists all substances/spectra in the
respective library.
Service: To meet a wide range of application needs we constantly expand our libraries and add new
specialty libraries. In case you do not find a specialty library listed below, which fits your needs,
please get in touch with us, to get the most recent update!
We provide also customized spectral libraries according to your individual requirements. Based
on your list of substances (xls-sheet) we compile a specialized library for your research
System Requirements:
Windows NT, ver. 4.0
Windows 2000
Windows XP
S. T. Japan-Europe GmbH
Nikolausstrasse 125 · D-50937 Köln · Germany
T. + 49 - (0) 221- 941 89 11 · F. + 49 - (0) 221- 941 89 10
[email protected] ·