PDA-7000 Series: Shimadzu Optical Emission Spectrometer
PDA-7000 Series: Shimadzu Optical Emission Spectrometer
PDA-7000 Series: Shimadzu Optical Emission Spectrometer
PDA-7000 Series
Optical Emission
From Shimadzu,
which has progressed in parallel
with the Japanese metals industries
Created Japan's first spectroscope.
Created the direct-reading spectrometer. An atmospheric-type spectrometer
supplied to the non-ferrous metals industry.
Created the vacuum spectrometer, permitting analysis of vacuum UV wavelengths,
including C, P, S, and B.
Developed and patented speciation analysis of aluminum in steel.
Sold first fully automated analysis instrument.
Developed the pulse distribution analysis (PDA) method,
which received the Okochi Memorial Prize.
Applied new optics technology to achieve measurements in the extreme
ultraviolet region (H, O, N) with a glow discharge spectrometer.
Achieved molten metal control measurements of nitrogen (N) in cast
iron using the OES-5014 optical emission spectrometer.
Developed new technologies for the measurement of inclusions in steel.
For many years, Shimadzu has supplied the wor ld with the
Optical Emission Spectrometer instr uments
that are indispensable for the quality control of metals.
Shimadzu now presents the PDA-7000, which combines
the best of all these instr uments.
Shimadzu's unique time-resolution PDA photometr y is
installed as standard feature so as to provide
powerful backup for quality control analysis.
Contents P 04 - Features P 07 - Analysis Applications and P 09 - PDA Time-resolution Analysis
P 15 - Specifications
PDA -7000 S eri e s
F e a t u re s o f th e P D A -70 0 0 S eries
N e w S p a rk Sta n d E n h a n ce s S tabilit y
The structure and materials of the conventional spark stand
have been upgraded to considerably enhance analysis
accuracy for high-concentration elements (stainless steel
and aluminum alloy). It accepts large sample plates, offers
greater ease of handling, and enhances durability.
Further, selecting the optional stand water-cooling kit (see
page 12) restricts the spark stand temperature rise due to
electrical discharge during continuous analysis, thereby
enhancing the stability of the measured values.
Spark Stand
N e w C h a s sis C as e D es ig n o ff ers Superb Environment al Resist ance
The newly designed chassis case enhances environmental resistance.
The monochromator is made of materials resistant to the effects of temperature fluctuations and is installed in a
constant-temperature chamber.
The popular compact design is retained. The chassis case can be mounted against the wall to save space. The
functional design allows maintenance access from the front.
The chassis case design offers greater freedom in analysis laboratory layout.
V a c u u m Mo n o c h ro ma to r
The monochromator must be held in a vacuum or in a gas-replacement atmosphere to avoid effects due to the
absorption of spectral lines such as C, P, S, B, and N by atmospheric oxygen.
Shimadzu adopts a vacuum monochromator that is resistant to the effects of temperature fluctuations. It is
installed in a temperature-controlled monochromator chamber to achieve extremely stable measurements.
S e l e c t O p timal D isc h arg e C ondit ions t o Suit Analysis Range and Elem en t s
Several separate discharge types are available for each analyzed element: high-energy discharge, spark
discharge for excellent reproducibility, and arc-like spark discharge for high sensitivity. A combination of these
can also be selected to set the optimal discharge conditions.
Used with time-resolution photometry, these settings achieve high analysis accuracy.
The addition of the optional small-sample analysis kit (page 12) permits measurements on 0.01mm-thick
samples and small-diameter samples.
U s e r- f ri e nd ly S o ftw are
The software was designed for process analysis, with due consideration of the situation at sites where metals
analysis is conducted in Japan. After the instrument is started, only one action is required to enable
measurement and allow simple process analysis.
Simply enter the required information in sequence to easily create the analysis information.
PDA -7000 S eri e s
F e a t u re s o f th e P D A -70 0 0 S eries
Control Chart
Control Chart
A n a ly si s A p p l i cat i o n s an d Ra ng e s
Analysis range example of Al base fixed channel Analysis range example of Fe base fixed channel
Cu 0.01~5.0 C 0.005~4.0
Si 0.01~13.0 Si 0.005~4.0
Mg 0.01~11.0 Mn 0.005~1.0
Zn 0.01~1.0 P 0.005~0.5
Fe 0.01~1.8 S 0.003~0.5
Mn 0.01~0.6 Cu 0.001~1.0
Ni 0.01~2.5 Ni 0.001~1.0
Sn 0.01~0.3 Cr 0.001~1.0
Ti 0.01~0.3 Mo 0.005~1.0
Pb 0.01~0.2 Ti 0.001~1.0
Cr 0.01~0.2 V 0.005~1.0
Al 0.001~1.0
0.01 0.1 1 10 20 30 40
Sn 0.005~0.2
Content (%)
Mg 0.001~0.1
0.01 0.1 1 10 20 30 40
Content (%)
PDA-7000 Analysis range examples
C 0.005~4.0 Ni AI 0~0.005
Si 0.005~4.0 Si Sb 0.01~1.0
Mn 0.005~13.0 Sn As 0.004~0.2
P 0.002~0.5 AI Bi 0.005~0.2
S 0.001~0.5 Pb Cd 0~0.01
Cu 0.001~1.0 Zn Co 0.001~0.02
Ni 0.001~30.0 Mn Cu 0.02~1.0
Cr 0.001~30.0 Fe Fe 0.003~0.1
Mo 0.005~5.0 P Pb 0.01~1.0
Ti 0.001~1.0 Ni 0.001~0.1
0.01 0.1 1 10 20 30 40
V 0.005~3.0 Ag 0~0.02
Content (%)
AI 0.001~1.0 Zn 0~0.02
W 0.01~25.0
Copper alloy
0.01 0.1 1 10 20 30 40
Co 0.005~20.0
Nb 0.005~2.0
Content (%)
As 0.005~0.1
Pb 0.002~0.2 Sb
Tin alloy
Mg 0.001~0.2 Bi 0.001~0.3 Cu 0.01~3.0
N 0.003~0.5 Cu 0.0001~0.1 AI 0.7~7.0
0.01 0.1 1 10 20 30 40 Ag 0.0001~0.02 Mg 0.01~0.2
Content (%) Sn 0.005~0.6 Fe 0.01~0.1
Iron & Steel Ni 0.0005~0.02 Cd 0.0006~0.01
0.01 0.1 1 10 20 30 40 Sn 0.0005~0.01
Cu 0.0005~10.0
Content (%) Pb 0.001~0.01
Lead ingot or alloy Cr 0.001~0.01
Zn 0.001~8.0
Mn 0.001~0.1
Mn 0.001~2.0
Ni 0.001~0.1
Si 0.001~15.0
Si 0.01~0.1
Mg 0.001~15.0 Si 0.01~1.0
Ni 0.001~2.0 Mn 0.01~3.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 20 30 40
Cr 0.001~1.0 Ni 0.001~0.1 Content (%)
Sn 0.001~1.0 Cr 0.01~10.0 Zinc alloy
Pb 0.001~1.0 Cu 0.001~0.5
As the number of light receptors in the PDA-7000
Ti 0.001~0.5 AI 0.05~10.0
differs according to the purpose of the analysis,
V 0.001~0.1 Zn 0.01~10.0 consult Shimadzu on the applicable elements and
P 0.001~0.02 Fe 0.005~0.1 analysis range for each analysis purpose.
Na 0.0005~0.03 The percentage content values in the tables
0.01 0.1 1 10 20 30 40
indicate the range of content values in normally
0.01 0.1 1 10 20 30 40 Content (%) analyzed samples; they do NOT indicate the
Content (%) Magnesium alloy analysis range of the instrument. It is possible to
Aluminum ingot or alloy analyze elements other than the elements
PDA -7000 S eri e s
Shimadzu's unique PDA photometry is installed as standard to offer a variety of benefits for various analyses.
Spectral intensity
spectral line.
The diagram at the right shows the current waveform for typical discharge conditions.
Some elements exhibit sensitivity in Area A, others in Area B. Analyzing the elements A B
separately in the individual areas dramatically enhances the sensitivity for trace
The table below compares the Background Equivalent Concentration (BEC) values for
a conventional method and the PDA-7000.
The lower the BEC value, the higher the sensitivity for trace elements. T
Element C P S B
Time-resolution Photometry
Conventional method(ppm) 160 150 100 80
PDA-7000(ppm) 80 75 50 40
R e d u c e d E ffec ts o f S a mp le Def ect s ( cracks, pinholes) on Analysis Valu es
The internal standard monitoring method is applied to each discharge pulse to monitor the
light intensity for internal standard elements. If this value lies within the specified range,
the light intensities obtained for the measured elements are selected.
To enhance reproducibility, statistical processing is used to eliminate the data obtained
when the spark is applied to a defect resulting from sampling.
Spectral intensity( )
Spectral intensity( )
Spectral intensity
Time (T) Time (T)
Frequency of occurrence Internal standard elements Measured elements
insol AI
n’ samples
Measured value
insol AI
PDA -7000 S eri e s
In optical emission spectrometry, electrical energy is imparted to a metal sample and the vaporized atoms are
excited to obtain emission spectra unique to the elements. These emission spectra are separated by a
monochromator and a detector (photomultiplier tube) detects the presence and intensity of each for quantification
and qualification of the elements contained in the sample. This analysis method requires no complex pretreatment
and obtains quantitative values for several tens of elements within one minute of starting analysis.
Shimadzu optical emission spectrometers use a unique process to obtain analysis results in just over ten seconds
after starting analysis. Optical emission spectrometers using photoelectric photometry are prescribed in the Japan
Industry Standards (JIS) and are adopted for a wide range of official analyses.
C o n f i g u ra t i o n
A p p l i cat i on s o f Op t i cal Emi ssion S pe c trom e tr y
The Optical Emission Spectrometer covers a wide analysis range from trace levels to high concentrations of
metals – including steel, aluminum, magnesium, copper, zinc, lead, tin, titanium, nickel, and cobalt – in ingots or
alloy components.
It is used for process-control analysis and for raw materials delivery and product dispatch inspections in the metals
refining and processing industries.
Cast Iron
- Quality control by rapid in-furnace analysis at each stage of manufacture
- Analysis for product standards evaluation
- Materials deliver inspections
Other Metals
- Quality control by rapid in-furnace analysis at each stage of manufacture
- Analysis for product standards evaluation
- Materials deliver inspections
M a c h i n e ry, A u to mo b ile , a n d Ship- building Applicat ions
- Analysis for product standards evaluation
- Materials deliver inspections
PDA -7000 S eri e s
E l e c t ro d e - c le a n in g U n it
To enhance long-term stability, the optional electrode-cleaning unit keeps the
counter electrode clean by brushing away adhering sample deposits. The
attached sample retainer mechanism allows anyone to set samples under sample retainer
identical conditions.
Brush Brush
Sample cleaning unit
S m a l l - s a mp le A n a ly s is K it (P/N: 211-74665-**)
Handles samples between 3 mm and 12 mm in diameter.
Sample diameter 3mmφ,or more P/N 211-74665-93
7mmφ,or more P/N 211-74665-91
9mmφ,or more P/N 211-74665-92
O p t i o n s f o r S a mp le P re p ara t ion
1. Sampling Mold and Surface Plate 2. FS-3NS Belt Sander 3. L-1000 Bench Lathe
Mold – P/N 210-00005 P/N 085-50206-01 P/N 085-50102-01
F a c t o ry C alib ra tio n (F C )
Internal calibration curves (Note 1)
Type Steel : 10 types FC Low-alloy steel 211-53955-01
FC Austenitic stainless steels 211-53955-02
FC Ferrite stainless steels 211-53955-03
FC Low-alloy cast iron 211-53955-04
FC Free-cutting steels 211-53955-05
FC High-manganese steels 211-53955-06
FC High-speed tool steels 211-53955-07
FC High-alloy cast iron 211-53955-08
FC Ni-resist cast iron 211-53955-09
GC Steel Note 2
Note 1: Must be ordered with the instrument.
Note 2: The following two items are required for GC steel:
1. Global Calibration (GC), steel (P/N: 211-53953)
2. 31 for global standardization (P/N: 210-00004-31)
PDA -7000 S eri e s
S ta n d a rd S amp les fo r A n a ly s is
Contact your Shimadzu representative for information on the selection and preparation of standard samples for
each analysis purpose. Also consult Shimadzu if chemical analysis is required.
Disk type
Cast Iron Standard Samples
These standard samples are created using Shimadzu's many years of Shapes of Cast Iron Standard Samples
research and experience. They are white pig iron samples of alloy cast iron and
normal cast iron, offering highly reliable carbon analysis and an adequate
concentration range of component elements for optical emission
Cast iron standard sample for standardization (disk type), Disk type Mushroom type
Low-alloy Steel Standard Samples No. 5 Low-alloy Steel Standard Samples No.14 Low-alloy Steel Standard
These standard samples contain many component for Calibration Curves Sample for Standardization
M aj o r Sp eci f i cat i o n s
Humidity 70% RH max.
Note Heat generation approx. 1100 kcal/hour 240 1550 650
environment subject to vibrations, dust, and strong electrical fields. Range of movement
200, 220, 230, or 240 V ± 10%, single-phase, 50/60 Hz, 4.0 kVA
PDA instrument 1550 (W) x 620 (D) x 1330 (H) mm
Ground: Individually grounded 30 W max. Provide near the
Rotary oil pump 230 (W) x 475 (D) x 253 (H) mm
rear of the instrument.
Data processing unit 650 (W) x 600 (D) x 1380 (H) mm
(When installed on PC rack.)
Gas Weight (system) Approx. 500 kg total
Argon gas : A central supply with switching between at least
two cylinders is convenient.
Argon gas purity 99.999% min.
Dew point below –70˚C. Note The instrument can be mounted against the wall to save space.
Maintenance can be conducted from the front.
Optional Accessories (Require separate installation locations and power supplies.) The data processing unit can be moved near to the operated instrument.
Sampling Mold and Surface Plate
Take due care of locations WARNING
L-1000 Bench Lathe:100V, 300W, single-phase where this warning label is
Belt Sander:200V, 750W, three-phase attached. Electric Shock Danger
Danger of electric shocks. Turn off
Electrode grinder:100V, 70W, single-phase the power before opening the cover.
To support customers, Shimadzu has established a global network
and provides comprehensive support through the network.