SuhbaOnlineGuidebookVer2CP 221002 173718
SuhbaOnlineGuidebookVer2CP 221002 173718
SuhbaOnlineGuidebookVer2CP 221002 173718
1. Introduction to Suhba Online, its intent and curriculum
4. Suhba (Fellowship)
6. Course Schedule
Study Suggestions
9. Sponsorship Requirements
10. FAQs
Suhba Online
Suhba Online (both first and second Beginner, intermediate and advanced
year streams are intended by this students of Islamic knowledge will find
Guidebook, unless otherwise the program intellectually stimulating,
specified) is an 8-month interactive spiritually inspiring, relevant, practical,
Islamic curriculum of study, practice and life-transforming, insha’Allah.
and fellowship based on the acclaimed
Suhba Fellowship Program that was
run in Istanbul, Turkey.
Modules of Study in
Suhba Online
There are four core modules of study, Below is a brief description of each
each about two months long, taught module for the Suhba Online 1 stream.
primarily by Shaykh Mokhtar. For second year students, each module
will involve a deeper, more advanced
discussion of the material.
2. The Mind:
1. The Heart: Legal Theory (Usul al-Fiqh),
The Science of the Legal Maxims (al-Qawa‘id
Purification of the Heart al-Fiqhiyya) and the Higher
(Tazkiyat al-Nafs) Objectives of the Law
(Maqasid al-Shari‘a)
The spiritual heart (qalb) is the subtle, Topics include the Islamic psychology
Divine creation that is the seat of all of the self; the attainment of khilafa
cognition, emotion and will. It is our (vicegerency) in the realization of the
greatest and most precious gift, by Divine Names and Attributes at the
which we know Allah, experience Him, human level; the destructive vices and
and seek Him. salvific virtues (akhlaq) of the heart;
inner dimensions of worship; and a
Drawing from the rich legacy and practical, holistic model of the
practice of Islamic spirituality (Tazkiyat essentials of Islamic spirituality such as
al-Nafs) from the Messenger ﷺ, the ‘Ilm (Knowledge), Tawba
Companions (Allah be pleased with (Repentance), Mujahada (Personal
them) and the early and later Striving), Dhikr (Divine Remembrance),
generation of Scholar-Saints (Allah Muraqaba (Divine Mindfulness), Du‘a’
sanctify their souls), this module (Supplication) and Khalwa (Spiritual
discusses the essential principles and Seclusion), among others.
practices of the science.
2. The Mind:
Legal Theory, Legal Maxims, The Higher Objective of the Law
Our Master Muhammad ﷺis the Allah’s Beloved ?ﷺAnd why is He ﷺ
Beloved of Allah and the most perfect so fully deserving of our fullest love
created expression of His Names and and both external and internal
Attributes. He ﷺis the door to obedience?
experiential tawhid (Divine unicity) and
to refined, exalted character (akhlaq). This new perspective on the
Messenger ﷺwill grant us a fuller
Conventional studies of the Prophetic appreciation of the sublime majesty
Biography (Sira) typically treat his life and beauty of his character ;ﷺchange
ﷺas a chronology of events, crises or the way in which we relate to his words,
military engagements with scant deeds, and life ;ﷺand truly make him
attention paid to his reality ﷺ. This ﷺthe emulative archetype for our
module will be an intensive hearts, minds, and bodies throughout
introduction to his reality ﷺand our lives. And with Allah is all success.
special station with Allah. Why is He
4. The Book:
A Spiritual Exegesis (Tafsir) of the Qur’an
The Qur’an is Allah’s eternal speech to The Qur’an unfolds with profound
us, our most direct experience of His and transformative spiritual
Names and Attributes, and the cure meanings that develop an
and remedy for all our spiritual experiential awareness of Allah’s
ailments. Names and Attributes together with
the akhlaq (inner character) essential
This module of Qur’anic exegesis for one’s individual and collective
(Tafsir) studies some chronological growth. As we internalize and
revelations of the Qur’an in Mecca, as actualize these meanings, we will
well as a selection of the Medinan build an emotional, personal
Qur’an. Both address the personal connection to the words of the
and collective challenges of the first Qur’an and feel that it is revealed for
believers and provide them — and us us, and to us, in real-time and
— with the spiritual meanings, real-life. And with Allah is all success.
strength and inner composure to
navigate the environment around
(Inner Character)
(Spiritual Works)
and ‘Amal
While online suhba can never replace 2. Monthly Sitting Still session: In our
in-person suhba, Suhba Online monthly Sitting Still session, we will
currently provides six avenues to learn how to sit still, focus and
maintain the pedagogy and ties of concentrate by doing a guided
fellowship: dhikr together.
Please see the Thinkific platform for details about times and classes.
Study Components
5. Students will attend a one-hour, weekly Fellowship and Practice (FP) class.
The class will explore the real-life, personal, gradual, and progressive
practice of what is learned. Dr. Ali Hazratji, Dr. Amir Abdelzaher, Sidi
Naeem Saloojee, and Sidi Abdul-Basit Khan will share reflections of the
students and summarize the key points and themes in the weekly lecture by
Shaykh Mokhtar. Intermittently, the class will be a Q&A, facilitated by
Shaykh Riad Saloojee, and devoted to addressing student questions
regarding the material and its application in daily life. Students are also
welcome to submit their questions to the teachers through our online form.
Questions will be answered after two to three weeks.
Students may also attend the monthly Suhba Check-Ins with Sidi Moutasem
Atiya, Dr. Zulekha Jalal and Sayyida Kamrun Nahar.
Program Duration
Weekly Commitment
For the study priorities and recommendations, please see this section in this
Guidebook: Make the Most Out of the Program: Study Suggestions.
Student Q&A
Intermittently, the Fellowship and Practice (FP) class will be devoted to Q&A.
Students may also submit their questions through an online form to be made
available during the course.
Course Schedule