12 HUMSS - PR2 - Group 1

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Micheal Owusu-Acheaw and Agatha Gifty Larson, in their research, Reading habits
among students and its effect on academic performance: A Study of Students of Koforidua
Polytechnic, implies the students’ reading ability and strategy, as well as how it affects their
academic performance. They disputes, “The study revealed that majority of the respondents
had the view that reading habits have effect on academic performance and that there is a
direct relationship between reading habits and academic performance.” (Owusu-Acheaw
& Larson, 2014). When someone reads frequently and consistently, they are said to have a
reading habit. Reading is a habit that is continuously practiced to words written. The ability
to read is one that students must develop in order to succeed in life; it is fundamental for both
daily success and academic performances. Reading encourages curiosity about learning new
things, making it an essential daily activity. It also offers the chance to take part in the
pleasure and amusement of others. Knowing what your reading habit is essential. It is how
you will use your ability and capacity to strive and learn. The reading habits of a student are
either influenced by their environment or their interests. The amount of reading students do
substantially impacts their academic success. In order to comprehend academic material and
pass tests, students have established reading habits, which are well-planned and purposeful
routines of study.

Micheal Owusu-Acheaw and Agatha Gifty Larson, in their research, “Reading habits
among students and its effect on academic performance: A Study of Students of Koforidua
Polytechnic,” which aimed to evaluate students’ reading habits and how it affected their
academic performance. They claimed, “It is becoming quite a major issue in many academic
institutions that students tend to depend on lecture notes rather done visiting the library for
information. As a result, management of academic institutions should caution faculty staff to
prepare only handout for students and they will complement it by further research in the
library.” (Owusu-Acheaw & Larson, 2014). Providing students with lecture notes is of
tremendous assistance, but it will be impossible for them to independently acquire new
knowledge outside of school. Sometimes, despite the educators’ intention to assist learners by
spoon-feeding lecture notes, students grow dependent on them. Instead of writing, many
students depend only on the lecture notes that their teacher provides or that they can request
from peers. In the same way, they don’t realize how important library research is; they don’t
learn much, and their education seems to be limited to the classroom. If the institution intends
to distribute handouts to students, it should be careful and ensure that the information to be
presented is accurate. The objective of reading is to educate, thus the material given with
children must be accurate and reliable. In addition, as a result of the handouts, learners are
getting complacent. Reading is no longer valued since passing tests is all that matters. The
information has less of an impact on the students, and it tends to dissipate after the exam. In
order for students to better develop their reading and critical thinking abilities, rather than
simply handing them the study itself, teachers should instruct them in the right way to
identify reputable sources.


Umi Rachmawati, in her study, Reading interest of senior high school students: A
Case Study, emphasized the value of reading to all students’ activities. She said, “Learners
do not only focus on the learning of speaking and writing but also reading since they are
required to be able to smartly respond to the texts they are reading.” (Rachmawati,
2018). It is impossible for someone who cannot read to write and communicate knowledge.
Reading, speaking, and writing are taught in school because they are interrelated, and so is
listening. A person cannot obtain the knowledge offered through speaking and writing if he
does not know how to read and listen; conversely, a person cannot learn to read if he is
unable to listen. A person is able to write and speak facts and knowledge in response to
readings. Reading is crucial not only for academic success but also for success in everyday
life. Reading is an essential component of existence. Without it, people’s voices are useless
since illiterate individuals cannot learn to talk. Young people must persist with reading in
order to face the future without difficulty. It may be seen that technology exists in the present
and may exist in the future, but it cannot be used effectively if people lack intellect. Reading
is essential for resolving difficulties that a community, country, or even the entire planet may
face, because reading is learning. Without the ability to read, individuals cannot learn
important information.

Umi Rachmawati, in her case study, “Reading interest of senior high school students:
A Case Study” presented an in-depth analysis of how teachers planted knowledge in students’
minds to cultivate their reading desire. She mentioned, “It is a problem for the success of
language teaching as the students can have low motivation in reading if the reading materials
were not interesting for them.” (Rachmawati, 2018). Humans will never be pleased if
they are doing or studying something that they do not wish to do or learn. A student’s apathy
towards reading is a bit off-putting, especially if it demonstrates that the student has no
intention of embracing reading since he or she cannot acquire the language. If a person is not
motivated to study, he or she will not find a way to learn; thus, it is vital for them to grasp the
significance of reading before they reach a high level of learning. It is quite useful if the
parents or even the teacher provide a pupil with such a motivation to accept the book with
enthusiasm. This arrangement will help both the student and the educator, as the student will
learn and the teacher will have an easier time instructing the student. Also, reading is difficult
because it is so meticulously studied, since a single incorrect pronunciation might alter the
meaning of a word. Before learning to read, there are steps that must be performed, and each
word read has a unique significance. For this reason, children are taught to recognize the
sounds of each letter so that they have no trouble pronouncing words. A word’s meaning
might also vary based on the statement and its intonation. Without enthusiasm and a desire to
read, a student won’t be able to understand a helpful book or even what the teacher is saying.


Joey M. Villanueva, said in his study, Language profile, metacognitive reading

strategies, and reading comprehension performance among college students, that
metacognitive reading approaches help students become more autonomous learners. He
indicates, “Reading comprehension is a careful extraction of meaning and wise selection of
information using critical and analytical reflections.” (Villanueva, 2022). Reading
comprehension is the capacity to understand literature, comprehend its meaning, and combine
it with prior knowledge. Students should have the ability to comprehend what they read as
soon as they can. 4-5 year olds start to read and develop their reading skills as they grow up.
This means that reading doesn’t stop, either the improvement in comprehension. Low reading
comprehension affects the academic performance of students, as learning requires a lot of
understanding. It’s essential to have a broad vocabulary. Instruction makes students pick up
new words. Nevertheless, they usually pick up on word meanings by reading, including both
daily experience and knowledge acquired through experience. Reading comprehension is tied
to either internal or external causes. The reader’s internal and cognitive factors include skills
and tactics, informational foundation, and emotional traits. Text modality, text features,
reading time, and reading location were all listed as external influences.

Joey M. Villanueva, in his paper, “Language profile, metacognitive reading strategies,

and reading comprehension performance among college students,” revealed that learners are
encouraged to come up with answers, use reflective thinking, and come up with solutions to
communication problems on a daily basis. He asserts, “The role of environment and
comprehensible language stimulates readers and improves reading comprehension.”
(Villanueva, 2022). When an individual is born in a specific place, the language they
use there will be their first language. While growing up, they will pick up the words and
vocabulary around them in the environment they live in. At a certain age, children start to
read fairy tales, books, and other things that are required for their childhood age. This allows
them to start having or improving their reading skills, as well as their ability to understand
things. Unless the students begin to read other kinds of books, their vocabulary will be
limited. At the adolescent stage, students have more power to enhance their reading
comprehension as they have access to the library and the internet. Therefore, they are more
prone to distractions. In the childhood stage, the only distraction kids have is their playtime.
In the adolescent stage, there are a lot of distractions like the internet, social media, online
games, peers, household chores, and sometimes part-time work. To improve reading
comprehension, having a good peer that also reads is a nice way to start; so is having good
time management and finding the type of book you want to read.


Rodel Francisco T. Alegado, in his study, “Reading engagement during the pandemic:
The Case of Csu-Sanchez Mira (Cagayan, Philippines) Students,” illustrates the extent of
reading done by students during the pandemic. He claims, “There are differences in the time
of usage when they wanted to acquire general knowledge from various sites. Literary works
is the most common text being read online in social networking sites.” (Alegado, 2021).
The pandemic gave the students more time to read a lot since they were stuck at home. It
gives them a chance to develop their vocabulary and skills by reading books that can help to
improve not only their knowledge but also their emotional feelings. To obtain general
information on social media platforms, they need to be able to access the internet. They can
also manage their time to read and choose from lots of free books that can be found on the
internet. The reading preference of each student is solely at their discretion, such as
languages, genres, and other factors. On the basis of a study, it was discovered that students
were reading more online texts than usual. Having more free time was the main factor in this
(as a result of not being required to commute, being furloughed, or engaging in regular social
commitments or recreational activities). A certain amount of the students’ time is also spent
reading English-language online content. In essence, students are reading more online texts
because they have more free time during the pandemic. They can also manage their time to
read and choose from lots of free books that can be found on the internet. The reading
preference of each student is solely at their discretion, such as languages and genres.

Rodel Francisco T. Alegado, in his research, “Reading engagement during the

pandemic: The Case of Csu-Sanchez Mira (Cagayan, Philippines) Students,” demonstrates
the volume of reading that students did during the pandemic. He argues, “As students have
less contact with the physical classroom and with their teachers, it becomes less important to
them.” (Alegado, 2021). Students’ daily routines were disturbed by the pandemic,
which also made them feel anxious and apprehensive for months. To cope, both their bodies
and themselves have undergone many adjustments. They go from being really active, moving
about, and connecting with others to a full shutdown, which unfortunately manifests as
feeling indifferent, exhausted, or melancholy. It is climacteric that students start to place less
importance on undertaking academic readings and studies as they have less interaction with
their teachers and the actual classroom. Students experienced considerable difficulties as a
result of the psychological pressure brought on by COVID-19 and the abrupt change in
learning mode, with serious negative effects on their mental health. Plus, all the other stuff on
social media that they see every day triggers their mental health. It caused them to focus on
other things, such as playing games and chit-chatting online, which made them not read
books. Reading gaps were a concern even prior to the pandemic. Access to resources outside
of the learning management system is necessary to increase student participation. Certain
instructors said that there were reading deficits even before the pandemic. This is due to the
fact that reading skill development—the capacity to progress from learning to read to reading
to learn—lays the foundation for subsequent academic success.


Maria Cecilia Eijansantos Remanente, in her conference paper, “Factors affecting

academic reading among students,” discusses the relevance of the students’ environments to
their reading habits and interests. She declared, “Other factors affecting students’ propensity
to read were also reported: their source of reading materials; their perception of the benefits
of reading; family and peers influencing them to read; and having an environment conducive
to reading.” (Remanente, 2005). The student’s reading motivation is profoundly influenced
by their environment. As the environment changes, so do people’s lifestyles, hobbies, study
habits, and almost every other aspect of their day-to-day existence. Before, as a result of the
school’s provision of and requirement for the usage of required textbooks, students viewed
their textbooks as indispensable to their academic success. Currently, because the entire globe
has embraced technology, the majority of pupils rely on Google rather than reading literature
supplied by the school or government agency that pays the school. People used to enjoy
reading literature such as novels, poems, and biographies that provided them with
entertainment and knowledge by going to the library and borrowing or purchasing the book in
the bookstore, but now they prefer to watch shows, movies, and television series, and some
enjoy reading books online in their spare time. As the environment has changed and the globe
has embraced technology, people’s interests, especially those of young people such as
students, have transitioned from reading physical books to relying on technology. Since the
entire world has embraced technology and people choose convenience, people have forgotten
the significance of literature. Only those who are genuinely interested in reading books
appreciate actual books, whilst those who are only interested in acquiring material for a
certain subject simply browse the internet. Being surrounded by friends and family members
who like reading can motivate students to read and teach them how to locate credible sources
on the internet. Therefore, because the majority of students do not read but spend their time
on other activities, their disinterest in reading is rapidly spreading and cannot be stopped;
therefore, it would be of great assistance if someone encouraged and introduced them to the
enjoyment of reading.

Maria Cecilia Eijansantos Remanente, in her study, “Factors affecting academic

reading among students,” discovered that there was a clear correlation between the frequency
with which students utilize reading lists and their likelihood of performing well an exams.
She discussed, “Teachers should regularly provide students with reading lists that contain not
only the textbooks, but also, other references, especially those found online because, as
reported earlier, students refer to online sources more often than they refer to print materials.
In cases where copies of a reference are limited or too costly to obtain, teachers should
consider providing one copy for the class to reproduce.” (Remanente, 2015). When the
teacher provides a textbook with reference, the pupils’ knowledge can be increased. The
student may be dissatisfied with the information offered by the teacher, and they may consult
the reference provided by the teacher for further information. In these situations, the educator
not only assists the student in obtaining ideas but also assists the student in understanding the
significance of acquiring reliable ideas as well as heightening the students’ enthusiasm for
reading and even their comprehension. Providing references also adds legitimacy to the
material, as students will know from whom they are studying and may learn about different
writers who offer their expertise based on observations, experiments, and extensive research.
In addition, the educator teaches the student that it is vital to give credit to the original author
or person who contributed the idea for a lesson, which may deter the students from copying
the work given in a book or on the Internet for their schoolwork, such as essays. Academic
and non-academic writing is vital to students as their activity and occasionally as a test
needed by the teacher to assess the students’ prior knowledge and the knowledge they have
acquired through learning. It would be of great assistance if educators guided and assisted
students in their right comprehension of texts as well as the correct citation of borrowed ideas
or disclosure that they were borrowed. Students can certainly apply these principles to their
academic and non-academic work, as well as their current and future lives. It is sufficient for
the teacher to give reading lists that include both the textbook and references to help students
and allow them to determine the full meaning of the text independently. Students require
assistance, but not to the extent that professors give them everything and all they need to do
to pass is memorize; they should also be trained to analyze reading materials.







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