Review of Related Literature
Review of Related Literature
Review of Related Literature
According to Aikat (2016) reading plays a very important role in enhancing the
minds of young individuals developing their capacity for focused attention as well as
their imaginative growth (p.699). Past research has shown a positive relationship between
and scholar of reading. Aikat stated that “The act of reading is a dynamic transaction
between the reader and the text” (p. 700) an idea taken from Rosenblatts’s 1978 book
According to Aforementioned book there are two kinds of reading for leisure,
called esthetic Reading and Efferent Reading in order to gain information. Efferent
readers read for the purpose of the facts they will learn, while aesthetic readers read for
the reading experience making it easier for them to “connect emotionally” to the text.
reading was defined as “imagining thinking and feeling about ideas and thoughts made
from past experiences that are suggested by perception of printed words” (6.9). On the
other hand Aikat (2007) stated that “the act of reading is a dynamic ‘transaction’ between
the reader and the text” (p.700), an idea taken from Louise M. Rosenblatt’s 1978 book
Efferent readers read for the purpose of the facts they will learn, while aesthetic
readers read for the reading experience making it easier for them to “connect
emotionally” to the text. In order for readers to attain this connection and fully
comprehend the text they read, Dolch (1951) asserted that the process of reading requires
the different capabilities of the mind, as the reader processes words and their meanings.
According to Harris and Sipay (1995) attempts to remediate reading failure date back
the first report of case of reading disability in 1896. He used the term “congenial word
blindness” to describe a 14-year old boy who had not learned to read although he seemed
to be intelligent. Many investigations began in Europe regarding these problems but these
attracted relatively little notice from psychologists and educators in Great Britain.
The same author reported the first report published in the United States in 1916 was
neurologists, Samuel Orton (as cited by Harris and Sipay, 1995) studied the causes of
delays in learning to read but he was mainly interested in the reading disability. His
According to Strong (1997) reading is a tool subject, without knowing how to read
the pupil cannot learn and progress in other fields of endeavor if he knows how to read.
He will be able to deal with his environment and perform his daily activities in life . As a
result, this will enable him to adjust emotionally and socially to different situations
According to Manila bulletin reading-disable students attempt to learn, and fail, they also
cannot meet their own expectations for achievement. This lowers their expectations for
failure success until a generalized fear of failure dominates their attitudes and behaviors.
inevitable and a pattern of learned helplessness results. One of the principal aspects of
that syndrome is that motivation to achieve deteriorates, negating self-concept and self-
According to Manila bulletin The possible causes of reading disability are numerous. A
single factor seldom causes reading disability. The difficulty is due to a composite of
related conditions. Lalunio (1994) calssifies the four causative factors or reading
disability into four, namely: physical, external, intelligence, and educational: (a) Physical
and glandular disturbances and general health. Visual deficiencies and hyperopia, myopia
and astigmatism. Binocular difficulties occur when the visual image of words and objects
are blurred and when more serious two images of words and objects are blurred and when
more serious two images are seen. The pupils use many fixations and regressions or
backward movements.
According to Manila bulletin reading is emotionally maladjusted disable readers are those
who show symptoms in the form of shyness or retiring behavior, inability to concentrate,
promoting children by age rather than achievement, or over emphasis on the development
of reading skills without giving permission to the development of pupils and lack of
reading readiness where in the child is plunged right away to standard reading program
before he has acquired the readiness which important to his success in classroom
age appropriate reading material and trains teachers to use it can have a significant
so much part of modern society and well integrated into the country’s education system
that educational success is almost synonymous with reading success. A reading ability is
the gateway to the acquisition and expansion of knowledge, however there are learners
for whom reading is a struggle. These learners are referred to in this study as learners
people living in today’s modern world reading is an everyday ordinary task to which little
thought is given yet it is one of the most important skills that learners acquired at schools
as it forms the foundation for all further learning. Unlike the ability to speak, the one to
read is not inborn and a learner does not acquired it simply by watching and listening to
other readers. Many of our day to day task required reading, and a person who can read
well can function more effectively in everyday activities yet for an illiterate person, many
of life’s seemingly mundae and ordinary task which many literate people take for granted
process because we read letter by letter and word. It is automatic information processing,
for we decode each word and comprehend it is as we build understanding of the sentence
users of language. It is a transactional process as the reader bring meaning to the text and
constructs personal meaning through exchange with the author. It is an active search for
meaning that involves the relationship between thought and language and a cultural
Science in Makati (2017) Reading comprehension to non readers and frustration to non
readers today is different from the past. Teacher needs to focus on extensive
comprehension instruction with all stusents, is not just successful reader. Reading
According to Mariases N. Apologo of Our lady of Fatima (2014) Poor readers and non
readers will be pulled out from their class to be tutored or coached by the reading teacher
. Reading related activities may be given by the specil reading teacher, he will ask school
for help or assistance of some volunteer parents who are knowledgeable enough and
willing to serve as reading teacher of poor readers during specified time either in school
ordr to make a diagnosis of reading disorder and distinguish it from slow learning or low
Acoording to Mark Joseph Isidro of Our Lady of Fatima (2014) A student will bring
home a copy of reading selection to read at home. The reading materials will vary
according to deferent types of readers ( non readers, frustration level , instructional and
independent level). The parent who will teach the students will attend a meeting with the
teachers to give knowledge on what she or he going to do with his or her child. Reading
difficulties occur on an continuum, meaning that there is a wide range of students who
experience reading difficulties. There are those students who are daiagnosed with a
reading related disability but there is an even larger group of students who still targeted
reading assistance.
According to Ma. Josefina F. Cabral of National University (2015) Reading had been
long lasting and wide spread problem among students in high school level, because they
reach their high school level without knowing how to read properly. One of the
challenges that the teachers facing is how to motivate the students to read, This study
aims to make a plan for the poor reading difficulties of students. Be aware of how each
student is doing. A student should be checked for example if he or she has much more
accuracy, speed or comprehension to the extent that the impairment interferes with
academis achievement or activities of daily life. People with reading disorder perform
reading task well below the level one would expect on the basis of their general
commonly called dyslexia, however usually includes deficits in spelling and writing as
well as reading.