6 Chapter 1.3 Activity Kulang Pa
6 Chapter 1.3 Activity Kulang Pa
6 Chapter 1.3 Activity Kulang Pa
Task 1: Observe two (2) classes in your FS school assignment. Observe two
(2) activities from one teacher and fill-in this cell.
Describe What
Describe how
Learners suggestion/s
did the teacher Give your
Teacher’s Attitude can you give to
implement reason/s for the
Activity towards the make teaching
the Teaching suggestions
Learning and learning
Principle successful?
Introducing The teacher first As I observed the I suggest that on Giving the law of
Lesson 6: recall what was learners, they the very first day effect and
were attentive to of introducing a primacy will wake
Evaluating and lesson 5 all their teacher. new topic, it up the students to
making about. She
When the teacher should be as be eager and
wrapped it all
judgement recalled lesson 5 meaningful as excited to learn
and inform the almost all of them possible. about this new
students that can follow what topic. The
they will be the teacher is students will have
having a new saying and they a strong
topic starting try to speak aloud. background that
today. The When the new they will be
teacher gave an lesson was being expecting more
introduction to a introduced to knowledge and
topic. Then the them, they are values. That is the
rest of the time quite showing that attitude that the
they are ready for teacher should
is allotted to
the new topic. establish with the
writing all the After that, they all learners.
meaning in their get their notebook
notebooks. and ballpen and
started writing.
Field Study 1│ 1
2nd Teacher observed: Ma’am MAPEH School: Ma-a NHS
Class observed: Grade 10- Subject: MAPEH
Date: October 12, 2022 Time 10:45-11:45 AM
Describe What
Describe how
Learners suggestion/s
did the teacher Give your
Teacher’s Attitude can you give to
implement reason/s for the
Activity towards the make teaching
the Teaching suggestions
Learning and learning
Principle successful?
Compare the The teacher used The learners The teacher can Through having
characteristics of a PowerPoint become active also give a short this short quiz, the
artworks presentation for when they show quiz providing teacher can assess
produced in the more clear images the images being images of either if almost the class
various to be shown in the shown. They try impressionism or got the correct
art movements class. The teacher to differentiate the expressionism and way of identifying
first recalled the artworks. Some of they must identify the topic. Also, it
content of modern them discussed it. is for the students
art. She their ideas with to try their
introduced two their classmates acquired
types of art which and some are knowledge if it is
are Impressionism raising their hands correct.
and wanting to share
Expressionism. their ideas with
She defined first the class. What I
each and gave observed is that
artwork pieces. they understood
Then she let her the lesson because
students observe they saw the
the differences in example of
the artwork. impressionism
and expressionism
artworks, not just
a mere definition.
2 │ Field Study 1
Task 2: Personal Insights. Expound the following quotations shared by
different people. In your elaboration, use principles of teaching as your
For Teachers
— Aristotle
This talks about short-term learning and long-term learning.
As a teacher, you must instill and encourage learners not just to do their
activities just because they are obliged, but they will do it because they
wanted to learn. Also, a teacher should always give chance for the
students to share their learnings with their classmates to have a sense of
sharing as well as having a real understanding of the concepts.
“I never teach my pupils, I only attempt
to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”
— Albert Einstein
As a teacher, you are there to guide the learners and to
set standards for them to follow. It means that students must focus
on their own learning just like student-centered learning. You must be
there to provide a guiding principle for them and assess them
carefully. However, you are not the one who is doing all the work, but
the learners.
Field Study 1│ 3
Personal Insights: Expound the following quotations shared by
different people. In your elaboration, use principles of learning as your
For Learners
“Bodily exercise, when compulsory, does
no harm to the body; but knowledge
which is acquired under compulsion
obtains no hold on the mind.”
— Plato
This is a comparison of two different things but has a
meaning. However, the main point here is that a learner must not be
forced but let the learner be the one to do it for himself. With the
right attitude and acquisition, the learner will slowly gain knowledge,
skills, and values. It is because of his willingness and persistence.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.”
— Mahatma Gandhi
This means that as we live, we are also learning. Life is a
continuous learning process. As a learner, we wanted to have a
meaningful experience. Experiential and problem-based
learning make every lesson relevant to us.
“Never let hard lessons harden your heart; the
hard lessons of life are meant to make you
better, not bitter.”
— Roy T. Bennett
I believe that every learner should not always focus on the subject
matter only but also understand the meaning of life and all the values
that we need. It is for us to be eager to learn and to be strong enough
to face problems in the academe and also in living in a society.
4 │ Field Study 1
Task 3: Visit a different classroom and check the available resource or
instructional materials available in the classroom. Use the below
chart as an assessment tool.
Field Study 1│ 5