Anatomical Pathology Saq Sample Exam e

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C andidate C ode No.


Anatomical Pathology - Paper X

1. a) List TWO acceptable methods of collecting samples for urine cytology. 2

b) State TWO principal clinical indications for the use of cytology in 4

disorders of the lower urinary tract.

c) List THREE entities in the differential diagnosis for each of the following
findings on voided urine cytology:
i) signet ring cells 3

ii) atypical squamous cells 3

iii) Candida species 3

Model Answer
(2 marks)
a) Voided, post-instrumentation (wash, brush or retrograde catheterization of ureter),
catheter, ileal conduit

(4 marks: 2 each)
b) Diagnosis of high-grade urothelial malignancies, follow-up of patients with a history
of urothelial malignancy, screening of high-risk (for urothelial cancer) patients

(9 marks)
i) Primary adenocarcinoma of bladder, metastatic adenocarcinoma (give only one point
total - candidates may list 3 metastatic conditions), histiocytes, degenerated urothelial
cells (3)
ii) Degenerated balloon cells, squamous cell carcinoma of bladder, transitional cell
carcinoma (TCC) with squamous differentiation, urethral contaminant, gynecological
tract contaminant (3)
iii) Candida cystitis, vaginal contaminant, laboratory contaminant (3)
2. a) List the FOUR MOST important points to include in a pathology report 8
on salivary gland carcinoma.

b) Name TWO specific salivary gland carcinomas for which histologic 4

grading is pathologically relevant.

c) List TWO risk factors for the development of salivary gland carcinoma. 2

d) In general, what is the SINGLE MOST important pathologic prognostic 1

factor for carcinoma of the head and neck?
Model Answer
a) (8 marks)
site of origin
histologic subtype (2 marks)
extent of disease/pathologic stage (2 marks; if size of tumour or extra-parenchymal
extension mentioned by themselves, each 1 mark to a maximum of 2)
completeness of resection/margin status (2 marks)

b) (4 marks)
mucoepidermoid carcinoma
carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma
adenocarcinoma not otherwise specified (NOS)
adenoid cystic carcinoma

c) (2 marks)
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
genetic predisposition
certain environmental exposures (nickel, chromium, asbestos, volatile hydrocarbons,
mustard gas)

tobacco/smoking (0 marks; while there is a good association with development of

Warthin tumour, there is no established link to salivary gland carcinoma)

d) (1 mark)
lymph node status
3. With respect to hamartomatous GI polyposis syndromes:
a) What is the mode of inheritance of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS)? 1

b) What is the characteristic molecular defect in PJS? 2

c) Excluding the GI tract, list the FOUR specific body sites that are at 8
HIGHEST risk for the development of carcinoma in patients with PJS.

d) List TWO other hamartomatous polyposis syndromes of the gut. 4

Model Answer
a) autosomal dominant (1 mark)

b) germline mutation/loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in serine-threonine kinase

STK11/LKB1, chromosome 19p13.3 (2 marks)

c) (8 marks)
breast, pancreas (cumulative risk 50% and 35% respectively, 2 marks each)
ovary, lung (cumulative risk 20% and 15% respectively, 2 marks each)
uterine cervix, endometrium, testis (cumulative risk 10%, 9% and 9% respectively
(1 mark each)

d) (4 marks)
juvenile polyposis, juvenile polyposis/hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT)
syndrome, Cronkhite-Canada syndrome, Cowden syndrome
4. With respect to the pathology of thrombosis: 3
a) List the MAIN components of Virchow's triad.

b) List TWO causes of genetic hypercoagulability. 4

c) List the THREE MOST common outcomes of thrombi. 6

d) What are TWO of the MOST common causes of fat and marrow emboli? 2

Model Answer
a) (1 mark each, total 3 marks)
endothelial damage, hypercoagulability, altered blood flow
b) (any 2 for 4 marks)
antithrombin III deficiency, protein C deficiency, protein S deficiency
c) (any 3 for 6 marks)
propagation, dissolution, organization and recanalization, embolization
d) (2 marks)
hip fracture, orthopedic trauma, CPR

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