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Phoenix Transformation Programme

Oracle Retail Invoice Matching

User Guide

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Phoenix Transformation Programme

Table of contents

1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 WHAT IS REIM? ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 HIGH-LEVEL PROCESS FLOW ........................................................................................................................ 4
2 DOCUMENT DISCLAIMER ........................................................................................................................... 5
3 ACCESSING REIM ........................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1 WEB URL .................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 LOGGING IN.................................................................................................................................................. 5
4 BASICS AND NAVIGATION.......................................................................................................................... 6
5 PRE REQUISITES: REIM CONFIGURATION............................................................................................... 7
5.1 SYSTEM OPTIONS......................................................................................................................................... 9
5.2 TOLERANCE MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.1 Create New Tolerance..................................................................................................................... 13
5.2.2 Edit Tolerance ................................................................................................................................. 15
5.2.3 Delete Tolerance ............................................................................................................................. 16
5.3 TOLERANCE MAPPING MAINTENANCE AND TOLERANCE LEVELS .................................................................... 17
5.3.1 Creating new Tolerance Mapping ................................................................................................... 18
5.3.2 Edit existing Tolerance Mapping ..................................................................................................... 19
5.3.3 Delete existing Tolerance Mapping ................................................................................................. 20
5.4 MATCH STRATEGY...................................................................................................................................... 21
5.4.1 Create a Match Strategy.................................................................................................................. 22
5.4.2 Edit Match Strategy ......................................................................................................................... 24
5.4.3 Copy Match Strategy ....................................................................................................................... 25
5.4.4 Delete Match Strategy ..................................................................................................................... 26
5.5 GL CROSS REFERENCE SETUP ................................................................................................................... 27
5.5.1 Create GL Cross Reference ............................................................................................................ 28
5.5.2 Edit GL Cross Reference................................................................................................................. 29
5.6 REASON CODES ......................................................................................................................................... 31
5.6.1 Search for a Reason Code .............................................................................................................. 31
5.6.2 Create Reason Codes ..................................................................................................................... 32
5.6.3 Edit Reason Codes .......................................................................................................................... 34
5.7 FINANCIAL POSTING ERROR ........................................................................................................................ 35
6 DASHBOARD .............................................................................................................................................. 37
6.1 UPCOMING INVOICES .................................................................................................................................. 38
6.2 AUTOMATCH RATE...................................................................................................................................... 39
6.3 SUPPLIER SITE PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................................... 39
6.4 EMPLOYEE WORKLOAD............................................................................................................................... 39
6.5 INVOICES ................................................................................................................................................... 40
7 MARKING AN INVOICE FOR PREPAYMENTS ......................................................................................... 40
8 ENTERING AND MAINTAINING DOCUMENTS ......................................................................................... 42
8.1 MANUAL ENTRY .......................................................................................................................................... 42
8.1.1 Merchandise Invoices ...................................................................................................................... 42
8.1.2 Document Maintenance................................................................................................................... 47
8.2 GROUP ENTRY ........................................................................................................................................... 51
9 MATCHING .................................................................................................................................................. 56
9.1 SUPPLIER INVOICE AND MERCHANDISE RECEIPT .......................................................................................... 56
9.2 AUTO MATCH INVOICES .............................................................................................................................. 56
9.3 MANUAL MATCH INVOICES .......................................................................................................................... 56
9.4 UNMATCHING INVOICES .............................................................................................................................. 56
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9.5 MATCH CREDIT NOTES TO CREDIT NOTE REQUESTS ...................................................................................... 56

10 RESOLVE DISCREPANCIES ...................................................................................................................... 57
10.1 RESOLVE DISCREPANCIES ...................................................................................................................... 57
11 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................... 63

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1 Introduction
This user guide is designed to show and teach Alshaya Merchandising, Business
Governance Specialists and Brand Finance teams the procedure designed to ensure Alshaya
pay its suppliers the negotiated cost for actual quantities received using the Oracle Retail
Invoice Matching system. It also describes process for creating an invoice on REIM and how
to mark it for pre-payment.
Invoice verification or matching is a fundamental and critical control procedure for Alshaya.
Invoice matching is designed to support the invoice verification process with accuracy and
efficiency, focusing resources on exception management.
Invoice Matching accepts electronic invoice data uploads (EDI), and provides for rapid on-line
summary entry of invoices. Invoice Matching supports automated and on-line processes
allowing one or more invoices to be matched against one or more receipts. When an invoice
cost and quantities are matched within tolerance; it is ready for payment and staged to a
table to allow a retailer to extract to their accounts payable solution.

1.1 What is ReIM?

Oracle Retail Invoice Matching (ReIM) provides a critical control function to verify invoices against
corresponding merchandise purchase receipts prior to payment of the supplier invoice.

1.2 High-level Process Flow

The below high-level process flows show the overall process for Host-brands and Local
Host-brands using EDI:

Local Suppliers using supplier portal:

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2 Document Disclaimer
The screenshots and examples used in this document have been taken from testing
environments and therefore do not represent real data or events.

This manual is based on Oracle Retail Invoice Matching System.

3 Accessing REIM
ReIM can be accessed via any web browser. Please refer to the Introduction in section 1 to
understand what ReIM can be used for.
This section will cover the following:

• Web URL

• Logging in

3.1 Web URL

Open any web browser and paste into the URL bar/location bar the following:
http://trnp1-momapp01:8411/ReimViewController/faces/Home - awaiting link

For easy access, mark ReIM as a Favourite in your web browser.

3.2 Logging In
The following log in page will appear:
1. To log into ReIM, follow the steps below:

Enter in your Username and Password

Click Login

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2. The following homepage will appear:

The following section will give you an overview of the basics and navigation to ReIM.

4 Basics and Navigation

1. Personal Profile – here you can access your preference settings (for example,
Language) and log out
2. Application Navigator
3. Favourites – mark reports as your Favourite for easy access
4. Tasks Menu – this functionality will allow you to access main parts of the system
5. Notifications
6. Reports - this is where the Central Finance teams view the ReIM Dashboard
The following section will cover the pre-requisites to configure ReIM.

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5 Pre requisites: REIM Configuration

This section describes the system setup required to allow the user to import and export data
from ReIM. The following configurations are set and maintained by the Central Business
Governance team.

Defines system-wide parameters that impact how Oracle

System Retail Invoice Matching functions. You indicate how long
the system maintains various documents and you enter the
Options unique codes the system must use to identify certain types
of documents.

Defines how invoices from each supplier should be

Supplier matched. Specific accounts payable reviewers are
associated to a supplier, and you can create linked
Options suppliers. Terms based on ROG or Invoice date is
determined. This should be defined when setting up a new

Pre-determined transaction sets used in ReIM to facilitate

GL posting to the financial accounts. Client provides account
information and required segments.

Dynamic segments are defined by company/location and/or

Dynamic department/class numbers. This reduces the amount of
Mapping maintenance necessary to support posting to the retailer's
financial solution.

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Used to resolve discrepancies between receipts and

Reason invoices. A discrepancy originates when the price or
quantity variance exceeds acceptable tolerance levels.

Defines the level of access that a user has to Oracle Retail

User Invoice Matching. You can group people together and
assign them the same level of access. Once you create a
Groups role, you can further limit a user to specific locations,
departments/classes, or reason codes.

Defines the amount of variance allowed between an invoice

Tolerance and a receipt. If the variance is within the defined
Levels tolerances, then the invoice can be considered a match.

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5.1 System Options

Under System Options the business governance specialist can define system-wide
parameters that affect the functions of Oracle Retail Invoice Matching.
1. From the Task Menu, navigate to System Options:

Click Tasks

Click System Options

Click Foundation

2. The following System Options window will appear:

Click Edit which will allow us edit various

parameters on system options screens
mentioned below

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On this section we describe the system options that need to be defined for the initial system
setup. Please refer Appendix 1 session for the details of various fields mentioned on below

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Please click Save button, once you

have completed the necessary data
enrichment on above screens

5.2 Tolerance Maintenance

Configuration of Tolerances to help improve match rates and simplify maintenance efforts.
Tolerances can be set per currency and associated to:
• Supplier Sites
• Suppliers
• Supplier Groups
• Departments

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From the Task Menu, navigate to Tolerance Maintenance:

Click Tasks Click Tolerance Maintenance

Click Foundation

This will trigger below Tolerance Search window, where you can search for available
Tolerances using the parameters available on the header part of below window

Click Search which will list all

those available Tolerances in
the below window

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5.2.1 Create New Tolerance

Please follow below steps to Create a new Tolerance ID

This will open a Create Tolerance window with a system generated Tolerance ID

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Enter a description for

Click Actions => Add or click + button,

which will add different match level of
tolerance on the below window

Click Actions => Delete or click X button, to

delete a match level.

Click Save button to save the Tolerance

Match strategy and close the window OR
Click Save and Create Another to create a
new Tolerance Match Strategy

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5.2.2 Edit Tolerance

In order to make necessary amendment on an existing Tolerance, please follow the below

Select an existing
Tolerance and Click

Click Save to save the


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5.2.3 Delete Tolerance

This option will allow the user to delete a specific Tolerance.

Select an existing
Tolerance and Click

This will trigger a below pop-up window

Click OK to confirm the


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5.3 Tolerance Mapping Maintenance and Tolerance Levels

Tolerance Mapping Maintenance allows users to create mapping between an entity of a
Tolerance Level with a Tolerance ID. For example, a tolerance ID can be mapped to a
1. From the Task Menu, navigate to Tolerance Mapping Maintenance:

Click Tasks Click Tolerance Mapping Maintenance

Click Foundation

2. The following Tolerance Mapping Search window will appear:

In order to make a search for a Tolerance mapping, you need to enter any one or more
parameters mentioned on the header part of above window.

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Click Search which will list all

those available Tolerance
Mapping in the below window

5.3.1 Creating new Tolerance Mapping

Please find the below steps to create a new Tolerance mapping setup

Click Action -> Create

Please find the different options on Tolerance level

• Department

• Supplier Group

• Supplier

• Supplier Site
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In this example, we can take Supplier as Tolerance level

Click Save button to save the Tolerance

Mapping and close the window OR Click
Save and Create Another to create a new
Tolerance Mapping

5.3.2 Edit existing Tolerance Mapping

This option will enable the user to amend the Tolerance ID on a Tolerance mapping setup.
Please find the below step for the same

Select a Tolerance
Mapping and Click Edit

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Click Save to save the

amendment on
Tolerance ID

5.3.3 Delete existing Tolerance Mapping

Please follow below steps to delete an existing Tolerance Mapping.

Select an existing Tolerance

Mapping and Click Delete

This will trigger below pop-up window

Click OK to confirm the


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5.4 Match Strategy

The Match Strategy rules allows Alshaya to build and maintain strategies which define the
types of matches which should be attempted, and the order in which they should be carried
out. For example, a user may choose to execute Detail Matching prior to any Summary
Matching, in the case that their SKUs are of a very high unit value and they want to make sure
that Invoices are matched to the appropriate receipts based on the actual items included.
These strategies can be defined at three levels – system, supplier group or supplier level.
1. From the Task Menu, navigate to Match Strategy Maintenance:

Click Map Strategy Maintenance, which

open below Match strategy search window
Click Tasks

Click Foundation

Click Search which will list all

those available match
strategies in the below window

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5.4.1 Create a Match Strategy

Please follow below steps to Create match strategy

Click Actions -> Create

This will open a Create Match Strategy window with a system generated Match Strategy

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Enter a description for Match


Click Actions => Add or click + button,

which will add different match level on the
below window

Click Actions => Delete or click X button, to

delete a match level.

Click Save button to save the Match strategy

and close the window OR Click Save and
Create Another to create a new Match

Please find the different options on Match level and Match type
• Summary All to All
• Summary One to Many (with match type Regular or Best)
• Detail Match (with match type Regular, Parent, or Best)
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Please find the below table with the details of match type and its impacts for various Match

5.4.2 Edit Match Strategy

This option will allow us to do an amendment on a specific match strategy

Select a match strategy

and Click Edit

This will trigger below window which will allow the user to do necessary amendments on
description, match level and match type.

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Click Save to save the


5.4.3 Copy Match Strategy

This option will allow to Copy the features for an existing match strategy and create a new
match strategy. This option will allow the user to create a new match strategy from an
existing one and can amend the features as per the requirement and can save time.

Select a match strategy

and Click Copy

This will trigger below window which is a “clone” for the existing match strategy with a new
match strategy number. Now user can make required amendments on this and save.

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Click Save to save the


5.4.4 Delete Match Strategy

This option will allow the user to delete a specific match strategy.

Select a match strategy

and Click Delete

This will trigger a below pop-up window

Click OK to confirm the


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5.5 GL Cross Reference Setup

The GL Cross screen allows Central Business Governance Specialist teams to build and
maintain accounting segments necessary to interface ReIM transactions to EBS Finance. In
this area, Finance team need to provide some of the input data. Eg., Set of Books #.
From the search window you can view already defined GL cross references.
1. From the Task Menu, navigate to GL Cross Reference:

Click Tasks

Click GL Cross Reference, which

open below GL cross reference window
Click Foundation

Input a value on the Set of books

(which is a mandatory field) Click
Search which will list all those
available GL Cross references in the
below window

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5.5.1 Create GL Cross Reference

This option will allow the user to create a new GL reference. Please find the below steps for

Click Create

This will trigger below GL Cross reference maintenance window

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Click Save to confirm and

create the GL cross reference

5.5.2 Edit GL Cross Reference

This option will allow us to do an amendment on a specific GL cross reference.

Select the specific GL

Cross Reference Click
Edit option

This will trigger below window which will allow the user to do necessary amendments on the
details (except header fields).

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Click Save to confirm and

Close the window

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5.6 Reason Codes

Reason Codes Represent a reason why a discrepancy may exist between an invoice and
received merchandise. Reason codes are used to define and resolve discrepancies between
receipts and invoices. These are used when a discrepancy exceeds a tolerance level threshold.
To search, create or edit Reason Codes, follow the correct section below.
5.6.1 Search for a Reason Code
1. From the Task Menu, navigate Reason Code Maintenance:

Click Tasks

Click Reason Code Maintenance

Click Foundation

2. The following Reason Code Maintenance window will appear:

Fill in the relevant fields to narrow down your Search

Click Search

Follow onto section 5.5.2 Create Reason Codes to create a new reason code.

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5.6.2 Create Reason Codes

1. From the Task Menu, navigate to Foundation
2. Click Reason Code Maintenance
3. The following Reason Code Maintenance window will appear:


Click Create

4. The following Reason Code window will appear:

Select Reason Code Type
Tick Comment Required, should your
reason code need any commentary.
Fill in Hint Comment box

Type the Reason Code

Type the Reason Code Description

Select Action

5. Add GL Segment Mapping:

Click Actions

Click Add This will trigger the

below window to map GL

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Select Set of Books # Select Transaction code

from drop down menu from drop down menu

6. Add Security Groups:

Click Actions

Click Add This will trigger the

below window to Add
Security Groups

Select Group ID from

drop down menu

Click Save and Close

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5.6.3 Edit Reason Codes

• From the Task Menu, navigate to Foundation

• Click Reason Code Maintenance

• The following Reason Code Maintenance window will appear:

Enter Reason Code

Click Search button, which

will trigger below window
with details

Click Actions => Edit

which will trigger below
window to edit the details

Perform necessary edit on

the fields and click Save and
Close button

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5.7 Financial Posting Error

The Financial Posting Error Maintenance screens are accessed through a standard ADF
(Application Development Framework) basic/advance search screen. In most cases that
there will be very few invoices in Posting Error status at any given time. Therefore, users can
usually request to see all invoices in error status at once.
There are three types of financial posting error transactions which might require attention. All
three types of error transactions show up in the same Search Results screen, but when the
particular transaction is selected for correction, a specific maintenance screen for that type of
transaction is called. The three types of transactions are:
1. Standard documents (Merchandise Invoices, Non-Merchandise Invoices, Credit
Memos, Debit Memos, and Credit Note Requests) which are sent to the IM_AP_
STAGE_XX tables to be send to the A/P system. These are the most common
document interfaced to the financial system.
2. Matched merchandise invoices which had been pre-paid or manually paid. These
documents have already been sent to the A/P system for payment (either by ReIM or
by an external process), so when the 'match' occurs, the accounting entries
associated with the match need to go to the G/L system. These transactions are sent
3. Receipt Write Off (RWO) transactions. When a receipt is sufficiently aged (based on a
supplier option) without matching (fully matching) to an invoice, the 'RWO batch
program will 'write-off' the value of the invoice, creating an accounting entry in
IM_FINANCIALS_STAGE table which is sent to the G/L system.

Please follow the below process to List those invoices with status “Posting Error”

Click Tasks

Click Financial Posting

Error Search which will
Click Financial trigger below window
Posting Error

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Insert the parameters and click the

Search Button to display those invoice
with status as “Posting Error”

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6 Dashboard
The ReIM dashboard highlights summary level information for Brand Finance teams to view.
This will help these users understand the invoice match workload and employee workload.
To view supplier performance and provide visibility into cost, quantity and tax discrepancies.
The following list shows the reports that are available via the ReIM dashboard:

• Upcoming Invoices

• Automatch Rate

• Supplier Site Performance

• Employee Workload

• Invoices
The following sections will detail the dashboard reports.
1. To open the ReIM Dashboard, from the Task Menu, navigate to Dashboard:

Click Tasks

Click Dashboard

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2. The following screen will appear:

6.1 Upcoming Invoices

The Upcoming Invoices Report provides visibility into the upcoming workload for either the
Accounts Payable Specialist or a group of employees for the Finance Manager.

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6.2 Automatch Rate

The Automatch Rate report will allow Central Finance to see the total percent of invoices
across each status (manually/auto matched).

6.3 Supplier Site Performance

The Supplier Site report allows Finance Managers to have visibility on how supplier sites are

6.4 Employee Workload

The Employee Workload Report allows Finance Managers to have visibility on how
employees are performing by providing insight into their workload.

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6.5 Invoices
The Invoices Report allows Accounts Payable teams to manage their workload by providing
them with visibility on how many invoices need to be resolved and matched.

7 Marking an invoice for Prepayments

Based on an agreement with supplier and brand. We can facilitate a setup for prepayment. A
Merchandise Invoice with a Ready for match status can be arrange for a prepayment before
invoice matching.Double payment is prevented by ReIM verifying whether the prepaid flag is
set to ‘Yes’.
Please find the below process to mark an invoice for prepayment.

Click Tasks

Click Document Search which will

trigger below document search window
Click Foundation

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Select the status as Click Search button which will

Ready for match display the list of invoices with
status as Ready for Match

Select the invoice and click Actions >

Prepay Documents which will trigger
below confirmation message

All those invoices marked for pre-payment will transmit to Finance system (EBS) through the
night batch process for payment. On a daily basis, brand team (Assistant Merchandisers) has
to check those invoices with status as “Ready for match” and follows the above process for
pre-payment (if any).

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8 Entering and Maintaining Documents

An invoice is the bill for merchandise received from a supplier.
There are four ways invoices are loaded into ReIM:


• Single Entry “Manual”

• Group Entry

• Invoice Induction via Supplier Portal, Scanned Hard copy

8.1 Manual Entry

8.1.1 Merchandise Invoices
A merchandise invoice is a document that a supplier sends to a retailer for merchandise
items. Suppliers can only send invoices for Merchandise Items and can also include line
items for non-merchandise costs.

1. From the Task menu, navigate to Create Document.

Click Tasks

Click Document Maintenance Click Create Document

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2. The following Create Document Screen will appear.

Select ‘Merchandise Invoice’ as Document Type

3. Once the Document Type is selected, the field is disabled, and the Vendor type is set
to Supplier.

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Enter Order No,

Enter a Unique Document

Enter Document Date

Click Save and Continue

4. The following main Document Maintenance screen opens to continue entering the

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Header Pane

5. The Document Maintenance Header pane contains Header level details of the

6. The Header Tab shows general information about the document and allows some
data to be edited.

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7. The Item Tab in the Document Maintenance screen allows for the capture of invoice
detail information including Items, Quantities, Cost and Tax information.

8. The Non-Merchandise Costs tab in the Document Maintenance captures non-

merchandise costs on the document.

9. The Tax Breakdown tab in the Document Maintenance screen captures all tax
amounts at tax code level.

10. The Comments tab in the Document Maintenance screen allows to add comments
to a document.

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11. Click Save and Close on Document Maintenance screen to create the Invoice.

Click Save and Close

8.1.2 Document Maintenance

Searching for an existing invoice to edit or view begins with the Document Search screen.
The Document Maintenance screen allows the user to edit or view different documents types

• Merchandise Invoice

• Non-Merchandise Invoice

• Credit Note

• Credit Note Request

1. From the Task menu, navigate to Document Search window.

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Click Tasks

Click Document Search

Click Document Maintenance

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2. The following Document Search window opens.

Enter Search criteria

Click Search

3. The Search Results pane displays the documents that match the search criteria.

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4. Select a Document from the Search Results pane to Edit or View.

Click Edit or View

5. The Document Maintenance screen opens. In Edit mode, details in Header, Items,
Non-Merchandise costs, Tax breakdown, and Comments tab is editable.

Click Save and Close after

Editing the details.

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8.2 Group Entry

Group entry provides greater efficiency and accuracy when manually entering documents.
The group entry feature allows the entry of header only documents. Merchandise invoices,
non-merchandise invoices, and credit notes are the only document types allowed in the
group entry function.

1. From Task menu, Navigate to Group Entry.

Click Tasks

Click Document Maintenance

Click Group Entry

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2. The following Group Entry window opens. A Group ID is automatically assigned as

the next number in a sequence.

Select a Document Type

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3. Once the Document Type is selected, the field is disabled, the Vendor Type is set to
Supplier. The Document status is Worksheet.

Enter Order No,

Add Non-Merch
Enter a Unique Document
Enter Document Date ID

Enter Document

Enter Tax Detail

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4. Click Default from PO to default details from PO

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5. Click Save to save the entered information’s. Clicking the arrow adjacent to the Save
button provides the following options:

• Save and Add Another

• Save and Close

6. Click Approve Group to approve the document.

Navigation Buttons
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9 Matching
9.1 Supplier invoice and Merchandise Receipt
REIM will receive the invoices from supplier either on EDI format or manual entry.
Merchandise receipts are send to REIM from RMS for matching.

9.2 Auto Match Invoices

Based on the shipments inventory updated in the receiving locations, system will
automatically match as many invoices as possible through a batch process.
The first attempt is at the summary level of the invoice (total cost and quantity). If 100%
match is happening, it will get posted in AP.

9.3 Manual Match Invoices

If no match is made at the summary level, a manual attempt is made at the detailed level
(item level cost and quantity). If 100% match is happening at this stage, it will get posted in
AP. If still there is a discrepancy, system will try or a

9.4 Unmatching Invoices

Items remain unmatched until resolved or completely matched to receipts. Discrepancies can
be routed to defined user groups (brand team) for resolution

9.5 Match credit notes to credit note requests

• Matching algorithms match Credit Note Requests to Credit Notes.

• Dispute Resolution processes for Credit Note amount.

• If CN not returned timely from vendor, DM may be created.

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10 Resolve Discrepancies
Should an invoice not be matched at header level, the auto-matching program then attempts
to match the detail items on the invoice. If cost or quantity discrepancies are discovered at the
item level and they cannot be automatically resolved within the pre-defined tolerance levels,
they are sent to the Discrepancy Review List.
Invoices with items on the Discrepancy Review List may still be resolved by the match engine.
The only time an invoice is skipped by the match engine is, if an item on that invoice is partially
matched. Partially matched in this context means that the item is either Cost Match, but has a
Quantity Discrepancy, or is Quantity Matched but has a Cost Discrepancy. If either of these
conditions occur, the Auto match batch skips the invoice and the user must either manually
match the invoice or resolve the discrepancy from the Discrepancy Review List. Please note,
it is also possible that discrepant items may appear on the Discrepancy Review List after a
user has taken some action on the item from the manual match screen.
The resolution process is the same regardless of what caused the discrepant items to appear
on the Discrepancy Review List.

10.1 Resolve Discrepancies

Simple discrepancies can be resolved directly from the Discrepancy Review List with the
summary information shown in the SKU row. These will either be a cost discrepancy or a
quantity discrepancy, and, on some occasions, it will be both.

Cost Discrepancy - A cost discrepancy is the difference between the PO unit
cost and the invoice unit cost.
Quantity Discrepancy - A quantity discrepancy is the difference between the
receipt quantity and the invoice quantity.

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1. From the Task Menu, navigate to Discrepancy Review List:

Click Tasks

Click Invoice Matching

Click Discrepancy Review List

2. The following Discrepancy Review List will appear. You will now need to fill in one of the
following fields as required to search for your discrepancy:

Enter Search criteria

Click Search

3. In the Search results pane of the Discrepancy Review List window, use the checkbox to
select the Invoice which has a Cost or Quantity discrepancy.

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Click on Checkbox

4. The Resolve button is enabled to resolve the Cost or Quantity discrepancies.

Click on Resolve

5. The Resolve Discrepancy Dialog box opens.

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Quantity Discrepancy resolution

• Select either Invoice Quantity or Receipt Quantity (Default is Receipt Quantity)

• Select Defer Unit Cost Resolution if you wish to resolve only Quantity Discrepancy.

Select Reason Code

Select Invoice Qty

or Receipt Qty

Select Defer Unit Cost


Click Apply

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• If the Quantity Discrepancy is more, a Credit Note Request will be Auto generated
after the Reason Code Process batch is run.

• If the Quantity Discrepancy is less, a Discrepancy Write-off will be Auto generated

after the Reason Code Process batch is run.

Cost Discrepancy Resolution

• Select either Invoice Unit Cost or Receipt Unit Cost (Default is Receipt Unit Cost)

• Select Defer Unit Cost Resolution if you wish to resolve only Quantity Discrepancy.

Select Defer Quantity


Select Reason Code

Select Invoice Unit

Cost or Receipt Click Apply
Unit Cost

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• If the Cost Discrepancy is high, a Credit Note Request will be Auto generated after
the Reason Code Process batch is run.

• If the Cost Discrepancy is less, a Discrepancy Write-off will be Auto generated after
the Reason Code Process batch is run.

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11 Appendix

System Parameter Description Rationale Value

This column holds the number of days prior to the due

date on an invoice that a debit memo should be sent if
a credit note has not yet been received. This is applied
to all suppliers for which the "Only When Credit Memo 1
is Late" option is selected. Valid values for this column
are non-negative, whole numbers up to three digits in
length. This field is mandatory not null.

This column holds the number of days that a shipment

can remain in "Ready for Match" status before it is
automatically closed by ReIM. Valid values for this field 365
are non-negative, whole numbers up to three digits in
length. This field is mandatory not null.

This column contains the number of days that

matched/posted invoices should be held in the system
DOC_HIST_DAYS before they are purged. Valid values for this column 548
are non-negative, whole numbers up to three digits in
length. This field is mandatory not null.

This column holds the prefix that indicates a document

is a debit memo due to cost. When an automatic debit
memo is created to resolve a price discrepancy this
value will be concatenated to the beginning of the DMC
invoice's supplier invoice number. This field must be an
upper-case character string. This field is mandatory not

This column holds the prefix that indicates a document

is a debit memo due to quantity. When an automatic
debit memo is created to resolve a quantity
discrepancy this value will be concatenated to the DMQ
beginning of the invoice's supplier invoice number. This
field must be an upper-case character string. This field
is mandatory not null.

this column holds the prefix that indicates a document

is a debit memo due to tax being invalid. when an
automatic debit memo is created to resolve a tax
discrepancy this value will be concatenated to the DMT
beginning of the invoices
supplier invoice number. this field must be an upper-
case character string. this field is mandatory not null.

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System Parameter Description Rationale Value

This column holds the prefix that indicates a document

is a credit memo due to cost. This column holds the
prefix that indicates a credit memo. When an automatic
CREDIT_MEMO_PREFIX_C credit memo is created to resolve a cost discrepancy
OST this value should be concatenated to the beginning of
the invoice's supplier invoice number. This field must
be an upper-case character string. This field is
mandatory not null.

This column holds the prefix that indicates a document

is a credit memo due to quantity. When an automatic
credit memo is created to resolve a quantity
discrepancy this value should be concatenated to the CMQ
beginning of the invoice's supplier invoice number. This
field must be an upper-case character string. This field
is mandatory not null.

This column holds the prefix that indicates a document

is a credit note request due to cost. When an automatic
credit note request is created to resolve a cost
discrepancy this value should be concatenated to the CNC
beginning of the invoice's supplier invoice number. This
field must be an upper-case character string. This field
is mandatory not null.

This column holds the prefix that indicates a document

is a credit note request due to quantity. When an
automatic credit note request is created to resolve a
quantity discrepancy this value should be CNQ
concatenated to the beginning of the invoice's supplier
invoice number. This field must be an upper-case
character string. This field is mandatory not null.

This column holds the prefix that indicates a document

is a credit note request due to tax being invalid. when
an automatic credit note request is created to resolve a
tax discrepancy, this value will be concatenated to the CNT
beginning of the invoice’s supplier invoice number. this
field must be an upper-case character string. this field
is mandatory not null.

This column is mandatory not null and must be a whole

The number of days that a document can be post-
dated (days prior to system date).

Determines the maximum tolerance that can be


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System Parameter Description Rationale Value

This parameter will indicate the maximum number of

days before the invoice due date that any 7
discrepancies for that invoice should be routed.

CALC_TOLERANCE Difference between header and detail 0.5

This column indicates how Tax Validation will be done

in the system. Value can be “VENDR” for vendor,
“RETLR” for retailer, “RECON” for reconcile, or
“NOTAX” for no validation 1

This system option will control how VAT Debit Memos,

and VAT Credit Note Requests are created. This
system option will control the Actions that are available ITEM
when Reason codes are being created. (Only if VAT is
being used)

Same as cost resolution due days, except use word

AYS This option only calculates a "suggested" date for
resolving discrepancies and does not drive anything

CALC_TOLERANCE_IND Calc Tolerance Indicator A

This column holds the possible number of taxes to be

applied (N if no VAT)

Tolerance setting for adjusting detail lines to align VAT

amount for balancing.

PRORATE_ACROSS_TAX_ This column defines if posting will prorate amounts

CODES across tax codes in a document.

Default Pay now terms for deals 10005

1 Tax_validation_type explained in section Error! Reference source not found.

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System Parameter Description Rationale Value

indicates if detail level tax information should be rolled

DFLT_HEADER_TAX up and defaulted at the header level. y tax will default N
from details to header. n tax will not default.

Default Cost Overbill Reason Code NULL

DFLT_QTY_OVERBILL_RC Default Qty Overbill Reason Code NULL

Default Cost Underbill Reason Code NULL

Default Qty Underbill Reason Code NULL

Receipt write off days 548

When set to Y will ensure that the posted amount in

equal to TOTAL_COST in header of an invoice.

Number of Receipt Items that can be processed in one

chunk of AutoMatch Batch.

DELAY_LN_MTCH_UNTL_R The option that specifies whether the Auto Match

OUTE_DATE should delay detail matching until routing date.

DFLT_PAY_NOW_TERMS_ Default terms used for RTV and resolution docs driven
RTV document payments

Indicator that defines whether total qty is required at

the document header.

Default non-mech location NULL

DFLT_DEPT Default fixed deal department NULL

DFLT_CLASS Default fixed deal class NULL

Maximum GL segments that can be defined in the


DFLT_SOB Default Set of Books NULL

Number of days to keep posted deal documents 548

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System Parameter Description Rationale Value

Max number of digits allowed for quantity. Both display

as well as accepting data

BATCH_DATE_FORMAT Expected date format for Injector batch

WS_FIN_ACC_VALID_URL Provider URL for account validation

WS_FIN_ACC_VALID_CRE Enable validation of webservice account credentials.

D Should be secure

WS_FIN_DRILL_FWD_URL Provider URL for drill forward

WS_FIN_DRILL_FWD_CRE Enable validation of webservice account credentials.

D Should be secure

RESOLUTION_DUE_DAYS Resolution Due days for both Cost and Qty 7

Flag associated with OBIEE integration. Used for

enabled/disabled OBIEE reports display.

Number of documents that would be processed by EDI

batch in one thread.

INJECTOR_STAGED_HIST The number of days the staged data is available before

_DAYS archive

BATCH_STATUS_HIST_DA The number of days the staged status data is available

YS before archive

The Max number of milli seconds the main thread

should wait for the child threads to complete the 3600000

Number of days after which stage data for document

Induction would be purged

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