Reim Pre-Uat-User Guide
Reim Pre-Uat-User Guide
Reim Pre-Uat-User Guide
Table of contents
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 WHAT IS REIM? ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 HIGH-LEVEL PROCESS FLOW ........................................................................................................................ 4
2 DOCUMENT DISCLAIMER ........................................................................................................................... 5
3 ACCESSING REIM ........................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1 WEB URL .................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 LOGGING IN.................................................................................................................................................. 5
4 BASICS AND NAVIGATION.......................................................................................................................... 6
5 PRE REQUISITES: REIM CONFIGURATION............................................................................................... 7
5.1 SYSTEM OPTIONS......................................................................................................................................... 9
5.2 TOLERANCE MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.1 Create New Tolerance..................................................................................................................... 13
5.2.2 Edit Tolerance ................................................................................................................................. 15
5.2.3 Delete Tolerance ............................................................................................................................. 16
5.3 TOLERANCE MAPPING MAINTENANCE AND TOLERANCE LEVELS .................................................................... 17
5.3.1 Creating new Tolerance Mapping ................................................................................................... 18
5.3.2 Edit existing Tolerance Mapping ..................................................................................................... 19
5.3.3 Delete existing Tolerance Mapping ................................................................................................. 20
5.4 MATCH STRATEGY...................................................................................................................................... 21
5.4.1 Create a Match Strategy.................................................................................................................. 22
5.4.2 Edit Match Strategy ......................................................................................................................... 24
5.4.3 Copy Match Strategy ....................................................................................................................... 25
5.4.4 Delete Match Strategy ..................................................................................................................... 26
5.5 GL CROSS REFERENCE SETUP ................................................................................................................... 27
5.5.1 Create GL Cross Reference ............................................................................................................ 28
5.5.2 Edit GL Cross Reference................................................................................................................. 29
5.6 REASON CODES ......................................................................................................................................... 31
5.6.1 Search for a Reason Code .............................................................................................................. 31
5.6.2 Create Reason Codes ..................................................................................................................... 32
5.6.3 Edit Reason Codes .......................................................................................................................... 34
5.7 FINANCIAL POSTING ERROR ........................................................................................................................ 35
6 DASHBOARD .............................................................................................................................................. 37
6.1 UPCOMING INVOICES .................................................................................................................................. 38
6.2 AUTOMATCH RATE...................................................................................................................................... 39
6.3 SUPPLIER SITE PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................................... 39
6.4 EMPLOYEE WORKLOAD............................................................................................................................... 39
6.5 INVOICES ................................................................................................................................................... 40
7 MARKING AN INVOICE FOR PREPAYMENTS ......................................................................................... 40
8 ENTERING AND MAINTAINING DOCUMENTS ......................................................................................... 42
8.1 MANUAL ENTRY .......................................................................................................................................... 42
8.1.1 Merchandise Invoices ...................................................................................................................... 42
8.1.2 Document Maintenance................................................................................................................... 47
8.2 GROUP ENTRY ........................................................................................................................................... 51
9 MATCHING .................................................................................................................................................. 56
9.1 SUPPLIER INVOICE AND MERCHANDISE RECEIPT .......................................................................................... 56
9.2 AUTO MATCH INVOICES .............................................................................................................................. 56
9.3 MANUAL MATCH INVOICES .......................................................................................................................... 56
9.4 UNMATCHING INVOICES .............................................................................................................................. 56
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Phoenix Transformation Programme
1 Introduction
This user guide is designed to show and teach Alshaya Merchandising, Business
Governance Specialists and Brand Finance teams the procedure designed to ensure Alshaya
pay its suppliers the negotiated cost for actual quantities received using the Oracle Retail
Invoice Matching system. It also describes process for creating an invoice on REIM and how
to mark it for pre-payment.
Invoice verification or matching is a fundamental and critical control procedure for Alshaya.
Invoice matching is designed to support the invoice verification process with accuracy and
efficiency, focusing resources on exception management.
Invoice Matching accepts electronic invoice data uploads (EDI), and provides for rapid on-line
summary entry of invoices. Invoice Matching supports automated and on-line processes
allowing one or more invoices to be matched against one or more receipts. When an invoice
cost and quantities are matched within tolerance; it is ready for payment and staged to a
table to allow a retailer to extract to their accounts payable solution.
2 Document Disclaimer
The screenshots and examples used in this document have been taken from testing
environments and therefore do not represent real data or events.
3 Accessing REIM
ReIM can be accessed via any web browser. Please refer to the Introduction in section 1 to
understand what ReIM can be used for.
This section will cover the following:
• Web URL
• Logging in
For easy access, mark ReIM as a Favourite in your web browser.
3.2 Logging In
The following log in page will appear:
1. To log into ReIM, follow the steps below:
Click Login
The following section will give you an overview of the basics and navigation to ReIM.
1. Personal Profile – here you can access your preference settings (for example,
Language) and log out
2. Application Navigator
3. Favourites – mark reports as your Favourite for easy access
4. Tasks Menu – this functionality will allow you to access main parts of the system
5. Notifications
6. Reports - this is where the Central Finance teams view the ReIM Dashboard
The following section will cover the pre-requisites to configure ReIM.
Click Tasks
Click Foundation
On this section we describe the system options that need to be defined for the initial system
setup. Please refer Appendix 1 session for the details of various fields mentioned on below
Configuration of Tolerances to help improve match rates and simplify maintenance efforts.
Tolerances can be set per currency and associated to:
• Supplier Sites
• Suppliers
• Supplier Groups
• Departments
Click Foundation
This will trigger below Tolerance Search window, where you can search for available
Tolerances using the parameters available on the header part of below window
This will open a Create Tolerance window with a system generated Tolerance ID
Select an existing
Tolerance and Click
Select an existing
Tolerance and Click
Click Foundation
In order to make a search for a Tolerance mapping, you need to enter any one or more
parameters mentioned on the header part of above window.
• Department
• Supplier Group
• Supplier
• Supplier Site
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Phoenix Transformation Programme
Select a Tolerance
Mapping and Click Edit
Click Foundation
This will open a Create Match Strategy window with a system generated Match Strategy
Please find the different options on Match level and Match type
• Summary All to All
• Summary One to Many (with match type Regular or Best)
• Detail Match (with match type Regular, Parent, or Best)
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Phoenix Transformation Programme
Please find the below table with the details of match type and its impacts for various Match
This will trigger below window which will allow the user to do necessary amendments on
description, match level and match type.
This will trigger below window which is a “clone” for the existing match strategy with a new
match strategy number. Now user can make required amendments on this and save.
Click Tasks
This option will allow the user to create a new GL reference. Please find the below steps for
Click Create
This will trigger below window which will allow the user to do necessary amendments on the
details (except header fields).
Click Tasks
Click Foundation
Click Search
Follow onto section 5.5.2 Create Reason Codes to create a new reason code.
Click Create
Click Actions
Click Actions
Please follow the below process to List those invoices with status “Posting Error”
Click Tasks
6 Dashboard
The ReIM dashboard highlights summary level information for Brand Finance teams to view.
This will help these users understand the invoice match workload and employee workload.
To view supplier performance and provide visibility into cost, quantity and tax discrepancies.
The following list shows the reports that are available via the ReIM dashboard:
• Upcoming Invoices
• Automatch Rate
• Employee Workload
• Invoices
The following sections will detail the dashboard reports.
1. To open the ReIM Dashboard, from the Task Menu, navigate to Dashboard:
Click Tasks
Click Dashboard
6.5 Invoices
The Invoices Report allows Accounts Payable teams to manage their workload by providing
them with visibility on how many invoices need to be resolved and matched.
Click Tasks
All those invoices marked for pre-payment will transmit to Finance system (EBS) through the
night batch process for payment. On a daily basis, brand team (Assistant Merchandisers) has
to check those invoices with status as “Ready for match” and follows the above process for
pre-payment (if any).
• Group Entry
Click Tasks
3. Once the Document Type is selected, the field is disabled, and the Vendor type is set
to Supplier.
4. The following main Document Maintenance screen opens to continue entering the
Header Pane
5. The Document Maintenance Header pane contains Header level details of the
6. The Header Tab shows general information about the document and allows some
data to be edited.
7. The Item Tab in the Document Maintenance screen allows for the capture of invoice
detail information including Items, Quantities, Cost and Tax information.
9. The Tax Breakdown tab in the Document Maintenance screen captures all tax
amounts at tax code level.
10. The Comments tab in the Document Maintenance screen allows to add comments
to a document.
11. Click Save and Close on Document Maintenance screen to create the Invoice.
• Merchandise Invoice
• Non-Merchandise Invoice
• Credit Note
Click Tasks
Click Search
3. The Search Results pane displays the documents that match the search criteria.
5. The Document Maintenance screen opens. In Edit mode, details in Header, Items,
Non-Merchandise costs, Tax breakdown, and Comments tab is editable.
Click Tasks
3. Once the Document Type is selected, the field is disabled, the Vendor Type is set to
Supplier. The Document status is Worksheet.
Add Non-Merch
Enter a Unique Document
Enter Document Date ID
Enter Document
5. Click Save to save the entered information’s. Clicking the arrow adjacent to the Save
button provides the following options:
Navigation Buttons
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Phoenix Transformation Programme
9 Matching
9.1 Supplier invoice and Merchandise Receipt
REIM will receive the invoices from supplier either on EDI format or manual entry.
Merchandise receipts are send to REIM from RMS for matching.
10 Resolve Discrepancies
Should an invoice not be matched at header level, the auto-matching program then attempts
to match the detail items on the invoice. If cost or quantity discrepancies are discovered at the
item level and they cannot be automatically resolved within the pre-defined tolerance levels,
they are sent to the Discrepancy Review List.
Invoices with items on the Discrepancy Review List may still be resolved by the match engine.
The only time an invoice is skipped by the match engine is, if an item on that invoice is partially
matched. Partially matched in this context means that the item is either Cost Match, but has a
Quantity Discrepancy, or is Quantity Matched but has a Cost Discrepancy. If either of these
conditions occur, the Auto match batch skips the invoice and the user must either manually
match the invoice or resolve the discrepancy from the Discrepancy Review List. Please note,
it is also possible that discrepant items may appear on the Discrepancy Review List after a
user has taken some action on the item from the manual match screen.
The resolution process is the same regardless of what caused the discrepant items to appear
on the Discrepancy Review List.
Cost Discrepancy - A cost discrepancy is the difference between the PO unit
cost and the invoice unit cost.
Quantity Discrepancy - A quantity discrepancy is the difference between the
receipt quantity and the invoice quantity.
Click Tasks
2. The following Discrepancy Review List will appear. You will now need to fill in one of the
following fields as required to search for your discrepancy:
3. In the Search results pane of the Discrepancy Review List window, use the checkbox to
select the Invoice which has a Cost or Quantity discrepancy.
Click on Checkbox
Click on Resolve
• Select Defer Unit Cost Resolution if you wish to resolve only Quantity Discrepancy.
Click Apply
• If the Quantity Discrepancy is more, a Credit Note Request will be Auto generated
after the Reason Code Process batch is run.
• Select either Invoice Unit Cost or Receipt Unit Cost (Default is Receipt Unit Cost)
• Select Defer Unit Cost Resolution if you wish to resolve only Quantity Discrepancy.
• If the Cost Discrepancy is high, a Credit Note Request will be Auto generated after
the Reason Code Process batch is run.
• If the Cost Discrepancy is less, a Discrepancy Write-off will be Auto generated after
the Reason Code Process batch is run.
11 Appendix
Default Pay now terms for deals 10005
Default Cost Overbill Reason Code NULL
Default Cost Underbill Reason Code NULL
Default Qty Underbill Reason Code NULL
Receipt write off days 548
DFLT_PAY_NOW_TERMS_ Default terms used for RTV and resolution docs driven
RTV document payments
Default non-mech location NULL
Number of days to keep posted deal documents 548
BATCH_DATE_FORMAT Expected date format for Injector batch
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