KillTeam Rules Refreance RT Drax PDF
KillTeam Rules Refreance RT Drax PDF
KillTeam Rules Refreance RT Drax PDF
Reroll ties
2. Movement phase - pg.21 - A model can only be Moved o nce in each Movement phase
- A player moves all models in their kill team they wish, then the next player does (Initiative order)
- Model may move in any direction but cannot move across other models or their bases (unless FLYpg.21)
- A Model cannot cross the edge of the battlefield and must end its move on a surface it can stand on
- Do not measure vertical distance when moving a model that can FLY (pg.21)
- If model started Movement phase within 1" of an enemy it can only either remain stationary or Fall Back
Do one of the following ‘moves’ with a model (continue until you run out of models to ‘move’):
Normal Move - May not Move within 1" of any enemy models.
- Move Model a distance =/< than its Move (M) characteristic.
Fall Back - M
ay not Fall Back move into 1" of any enemy models
- If within 1" of an enemy model move a distance =/< its Move (M) characteristic,
- Model that Falls Back also cannot React later that battle round or Shoot(unless it can FLY).
- Model cannot Fall Back if an enemy model finished a charge move within 1" of it in the same phase
Advance (run) - May not Advance if within 1" of any enemy models.
- Move that model a distance =/< its Move (M) characteristic + D6
- A model that Advances cannot React or shoot later that battle round.
Charge (pg.23)- A model can only make one charge attempt in each Movement phase
- If model not within 1" of an enemy model and is within 12" of an enemy it may charge said model/s
Charge Sequence
1. Choose target(s) - Choose one or more enemy models within 12" of the charging model
2. Enemy Reacts - target/s can either fire Overwatch*(pg.31) or Retreat*(pg.23) but not if within 1" of enemy.
3. Charge - Roll 2D6 for charge distance movement (result is max distance” for Success or Fail)
- Model must finish its charge move within 1" of at least one of the target models otherwise charge fails.
- Model cannot move within 1" of an enemy model that was not a target of its charge otherwise charge fails
- Model cannot shoot later that battle round whether Success or Fail Charge
- Fail may still move distance rolled but not within 1” of enemy, must move towards closest enemy.
- F
ail model is n ot said to have charged (ie. No bonuses/fighting/moves attached to ‘charge’ word)
*Retreat (fallback token - Model cannot make a move on its players move turn)
- Retreating model can move up to 3" by controlling player
- Model cannot Retreat if it has already made a move of any kind (including failed charge) in this phase
- A model can Retreat if it has already fired Overwatch in this phase.
- Retreat must end further away from the charging model and more than 1" from any enemy models.
- A model that Retreats cannot React later in the battle round, and cannot shoot (unless it can FLY p g.21)
- Uses normal rules for shooting attack made by a model that is the target of a charge - but:
- The target of Overwatch must be in range and visible when they declare the charge
- Overwatch made must target the model attempting to charge
- A 6 is always required for successful hit roll irrespective of firing model’s Ballistic Skill (BS) or modifiers
3. Psychic phase - pg.26
- Each player can only choose a single PSYKER in each battle round
- After a player uses (or chooses not to use) a PSYKER the next player does (Initiative order)
- Check chosen PSYKER datasheet for number of powers/deny attempt and powers known
- Unless stated otherwise, all PSYKERs know the P sybolt psychic power (cv.5)
Psychic Sequence
1. Choose power
- Declare the power that the PSYKER will attempt to manifest
- Cannot attempt to manifest the same psychic power more than once in a battle round.
4. Shooting phase - pg.28
- Players take alternating turn to choose a model from their kill team to shoot with. (Initiative order)
- All Readied models (Ready, Fire!) get to shoot before other non-readied models do (Fire at Will)
- No model can be chosen to shoot more than once in a Shooting phase
- A Grenade can only be fired once per team each Shooting phase (no other weapons can be fired by thrower)
- A model can fire with its Pistols or non-Pistols weapon/s, not Both in the same phase. (pg.30)
3. Resolve attacks
ake hit roll
- Roll D6 plus modifiers (see Shooting Hit Roll Modifiers Table)
- If result =/> the attackers Ballistic Skill (BS) then it hits, If not it fails and the attack sequence ends
- Unmodified hit roll of 1 always fails and an Unmodified roll of 6 always hits.
• Inflict damage
- damage inflicted is equal to the Damage (D) of the weapon used in the attack.
- Model loses one wound (W) for each point of damage it suffers.
- If model’s wounds (W) are reduced to 0, any further attacks by the attacking weapon are not resolved, and
then the player that caused the Damage to the Target model makes an Injury roll*( pg32) for the target model
heck for Falling - if up high, 1” of open edge (Falling Test pg.43)
- Hit Models Roll D6. On a result of 1 it falls ( Check for Falling Damage), on a 2+ it does not fall
2. Choose targets - If there are no valid targets the attack sequence ends
- Pick the target model/s, for the attacks. Attacking model must be within 1" of target model
- enemy model must be visible to the attacking model.
- Models that charged this battle round can only target enemy models that they charged
- Models that been charged can only target enemy models that charged them
5. Consolidate up to 3"
- You may move the model up to 3"
- the model must end the move closer to the nearest enemy model
Number of Attacks
- The Number of close combat attacks a model makes against its target is determined by its Attacks (A).
- You roll one dice for each close combat attack being made.
- If model has more than one melee weapon and can make several close combat attacks, it may split its
attacks between these weapons – declare how you will divide the attacks before any dice are rolled.
6. Morale phase - p g.36
a. Once the first player has played through The Morale Sequence, the next player does so….
b. Then the Morale phase and the battle round are over.
c. The players remove any tokens from their models (other than Shaken tokens)
d. The next battle round begins
Morale Sequence
1. Check if your kill team is broken
- If all models in a kill team currently have Flesh Wounds, are Shaken or are Out of Action, it is Broken.
- if more than half of the models in your kill team currently have Flesh Wounds, are Shaken or are Out of
Action, it may be Broken - Do the following test*
*Roll 2D6 – if the total is greater than the highest Leadership (Ld) of any of the models in
the kill team (other than those that are shaken or out of action), the kill team is broken
- Once a kill team is Broken, it stays broken for the rest of the game
haken or
Each other friendly model that is s +1
is out of action
- If result of the Nerve test exceeds the model’s Leadership (Ld), the test is failed.
The model is shaken, and cannot do anything until it is no longer shaken: place a Shaken token next to
it.Otherwise, the test is passed.
- The test is always passed on an unmodified roll of 1 (note an Unmodified 6 can still fail or pass)
an not do anything (Move, shoot, fight, Psyc, etc..) until they
- Shaken Models c
become Unshaken (Usually by #2 of Morale Sequence)
Other models (even friendly models) and terrain may hide a target from view. If the target of an attack is even
partially obscured from the best point of view of the firing model then it is said to be obscured.
When checking to see if a target is obscured, consider the main body of the firing and target models – do not
include a model’s base or parts that are ‘sticking out’ like aerials or weapons, but do include all limbs and a
model’s head.
If there is still doubt, we recommend the players agree about what constitutes the main body of a model before
the battle begins.
- If a model is within 1" of the edge on such a terrain feature and they are hit by an attack (or lose a W).
- After all the attacks from the attacking model have been resolved against target model the player who
controls that model takes a Falling test:
- Roll D6.
- On a 2+, the test is passed and the model does not fall.
- On a 1, the test is failed and the model falls. Move the model over the closest edge
then straight down until they land on a lower level.
Falling Damage
- Roll a D6 for every full 3" the model has fallen (half number of Dice if Jumping Down*)
- If result is 5+ they suffer 1 mortal wound
Climbing - pg.42
- Models can climb or traverse barriers of 1" or higher
- A model that climbs cannot end its movement while climbing, it must be standing on a surface at the end
of its movement.
- If it does not have sufficient movement (M) to climb to a suitable surface, it cannot climb.
- A model can traverse an overhang while climbing, as long as it protrudes no more than 1”
- Models that can F LY can move vertically without measuring the distance moved.
- If model has the FLY keyword it can move across models and terrain (not impassable terrain pg.42) as if they
were not there.
- must end its move on a surface it can stand on, other than another model or another model’s base.
- Do not measure vertical distance when moving a model that can FLY.
Ultra-Close Confines - Rogue Trader Expansion pg.22
If playing on a Ultra-Close Confines board/battlefield (e.g: Truehawk) then add the following rules.
- Cannot be targeted or attacked by either player's models.
- Are closed at the start of a mission (unless mission states otherwise)
- Closed Doors block movement, visibility and measurements in the same way as a wall.
*Opening/closing a Door
- An INFANTRY model can Open or Close a Door
- Must start the Movement phase within 1" of the open/closed door and remain stationary that phase
- Must End a Normal Move within 1" of it and there are n o enemy models within 1" of it
- model cannot open/close a door if it is shaken or Readied, or if it Advanced or Fell Back in that phase.
*Enemy models within 1" of the door (not Shaken) may attempt once to stop the door from being
- Players controlling the two models roll off
- Winner chooses if the door is closed or open
Target is at Long Range (pg.31) -1 more than ½ weapons range. except Grenades
Target is Obscured (pg.30) -1 Any part of main body of Target hidden from view
Attackers kill team is Broken (pg.36) -1 You team morale is down makes it harder to Aim?
- Close Combat - (Melee) phase Table -
Intervening Terrain (pg.35) -1 any terrain between the models that makes it impossible
for the models to be placed in contact with each other.
trength ( S) v
Attack’s S s Targets T
oughness (T) D6 Roll need
Target is at Long Range (pg.31) -1 more than ½ weapons range. except Grenades
Target is Obscured (pg.30) -1 Any part of main body of Target hidden from view
Attackers kill team is Broken (pg.36) -1 You team morale is down makes it harder to Aim?
Other models (even friendly models) and terrain may hide a target from view. If the target of an attack is even
partially obscured from the best point of view of the firing model then it is said to be obscured.
When checking to see if a target is obscured, consider the main body of the firing and target models – do not
include a model’s base or parts that are ‘sticking out’ like aerials or weapons, but do include all limbs and a
model’s head.
trength ( S) v
Attack’s S s Targets T
oughness (T) D6 Roll need
Intervening Terrain (pg.35) -1 any terrain between the models that makes it impossible
for the models to be placed in contact with each other.
trength ( S) v
Attack’s S s Targets T
oughness (T) D6 Roll need
Weapon Skill (WS): Melee - model’s skill at hand-to-hand fighting. If a model has a Weapon Skill of‘-’ it is
unable to fight in melee and cannot make close combat attacks at all.
Ballistic Skill (BS): Shooting - how accurate a model is when shooting with ranged weapons. If a model has a
Ballistic Skill of ‘-’ it has no proficiency with ranged weapons and cannot make shooting attacks at all.
Strength (S): how strong a model is and how likely it is to inflict damage in hand-to hand combat.
Wounds (W): how much damage a model can sustain before it succumbs to its injuries.
Attacks (A): how many times a model can strike blows in hand-to-hand combat.
Maximum Number (Max): how many of this model you can include in a kill team.
Range: How far the weapon can shoot. Weapons with a Range of ‘Melee’ can only be used in hand-tohand
combat. All other weapons are referred to as ranged weapons.
Type: * The Type of Weapon it is (Assault, Heavy, Rapid Fire, Grenade, Pistol..)
Strength (S): How likely the weapon is to inflict damage. If a weapon’s Strength lists ‘User’, it is equal to the
wielder’s current Strength. If a weapon lists a modifier such as ‘+1’ or ‘x2’, you should modify the user’s current
Strength characteristic as shown to determine the weapon’s Strength. For example, if a weapon’s Strength
was ‘x2’, and the user had a Strength characteristic of 6, that weapon has Strength 12.
Abilities: Some weapons have additional abilities that change how they are used or what happens when they
are used. Where this is the case, it will be described here.
* Weapon Types
- a number beside the weapon Type is how many attacks that weapon can make -
e.g “Assault 2” means it is an Assault type weapon that attacks twice (roll 2D6’s)
If a model with a Heavy weapon moved in the preceding Movement phase, you must subtract 1 from any hit
rolls made when firing that weapon this battle round.
A model firing a Rapid Fire weapon doubles the number of attacks it makes if all of its targets are within half
the weapon’s Range characteristic.
A model in your kill team armed with a Grenade weapon may fire it in Overwatch or in the Shooting phase. If
they do so, they cannot fire any other weapons that phase, and no other model in your kill team can fire a
Grenade weapon that phase.
You can choose to shoot with a model with a Pistol weapon even if there are enemy models within 1", but it
must target the closest enemy model (you can choose which if two or more are equidistant) and can only shoot
with its Pistol weapon(s). In such circumstances, the model can shoot its Pistol even if other friendly models
are within 1" of the same enemy model.
- Model cannot fire a Pistol if it was charged in this battle round.
In addition to the melee weapons listed on their datasheets, all models are also assumed to be able to fight
with a close combat weapon, which has the following profile:
Close Combat Weapon