Shoobie KT Quick Reference Color

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Kill Team Quick Reference v1.

Each player rolls 2D6. Players act in each phase in initiative order Difficult Terrain 1/2 Move distance (1” for every 2 Move Characteristic)
Dangerous Roll d6 when entering or starting movement on. On a 1,
from highest result to lowest. Terrain model receives one mortal wound
Each player gains one Command Point. Cannot start a climb unless model can end its move on a
horizontal surface, only under 1” or less of overhangs.
MOVEMENT PHASE page 21 Terrain of up to 1.5" height and 1.5" deep can be traversed
The Player with initiative selects the movement choice for every Vault
without penalty.
model on their Kill Team, before passing to the next player in turn Leap
Models can leap up to 2” horizontally and 1” vertically,
order. counting only lateral distance for movement.
Being struck by an attack within 1" of a ledge. 2+ on a d6
Falling Test
A model starting the Movement Phase within 1'' of an enemy = safe.
model may only remain stationary or Fall Back. Roll 1D6 for every full 3” dropped. 5+ = 1 mortal wound.
Fall damage
Same rolls are made if an object falls on another model
A model may never end its move within 1'' of an enemy model, Same as falling but roll 1 less dice. Do not count vertical
Jumping down
unless it charges. distance as movement. (safe up to 6”)

Each model may do one of the following: PSYCHIC PHASE page 26

Only one model per kill team may attempt to manifest one or
Normal move: Move up to your Move Characteristic in inches. more psychic powers each Battle Round during the Psychic Phase.
Each power may only be used once per round.
Advance: Move up to your Move Characteristic + 1D6 inches. 1. Choose a power and target model
Advancing models cannot shoot unless they have a weapon with 2. Psychic Test: roll 2D6. If the result is equal to or greater
Assault (at -1 to hit). than the power’s warp charge value the power is successfully
Fall Back: A model that has not been charged this turn and is manifested.
within 1'' of an enemy model may fall back, moving up to its 3. Any roll of double 1's or double 6's causes the psyker D3
Move Characteristic. It must end the move more than 1'' away mortal wounds. If the psyker is taken out of action by this
from all enemy models. A model falling back cannot Shoot or damage any models within 3'' of the psyker immediately
React later in this battle round. (See Flying, below) suffers D3 mortal wounds.
4. One Enemy psyker within 24'' may roll 2D6 to Deny the
Ready: Instead of moving, a model may ready itself if there are Witch. The power's effects are negated if the result is greater
no enemy models within 1''. Readied models shoot first in than the attacking Psychic Test
the Shooting Phase.
Charge: Models that attempt to charge cannot shoot later in this Players, in turn, select one Readied model to shoot with, or
battle round. Pass. Once all Players Pass, then all other eligible models, that
1. Choose one or more target enemy models within were not readied, may shoot in turn. Models that were successfully
12''regardless of Line-of-Sight. charged this round cannot shoot with Pistol weapons.
2. The targeted model(s) React in initiative order, with either:
Retreat up to 3'' away from the charging model, only if it Shooting Sequence
hasn't moved this phase. If it does, the model may not 1. Choose a model that has not yet shot this Phase. They may shoot
react again this phase, and may not shoot in this Battle with every ranged weapon available to them, OR their pistols,
Round, OR OR a grenade (but only one grenade per team per phase)
Overwatch, a shooting attack that must only target the 2. Choose a ranged weapon, and enemy target within line-of-
charging model, if within range & Line-of-Sight, and sight, within the range of the chosen weapon, and not within
requires a hit roll of 6 regardless of Ballistic Skill or mods. 1'' of a friendly model; unless the weapons says otherwise,
3. Roll 2D6 for charge distance. If this gets the model within 1” such as pistols or fleshhooks. Range is measured from base to
of one or more targets without coming within 1” of a non- base. Line-of-Sight is drawn to and from any part of the
targeted enemy, the charge is successful. models.
Failing a charge allows the model to move the charge distance ASSAULT: May shoot even when Advancing at -1 to hit.
anyways, ending up as close as possible to at least one of its
targets but not within 1” of an enemy, OR HEAVY: -1 to hit rolls if moved this round
Remain Stationary (This model still cannot shoot) RAPID FIRE: double the Attack Characteristic of this
weapon at half range or less
Flying: Models with the FLY keyword don’t measure vertical distance when GRENADE: no range mod, only one model per team may throw one
moving, aren’t obstructed by models and terrain, but must end their Grenade weapon per phase, and if they do – they can’t shoot any other
movement on a horizontal surface, and are still affected by impassable weapons this phase
terrain. Falling Back and Reacting to a Charge with Retreat in the movement
phase doesn’t prevent a Flier from shooting that turn. PISTOL: must target closest enemy model, if target is
within1”, even if friendly models are within 1” of target.

3. Make a number of attacks equal to the Attack Characteristic of Players, in turn, select one model that made a successful
the weapon. Multiple attacks may split them between multiple charge to fight with, or Pass. Once all Players Pass, then all other
eligible enemy models within 2'' of the initial target. eligible models, within 1’’ of an enemy model, may fight in turn.
Using the Ballistic Skill Characteristic of the attacker, roll 1D6 to
hit for each shooting attack with the following modifiers: Fighting Sequence
1. Pile In. Move the attacking model up to 3’’, must end up closer
Target model has one limb or more Obscured by terrain -1 to the nearest enemy model.
Target over ½ range characteristic of the weapon -1 2. Choose a melee weapon, and enemy target within 1’, within
Attacker with Heavy Weapon who Moved or with Assault line of sight. A charging model may only attack models it
Weapon who Advanced this turn successfully charged or was changed by. The Attack
Each Flesh Wound on the attacking model -1 Characteristic of the attacking model determines the number of
attacks available. You may split any number of attacks between
Attacking model's kill team is Broken (see Morale) -1 all eligible targets within 1’’.
4. Roll to Wound 3. Using the Weapon Skill Characteristic of the attacker, roll 1D6
Roll 1D6 for each successful hit. Compare the weapon’s Strength to hit for each attack with the following modifiers:
with the target’s Toughness to determine the value needed to Intervening terrain between target and attacker -1
successfully wound:
Each Flesh Wound on the attacking model -1
Strength is at least DOUBLE Toughness 2+ Attacking model's kill team is Broken (see Morale) -1
Strength is GREATER than Toughness 3+
4. Roll to Wound using the Strength Characteristic of the
Strength is EQUAL to Toughness 4+ Attacking Model against the target’s Toughness using the
Strength is LESSER than Toughness 5+ Wound Chart as Shooting Phase. (See Left)
Strength is HALF or less than Toughness 6+ 5. Roll to Save, Deal Damage, and Roll for Injury same as
5. Roll to Save Shooting Phase. (See Left)
For each attack that successfully wounds, the target player rolls 6. Consolidate. Move the attacking model up to 3’’, must end up
1D6, using the target model’s Save Characteristic, and modifying closer to the nearest enemy model.
the result by the AP Characteristic of the weapon.
 Invulnerable Saves ignore AP. MORALE PHASE page 36
 A Mortal Wound bypasses all Saves and deal 1 damage. If all models in a kill team have either: flesh wounds, are
shaken, or are out of action, it is automatically Broken.
6. Deal Damage Otherwise,
Each wounding attack not saved against deducts the weapon’s Roll 2D6 if more than half of the models in your kill team
Damage Characteristic from the target’s Wound currently have flesh wounds, are shaken or are out of
Characteristic. If this reduces the target to 0 wounds, the action.
attacker rolls an injury roll and all other attacks are discarded.
The Kill Team is Broken if the result is greater than the highest
7. Roll for Injury Leadership characteristic of any of the models in the kill team
The attacker rolls one dice per Damage Characteristic of the that aren’t shaken or out of action.
Weapon which dropped the target to zero wounds.
If the weapon’s Damage Characteristic is variable D3 or D6, then the Once a Kill Team is Broken, it stays broken for the rest of the
number of dice is whatever value was rolled for damage. game.
Adjust the rolls if: Remove the Shaken tokens from all current models, and make a
The target is within 1’’ of obscuring terrain -1 Nerve Test for every model in a Broken Kill Team, or which
Each Flesh Wound on targeted Model +1 have a flesh wound.
If multiple dice are rolled, use the roll with the highest value to Roll 1D6 and apply the modifiers bellow.
determine the effects: Each friendly model that’s shaken or out of action +1
Flesh Wound: Apply a flesh wound to the target Each friendly model within 2’’ that is not shaken -1
3 or less
and restore its Wound Characteristic to 1
If the result exceeds the Leadership Characteristic of the model
4 or more Out of Action: Remove the target from the table. it is shaken. A nerve test is always passed on a roll of 1.
Upon receiving its 4th Flesh Wound, a model is A shaken model may not do anything until it's no
automatically taken Out of Action. longer shaken.

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