Malifaux Reference v1.2
Malifaux Reference v1.2
Malifaux Reference v1.2
MORALE (P 78-79)
Morale Duel (p 79)
1. Flip Starting Total
2. Change Starting Total or Pass
3. Calculate Final Total & Activate 1 Trigger
4. Model Falls Back, if during its activation. Otherwise falls back on next activation.
Terrifying: If within terrifying enemys melee range before or after an action, must take
Morale Duel. Once passed, immune from that model until out of its melee range.
Falling Back: Move 2xWk towards closest table edge or if in melee, away from model
that caused Morale Duel. Stop at edge of table. If at edge of table already, remove
model. Receive to any Duels agains enemy models while falling back.
Rallying: Model falling back must spend next activation rallying and may not move.
Combat Actions (p 52)
(1) Strike: Model makes an opposed Duel using the attacking model's Combat (Cb)
value for one of its basic weapons against the target model's Defense (Df) value, shown
below as Cb -> Df. Must have melee/ranged weapon to make a melee/ranged Strike.
(1) Defensive Stance: Must be first (1) action taken. Until Closing Phase, model
when defending in a melee or ranged attack Duel & - 2/-2 Wk/Cg.
(2) Focus: Perform a basic melee or ranged Strike. Attack flip and damage flip receive .
Bash: melee weapon available to all models, Rg 1, Cb 3, Dg 0/1/2
Disengaging Strike: Take when model leaves melee, on hit no dmg, but action canceled.
Strike Attack Sequence (p 54)
1. Declare Target, then Check Range (Fail if not in LOS and Range)
Any model, other than attacker may be targeted.
2. Strike Duel (Cb - > Df)
a. Flip Starting Attack and Defense Totals
b. Change Starting Totals or Pass
c. Calculate Final Attack and Defense Totals & Activate 1 Trigger
d. Apply Duel Results (Damage)
Damage Flip (p 56)
Damage Flip Twist: (Attack - Defense): 0= , 1-5= , 6-10=None, 11+=
Damage:(B.Joker)0 (1-5)Weak (6-10)Moderate (11+)Severe (R.Joker)Severe+Card
Prevent Damage: Use Soulstone (B.Joker)0 (1-5)1 (6-10)2 (11+)3 (R.Joker)3+Card
Combat Modifiers/Effects (p 53,25)
Paired Weapons: Attacker's attack flip receives
Ranged into Soft Cover: Attacker's attack flip receives
Ranged into Hard Cover: Attacker's attack flip receives , Target gains Armor 1
Ranged into Melee: Defender receives +1 Df for each Melee model in its melee range.
Attacker must flip 1 card (2 if Ht>=3) per model in melee. Lowest card is target.
Ranged while in Melee: Not allowed, except spell caster can fire at model in melee with.
Aura: ongoing circular range of effect around a target
Blast: 50mm base affecting touched models. Models other than target receive one
strength step lower damage and no trigger effects.
Pulse: instantaneous circular range of effect around target, ignores model using effect
MAGIC (P 62)
Magic Actions (p 62)
(#) Cast Spell (CC/Rst/Rg): CC=TN for Casting Duel, Rst=Resist Stat, Rg=Range
The model casts one spell. Some spells have a # > 1 and require more than 1 AP to
Cast. Note: Casting a (0) spell counts as a model's (0) Action for its activation.
(2) Channel: The model Casts a (1) spell with on both its casting and damage flips.
(1) Drain Souls: Masters Only. Sacrifice up to 3 friendly models within 6", ignoring LoS.
Soulstone Pool +1 per model. Non-Master models in Crew receives a cumulative -1
Wp for the remainder of the game. Insignificant models cannot be sacrificed.
Summon: Place model completely <= 6 of summoner. Receives Slow turn summoned.
Transform: Model receives new stats, except keeps original spells. Wds/effects transfer.
Attack: Spells affecting enemy models are considered attacks & follow basic attack rules.
Casting Sequence (p 63)
1. Declare Spell and Target (Fail if not in LOS and Range)
2. Casting Duel (Ca -> CC)
a. Caster Flips Starting Casting Total
b. Caster Changes Starting Total or Passes
c. Caster Gets Final Casting Total & Activates 1 Trigger
3. Resist Duels (if necessary) (Rst Stat -> Casting Total)
a. Resisting Model Flips Starting Resist Total
b. Resisting Model Changes Starting Total or Passes
c. Resisting Model Gets Final Resist Total & Activates 1 Trigger
Final Resist Total must be GREATER THAN Casting Total for Success.
Friendly model who resisted can choose instead to tie total (Fail).
4. Apply Spell Effects
Types (p 84)
Area: Area with a boundary providing effect(s) to models at least partially within.
Element: Single piece of terrain providing effect(s) to models within 1.
Blocking LOS: Blocks if both models Ht <= Ht of terrain between them.
Characteristics (p 84)
Breakable: Can be destroyed. Attacks against hit automatically; make damage flip (can
cheat). Destroyed if damage > hardness (wood=3, brick=6, stone=8, metal=10)
Climbable: Models can move up or down this terrain feature. 2 per 1 Ht.
Covering: If any portion of LOS to model (w/height < 2x terrain) is blocked by terrain,
provides soft or hard cover (see combat modifiers).
Elevated: While on, add the model's height to the terrain height when determining LoS.
Hazardous: Cause damage to models moving through. Burning: Dg 2/4/7, Lava: Dg
3/6/killed, Deep Chasm (Dg: killed/killed/killed). Leave no Counters. Flying ignores.
Height: Equal to its height in inches on the tabletop.
Impassable: Models cannot move into or through impassable terrain.
Obscuring: Area provides soft cover. Blocks LOS if > 3 through/into.
Open: Open terrain gives no penalties to movement or ranged attacks.
Severe: Movement through severe terrain costs double the distance moved.
Water: No effect, although some models receive bonuses or penalties for being in water.
Buried Models (p 24) removed from buried effect; return when effect allows. No VP
Cheating Fate (p 33) playing a Control Card from hand to replace the Fate Card in play.
Can be done on Duels and Damage Flips. Cannot be done if negative twist.
Counters (p 24) 30mm 0 Ht. Can be picked up by walking over. (ex: Scrap/Corpse)
Killed Models (p 24) models removed when reduced to 0 Wds. Generate Counters
Line of Sight (LoS) (p 24) when a model can draw at least one unblocked line from any
portion of its base edge across any portion of the target's base. Other models/terrain
only block if Ht >= target Ht. Partially obstructed by covering terrain grants cover.
Measuring (p 13) done from/to the acting/affected model's base edge. No pre-measure.
Melee (In) (p 52) models in range of an enemy's basic melee weapon, or with an enemy
model within their basic melee weapon range, are considered to be in melee.
Rounding (p 13) round up to the nearest whole number. Distances are not rounded
Sacrificed Models (p 25) models removed from sacrifice effect. No Counters
Stacking Effects (p 25) game effects with the same name do not stack; game effects with
different names do stack, even if they are identical effects.
Twisting Fate (p 33) changes # of cards flipped =positive, =negative. Add all twists.
( , ,
):highest (0):1 card ( , ,
):lowest or R.Joker & cannot cheat.
B.Joker always overrides and prevents cheating fate.
Malifaux Reference v1.2 by RangerRob (No aliation to Wyrd Miniatures) - Wyrd Miniatures, Malifaux, and Catacomb Prowlers, all character names, their distinctive likenesses, and faction symbols are property of Wyrd Miniatures, LLC and 2005-2009 Wyrd Miniatures.
Arachnid: Ignores severe terrain movement penalties & climbs using Cg instead of Wk.
Armor #: A model suffering damage reduces damage by # to a minimum of 1). Stacks.
Black Blood: All non-Neverborn models within 1" suffer 1 wound when this model
suffers damage from a melee attack.
Bulletproof #: Reduce damage model suffers from ranged attacks by # (minimum of 1).
(+1) Casting Expert: Model receives 1 additional Cast Action during its activation.
(+2) Casting Master: Model receives 2 additional Cast Actions during its activation.
Companion (model): If this model and 1+ companion (model)(s) are within 6" of this
model at the start of companion's activation, all models may activate simultaneously.
Complete the acting model's activation first.
Evasive #: Reduce the amount of damage this model suffers from by the indicated
number to a minimum of 1. This is cumulative with any other Armor.
Float: This mode1 may move over terrain and over other models without penalty, and
can end its movement over impassable terrain but not over another model's base.
(2) Flurry: Discard a Control Card. This model immediately makes up to 3 melee
Strikes against a single model.
Fly: This model may move over terrain and over other models without penalty but
cannot end its movement in or on impassable terrain or another model's base.
Gunfighter: This model can make melee Strikes up to 2" away with its ranged weapon.
The weapon gains the melee type when making these attacks.
Hard to Kill: While this model has 2 or more Wd remaining when it suffers damage, it
can only be reduced to 1 Wd by a single damage source.
Hard to Wound 1: Damage flips against this model receive .
Hard to Wound 2: Damage flips against this model receive .
Hard to Wound 3: Damage flips against this model receive
Harmless: Enemy models must win a Wp -> 12 Duel when targeting this model with an
attack or the Action immediately fails. Harmless ends when this model takes action
other than Walk or Pass. Terrifying models ignore Harmless.
Hunter: Ignores cover when targeting models & its LoS through obscuring is 6".
Magic Resistant #: Reduce damage this model suffers from spells by # (minimum of 1).
Immune to Influence: Immune to Wp Duels as defender.
(+1) Melee Expert: Model receives 1 additional Melee Strike during its activation.
(+2) Melee Master: Model receives 2 additional Melee Strikes during its activation.
Pass Through: This model may move through intervening models.
Poison #: Replace/Place # of Poison Counters on target model if # > current Counters.
Target model suffers 1 Wd/Counter, each time it activates. Target model discards 1
Counter at start of each Closing Phase. Model is not Poisoned once it has no Counters.
(+1) Ranged Expert: Model receives 1 additional Ranged Strike during its activation.
(+2) Ranged Master: Model receives 2 additional Ranged Strikes during its activation.
(2) Rapid Fire [basic ranged weapon]: Discard a Control Card. This model immediately
makes up to 3 Strikes against a single model.
Regeneration #: Heal this model the indicated number of Wd at start of its activation.
Ruthless: Ignores Harmless and Pitiful when targeting enemy models.
Scout: This model ignores severe ground movement penalties.
Slow to Die: When killed, immediately take a 1 AP Action before being removed.
Terrifying #: Living models who are engaged in melee with this model, or who wish to
Charge this model, must win a Morale Duel or fall back (Morale, p 77).
Use Soulstones: All Masters have. May use game effects that require Soulstones and for:
healing flip, damage prevention flip, adding card to duel total, re-flipping initiative flip.
Cb( ) Critical Strike: When damaging defender with a melee or ranged weapon Strike,
defender suffers +1 Dg for each in this model's attack Duel total. The weapon the
model may apply the Critical Strike trigger to will be listed in the models statistics.
Cb( ) Flay: When damaging defender with a melee Strike, defender suffers +2 Dg.
Cb( ) Rot: When damaging defender with a melee Strike, damage flip receives .
) Surge: After defender loses its Resist Duel, and this model discards 1 Control
Card. Draw 1 Control Card.
Strategies (p 94)
Assassinate (4-5): 4VP=No opposing Masters left. 2VP=No Masters left
Claim Jump (9-10): Place area terrain >= 5"x5" in center of table. 4VP=any of your
models completely within, no opponent models. 2VP=More models than opponent.
Insignificant not counted.
Reconnoiter (11-13): 4VP=Models in all 4 table quarters. 2VP=3 quarters.
Insignificant not counted.
Slaughter (6-8): 4VP=No opponent models. 2VP=Only opp. Masters/Insignificant left
Treasure Hunt (1-3): Place 30mm marker in center of table, after deployment. Models
in base contact may (1) Interact to pick it up. Can drop or pass marker for (1) Interact.
Drop marker when killed. Can only Walk with treasure, no flying, swapping, or spirit
moving through terrain.. 4VP=Your crew non-Insignificant model carrying marker and
in your deployment zone. 2VP=Marker in deployment zone
Schemes (p 94-95)
Score at game end, except Kidnap. Schemes w/only 1VP, add: Announce +1VP.
Army of the Dead (Resurrectionists Only): 1VP=Your undead models+carried Corpse
Counters > # of opponent models at game end. Insignificant not counted.
Bodyguard: Choose 1 of your Masters/Henchmen. May be taken multiple times with
different model. 1VP=Model still alive.
Breakthrough: 1VP=Your models > opponent models in opponents deployment zone.
Insignificant not counted.
Eye for an Eye: 1VP=Your model count within 1 of opponent model count. Insignificant
not counted.
Hold Out: 1VP=No enemy models in your deployment zone. Insignificant not counted.
Kidnap (Neverborn Only): Choose 1 opponent Masters/Henchmen. May be taken
multiple times with different model. 2VP=reveal scheme when model killed w/Melee.
Raid! (Guild Only): 1VP=Your non-Totem Minions > opponents. Insignificant not
Sabotage (Arcanists Only): Choose element terrain on opponents half of table. May be
taken multiple times with different terrain. Take (1) Interact with model while in base
contact with terrain and reveal scheme. 2VP=That model still alive.
Stake a Claim: Choose element/area terrain on opponents half of table. May be taken
multiple times with different terrain. 1VP=Your model(s) only within 2 of element
terrain or completely within area terrain. Insignificant not counted.
Thwart (Outcasts Only): Must be revealed during Announce step. 1VP=opponent
partially completes strategy. 2VP=opponent completely fails.
Features - Special Terrain (p 98)
Ancient Monument: 50mm, Ht 5 element terrain. Models within 1 receive +1 Ca.
Bog: Any portion of the table without terrain counts as severe and water.
Campsite: Severe area >=2x2. Model on may (1) Interact: replace 1 card in hand.
Creepy Structure: Area >= 3"x3". Models on may (1) Interact: (once per turn) flip card:
(1-3)Suffer 2 Wds
(4-6)May inflict 2 Wds to a model on terrain
(7-9)Heal 2 Wds (10-11)+2 Soulstones (12-13)+2 Soulstones and heal all Wds.
Dead Zone: Open area >= 3x3. Model touching may not cast spells.
1. Encounter Size & Number of Soulstones Available
Forested: Any portion of the table without terrain counts as covering.
Scrap: Soulstones:1-45, Max Hand: 6, Masters: 1, Max SS Pool: 8, Schemes: 0-2
Graveyard: Area >= 3x3. Models completely on may (1) Interact: +1 Corpse Counter
Brawl: Soulstones:30-70, Max Hand: 7, Masters: 2, Max SS Pool: 10, Schemes: 0-3 Hanging Tree: 50mm, Ht 6 element terrain. Terrifying->12 if end activation within 2
2. Location for the Encounter and Terrain
Hazardous Terrain: Area >= 3x3. Placing player declares type and damage.
Flip Fate card to determine location
Magic Nexus: Area <= 3x3. Models completely on gain casting/resisting spells.
Alternate placing terrain until one person done, then other person places 1 more.
Mysterious Effigies: Each player places two 30mm markers in the unshaded area. At
3. Deployment Type - B.Joker=Flipper decides, R.Joker-Non-Flipper decides
game end, the player with the closest model within 2" of an effigy marker scores 1 VP.
Diagonal (1-4) Split table diagonally. Center: 20 no-mans land. 8 deep deploy area Rubble: Any portion of the table without terrain counts as severe.
Standard (5-9) 6 deep deploy areas along opposite table edges
Scrap Pile: Area >= 3x3. Models completely on may (1) Interact: +1 Scrap Counter
Corners (10-13) 8x8 deploy area in 2 opposite corners
Soulstone Vein: Area <= 2x2. Masters completely on may (1) Interact: +1 Soulstone
4. Strategy & Schemes - Each player flips Fate Card for Strategy
Features - Special Events (p 99)
(Joker)Players choice (1-3)Treasure Hunt
At end of Closing Phase, flip card: 10+ or Joker, event occurs next turn.
(9-10)Claim Jump
May select Schemes and may choose to announce after deployment for extra points. Alone in the Dark: (Entire Game) models falling back after failed Morale Duel are killed.
Cruel Winds: At the start of the game, randomly determine 1 table edge. During the
5. Hire Crews
next turn, each model is pushed 1" toward that table edge at the end of its activation.
Limits: Scraps=Rare #, Brawls=2x Rare #. Only one copy of each Unique
Dark Omens: From Draw Phase to end of Activation Phase, 1=13 and 13=1.
Masters: Only from faction or Mercenary. In Brawls, may trade 1 for 10 soulstones
Minions: Only from faction or <=2 Mercenary. Outside faction costs +1 soulstone. Disturbing Whispers: (Entire Game) Models receive -1 Wp when defending in a Duel.
Earthquake: At start of Activation Phase, each player, in activation order, may push all of
Outcast my hire only Outcasts. Totems must be connected to Master and die with.
their opponent's models 1" in any direction unless those models have Flight or Float.
Starting Soulstones: Leftover soulstones + Masters cache(s)
6. Deployment - player with highest Fate Flip decides who choses sides and deploys first Foggy: Ranged attack flips receive .
Heat Wave: Models receive -1/-1 Wk/Cg.
After deployments, may announce schemes. Before starting, re-shuffle decks.
Heavy Snows: Cannot Charge & -2 Cb ranged attacks. Models w/Frozen Heart ignore.
Game Length: At end of 6th turn and each turn after, game continues on card flip (10+) Rockfall: Start of Activation Phase, models within 1" of a terrain feature suffer 1 Wd.
Winner: Total VPs from strategies and schemes to determine winner.
Stampede!: Start of Activation Phase, models within 8" of centerline suffer Wds = to Ht.
Torrential Rains: Models cannot Charge.