Individual Development Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
_______________ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
District of ___________

Action Plan
Strengths  Developmental Needs (Recommended Developmental Intervention) Timeline Resources
Learning Objectives of the PD Intervention

 Applied knowledge of  Use effective Efficient and effective use of Attend webinars, trainings, Mid-year PTA Meeting
content within and verbal and non- verbal and non-verbal workshops, LAC Sessions, and Training
across curriculum verbal communication in facilitating other related activities and Webinars
teaching areas. communication in the learning process. programs that tackles
 Displayed proficient use strategies to different communication
of Mother Tongue, support learner strategies to better the
Filipino, and English to understanding, educative process and to
facilitate teaching and participation, further support and engage
learning. engagement, learners in the classroom
 Establish safe and secure and activities for better
learning environments to achievement. achievements.
enhance learning
through the consistent
implementation of
policies, guidelines, and

 Promote Learner’s Safety Maintained a supportive Establish safe and secure Design a good learning Mid-year Parent
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
_______________ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
District of ___________

and security learning environment learning environments to environment for pupils that is Teachers
 Design adapted and that nurture and inspire enhance learning outcomes conducive for learning. Make Agreement Form
implemented teaching learners to participate, among learners the classroom setting flexible Webinars 
strategies that are cooperate and to different kinds of activities
responsive to learners collaborate in continued where children can move
with disabilities, learning freely without the fear of
giftedness, and talents. unforeseen accidents.
 Adapt and use culturally
appropriate teaching
strategies to address the
needs of the learners

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