Module 2
Module 2
Module 2
Task 1. Watch and Ask! Watch the speech of Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary
-General of the United Nations about human rights through the link below. After
watching the video, on the Query Card on the following page, write at least
three questions you have relevant to the issue raised by the UN Secretary-
Task 2. Share with a Pair! Look for a partner or anyone at home, and
share your questions formulated on the query card. Try asking for his/her
thoughts too about your questions.
Task 1. Yield Connections! This time, let’s try to explore and build connec-
tions between the issue and different aspects including you as a global citizen.
Global citizenship involves exploring at least five connections (Oxfam, 2015):
C1. Our common humanity - the connections we have with all other human be-
ings in terms of our similarities and common needs.
C2. Our global interconnectedness - links we have to other people and places
through trade, technology, migration, political systems, our shared environment
and so on.
C3. Links between issues, for example , poverty and climate change.
C4. The parallels that many global issues have with matters in our environ-
ment, for example, sharing of resources, or conflict, in the classroom.
C5. Links between current and previous learning and learning in other subjects.
Connection Card
Task 2. Share It! Share to the class or to anyone at home your Connection
Card ideas.
There are a lot of ways that you can help in safeguarding human rights.
Yes, you can! One of these is by using your communication skills. All it actually
takes is a good convincing power that will inform people and sway them into
action towards advancing basic human rights.
But standing in front of the public to persuade people about your stand
on a certain issue needs a lot of preparation. This is to ensure that your ulti-
mate purpose will be achieved.
The following concept cards will focus on discussing informative and per-
suasive speech. This will also give you some tips on writing these speeches.
1. Choose a topic. You may have been given your subject. Alternative-
ly, you should choose a topic you’re interested in, to give the best cov-
erage of the subject.
2. Narrow down your topic. Don’t try and cover every aspect of a sub-
ject. Pick a subject niche will allow you to thoroughly cover your topic
in the time allotted.
6. Outline your speech. List the information you wish to cover. Ar-
range it in a logical order. Decide what type of order best suits
the subject: step-by-step, chronological, etc.
8. Expand your outline to create the body of the speech. Include all the
key points from your outline.
5. Repeat the main ideas – People need to hear something three times
before they remember. State the main ideas in three different ways.
1. Come up with a controversial topic, one that will spawn heated de-
bates regardless of your position.
2. Research the topic thoroughly. Know the pros and cons of the topic.
4. Grasp the obstacles that your audience face or have with the topic.
It is through understanding these obstacles that you can tackle them.
5. Present your strategy for eradicating the obstacles. You must know
how to diffuse the tension that surround the obstacles by having a plan
for complete eradication.
Incorporate the Concepts! After learning the tips in writing informative and
persuasive speeches, let us now try to integrate your knowledge on this in ana-
lyzing the speech presented in the Watch and Ask! activity. Do the task reflect-
ed on the Integration Card .
Integration Card
Evaluate the speech of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres
in terms of its content and effectiveness. What kind of speech was be-
ing presented? Did it follow the guidelines in writing and presenting a
speech? Answer this in one paragraph with not more than ten sentenc-
It’s now time for you to demonstrate your knowledge and skills by doing
the tasks on the performance card below.
Performance Card
Your output will be rated using the rubric on the next page.
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content The speech ex- The speech ex- The speech gave a There is an attempt
plained everything plained everything nice explanation to explain the im-
well about the im- well about the im- about the im- portance of safe-
portance of safe- portance of safe- portance of safe- guarding human
guarding human guarding human guarding human rights but it was
rights and was pre- rights but it lacks rights but some not clear.
sented convincingly supporting data. parts were a bit
with enough sup- confusing.
porting data.
Organization, All ideas are well Ideas are well orga- Ideas are not so Ideas are not orga-
Grammar and organized and there nized and there are organized and there nized and there are
Mechanics are no errors in only little errors in are only some er- a lot of errors in
grammar and me- grammar and me- rors in grammar grammar and me-
chanics. chanics. and mechanics. chanics.
Adherence to All parts of the Most of the parts of Some parts of the Most of the parts of
Guidelines to speech adhere to the speech adhere speech adhere to the speech did not
Writing Effec- the guidelines in to the guidelines in the guidelines in adhere to the
writing effective writing effective writing effective guidelines in writing
tive Speech
speech. speech. speech. effective speech.
Task 1. Watch and Ask! Watch the news report on human rights violations in
different countries in the world through the link below. After watching the video,
on the Query Card on the following page, write at least three questions you
have relevant to the human rights violation issues in specific countries.
Task 2. Share with a Pair! Look for a partner or anyone at home, and
share your questions formulated on the query card. Try asking for his/her
thoughts too about your questions.
Now try to connect the issue on human rights to at least 3 of the global
citizenship connections by filling out the Connection Card below. Don’t leave C5
by connecting the issue to communication.
Connection Card
Concept Card
There are four different methods of speech delivery. This includes
manuscript reading, memorized speaking, extemporaneous speaking and
impromptu speaking.
Manuscript Reading
Manuscript speaking is the word-for-word iteration of a written
message. In a manuscript speech, the speaker maintains his or her at-
tention on the printed page except when using visual aids.
The advantage to reading from a manuscript is the exact repetition
of original words. As we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, in
some circumstances this can be extremely important. For example,
reading a statement about your organization’s legal responsibilities to
customers may require that the original words be exact. In reading one
word at a time, in order, the only errors would typically be mispronun-
ciation of a word or stumbling over complex sentence structure.
Memorized Speaking
Memorized speaking is the rote recitation of a written message that
the speaker has committed to memory. Actors, of course, recite from
memory whenever they perform from a script in a stage play, televi-
sion program, or movie scene. When it comes to speeches, memoriza-
tion can be useful when the message needs to be exact and the speak-
er doesn’t want to be confined by notes.
The advantage to memorization is that it enables the speaker to
maintain eye contact with the audience throughout the speech. Being
free of notes means that you can move freely around the stage and
use your hands to make gestures. If your speech uses visual aids, this
freedom is even more of an advantage. The advantage to
memorization is that it enables the speaker to maintain eye
contact with the audience throughout the speech.
Extemporaneous Speaking
Extemporaneous speaking is the presentation of a carefully planned
and rehearsed speech, spoken in a conversational manner using brief
notes. By using notes rather than a full manuscript, the extemporane-
ous speaker can establish and maintain eye contact with the audience
and assess how well they are understanding the speech as it progress-
es. The opportunity to assess is also an opportunity to restate more
clearly any idea or concept that the audience seems to have trouble
For instance, suppose you are speaking about workplace safety and
you use the term “sleep deprivation.” If you notice your audience’s eyes
glazing over, this might not be a result of their own sleep deprivation,
but rather an indication of their uncertainty about what you mean. If
this happens, you can add a short explanation; for example, “sleep dep-
rivation is sleep loss serious enough to threaten one’s cognition, hand-
to-eye coordination, judgment, and emotional health.” You might
also (or instead) provide a concrete example to illustrate the idea.
Then you can resume your message, having clarified an important
Integration Card
Evaluate the methods of delivery in the news report you have
watched in the Watch and Ask! Activity. What methods were used by
the communicators. Was it effective? Did the speakers observe the tips
for effective public speaking? Answer this in one paragraph with not
more than ten sentences.
It’s now time for you to demonstrate your knowledge and skills by doing
the tasks on the performance card below.
Performance Card
Your performances will be rated using the rubric on the next page.
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Relevance to All ideas are Most of the Some of the Most of the
the theme relevant to the ideas are rele- ideas are rele- ideas are not
theme. vant to the vant to the relevant to the
theme. theme. theme.
Coherence Ideas are well- Most of the Some ideas Ideas are illog-
organized. ideas are well- are well- ically ar-
organized. organized. ranged.
Task 1. Watch and Ask! Watch this multimedia presentation about the water
scarcity in Africa through the link below. After watching the presentation, on the
Query Card on the following page, write at least three questions you have rele-
vant to the issue on water scarcity in Africa.
Task 2. Share with a Pair! Look for a partner or anyone at home, and
share your questions formulated on the query card. Try asking for his/her
thoughts too about your questions.
Now try to connect the issue on the water scarcity in Africa to at least 3
of the global citizenship connections by filling out the Connection Card below.
Don’t leave C5 by connecting the issue to communication.
Connection Card
The previous two lessons of this module taught you how to communicate
effectively in public in order to advance your causes. For example, the problem
on water scarcity can be addressed through effective communication in con-
vincing people to conserve water.
In the 21st century, however, effective public speaking does not just en-
tail good speaking skills; but in order to hold the attention of your audience,
you need to couple your speech with an effective communication aid.
One of these communication aids that you can utilize is a multimedia
presentation. Study the concept cards that follow and learn how to prepare a
multimedia presentation.
Concept Card
Multimedia Presentation
Learn more on how to create multimedia presentations through the links be-
1. Multimedia effect
“The multimedia effect refers to the finding that students learn more
deeply from a multimedia explanation presented in words and pictures
than in words alone” (Mayer, 2003).
Multimedia Design Principle: Add pictures to words
A message created with words and corresponding images is better
retained than a message created with words alone.
2. Contiguity effect
“The spatial contiguity effect is that students learn more deeply from
multimedia explanations when corresponding words and pictures are
presented near to rather than far from each other on the page or
screen.” (Mayer, 2003)
Continguity Design Principle: Place words near corresponding pic-
Spatial continguity principle: Learning is improved when images and
corresponding words are spatially integrated. For example, legends
should be close to the corresponding picture elements.
Temporal continguity principle: Learning is improved when visual
and verbal elements are presented together.
3. Personalization
“The personalization effect is that students learn more deeply from a
multimedia explanation when the words are presented in conversation-
al style rather than formal style.” (Mayer, 2003)
Design principle: Use conversational style for words.
5. Modality
Students learn better when their visual/pictorial channel is not over-
loaded (i.e. when they must process words and graphics simultaneous-
ly at rapid pace).
Modality design principle: Present Words as speech rather than on-
screen text
Animated pictures presented with an audio commentary are better
understood than accompanied with on screen text.
6. Redundancy
Redundancy design principle: Presenting words in both text and audio
narration can hurt learning
Learning is better when presenting an animation with an audio com-
mentary than an animation, its commentary and the corresponding
Integration Card
Using Mayer’s principles of design, evaluate the multimedia
presentation about the water scarcity in Africa presented in the Watch
and Ask! Activity. Did the presentation observe Mayer’s principles of
design? Answer this in one paragraph with not more than ten sentenc-
It’s now time for you to demonstrate your knowledge and skills by doing
the tasks on the performance card below.
Performance Card
Create a one to two minute-multimedia presentation discussing the
importance of water conservation and illustrating simple steps in
conserving water.
Your presentation will be rated using the rubric on the next page.
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Relevance to All ideas are Most of the Some of the Most of the
the theme relevant to the ideas are rele- ideas are rele- ideas are not
theme. vant to the vant to the relevant to the
theme. theme. theme.
Adherence All parts of the Most of the Some parts of Most of the
to Principles presentation parts of the the presenta- parts of the
of Design adhere to presentation tion adhere to presentation
Mayer’s princi- adhere to Mayer’s princi- did not adhere
ples of design. Mayer’s princi- ples of design. to Mayer’s
ples of design. principles of
Task 1. Watch and Ask! Global warming is a defining issue of our time. Cli-
mate change is slowly ripping us, and we seem to be aren’t doing enough to
stop it. Watch this vlog about climate change through the link below. After
watching the video, on the Query Card on the following page, write at least
three questions you have relevant to climate change.
Task 2. Share with a Pair! Look for a partner or anyone at home, and
share your questions formulated on the query card. Try asking for his/her
thoughts too about your questions.
Now try to connect the issue on climate change to at least 3 of the global
citizenship connections by filling out the Connection Card below. Don’t leave C5
by connecting the issue to communication.
Connection Card
The 21st century offers us a plethora of avenues to share our ideas. With
technology at our fingertips we are able to speak in public virtually and reached
thousands and even millions of audience around the world in speaking about
pertinent causes such as climate change.
One of these modern platforms for public speaking is through vlogs
which has been used by many to advance their causes. There’s also another
platform called TED Talks where one can present new and exciting ideas about
anything under the sun.
Now, read the concept cards below and discover how to make an effec-
tive vlog and TED Talks.
Concept Card
Vlog is a shortened version of the word video blog or video log. A
vlog is essentially a blog that includes or consists of video footage.
Vlogging refers to the process of creating a vlog, usually filming.
Unlike the mainstream media, such as television or commercial
websites, vloggers (usually) don’t create vlogs for the sole purpose of
making money. As a result, vlogging gives ordinary people the ability to
share their opinion on any topic they want and produce content about
anything they want.
A vlog can be a video documenting a person’s life but can also be
about a certain topic such as a certain hobby and can be both instruc-
tional and entertaining. The main goal of a vlog is to communicate with
a wide audience on a personal level.
9. Keep going!
Your vlog will probably not have thousands of views at first but
don’t let that stop you. Set a schedule for how often you want to upload
new vlogs and stick with that schedule no matter what.
Keep networking with other youtubers, bloggers and people on so-
cial media and maybe do some collaborations with others. That way your
youtube channel will grow a lot faster.
Don’t give up! Every vlogger that now has millions of subscriber
has at one point started from zero too! Keep getting better at
vlogging and editing, keep uploading and keep promoting.
TED Talks
TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to spreading ideas, usually
in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in
1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design
converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to busi-
ness to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Meanwhile, inde-
pendently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the
TED Conferences LLC (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an
American media organization that posts talks online for free distribu-
tion under the slogan "ideas worth spreading".
Learn more on how to create a good TED Talk through these links:
Integration Card
1. Evaluate the vlog you have watched about climate change present-
ed in the Watch and Ask! Activity in terms of content and effective-
ness. Did it follow the guidelines of creating and presenting a good
2. Watch a TED Talk presentation through this link:
Evaluate the presentation in terms of content and effectiveness. Did
it adhere to the qualities of a successful TED Talk?
It’s now time for you to demonstrate your knowledge and skills by doing
the tasks on the performance card below.
Performance Card
Create a vlog or TED Talk-like video calling out people to act for envi-
ronmental rehabilitation. In your video, make sure to cite evidences of
climate change effect in your locality.
Your presentation will be rated using the rubric on the next page.
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Delivery Voice, body lan- Voice, body lan- Voice, body lan- Voice, body lan-
guage, poise, eye guage, poise, eye guage, poise, eye guage, poise, eye
to eye contact, to eye contact, to eye contact, to eye contact,
personality, holds personality, holds personality, holds personality, did
the attention of the attention of the attention of not hold the at-
the audience in most the audi- few of the audi- tention of the
the whole presen- ence in the whole ence in the whole audience in the
tation presentation presentation whole presenta-