Speak-Describe Person
Speak-Describe Person
Speak-Describe Person
Well, I stand in awe of my uncle, a stand/be in awe of (v): ngưỡng mộ = Nối âm: stand + in + awe
business tycoon. hold sb in high regard/esteem =
admire = idolize: thần tượng = look up
/ɔː/, /ˈʌŋkl/, /ˈbɪznəs/, /taɪˈkuːn/ to: ngưỡng mộ = revere: tôn kính =
venerate = respect: kính trọng
/ɪnˈspaɪərɪŋ/, /ˈfɪɡjər/
Among my wide circle of friends a wide circle of friends and Nối âm: circle + of is + a, is + second
and acquaintances, X is a smart acquaintances: rất nhiều bạn bè và (bỏ âm /z/ trong is), who + is (chêm
cookie who is second to none. người quen thêm /w/ ở giữa)
Friends bỏ /d/
/ˈsɜːkl/, /əˈkweɪntənsɪz/, /ˈkʊki/, /nʌn/ a smart cookie (n): người thông
minh = a brainbox = a fount of
knowledge/ideas = a brainiac = a
genius = a walking encyclopedia = a
He has a voracious appetite for have a voracious/insatiable appetite Nối âm: has + a
books. for (v): ham, đam mê (đọc sách) =
hanker after/for = crave (for) = have a
/vəˈreɪʃəs/, /ˈæpɪtaɪt/ craving for = have a penchant for =
have a passion for
When it comes to academic study when it comes to: khi nói về/nói đến Nối âm: has + a, vivid + imagination
and practical training, he has a vivid To phải nói ở dạng mạnh vì đứng
imagination. have a vivid imagination (v): sáng trước nguyên âm
/ˌækəˈdemɪk/, /ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃn/
In other respects he’s as bright as a in other respects: ở các khía Nối âm: in + other, respects + he’s
button. cạnh/mặt khác (/h/ có thể được bỏ đi), as + a
As có cách nói nhẹ và mạnh
/rɪˈspekts/, /braɪt/, /ˈbʌtn/ be as bright as a button: cực kỳ Hiện tượng nuốt âm ở button
thông minh = be astute = be shrewd =
have a good head on your shoulders =
be sagacious
He can think on his feet in different think on his feet = be on the ball = Nối âm: think + on + his (/h/ có thể
settings. have his head (screwed) on right được bỏ đi)
Âm yếu và mạnh của can
Last week, we were going for a ride all-terrain (adj): đa địa hình Nối âm: for + a, on + our, dirt + bike
on our all-terrain dirt bike. (/t/ bị biến thành /p/)
a dirt-bike (n): xe địa hình Bỏ âm /t/ trong last
/ˌɔːl təˈreɪn/, /ˈdɜːrt baɪk/
Soon after setting off, suddenly we set off (v): khởi hành = start off Nối âm: soon + after
got a flat tire due to a puncture. Nhấn âm off
a flat tire: lốp bị xì Suddenly có thể bị nuốt âm
/flæt/, /ˈtaɪər/, /ˈpʌŋktʃər/ To đọc là /tu/ vì đứng trước nguyên
Fixing it in the blistering heat was a the blistering heat (n): cái nắng thiêu Nối âm: in + the (biến âm), nut + to
tough nut to crack. đốt = the burning heat = the intense To có thể nói ở âm yếu
heat = the searing heat = the fierce
/ˈblɪstərɪŋ/, /hiːt/, /tʌf/, /nʌt/ heat = the terrible heat
/pʌmpt/, /rɪˈzjuːm/
He has such a nimble mind! have a nimble mind: có đầu óc Nối âm: such + a
nhanh nhạy = be sharp-witted = be has phải ở dạng mạnh
/ˈnɪmbl/ sharp = be razor-sharp = be quick-
witted = be penetrating = have an
agile mind/brain