DLL WEEK 4 Q1 Mapeh7 Arts
DLL WEEK 4 Q1 Mapeh7 Arts
DLL WEEK 4 Q1 Mapeh7 Arts
The teacher will ask the following questions: The group will assign one of the group members to
Name different arts and crafts coming from share his/her answers to the class.
different places in Luzon.
Describe their physical features, attributes, and (Note: Teacher can highlight the arts and crafts of
use. their respective province or city.)
(5 min)
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D. Discussing new concepts The teacher will discuss the arts and crafts of The teacher will discuss the mood, idea, or message
and practicing new skill #1 Luzon (Highlands and Lowlands). emanating from selected artifacts and art objects.
10 minutes 15 minutes
E. Discussing new concepts The teacher will discuss the elements and The teacher will discuss the artifacts and art objects
and practicing new skill #2 principles present in the given examples. of highlands and lowlands in terms of their uses and
10 minutes their distinct use of art elements and principles.
15 minutes
F. Developing Mastery The students will name the given arts and crafts,
their characteristics, elements, and principles that
they observe.
Ilocos-Inabel Cloth
Paete-Paper Mache
Cordillera-Ikat cloth
Note: Teachers can use their own local arts and
crafts as an example.
5 minutes
G. Finding practical The teacher will ask the following questions:
applications of concepts & As a student, how can you help in the
skills in daily living preservation of arts and crafts of Luzon?
As a student and a member of the community,
in what ways can you promote the value of
Luzon arts and crafts to your fellow students?
H. Making generalizations & The teacher will present different pictures of arts
abstractions about the and crafts in Luzon in a collage form.
lesson Let the students analyze and understand the given
The teacher will ask the following questions:
What are the characteristics of Luzon’s arts and
What are the elements and principles visible to
their crafts?
I. Evaluating Learning Analyze and write down the elements and
principles visible to the following:
Bobo and Suklang
Giant Lanterns
Ling-ling O
Kadangyan Cloth
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5 minutes
J. Additional activities for Name 2 arts/crafts for the following places. Define the following elements and principles and
application or remediation 1. Batangas explain how it works in an artwork.
2. Cordillera 1. Lines
3. Laguna 2. Color
4. Nueva Ecija 3. Shape
5. Ilocos 4. Proportion
5. Space
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