Developing Number Sense, Grades 3-6
Developing Number Sense, Grades 3-6
Developing Number Sense, Grades 3-6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
Number sense is not a specific skill or concept, but a broader
idea that encompasses students’ ability to think and reason
flexibly, make sound numerical judgments, and see numbers as
useful. Along with computation and problem solving, number
sense is an important part of instruction that builds arithmetic
competence and confidence.
Rusty Bresser has been an elementary
classroom teacher since 1979. He
currently teaches in the Oceanside
Unified School District in Oceanside,
California. He is also the author of Math
and Literature (Grades 4–6), Math
Solutions Publications, 1995.
Both Caren and Rusty are Math Solutions Inservice instructors, Math Solutions Publications
teaching courses offered by Marilyn Burns Education Associates
to elementary and middle school teachers nationwide.
Math Solutions ®
Rusty Bresser and Caren Holtzman
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Number Sense
Grades 3–6
Rusty Bresser
Caren Holtzman
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of
brief quotations in a review.
ISBN-13: 978-0-941355-23-0
ISBN-10: 0-941355-23-3
Oh No! 99! is adapted from a UNO Company game, now out of print.
Tell Me All You Can is adapted from Smart Arithmetic, Grades 4–6, by Rhea Irvine and
Kathryn Walker (Creative Publications).
Stand Up and Be Counted was created by Annette Raphel, Shady Hill School, Cambridge,
Get to 1,000, Get to Zero, and Hit the Target are adapted from Calculators in Mathematics
Education (NCTM Yearbook) (Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
Math Solutions ®
Acknowledgments / vii
Introduction / ix
Mental Computation / 1
1 Get to 1,000 / 3
2 Oh No! 99! / 17
3 Get to Zero / 31
Estimation / 139
11 How Many Beans? / 141
12 Hit the Target / 155
13 In the Ballpark / 169
Mental Computation
hile many of the activities in this book rely on mental
computation, these first three focus heavily on it. In Get to
1,000, Oh No! 99!, and Get to Zero students engage in
games and investigations that require mental computation. The
discussions and written work students engage in after the activities also
focus on their mental computation strategies. While the discussions and
conversations in the vignettes that follow won’t be replicated exactly in
your classroom, they are models for how teachers can focus on and foster
students’ mental strategies.
Mental computation is a key aspect of number sense. It forces
students to rely on what they know about numbers and operations. It
also liberates them from the standard paper-and-pencil approach to
computation and allows them to be more inventive. Computing
mentally shifts the emphasis from following procedures to making sense
of numbers and operations. It allows students to develop their own
For example, if a group of students had to compute 39 + 44
mentally, one student might take 1 from 44 and use it to turn the 39
into 40, then add 40 and 43. Another student might start with the tens
and add 30 and 40, which makes 70, then add the 9 and the 4 to get 13,
then add 70 and 13 to get 83. The activities in this section give students
many opportunities to come up with their own computing methods,
thus helping them develop their number sense.
As always, the teacher’s role is vital. Our goal is to help students
become flexible thinkers who are comfortable with numbers and who
are able to compute accurately and efficiently. But asking students
merely to give an answer they’ve computed in their head limits their 1
Mental Computation
1 Get to 1,000
This two-person game gives students practice with multiplying by powers of ten
and with addition. Players multiply the number that comes up on each of ten rolls
of the die by 1, 10, or 100. Then they add the ten products. The total may be under
or over 1,000. The player whose final score is closer to 1,000 is the winner.
Variations of the game give students practice multiplying by 5, 25, and 50.
Materials Needed
One die for each pair of students.
1. Version A: roll the die ten times and multiply the number on the die by 1, 5, or 50.
2. Version B: roll the die ten times and multiply the number on the die by 10, 25,
or 50.
3. Version C: roll the die seven times and multiply the number on the die by 1, 10,
or 100. 3
Mental Computation
“It’s like six dimes,” offered Simon. the 20 and the two 10s I took from
I wrote 60 on the chalkboard the two 60s.”
underneath the 400. I rolled again and I was pleased that Rob was able to
got a one. I multiplied 1 × 100 and “see” that 60 could be broken down
wrote 100 under the 60. I then rolled into 50 + 10 and how he used that to
another six. make the problem easier for him to
“What should I do now?” I asked. solve. The ability to take numbers
“Any advice?” apart and put them back together is an
“I think you should multiply by indicator of number sense.
ten because you already have over 500, On my next roll, I got a two and
and if you multiply by 100 you’ll go multiplied it by ten and recorded 20
over 1,000, because 600 and 500 is on the chalkboard. Then I rolled a one
1,100,” Sue explained. and again asked the class for advice.
“Does that make sense?” I asked. “I think you should multiply it by
Students nodded their head in 100,” said Brad.
agreement, and I added another 60 to “Why do you think that?” I asked.
the list of figures on the board. “Because you only have four rolls
I rolled again and got a two. I left and you only have 660,” he
multiplied 2 × 10 and wrote 20 on the reasoned. “If you had rolled a higher
chalkboard under the other products. I number, I’d advise you to multiply by
now had 400, 60, 100, 60, and 20 on ten or one.”
the chalkboard. We had just finished I continued with the game until I
our fifth roll and we were halfway to had ten products written on the
the finish. chalkboard. “Raise your hand if you
“I’d like you to figure the score in have an idea about how to find the
your head,” I instructed. “When we total,” I said. I waited till lots of hands
calculate mentally it helps improve our were raised, then called on Calvin.
math thinking. Also, if we keep track “Add the 100s, then the tens, then
of our scores as we go along, we’ll the ones,” he suggested. “It’s easier to
know how close to 1,000 we are.” start clumping together the bigger
After a moment, I called on Marcos. numbers. Anyway, the numbers are
“It’s 640, because 400 plus 100 pretty friendly.”
equals 500, then I added 60 plus 60 “Use a calculator,” added Kimm.
equals 120, then I added 20 more, “You can make 100s,” observed
equals 140; 500 plus 140 equals 640,” Adela. “Like 60 and 40 is 100, so I’d
he explained. make as many 100s as I could, then go
“Did anyone figure it a different to the lower numbers. I’d add
way?” I probed. everything together in my mind.”
“I did it almost the same way,” After we found the sum of the
Rob began. “After I added 400 and products, students partnered up to
100 to get 500, I looked at the two 60s play Get to 1,000. Before they began, I
and saw two 50s. That made another reminded them that both players had
100. Then I had 600 and just added to use the same number on the die
Mental Computation
when multiplying and that they each Ramon and Adela were having a
had to make separate decisions about disagreement about who won the
what to do. I told them that partners game.
had to roll the die ten times and that at “I got 1,006, and you got 964, so I
the end of the game, the player whose won!” argued Ramon.
score was closer to 1,000 won. I also “How do you know that?” Adela
told them that keeping track of their shot back. “It looks to me like we’re
score as they played the game was both close to 1,000.”
important. They could do this “You’re farther away than me!” he
mentally or on a piece of paper. countered. I held back and watched,
not interfering. “Look, 1,006 is only
six away from 1,000,” Ramon said
Observing the Students firmly. “Nine hundred and sixty-four
is . . . ,” he began.
As students played I walked from table “Wait, I want to figure it out!”
to table, listening to conversations, Adela insisted. “Nine hundred and
posing questions, and making seventy-four, 984, 994, that’s 30 and
observations. Rob and Charles were on six more . . . oops, you’re closer!” They
their final roll when I joined their both giggled.
game. Their responses had given me
“I’ve got 800. I’m getting close,” some insight into their number sense.
Charles said. Ramon exuded confidence about using
He was thinking out loud and was numbers to solve problems. Although
ready to make the final roll when I Adela seemed less sure of herself, she
stopped him with my question: “What did have the confidence to insist on
would have to happen for you to make figuring things out for herself.
1,000 exactly?”
Charles thought for a while. Rob
was dying to answer, but I put up my A Class Discussion
hand, signaling him to be patient and
give Charles a chance. When it seemed as though most
“Hmm. I need 200 more to make partners had completed two games, I
1,000. If I rolled a one and multiplied asked for everyone’s attention and
by 100, I’d get 900, so if I rolled a two initiated a class discussion.
and multiplied it by 100, I’d get there “When you’re playing Get to
exactly,” he reasoned. 1,000, what do you think about in
“Do you think it’s likely that order to win the game?” I asked.
someone would get 1,000 exactly?” I “Well, first I multiplied by 100,
asked. then I multiplied the numbers on the
Charles and Rob looked at each die by ten, then by one,” said Jenny.
other, not quite sure how to respond. “Why did you do that?” I asked.
Leaving them to think about this “I learned that you should try to
question, I moved on to another table. get to 900 as fast as you can and then
Get to 1,000
Jenny wrote: All I did was roll the Kimm wrote (see figure 1.1): For
dice. I placed my numbers down with [my] number one [game], I choose those
what made sense. Like if I had 933 and numbers because I thought it would
got a six on my last roll I would put it as help me. But it didn’t. What I should of
60. done was put more hundreds than 10’s
Kimm improved her second game because of
what she learned during her first game.
Get to 1,000
because I think that would of helped also roll ten times, but now you
me. multiply the number on the die by ten,
For [my] number two [game] I got a 25, or 50.” I then wrote version B’s
little better with it because I put more directions on the chalkboard.
hundreds than more tens, and . . . keeped “That sounds harder,” said Carl.
the answer [total] in my head. . . . “I think that’s going to be easier
Carl wrote: When playing Get to than the other one,” Anne disagreed.
1,000, I learned you have to ceep track of “The last version, version C, is
the numbers because you mite pass nearly the same as the original game,”
1,000. I liked playing because I can I said. “You multiply the number on
learn how to add better. In the first game the die by one, ten, or 100, but you
I got 970 and in the second game I got only roll the die seven times.” Again, I
980. In the first game I needed 30 to get wrote the directions for version C on
to 1,000 in the second game I needed 20 the chalkboard.
to get to 1,000.
they could figure it out mentally. They they know about numbers and
were stuck, so I nudged them a little: operations. When students begin to
“How is six times five related to six calculate mentally rather than using
times 50?” I asked. standard algorithms with paper and
“Oh, it’s 300!” they said together. pencil, the focus shifts from thinking
“How did you figure?” I asked. about procedures to thinking about
“Because six times five is 30, and what makes sense.
you add a zero and it’s 300,” explained
“Why do you add a zero?” I A Class Discussion
probed. Often children know that
when you multiply by ten, you add a The next day I led a class discussion
zero and when you multiply by 100, about the game. “Raise your hand if
you add two zeros, but they can’t you were able to play all three versions
explain why. The two girls thought for of Get to 1,000,” I said. Nearly
a while. everyone’s hand went up. “What did
Then Erin spoke up: “Because you think of the different versions?”
when you multiply by five, it’s 30, but “I played A,” said Michael. “It
if you multiply by 50, then it’s ten wasn’t really easy to get to 1,000,
times bigger than 30 and that’s 300,” because it didn’t have really high
she explained. numbers to multiply by. It had one,
Mitch and Daniel had finished a five, and 50, and the highest number
game and had added up a string of you could get was 300.”
numbers on the calculator, but I “Why is that?” I asked.
noticed that the total was “Because the highest number on
unreasonable. I asked them to check the die is six, and if you multiply by 50
the answer by adding in their head. that’s 300,” Michael explained. “In the
Mitch proceeded to add the 100s, then original game, you could make 600
the tens, then the leftover ones, and points on one turn by multiplying six
came up with the correct answer. “It’s times 100.”
faster to do it in my head!” he “First, I played version C, because
exclaimed. I thought it would be a challenge to
Many students were surprised at get to 1,000 in only seven tries,”
how easy and fast it was to calculate Xavier began. “It was a challenge! I
mentally. One student was stuck trying noticed that I used the 100s more in
to multiply 6 × 25 in his head. A this one than I did when we had ten
student next to him suggested that he chances before. My strategy changed a
think of how many 25s there are in little.”
100 and solve it that way. “I think version B is the hardest
Solving problems mentally helps one to play, because you’re not allowed
students develop their number sense to multiply by one,” said Mitch.
because it forces them to rely on what “When I was playing a game with
Get to 1,000
Daniel, I had 975 and it was my turn along the way. If you’re close to 1,000,
to roll. I rolled the die and I got a six. I you have to decide what you’re going
was kind of mad, and Daniel started to multiply the number on the die by.
laughing about it because he knew he You have to know what’s going to
was going to win. Then I started happen to the number on the die and
laughing about it and I knew that the how close to 1,000 you’ll get. With the
only lowest thing I could do was to die, you never know what’s going to
multiply six by ten. That’s how I lost happen.”
version B.” “I think you can predict what’s
“Any other ideas to report?” I going to happen on the die,”
asked. countered Carl. “I don’t think you’re
“I found out a lot of things about going to roll the same number over
multiplying,” said Blanca. “It’s not so and over. I think when you roll, you’re
hard to multiply numbers in your likely to get different numbers most of
head.” the time.”
“On C you only have seven rolls. “If you had to invent your own
So you use more 100s instead of tens,” version of Get to 1,000, what
Jenny said. “Also, with version C, I directions would you use?” I asked.
don’t think anyone uses one as a “Maybe have other numbers to
multiplier or your outcome would be multiply the die by,” suggested
too low.” Gordon, “like maybe put some hard
“I played C with seven rolls,” said ones in there, like five, 15, and 30.”
Rob. “It’s different from ten rolls “I’d make it so you have more
because you need to get to 1,000 faster than ten rolls, say 15 rolls,” said
so you need to use bigger numbers.” Nicole.
“Do you think these are games of
skill or games of chance?” I asked.
“Talk with someone near you about A Writing Assignment
this question.” After a few moments, I
called on Mindy. When our discussion was over, I had
“I think it’s luck, because you the sixth graders write about the
never know what’s going to come up games (examples of their writing are
on the die,” she said. shown in figures 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4).
“I think you need to have both Reading their papers gave me
luck and skill,” said Jenny. “For one further information about their
thing, you have to make decisions thinking.
Mental Computation
Anne realized that her strategy worked and
thought the game was risky.
Get to 1,000
Katie explained what she liked about versions
B and C.
Mental Computation
Xavier compared all the versions of Get to
Get to 1,000
speaker and raise a hand if they want • Do students know the effect
to talk. After many years in the multiplication has on numbers? Do
classroom, I’m still reminded daily that they have a sense of how big a
getting children to listen to one number will get when you multiply
another and get along requires it by 1, 10, or 100?
consistent effort. • Do students have a sense of how
Giving clear directions is also an close they are to 1,000 when they’re
important ingredient in managing a playing the game?
math class. Children who know what’s • Are students using strategies to win
expected of them are less likely to the game? What strategies are they
misbehave. using?
Finally, if you understand the • Are students able to keep track of
task at hand and are aware of the their score mentally or do they use
goals and the important paper and pencil?
mathematical ideas of an activity, you • How do students figure out the
are bound to be more confident and difference between their score and
able to listen for clues from the their partner’s score? Can they figure
children in order to move the activity the difference mentally?
from one place to another.
Can I use this game in a
How can I assess a student’s third-grade classroom?
number sense?
Yes, but instead of having 1,000 as
When I use this activity, I have several the goal, I’d ask third graders to try to
questions in mind as I watch students get to 100, using one through six as
play the game and as I listen to their multipliers. What’s nice about this
questions and responses during class game is that it can easily be adapted
discussions. to the skill level of the players by
adjusting the goal, the number of
• Are students able to multiply rolls of the die, and the multipliers.
numbers by ten and multiples of No matter what version of the
ten? Are they able to multiply game is played, the important thing
numbers by 25? by other landmark is that students think about the
numbers? effect multiplication has on numbers.
2 Oh No! 99!
While older elementary students are typically engaged with larger whole numbers, many
still need and benefit from practice with mental addition and subtraction of smaller
numbers. In this two-person card game, players attempt to force their partner to be the
one to push their jointly accumulating score above 99. The game provides practice with
adding and subtracting while also giving students the chance to think strategically.
Materials Needed
A deck of playing cards (jokers removed) for each pair of students.
were more hesitant; some were even “You just want us to tell you which
using their fingers. I was surprised to card we would use?” asked Jon.
see Chip use his fingers to add 10 to “That’s part of it,” I answered,
43. Adding ten should come “but I also want to know why you
automatically to most fifth graders, would choose that card instead of any
especially one like Chip, who came of the others. You might even want to
from a very traditional math program. tell me which card you definitely
However, it was clear that he had not wouldn’t want to use and why.”
made the base ten connection in this Most students chose either the six
context. While Chip was certainly or the queen as their next card on the
capable of adding 10 and 43 on paper pile. Traci wrote, I would put the 6
using the standard algorithm, he did down because you should get rid of your
not see the significance of the high cards and save your low cards as you
relationship between the two numbers get in the high 80s and 90s. A, Q, K, are
nor that there was a very predictable not high cards because a Q is a wild card
pattern when adding ten. and you can use it as a K. A K is a 0. An
A is a 1. Neal made a convincing
argument for the queen (see figure
A Writing Assignment 2.1): I would put down the queen as a
ten so the total would be 97. 97 is a high
After about fifteen minutes, even number and if your partner has only
though everyone was still very numbers higher than four you win. If
involved in playing the game, I called they have numbers less than four or a
everyone back together. I wanted to king, queen, jack, or ace and they lay
see what kinds of strategies they were down a queen as a two or a two, you can
using at this point, and I wanted put down the king.
them to have the opportunity to hear After reading through the class
some of their classmates’ thinking papers (additional examples are shown
about the game so far. I illustrated a in figures 2.2 and 2.3), I realized the
hypothetical situation on a projected question didn’t dig deeply enough into
transparency. the methods the students used for
“Imagine,” I said, “that you’re adding the numbers. I got a general feel
playing Oh No! 99! and the total is up for their thinking about the cards, but
to 87. Your four cards are a six, a the prompt I used focused more on
queen, an ace, and a king. Which card strategy. I wanted to ask a question
would you play next? As you think about the game that encouraged the
about this, pay attention to why you’re children to tell me more explicitly how
choosing a particular card. I’m going to they were combining numbers. Did they
give you ten minutes of quiet writing use what they knew about place value to
time so you can tell me your ideas on help? Were they merely counting on?
this question. Make sure you put your Did they have more than one way to
name and date on the paper. Are there add numbers? I decided I would try to
any questions?” focus on these questions next time.
Oh No! 99!
Neal’s hypothetical strategy.
Mental Computation
Another student’s strategy.
Oh No! 99!
Still another strategy.
Mental Computation
the other three to the 90 and got 93.” I previous discussion. “We saw five
recorded Ronald’s thinking different ways people solved the
symbolically: problem 87 plus six. Your job is to try
to think of a lot of different ways to
6 =3+3 solve 74 plus eight. Maybe if you look
87 + 3 = 90 at the ideas that Traci, Ronald, Jenny,
90 + 3 = 93 Josue, and Enrique had it might help
you. Probably there are even more
Then I recorded Jenny’s, Josue’s, ways to solve these kinds of problems.”
and Enrique’s thinking on the “How many ways are we supposed
overhead as well. The class got to hear to get?” asked Cornelius.
five different students talk about their “I don’t have a specific number in
thinking and were able to see there is mind,” I told him. “Just try to stretch
more than one way to solve a problem. your brain to think of a lot of different
This idea is a big leap for students who ideas.”
have been accustomed to an I handed out paper and the
algorithmic approach to mathematics. students began their work. I circulated
The more opportunities they have to and observed. There was quite a range
expand their computational horizons, of approaches. I noticed that several of
the better. the students were writing prolifically
and not using symbols. While I was
pleased that they were comfortable
A Writing Assignment incorporating writing into their math
work, I decided to steer them in a
Next I wanted each student in the class different direction.
to have an opportunity to explain her “I’m sorry to interrupt you in the
or his thinking about computation. I middle of your work,” I told the class,
chose a similar context. “Imagine “but I’m noticing that some of you are
you’re playing a game of Oh No! 99! doing a lot of writing. It’s great to
and the total score so far is 74.” I wrote write and use words to explain your
74 on a projected transparency. “Your thinking, but you can also use
partner adds an eight to the pile.” I shortcuts and write some equations on
wrote + 8 next to the 74. “What’s the your paper.” I referred once again to
new total?” the transparency with the five
“Eighty-two,” the class responded students’ work. “You see I used
in unison. equations to show how Traci took two
“Okay,” I told them, “now for the from 87 to get 85. Probably on your
challenging part. I’m going to give papers there will be a combination of
each of you a piece of paper and on words and equations to show how you
that paper you need to try to explain solved the problem. Don’t feel that
different ways you can add 74 plus you need to use only words for this
eight.” I put the previous overhead assignment.”
back up to remind students of our The students resumed working. I
Mental Computation
Shannon discovered eleven ways to add 74
and 8.
Jenny’s ways to add 74 and 8.
students are. If it were truly too easy, ways to put numbers together and take
the students would lose interest rather them apart. Such flexible thinking
quickly. How long would a group of about numbers strengthens students’
fifth graders stay involved in a number sense.
preschool puzzle or an episode of During the game Chip had
Sesame Street? In Kathleen Gallagher’s trouble mentally adding 10 to 43. As I
class students continued to choose to watched him play the game with his
play Oh No! 99! during their free time partner, I saw he was clearly em-
throughout the year. barrassed and attempted to hide his
Also, I noticed several of the fifth finger counting and acted silly to
graders using their fingers to figure the distract his partner and me from his
totals during the game. This suggests struggle. By the intermediate grades,
they need much more practice with students are painfully aware of their
mental computation. While I don’t academic shortcomings and in some
forbid students to count on their cases have become quite adept at
fingers, I work with them to help them hiding them. This is true not only in
move on to more efficient strategies. math, but in all areas. So a big part of
The game, when combined with a my role as the teacher is to assess
discussion about computation students informally. Observations,
strategies, offers the students interviews, and student work really
opportunities to move beyond give me the big picture. When I do
“counting on” approaches. The game notice a student, like Chip, who is
also develops number sense in students “sneaking by” without real
who do not rely on their fingers. The understanding, I need to provide a safe
strategies they learn and fortify while environment for him to have more
playing can be applied to larger, more meaningful experiences with numbers.
challenging problems in the future.
What experiences would you
What can I learn about my provide for a student like Chip?
students from this game?
Chip definitely needs more
I found many opportunities to assess opportunities to work with numbers
individual students while they were in ways that make sense to him. The
playing. By observing them and rote drills and algorithms he learned in
listening to their conversations I got a the past did not serve him well when it
feel for their comfort with the came to doing even simple
computation and the ways they were computation. I need to ask Chip
adding in their head. The writing questions about patterns he notices in
prompt I used gave me deeper insight numbers. This may help him begin to
into their strategic thinking. Also, the see the reason in our place value
game proved to be an excellent system. Perhaps a 1–100 chart will
springboard for a discussion about give him a visual model of our number
mental computation strategies and system. He and his partner can use the
Mental Computation
100 chart as a game board and move a he’d write 58 + 7 = 65. Writing the
marker along the chart as the total equations horizontally will help keep
changes with each turn. I may also Chip from falling into the mindless
have Chip keep a record of the score algorithm trap. He’ll be more apt to
by writing equations horizontally on a think about the numbers as quantities
piece of paper. For example, if the total rather than digits to cross out
were 58 and Chip put a seven down, mechanically.
3 Get to Zero
This activity gives students—individually, in pairs, or in small groups—practice with
adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing whole numbers. Students can perform
the calculations mentally or use a calculator, whichever you feel is more appropriate.
Players start with a three-digit number and use any series of mathematical operations
involving the numbers 1 through 9 to get to zero in as few turns as possible.
Materials Needed
A calculator for each student or pair or group of students.
Turn 3: 20 ÷ 5 = 4
Turn 4: 4 – 4 = 0
Turn 1: 752 ÷ 4 = 188
Turn 2: 188 ÷ 2 = 94
Turn 3: 94 – 4 = 90
Turn 4: 90 ÷ 9 = 10
Turn 5: 10 ÷ 5 = 2
Turn 6: 2 – 2 = 0
1. Give everyone the same number to start with and challenge the class to get to
zero in as few operations as possible.
2. Ask students to find as many three-step numbers (those from which you can get
to zero in only three operations) as they can.
Get to Zero
“What about divide by ten?” asked turn number four. “So it took us four
Michael. turns to get to zero,” I said. “Let’s try
“That wouldn’t work, you can only another one. Raise your hand if you
use one through nine,” said Todd, have another three-digit number less
reminding Michael of the rules. than 1,000 for us to begin with.”
“Think about what would get us “Let’s start with an odd number,”
the smallest quotient, or answer,” I suggested Blanca. Blanca often
suggested. After a few seconds, several challenged the group and she exuded
hands flew up. I called on Carl. confidence when working with
“If you divide 20 by five you’ll get numbers. “How about 123?”
four, but if you divide it by four you’ll I wrote 123 on a new trans-
get five,” he said. “So I think we parency. “I want you to talk with your
should divide by five.” neighbor about what operation and
“I don’t think it matters,” Gordon number we should use to begin,”
interjected. “Because either way you’ll I said. After a moment, I asked for
get to zero in the same number of volunteers and called on Xavier.
turns.” “Divide 123 by two,” he
“Gordon, can you tell us more suggested.
about that?” I asked. Several students groaned and
“Well, if you divide 20 by five, the others shook their head in dis-
answer’s four and then you could agreement.
subtract four to get to zero,” he “Before we divide 123 by two, I’m
explained. “If you divide 20 by four interested in hearing what you think
you get five and all you have to do is will happen,” I said.
subtract five to get to zero. For both, “I think the answer is going to be a
you get to zero in two turns.” number with a remainder,” Cam
“Does that make sense?” I asked. predicted.
Students nodded their head. “Why do you think that?” I asked.
“We could choose four or five as a “Because two will go into 12
divisor,” I said. “Let’s try five and evenly, but two won’t go into three
divide 20 by five.” evenly,” he responded. Cam appeared
“It’s four,” said Hannah. to be solving 123 divided by two using
“Okay,” I responded. “In this the long-division algorithm.
game, it’s handy to use the calculator “I think you won’t end up with a
to keep track of what’s happening to whole number and you have to have a
the numbers as we make our way to whole number for an answer or else it’s
zero.” After I verified the answer on the really hard to get to zero,” said Jenny.
calculator, I wrote divide by 5 for turn “When you’re dividing, how do
number three. “What should we do you know if you’ll get an answer that’s
next?” I asked. a whole number?” I asked.
“Subtract four!” several students “You just have to have the feeling
chimed in. for what’s going to divide evenly into a
I finished by writing subtract 4 for number,” Kerry mused. “If you don’t
Get to Zero
know, then you’d have to play around by three because 123 is a multiple of
with the numbers until you get a three.”
whole number.” Students used their calculators to
“Let’s use our calculators and divide and came up with 41 as an
divide 123 by two,” I instructed. answer. I continued to keep track of the
Students soon realized that dividing by operations and numbers we were using
two resulted in an answer with a on the projected transparency, modeling
remainder. for students how they might keep track
“I got 61.5,” Cam reported. “That’s of their decisions. (Figure 3.1 shows
the same as 61 and a half. If you get a how Niqueta kept track of her games.)
decimal, it’s hard to get to zero.” “What next?” I asked.
“So it’s important that you end up “We should subtract one so we get
with a whole number for an answer to an even number,” said Devin. “That
whether you divide, multiply, subtract, would give us 40.”
or add. I think Xavier’s idea helped us I wrote subtract 1 on the
learn new things about this activity,” I transparency. That was our second
said. “How about another idea?” operation. I asked students to think
“Let’s divide 123 by three,” about what to do next and reminded
offered Hannah. “I’m picking divide them that we wanted to get to zero in
Niqueta’s record of her Get to Zero games.
Mental Computation
Carl discovered a pattern with certain
Katie realized that dividing is the fastest way to
get to zero. She also discovered how to get to
100 quickly.
Get to Zero
Jenny noticed that Get to Zero helped her learn
more about operations. She also explained how
to get from 729 to zero in three moves.
Mental Computation
“I was working with Jenny and I number. If I would divide 111 by two,
tried her way with eights,” said Katie. “I then it wouldn’t come out evenly,
did eight times eight times eight and got because two is an even number. So I
512, then I got to zero in three turns!” think that if the number you’re
“Sixes work too!” Carl announced. working with is even, then divide it
He’d been experimenting on his with an even number and if it is odd,
calculator while Katie was explaining then divide it with an odd number.”
her discovery. “You multiply six times (Kerry’s written work is shown in
six times six and then you get 216 to figure 3.5.)
start with.” “We’re almost out of time, but I
“Would fives work?” I asked. think Kerry’s conjecture deserves some
Everyone began multiplying mentally thought,” I told the class. “Kerry, can I
to check this out. They were on a roll. write down on the board what you just
“That would work, ’cause the said so that we can think about it?” I
answer is 125 and it’s still a three-digit made a point of getting Kerry’s
number,” said Brennan. Brennan was permission before opening her
usually disengaged and uninterested in conjecture up to scrutiny. Sharing
numbers. He struggled with math, but mathematical ideas is risky. I think it’s
now he was right there with us. important to maintain an atmosphere of
“What about fours?” I asked. respect during class discussions so that
“Will four times four times four get us children feel safe expressing their ideas.
a three-digit number?” On the chalkboard, I wrote: In this
After a few seconds, several game, divide an odd number by an odd
students chorused, “No!” number and an even number by an even
“Why is that?” I asked. I knew number. “Is this what you mean?” I
that many students in the class knew asked Kerry, pointing to the words.
why, but there are always some who are She nodded yes. “Talk about Kerry’s
on the periphery of the conversation, statement with someone in your
not quite following or understanding. I group,” I told them. After several
wanted to give those students a chance minutes, I asked for everyone’s
to listen to an explanation. I called on attention and called on Michael.
Carl. “I think that Kerry’s partly right,”
“Because four times four is 16 and said Michael. “I think that you can’t
16 times four is 64,” said Carl. “And divide an even number into an odd
64 is not a three-digit number, so we number evenly and an odd number
can’t start with it.” into an even number evenly. But just
“Does anyone else have a discovery because you start with an odd number
they’d like to share?” and divide it by an odd number doesn’t
“This game helps me learn to mean there’ll be no remainder. Like
divide at the right time,” said Kerry. nine divided by five doesn’t work.”
“Like when the number is 111, I “Or seven divided by three,”
would know to divide it by an odd added Katie.
number, because 111 is an odd “I think you have to think about
Get to Zero
Kerry’s faulty conjecture prompted a rich class
the multiples of a number when you’re sense. Get to Zero gives students
dividing,” said Hannah. practice with all the operations,
“Kerry’s conjecture made us think especially division. And using
more about numbers, especially how calculators allows them to take risks
they’re used in division,” I said, and try new ways of thinking.
bringing our class discussion to a close. This activity gives students
opportunities to think about
operations and what happens to
RUSTY ANSWERS quantities when they’re added,
YOUR QUESTIONS subtracted, multiplied, and divided.
During the activity, for example, Carl
revealed his knowledge about division
How does this activity help students
in relation to the other operations
develop their number sense?
when he commented that “you should
Facility with computing is an start with division because it gets you a
important characteristic of number smaller number.” When Anne
Mental Computation
discovery that if the sum of the digits The benefit of a game like Get to
in a number is a multiple of three (for Zero is that it provides a reason for
example, 123, or 1 + 2 + 3 = 6), then students to think about divisibility,
the number is a multiple of three is not another valuable way to understand
as obvious. relationships among numbers.
raditionally, the “basics” were single-digit number facts and
computation, and they are still basic components of
mathematics. But how can we help our students become
competent with the basics in a way that simultaneously develops their
number sense? To do that, math instruction in classrooms needs to
accommodate and encourage a variety of computational techniques.
In the old days, arithmetic procedures were taught by modeling and
explaining each step of an algorithm: “Start on the right, put down the
one, carry the ten. . . .” Rules were memorized, procedures were
standardized. There was little room for improvisation and little concern
for understanding.
However, it’s important for students to realize that mathematical
rules and procedures were discovered by mathematicians who recognized
certain inherent properties of numbers. Students in math class need to
behave like mathematicians and discover the wonders of numbers for
themselves. Class discussions about different ways to think about
computation are extremely valuable ways to foster this discovery.
Proficiency with the components of computation remains essential.
But students also need latitude in their thinking about numbers if they
are to develop number sense. Repetitive exercises with isolated numbers
do not suffice. Students need to be able to make sense of what they are
doing. When students share their own computational strategies,
everyone in the class benefits from hearing a variety of approaches. The
act of listening to and making sense of someone else’s approach to
numbers and computation forces the listeners to expand their horizons.
As students hear about and understand more ways to think about
numbers, they augment their own mathematical abilities. They become 45
The Basics and More
more flexible thinkers who have more than one way to deal with a novel
problem when it arises. They are able to see the inherent usefulness of
mathematics. They remain curious and enthusiastic learners.
While all the activities presented in this book provide teachers with
new ways to think about the basics of math, the three in this section
concentrate heavily on number calculations and combinations. They
offer ways to help students learn the basics and at the same time support
the development of number sense.
Upper elementary students benefit from activities that help reinforce their
understanding of factors, multiples, and prime numbers. In this two-person game,
students take turns identifying factors of successive numbers, continuing until one
of them can no longer contribute a new number.
Additional Rules
1. Once a number has been written down, it can’t be used again.
2. The number one can’t be used at all.
The Basics and More
four,” Chrissy explained. Chrissy had can think of any other factors of
confused factors and multiples. I was two.”
glad she had made the multiplication I let the students talk briefly and
connection, but I needed to prompt then I called them back to attention.
her a bit to get her back on track. “Did any tables find any other factors
“I know that two is a factor of of two?” I asked. The class consensus
four, because I can count to four by was no. “So, do you think there are
twos,” I said to her. “But it doesn’t any other factors of two?” I prodded,
work the other way around. Four isn’t checking to see if the students were
a factor of two, because you can’t count really convinced.
to two by fours.” “Not if we can’t use fractions,”
“Oh, yeah,” Chrissy replied. Ana qualified.
“Does anyone know what we call “Well,” I told the class, “you’re
four in this situation?” I asked the right. There are only two factors of
class. two, two and one. Does anyone know
“A multiple!” exclaimed Neal. “If what you call a number that only has
you can times a number to get the itself and one as factors?”
number it’s a multiple. Like 36 is a “Prime?” Greg ventured in a barely
multiple of six because six times six is audible tone.
36.” “Prime!” several students
“All right,” I continued, “so are announced with authority after
there any factors of two besides two hearing Greg.
and one?” “Yes, those are prime numbers.” I
“Can we use fractions?” asked wrote prime next to 2 on the overhead.
Howard. “A number that only has itself and one
“Sorry,” I told him, “but factors for factors is called a prime number. In
need to be whole numbers, like the One Time Only when you hit a prime
regular numbers you use when you’re number you add seven to it.1 So what’s
counting. So are there any other two plus seven?”
factors of two?” I kept posing the “Nine,” several students
problem to get students really to responded.
think about two and its relationship I wrote 9 on the overhead under
to other numbers. This sort of the 2.
thinking builds number sense. Also, I “Okay, now it’s my turn, and I
wanted the students to convince need to think of a factor of nine. I’ll
themselves that two only had two say three,” I said, as I added 3 to the
factors. “Take a minute and talk at list on the overhead. “Now you need
your tables,” I suggested. “See if you to find a factor of three.”
Adding seven to the prime numbers extends the game, which would otherwise end when the first
prime number occurred. It might be interesting to add a number other than seven to the primes and
see how that affects the outcome.
The Basics and More
“It’s not right—you can’t divide it start, do any of you have a question or
by three. There’s a decimal. That comment?” I began.
means it didn’t divide evenly.” Ronald Enrique had an interesting
explained. “Try seven.” scenario: “What if you start the game
Ana found that 97 divided by with 97?” (He had been sitting near
seven was 18.85. “Nope,” she told Ana and Ronald.) “That’s the highest
Ronald. The pair continued to guess prime number, but when you add
and check by dividing 97 by six and seven to it you go over 100, and you’re
four. “I think it’s prime,” was Ana’s only supposed to use numbers less
appraisal. than 100.”
“It is,” agreed Ronald. “Wow,” I replied, “I hadn’t
“Are you sure?” I asked. “What thought about that. I’d say it’s okay to
about dividing 97 by five? You didn’t use 97, because it’s less than 100. You
try that.” might need to write down a number
“Well,” Ana explained, “five will larger than 100 for one turn, but I
definitely have a decimal, because 97 don’t think it will last.” Then I decided
doesn’t end with zero or five. When to open the door for further
you count by fives the numbers always investigation. “I wonder if there are
end with zero or five.” any other high prime numbers that
Impromptu discussions like this could put you over 100 when you add
are an excellent opportunity to help seven?” I hoped that in future games
students build their number sense. some students might choose to pursue
Ronald and Ana were thinking about this question.
numbers, their relationships and “Let’s talk about your strategies,” I
patterns, and the implications of a suggested. “For example, when Elliot
decimal. As I continued to circulate, I was playing, he told me he thought it
tried to help the children focus on the was a good idea to start with an odd
numbers. number. This was his strategy to help
Fred and José were eager to start him win the game. Did anyone have
with a number greater than 100. I any other strategies that seemed
asked them to stick with numbers less useful?”
than 100 for the moment, but I Natalie’s hand shot up. “I
agreed that using larger numbers concentrated on six.”
would be an interesting investigation “What do you mean?” I asked.
for the future. “Well,” she explained, “I tried to
end with the number six. But first I
tried to get rid of all the factors of six,
A Class Discussion like three and two, so that way when I
wrote down six, I knew my partner
I called the class back together when couldn’t do anything. Also, if you get
there were about fifteen minutes left in rid of the factors of six, you’re also
the period. “I have some questions to getting rid of the factors of nine and
ask you about the game, but before I four.”
One Time Only
“It worked,” said Natalie’s partner, “There’s one other thing I want to
Juanita. ask about,” I continued. “Did anyone
“What other strategies did you encounter a tricky number? What were
use?” I asked the class. some of the numbers that were hard to
“Try to end with an even number,” find factors for?” I gathered a bunch of
advised Jessie. responses quickly and wrote all the
“Start with an odd number,” numbers on the chalkboard under the
Katrine added. heading “Tricky Numbers.” The list
As the students shared their included 75, 26, 47, 89, 11, 68, 17,
strategies, I recorded each one on a 44, 59, 99, and 62.
projected transparency. Alejandro had
an idea to add to the list.
“My strategy was to get rid of
A Homework
three and then give my partner nine.” Assignment
Natalie had more to say. “This isn’t
a winning strategy,” she qualified as she I had tried to emphasize thinking
began, “it’s a winning pattern. In our throughout the activity. However,
games we had this pattern, two, nine, while I had focused on certain
three, ten, five, twelve, six.” questions during the session, I couldn’t
“Hey,” interjected José, “we had be sure how much the students were
the same pattern!” really thinking about the ideas I posed.
“We had almost the same pattern,” With thirty-two students in a class, it’s
Shante piped in. “But ours is two, difficult to get to everyone. Also, the
nine, three, ten, five, twelve, four.” whole-class discussion we had after the
“This is very interesting,” I students played allowed some but not
confirmed. “As you play more I all students to express their ideas.
wonder if you’ll find more patterns. Having each student write would give
I’m also wondering if seeing these me a window into their thinking.
patterns can help you predict who’s “I am really interested in knowing
going to win.” These were not more about your thinking,” I told the
questions that could be answered class. “Therefore, I have a homework
during the current whole-class assignment for you. There are just two
discussion, but I was confident they questions for you to answer, but you
would be explored more intently over need to try to explain your answers
time. The students needed more fully so I’ll understand how you
experience playing the game and thought about these questions. The
thinking about the implications of first question asks you to think about
these patterns—why they emerged, the number 68 and different ways you
and how they might be manipulated. can find the factors of 68. The other
Often a whole-class discussion is not a job is for you to teach One Time Only
neat and tidy wrap-up but rather an to someone at home and write about
occasion to raise questions that lead the strategies you used to try to win.”
into deeper mathematical territory. I chose the number 68 because I
The Basics and More
knew it had factors but it wasn’t a even number. Your turn, divide the
number that occurs in the context of number by half of the number. You will
typical multiplication tables. The get 2 on the board. The number is prime
students would need to think about again. The opponent will now have to
quantities and their relationships rather add 7. You will get 9 (7 + 2 = 9). Your
than just spit back some memorized turn again. Divide 9 by 3. You will get
numbers. 3. Another prime number. Again the
The students had many methods opponent will have to add 7. You get 10
for finding factors. Several of the (3 + 7 = 10). Divide it by 2 and you get
students outlined specific systematic 5. Once again a prime number. The
approaches to the task. Others opponent adds 7 (5 + 7 = 12). You get
described a trial-and-error process. 12. Now divide 12 by 2 and you get 6.
Rolanda’s response to the first question For once it is not a prime number for the
showed she was able to take 68 apart in opponent. The factors for this number
several helpful ways: that are allowed are 2 and 3. But wait a
minute. We already used 2, and 3. So the
1. If it is an even number then you person who started this game won.
would be able to split it in half. A few of the students’ writing was
2. You could times 4 by 10 and get vague. It was difficult to know whether
40. Then 4 times 5 is 20, so that’s their thinking was unclear or whether
60 and then we all already know it was the writing that was difficult. I’d
that 2 fours is 8, so that’s 68. need to get back to these students
3. Another easy way is to just divide individually.
68 by another number and if you get
a whole number then you have a
factor. 2, 4, 34, 17, 68. I know that CAREN ANSWERS
all these are the factors of 68 because YOUR QUESTIONS
I used my methods on all of the
numbers smaller than 34 because
What is the purpose of this
any number larger than 34 is not a
factor. They are not factors because
any number larger than 34 would One Time Only is a great opportunity
go over 68 if you times it by 2. for students to develop their number
sense. The game context engages them,
The descriptions of strategies were and the discussions they have with
enlightening as well. I was able to see their partner help them think about
the different ways students thought numbers. Their experiences during the
about the game and the different ways game become the basis for some
they expressed themselves in writing. substantial whole-class discussions
Shannon gave a detailed plan with an about important topics. Asking them
explanation for each step: If you go first to write about the game gives them an
pick a prime number. Then the opponent opportunity to clarify their thinking.
will have to add seven. It will become a As the students continue to play One
One Time Only
Time Only, they build on their Brittany noticed that the factors of six
previous experiences and further are also factors of four and nine.
develop their number sense. Seeing these connections between
numbers helps build number sense.
Would you play this game with Also, as students examine their
third graders? records of the games they’ve played,
patterns emerge. These patterns are
I wouldn’t introduce this game to third
another opportunity to develop
graders at the beginning of the year. It’s
number sense. Teachers can ask their
important that they have a good
students to think about why certain
foundation in multiplication first. If
patterns recur, what causes these
the students are unfamiliar with the
numbers to arise in a specific order,
concept of multiplication and the
and how the patterns can help predict
relationship of factors to products,
the outcome of a game. The game
then One Time Only could be
provides many occasions for writing,
frustrating or turn into a guessing
as well.
However, once third graders have a
solid grasp of multiplication, One Amanda and Ronald used a
Time Only is an excellent way for calculator. Is this appropriate?
them to reinforce the basic facts while
Amanda and Ronald were trying to
exploring ways to think about factors
find factors of 97. When their
of different numbers. With third
knowledge of basic multiplication facts
graders I’d spend extra time talking
failed them, they used a calculator. I
about ways to find factors before I sent
felt fine about it. A calculator is a tool
them off to play on their own. That
to be used in service of a problem.
way they’d have some tools available if
Amanda and Ronald had a problem
they got stuck.
and knew that dividing 97 by different
numbers would tell them something
What do students get from this
about its factors. When Amanda and
game if they already know their
Ronald couldn’t think of any factors
multiplication facts?
for 97, I could have jumped in and
In addition to practicing multi- told them that 97 was prime. Instead,
plication facts, students who play One I gave them the freedom to delve
Time Only are exploring the number further. It turned out to be a double
system. As students play the game, learning opportunity. In addition to
they begin to develop strategies. In convincing themselves that 97 was
order to devise a winning strategy prime, they also confronted decimals
students must consider the rela- and had to make sense of their
tionships of numbers. For example, meaning.
Computing mentally, making estimates, and exploring relationships among
numbers all help students develop number sense. In this activity, students tell all
they can about the answers to a series of arithmetic problems. While they may know
the exact answer to a problem, the activity requires them to think about ways to
describe the answer using concepts such as close to, between, greater than, and less
Teaching Directions
The Basics and More
“I think it’s going to be a lot bigger “How do you know that one third
than 150, because 75 times two is 150, is bigger than one fourth?” I asked.
and you have to go ten times bigger “Because if you had one pizza
than that,” Miguel reasoned. and it had three equal parts, each
“It’ll be bigger than 750, ’cause 75 piece is bigger than if you had a pizza
times ten is 750, and it’s 75 times 12, with four equal parts,” said Courtney.
not 75 times ten,” added Courtney. “If there were four pieces of pizza,
“It’s easy,” said Dave. “You just do then one person would get a smaller
what Courtney said, 75 times ten, and piece than if the pizza was cut in
you get 750, then you do two more thirds.” Courtney had a picture of
75s and add that to 750. It’ll be fractions as portions of a pizza that
between 800 and 900.” helped her reason through the
“It’ll be more than 825, because 75 problem using her number sense. In
times ten is 750, and 75 times 11 is contrast, a student for whom
750 plus 75, which is 825,” explained fractions have no meaning often sees
Carolee. two digits separated by a horizontal
When we finished discussing 75 × bar and is likely to make the classic
12, I posed a problem that included mistake of adding the numerator and
fractions, even though I knew Sally denominator: 1/2 + 1/3 = 2/5.
hadn’t yet begun a unit on fractions “Would someone like to come up
this year. I wasn’t sure what kinds of and draw a picture of the two pizzas
responses I’d get from students, but that Courtney is talking about?” I
listening to their responses would let asked the class. It was hard to choose
Sally and me assess what students among so many enthusiastic hand
knew about fractions. I wrote 1/2 + 1/3 wavers, so I quickly called on Miguel.
on the chalkboard. After a brief I wanted to give him another op-
amount of think time, I called on portunity to be involved. He walked to
Miguel. the front of the room, drew two pizzas
“I think it’s going to be around the same size, and divided them: one
one fourth because . . .” Miguel into three equal parts, the other into
hesitated, then continued. “Because four equal parts. “Does this help
one half plus one third is . . . I can’t support Courtney’s thinking that one
explain it, but I know that it’s going to third is bigger than one fourth?” I
be about one fourth.” asked.
I didn’t push Miguel to try to All heads except Chrissy’s nodded.
explain at this point. I wanted to give “I agree, except what if one of the
him a chance to listen to other ideas, pizzas was a large and the other one
so I called on Courtney. was a medium?” Chrissy asked. “If the
“It’s going to be bigger than three large was cut into fourths and the
fourths, because a half is two fourths, medium was cut into thirds, I think
and a third is bigger than a fourth,” one fourth could be bigger than one
Courtney explained. “And two fourths third.”
plus one fourth is three fourths.” “So it depends on whether the
Tell Me All You Can
wholes are the same size,” I clarified. can often eliminate unreasonable
“If the two pizzas are the same size, is answers.
Courtney correct in saying that one I continued the activity, posing
third is larger than one fourth?” another fraction problem: 7/8 + 8/9.
“Uh-huh,” Chrissy replied. Before eliciting responses from the
“What else can you say about the students, I asked them to talk with one
answer?” I asked the class. This time, another about the problem first.
no one raised a hand. “Do you think
the answer will be less than or greater
than one whole?” I prompted. “Talk Observing the Students
with someone next to you and tell her
or him what you think and why, then As I walked around the room, listening
listen to that person’s explanation.” In to their conversations, I noticed that
a moment, I called them back to some students had no idea what to say
attention. about the answer, while others were
“I think the answer’s going to be immediately engaged. Alberto, who
less than one, because one half plus was sitting next to Joseph, was having
one half is a whole, and one half is difficulty thinking about the fractions
bigger than one third,” said Dave. “So and what they meant.
one half plus one third would have to “What can you say about the
be smaller than one.” answer?” I asked Alberto.
“I agree with Dave,” said Damarie. “I don’t know,” he answered,
“Does anyone have a different giggling nervously.
idea?” I probed. “Let’s take a look at one of the
“I think the answer will be fractions,” I suggested. “Is seven
between three fourths and one whole, eighths closer to zero, one half, or a
because if it was one half plus one whole?” My question was intended to
fourth it would be three fourths,” provide Alberto with a way of thinking
explained Miriam. “But since one third about the fractions.
is bigger than one fourth, the answer’s “A half?” Alberto responded,
going to be bigger than three fourths unsure and looking confused. His
but less than one because of what Dave answer sounded like a guess.
said.” Joseph jumped in. “I think it’s
This conversation yielded the kind close to a whole,” he said.
of reasoning that’s beneficial to “Why’s that?” I asked.
students when taking standardized “Because it’s like if you had a pizza
tests. On multiple-choice test items, with eight pieces and you ate seven out
students usually have three or four of eight, it’s almost the whole thing,”
answers from which to choose. Joseph explained. Pizzas seemed to be
Generally, a few of those answers are a popular model for thinking about
unreasonable. When students use their fractions.
number sense to reason through a I turned to Alberto, who was still
problem and make an estimate, they wearing a confused look. “Alberto,
The Basics and More
draw a pizza with eight slices and make “Other ideas?” I asked.
each slice the same size, okay?” I said. “The answer’s going to be a mixed
He nodded, and drew the pizza. “Now number,” Brittany stated with
shade in seven pieces, like you’re eating confidence. “Like Marcellus said, the
those seven pieces of pizza,” I directed. answer’s going to be about two. I think
After Alberto had shaded in the pieces, a little less than two, because each
I asked him if the pieces he’d shaded fraction is a little less than one. So the
were closer to one half of the pizza or answer’s going to be one whole and a
closer to the whole pizza. His face lit fraction.”
up. I could see that he was beginning I liked this problem because it
to make sense of the problem. required students to think about the
As I made my way around the quantities involved rather than focus
room, I thought about students, like on the standard algorithm used to add
Alberto, who needed support in order fractions with unlike denominators.
to think about the problem. To Finding an approximate answer is an
develop an understanding about important exercise that helps students
fractions, these students would need to develop their number sense.
have experience with many different The final problem I posed to
kinds of concrete models—not only Sally’s fifth graders involved division:
pizzas! Understanding what fractions 450 ÷ 75. Again, I had them talk with
are is important, especially if students a partner about the answer before we
are asked to add, subtract, multiply, or discussed our ideas as a class.
divide them. After about a minute or so, I asked
the students what they could say about
the answer. The room was quiet, with
Continuing the Activity no hands raised. To stimulate the
students’ thinking, I asked a question I’d
After a few minutes, I called the class thought about beforehand. Preparation
back together and asked what they like this is important before teaching an
could say about the answer. activity like Tell Me All You Can.
“Well, it’s going to be bigger than “Thumbs up if you think the
a whole because seven eighths is bigger answer will be more than ten and
than a half,” said Tamim. “Four thumbs down if you think the answer
eighths is the same thing as a half, and will be less than ten,” I instructed.
seven eighths is almost twice as big. Most thumbs were pointing down.
Then you’ve got the other eight ninths “Can you explain your reasoning?”
to add to that.” “Because 75 times ten is 750, and
“I rounded seven eighths off to that’s too big,” said Brittany.
eight eighths, which is the same as one “Seventy-five times two is 150,
whole,” Marcellus offered. “Then I then I doubled that, so 75 times four is
rounded eight ninths to nine ninths, 300, then 75 times eight is double
which is another whole. So that’s 300, which is 600, and that’s too big,”
almost two wholes right there.” explained Andy. “So if 75 times eight is
Tell Me All You Can
bigger than 450, then the answer has Since mistakes are opportunities
to be less than ten.” for learning, I probed his thinking.
“Will the answer be more or less “How did you figure?”
than five?” I asked. Miguel stared at the problem on
“It’s gonna be between five and the board, then his face lit up. “Oh!”
ten,” Franco said. “ We know it’s less he exclaimed. “I need to do take-
than ten, and it’s gonna be more than away.”
five, because if 75 times ten is 750, “So it’s important to look at the
then half of that is 75 times five, and operation sign to see if you have to
that’s 375,” he reasoned. add, subtract, multiply, or divide,” I
“I think it’s closer to six or seven, said to the class. “The signs tell us
because of what Franco just said,” what to do with the numbers.” I
added Ahmad. quickly moved on to another student,
Afterward, Sally commented that satisfied that this important point had
she could easily use Tell Me All You been made.
Can as a math class opener. We both “It’s going to be around eight
agreed that with practice her students dollars, because $1.99 is only a penny
would get better at finding different less than two dollars, and ten minus
ways to approximate answers to two is eight,” Andy explained.
arithmetic problems. “That’s what I was gonna say,”
Jessica agreed.
These responses impressed me;
Introducing the Activity the students were using their
to Third Graders knowledge about operations and
working with friendly numbers. Had
Just as I’d done in Sally’s classroom, I they figured the answer to $10.00 –
wrote problems on the chalkboard $1.99 using the standard algorithm
horizontally for Maryann Wickett’s for subtraction, they’d be doing lots of
third graders to think about. The first “borrowing,” most likely with little
one was: $10.00 – $1.99. “What can concern for comparing the quantities
you say about the answer to this involved.
problem?” I asked. The students were “Okay, I have another problem for
huddled close to me on the rug in the you to think about,” I said. I wrote it
front of the classroom. on the chalkboard: 45 + 45 + 45.
“The answer’s gonna be less than “It’s gonna be between 100 and
ten dollars, ’cause you take money 150,” said Jesycha. “I guesstimated!”
away from ten dollars,” said Tiffany. “What made you think of
“It’s gonna be twelve dollars!” numbers between 100 and 150?” I
Miguel blurted out. His answer asked.
triggered several disconcerted looks. It’s “Because 45 plus 45 is 90, and
not uncommon for students to there’s another 45, so the answer’s
disregard an operation sign as Miguel gonna be somewhere in between 100
had done. and 150,” she explained.
TIJI' Bmics alld Mo"
rheir ideas and get more than one that many of her ru de nr. used piz7.a a.
pe peceive. ruden alway need to their only model when dlinkillg aboll£
explain (heir re, oning, 0 char ocher fractions. he realized he would need
can benefit from thei r th inking. to offer them a variety of models to
inally a the teacher, you need to help them con truer their under-
think about the problem b forehand tanding.
and develop pos ible questions that Knowing what experience and
will timu late students thinki ng. understanding students bring to a
topic ill math i important, because
Howell" I use this activity for
when we learn something new we
IIssessme1U pmposesr
build on what we already know.
his activity gave ally Haggerty an ometime what we know makes
idea of the range of under tanding her mathematical sen e and ometim ' it
fifth graders had about fractions. This doesn't. An activity like Tell Me All
Wa! valuable to her, since she hadn't yet You Can can alert you to students'
begun reaching her rodents abour mi under randings Or lack of
fraction '. One thing he learned was experience.
Students benefit from experiences that help them connect abstract ideas about
fractions to real-world contexts. In this activity, students are given a recipe for trail
mix that serves six people. The measurements include fractions, and the students’
task is to convert the recipe so that there is enough trail mix to serve everyone in the
Materials Needed
Copies of a recipe for trail mix (one per student).
An overhead transparency of the recipe (optional).
Calculators (one per student or table).
Teaching Directions
1. Distribute a copy of the recipe to each student and, if you like, display a
transparency of the recipe on an overhead projector.
2. Review the recipe with the students, clarifying the ingredients and any
measurement abbreviations.
3. Have the students determine the number of people in the class.
4. Choose one ingredient for the whole class to convert into the larger amount
required for the recipe to serve everyone in the class. Have students work in
groups to determine how much of this ingredient would be required.
5. As a class, discuss different approaches. 67
The Basics and More
6. Have students convert the rest of the ingredients and rewrite the recipe so that it
serves the number of people in the class.
7. Discuss estimation and accuracy with the students.
Discuss situations in which accuracy is necessary and situations in which estimation
is appropriate or even preferable.
Blackline Master
Trail Mix
Trail mix is a healthy snack food. It got
its name from hikers and backpackers
who ate it on their journeys.
You will need:
/2 cup raisins
/4 cup peanuts
/3 cup granola
/2 cup dried fruit
2 tablespoons sunflower seeds
/4 cup M&Ms
Combine ingredients in bowl. Mix well.
Scoop into baggies for a snack on the
Serves 6
Trail Mix for a Crowd
Howard’s work on the raisins.
The Basics and More
those who where working on the rest people, and I kept going until I got to
of the recipe would be introduced to 30.”
other strategies and stretch their “Can you tell us about the 25 you
thinking. wrote at the bottom?” I asked.
“Who would like to come to the “Well,” she responded, “I got to
overhead and show the class how you 30, but then if I added another one
approached this problem?” I asked. To half, that would get me to 36, and I
emphasize the communication aspect only want to get to 33. So I knew one
of this report, I added, “If you’re raising half of one half is one fourth, and one
your hand, it means you’re willing to fourth is 25 percent.”
come to the overhead and show us your I was impressed and confused. I
thinking. You’ll need to do it two ways. agreed with Francine’s computation,
One way is to write on the overhead to but I didn’t see where it got her in
give us an idea of what you did on your terms of solving the problem. “So how
paper to help you solve the problem. does the 25 percent help you with the
The other part of the job is to talk to us recipe?” I asked.
about what you’re writing on the Francine was honest. “I don’t know.
overhead so we’ll understand where I got kind of confused after this part.”
your numbers and ideas came from. It’s “This is a tough problem,” I agreed.
kind of tricky to write and talk at the I didn’t want to continue publicly
same time, but it will really help us questioning Francine about an idea that
understand your thinking. Does was still rather fragile. She had a partial
anyone want to give it a try?” understanding of the connection
There were quite a few eager between fractions and percents, she had
volunteers. I called on Francine, taken a risk and talked to her peers
writing her name at the top of a clean about her thinking, and I wanted her to
transparency. She took her paper from remember it as a positive experience, not
her desk, went to the overhead, picked a time when she was put on the spot in
up a pen, and went to work. front of the whole class. If I wanted to
“Okay,” she told us, “ a half cup pursue the topic, a private discussion
serves six people.” She wrote on the would be more appropriate.
overhead: 1/2 serves 6. “So one half plus Ramon came to the overhead next.
one half equals one whole, and that Before he began speaking, he wrote:
serves 12.” Francine glanced at her
paper and wrote:
/2 = 6 12 18 24 30 36
1 1 1 1 1
/2 + /2 + 1 whole + /2 + /2 + /2
1 1 1
6 + 6 = 12 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 30
25 = 1/4 2 1
“I counted by sixes, and each six is one- “I just kept adding the halves on this
half cup,” Ramon explained. “So then I side, and I added the sixes on the other
drew lines to add the half cups together side. Then I saw that two and a half
and make wholes. Then I added the cups serves 30 people. I wanted to get
wholes together, and it takes three cups.” to 33, though. So I needed one half of
Ramon was satisfied with a one half.” He wrote on the overhead:
converting the recipe to 36 servings.
Did he know that 36 was close enough /2 divided by 1/2 = 1/4
in the context of the problem, or had 1
/2 + 1/4 = 3/4
he been unsure how to deal with 33? I 2 3/4
decided to ask. “So, Ramon, you
figured out how to make enough trail Howard seemed quite com-
mix for 36 people.” fortable with the fractions. He had
“Yep,” he responded. mentally taken one half of one half.
“I though we were trying to serve He’d also added one fourth to one
33 people,” I replied. half with ease. This told me he had
“Well,” Ramon explained, “36 is a level of fraction sense and was
really close to 33. If there’s extra we comfortable using “friendly” fractions.
can give some to our student teacher.” The only issue was his use of the term
Ramon had indeed used his number divided when describing how he
sense to realize that 36 was close found one half of one half. The class
enough to 33. “Uh-uh,” interjected hadn’t yet worked on multiplying or
Shannon, “we already counted our dividing fractions, so I wasn’t
student teacher in the 33.” concerned about his semantics. He
“No we didn’t,” Kate disagreed. had split a number (1/2) into two
Since we seemed on the verge of smaller, equal numbers (1/4 and 1/4),
rehashing the original discussion of and that matched his ideas about
how many people were in the class, I division more than multiplication.
cut the discussion short. “Whether or “I’m very impressed with the work
not you counted your student teacher, you’ve done so far,” I told the class.
there would be enough trail mix if you “The next job will be finding out how
made the recipe for 36, right?” I asked much of the other ingredients we’ll
the class. It was hard to argue with need for this recipe.”
that, and we were ready to move on. “I already know some of them!”
Howard was the final volunteer exclaimed Enrique.
before recess. “I wrote it down this “Can we work on it for
way,” he showed the class: homework?” asked Latisha.
Pleased with their enthusiasm, I
/2 = 6 servings decided to let them try to convert
1 = 12 some of the other ingredients as a
11/2 = 18 homework assignment. I knew they
2 = 24 would experience varying degrees of
21/2 = 30 success, but I felt it would be beneficial
Trail Mix for a Crowd
for the students to “mess around” with work at your tables on the rest of these
some other fractions independently. I ingredients. Before you get to work,
would use another whole-class though, I want to show you some of
period to discuss their work and the ways different people worked on
come to a consensus on the rest of this problem. It might be interesting
the recipe. and helpful for you to see some
different strategies and tools people
used. This is not an easy problem at
A Later Class Discussion all. You have to work with different
fractions and think about ways to
“I looked at your homework and the increase them so you’ll have enough
papers you did in class with me the last for 33 people. You have to keep track
time I was here,” I told the class a few of a lot of numbers and stay organized
days later. The night before I had gone as you work. There’s a lot of math
through their papers (class work and here. So, before you get back to work,
homework) and categorized the I’m going to show you some
different strategies students had used. approaches your classmates used.
I’d given the approaches names so we Maybe after you see some of these
could refer to them in today’s ideas, you’ll have new ways to think
discussion. “I saw a lot of math- about the problem. They may help
ematical thinking. I also noticed that you work on some of the fractions that
some of the fractions seemed kind of were especially tricky.”
challenging to work with. Did anyone I began with the most common
find a fraction that was challenging for approach. “I saw skip counting on
you?” quite a few papers,” I told the class.
Several hands went up. I called on On a projected transparency I wrote:
“I was trying to do the three- Skip Counting /2 1 11/2 2 21/2 3 . . .
fourths cup of peanuts, and it was
really hard. My brother couldn’t even “Some of you skip counted by
do it.” (Traci’s brother is in middle fractions,” I reported. “I also saw a lot
school.) of skip counting by sixes.” I added this
“Yes,” I agreed, “I noticed that was approach to the overhead:
a tough one for a lot of people. Were
there any other fractions that were Skip Counting 6 12 18 24 . . .
especially challenging?”
Chip jumped in. “Me and my “Why would it be helpful to skip
mom tried to do the two-thirds cup of count by six?” I asked. I wanted to be
granola. It was hard, but we finally got sure the students were connecting the
it. Do you want me to tell you the numbers I was writing to the problem.
answer?” Emphasizing the relationship between
“Not yet,” I responded. “We’re the numbers and the problem gives the
going to take some time for you to numbers meaning. The more meaning
The Basics and More
the numbers have, the more op- don’t need to work on that one. That
portunities students have to deepen leaves us with four more ingredients
number sense. to determine amounts for. Since there
“Because that’s how many people,” are eight tables of students, I’m
answered Enrique. going to assign each of the remaining
“Six people?” I asked. ingredients to two tables. That way
“Yes,” Jenny replied, “six people we can check to see whether the two
for each serving. The recipe serves six tables agree on the answers.” I
so you need to go by sixes when you assigned each table an ingredient,
make more.” writing the ingredients and the table
“Okay,” I said. “Another strategy I numbers on the board so we’d
saw on some papers was a table.” I remember who was working on
wrote: what.
I wanted to refocus on the context
Amount # of People of the problem before I sent them off
/2 6 to do their work. “So,” I asked, “who
1 12 can remind us what we’re trying to do
11/2 18 here?” There were several volunteers. I
called on Jon.
I also showed examples of a picture “We have to work with our groups
strategy and a branching strategy. to find out how much of our ingre-
“Take a few minutes at your tables dient we need,” he said.
now,” I instructed the class. “Talk to “And how many people do we
your group members about these need to serve?” I asked innocently.
different strategies. Tell which “Thirty-one.”
strategies you used and which new ”No. Thirty-two.”
ones you might want to try when you “No. It was 33.”
start working.” “Marco and Annabel are absent.”
I allowed the groups several “Julio was absent last time.”
minutes to discuss their previous work “We forgot to count our student
and the approaches they had used. I teacher.”
wanted to reinforce two important Clearly the problem had a real-
ideas: there is more than one way to world context. I had to get the class
solve a problem, and listening to others back to the original problem. “Well, I
can give you new ideas. Then I put the know some people are missing today
transparency of the recipe back on the who were here last time. It’s good to
overhead. realize that, but since we already
“Okay,” I said, “the last time I started to change this to a 33-serving
was here you worked on the one-half recipe, maybe we should stick with
cup of raisins, so that’s done. The that number. If that’s not exactly the
recipe also calls for one-half cup of number of people, there can be some
dried fruit. That’s pretty much the sharing to even it out. We’ll be close
same problem as the raisins, so we enough with 33.”
Trail Mix for a Crowd
Juan explained his sunflower seed solution.
The Basics and More
Raquel skip counted by 2/3 s.
five minutes. A reporter from each looked at how much granola was in the
table told the class which ingredient bag, thinking that might help me solve
they’d worked on and how much of it the problem. The bag said 33 ounces.
we’d need to serve 33 people. We Now I was really confused, because I
found that the two tables working on wasn’t sure how to compare ounces and
the same ingredient agreed on their two-thirds cups. Suddenly, I said to
answers in most cases. Again, all myself, Wait a minute—it’s trail mix. So
tables had chosen to find the exact what if the amount of granola isn’t
answer for 33 people rather than exact? It will still taste fine. I can’t ruin
getting “close enough.” The only the recipe by having a little too much
controversial ingredient was the two- or a little less than I’m supposed to.
thirds cup of granola. The two tables “My point is that I really didn’t
working on granola did not get the need to worry about exactly how much
same answer, so I had all the tables granola I needed to buy. I just needed
spend some time working and to estimate and make sure I had about
discussing this problem. Eventually enough for 33 people. I only had to
consensus was reached. We had decide whether I needed one bag or
achieved our goal of converting a two. I couldn’t buy part of a bag even if
recipe that serves six to one that I wanted to. I didn’t need to know the
serves 33. answer to the fraction of a cup.
Estimation was the key to solving my
grocery store problem. I think
Extending the Activity estimation is the key to solving a lot of
real-life math problems. Can anyone
While I was impressed with these fifth think of another example where you
graders’ work and their ability to deal just need to estimate to get a close
with fractions, I wasn’t sure whether enough answer? And what about
the students realized that if we were examples where you do need to be
actually making trail mix, there would accurate?”
be no need for such precise mea- Several children raised their hand.
surements. I decided to devote a class I drew a table on the overhead and
period to estimation. I began with a labeled one side “estimate” and the
story that I hoped would springboard other side “accurate”:
into a discussion.
“I went to the grocery store this Estimate Accurate
morning and I was thinking about that
trail mix recipe. I was in the aisle that
had granola, so I picked up a bag to
look at. I remembered that for six
people we needed two thirds of a cup.
But I couldn’t remember how much we I put trail mix under the estimate
needed for 33 people, so I started to category, and looked around for
work on the problem in my head. I student suggestions.
The Basics and More
consensus on any particular item. I was and accuracy. Their papers showed a
just pleased that they were connecting wide range of examples (see figures 6.4
real-life context to the important and 6.5).
mathematical notions of estimation
Examples of estimates versus accurate answers.
The Basics and More
More examples of estimates versus accurate answers.
Trail Mix for a Crowd
Navigating the
Number System
n addition to becoming comfortable with numerical operations,
students need experiences that give them a broader understanding
of our base ten number system, a system that consists of very
orderly patterns and consistent characteristics. For example, we expect
students to know, without using paper and pencil or a calculator, what
happens when ten is added to a number or when a number is multiplied
by ten. Understanding the importance of tens in our number system
gives students access to many computational strategies. Similarly,
students need to recognize the patterns inherent to odd and even
numbers, factors, and multiples.
If children are aware of the structure and patterns behind our
number system, they are able to understand relationships among
numbers and can predict and evaluate reasonable solutions to math
problems. This deeper understanding and the ability to predict are
essential components of number sense.
Teachers play a critical role in guiding students’ learning about the
number system. The key is to give students many opportunities to
negotiate the system, letting them chart their own course through
familiar territory and challenging them to discover and investigate new
paths along the way.
In the four activities in this section, students will read, write, talk,
and make computations in order to learn about and understand the
infrastructure of our number system. Each activity focuses on getting
students to think about and use numbers in ways that make sense to
7 Numbers and Me
Learning to see the usefulness of numbers is an important part of developing number
sense. In this activity students identify some “personal numbers”—numbers that
describe them or relate to their life in some way. For example, 132 might be the
number of a student’s house in his street address; 52 might be her height in inches;
111/2 might be his age. Then they play a guessing game with another student in which
they try to match the numbers with the things to which the numbers refer. The
activity can provide experience with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents.
Teaching Directions
1. On the chalkboard or a projected transparency, write between ten and fifteen
numbers that have some significance to your life.
2. Give a clue about each number (for example, One of these numbers stands for the
number of years I’ve been teaching or One of these numbers stands for the number of
miles on my car) and ask the students to decide which number best suits each clue.
3. Have the students write down on a sheet of paper ten or fifteen numbers that
have some significance in their life. On a separate piece of the paper, ask them to
write a sentence that describes each number. For example:
1987 This is the year in which I was born.
3 This is the number of siblings I have.
331/3 This is the percentage of the day I spend sleeping.
/2 This is the portion of our class that are girls.
4. Have the students, in pairs, exchange their lists of numbers, then take turns reading
their clues (at random) and guessing which number fits which clue. 87
Navigating the
Number System
“Here’s my first clue,” I said. “This sense when thinking about my age.
is the year in which I was born.” Many Recognizing the suitability of numbers
hands shot up, with lots of oohs and is part of having number sense. Some
ahs. “I believe I’ll call on someone who numbers are appropriate for some
is being silent,” I said. As the students things but not for others.
quieted down, more hands were raised. “Did anyone think about this in a
I called on Rose. different way?” I asked.
“It’s nineteen fifty-four!” she “I wrote 1997 minus 1954 on my
exclaimed. paper and got 43,” Miguel reported.
“When Jaime read the number “But there’s no 43 on the board.”
aloud, he said it was one thousand “I think your birthday’s coming
nine hundred and fifty-four,” I said. up and then you’ll be 43, but you’re
“Why did you read it differently?” still 42,” offered Betsabe.
“Because that’s how you read “I am 42 and two-thirds years
numbers when it’s a year,” she old,” I said. “Can someone explain
explained. what the two thirds means?” I waited
“How did you know that I was several seconds, then called on Reba.
born in 1954?” I asked. “The fraction means part of a
“Because all the years in this year,” she said.
century begin with 19,” she replied. “That’s correct,” I replied. “In this
“That gave it away for me.” case, the fraction means part of a year.
“Okay,” I said. “You know the year It’s the amount of time that’s passed
in which I was born. Can you use that since my last birthday, which was in
information to help you figure out October.”
which number stands for my age?” A “I think the two thirds stands for
few students raised their hand im- two thirds of a year, which is eight
mediately, but I gave the class some months, because there’s twelve months
time to think about this question. in a year and three fours in twelve,”
Then I called on Amy. Courtney reasoned.
“I think you’re 42 and two-thirds “Does that make sense?” I asked
years old,” said Amy. the class. While a few students nodded
“Why do you think that?” I asked. in agreement, others seemed lost. I
“Well, I don’t think you’re 79,” she decided they needed more time to
said with a giggle. “I know I’m grapple with what two thirds meant in
supposed to be nice, so sorry I’m this situation.
laughing.” “I want you to talk to the person
“That’s okay,” I responded. “I’m next to you about what two thirds
glad you’re reminding us.” means if I’m 42 and two-thirds years
Amy smiled and continued. “And old,” I said. After a moment, I called
all the other numbers don’t fit your them back to attention and again
age, except maybe 33 and one third,” posed the question.
she said. Amy understood that most of “If you count the months from
the numbers on the board didn’t make October till the end of this month,
Navigating the
Number System
you’ll get eight months,” Jason 25 cents and that’s like one fourth of a
explained. “November, December, dollar.”
January, February, March, April, May, “Can anyone add to what Miguel
June. You have four more months to just said?” I asked.
go before you’re 43. So eight months “It’s like one out of four are boys,
out of twelve months is like eight or one fourth,” answered Claire.
twelfths, and that’s the same as two “Or 25 percent,” added Gorgé.
thirds.” I wrote .25, 1/4, and 25% on the
“It’s two thirds, because in a year chalkboard. “So what percent of my
you have three groups of four and brothers and sisters, including me, are
you’re 42 and two thirds or two fours girls?” I continued.
out of three fours,” Jessica added. “Seventy-five percent!” several
“Just make twelve tally marks on students chorused.
the board,” suggested Betsabe. I drew I wrote .75 and 75% on the
the tally marks on the chalkboard. chalkboard. “How do I write a fraction
“Okay, the tally marks stand for the that means the same as 75 percent?” I
twelve months of the year,” she asked, encouraging them to make
explained. “Circle every four tally another connection between decimals,
marks. There’s three groups of four percents, and fractions.
tally marks and two of the groups are “Three fourths!” the students
circled. That’s how you can see the two responded. I wrote 3/4 on the
thirds of a year.” chalkboard next to .75 and 75%, then
“All of these explanations make continued with the next clue.
sense to me,” I said. Continuing with “This number represents the percent
the next clue, I read, “This number of the day I spend sleeping,” I read. At
represents how many brothers and sisters first, few hands were raised. The
are in my family. Look at the numbers students were studying the numbers
on the board and think about which and discussing them in their groups. I
ones would fit,” I instructed. quickly toured the room, listening to
“Well, I think four and three and their conversations. When I asked for
ten could be the answer,” Tom said. their attention, I posed the same
“Maybe seventeen, but that would be a question but used different wording.
lot of sisters and brothers!” “If you think of the numbers on the
“I have three siblings,” I stated. board as percents, what percent of the
“One of the numbers on the day might I spend asleep? Remember,
chalkboard tells what portion of us are when I say day, I’m including all 24
boys. Raise your hand if you have an hours.”
idea.” “I think you spend 33 and a third
“It’s point 25,” said Miguel. percent of the day sleeping,” said
“Are you sure?” I asked, pushing Paula.
for an explanation to check for “Why do you think that?” I asked.
understanding. “Because if you spent 79 percent
“Yeah,” he said, “it’s the same as or 66 and two thirds percent sleeping,
Numbers and Me
you’d be sleeping a lot!” she ex- plus 33 and a third make 100 percent.
claimed. A hundred percent means the whole
“You could spend 17 percent of day.”
the day asleep,” José offered. “I agree that 100 percent means a
“Or ten percent, but that would whole day,” I said. “What about the
mean you weren’t getting enough rest!” numbers that are larger than 100?
added Betsabe. Everyone laughed. Could we use 190 as a percent?” A few
“Yes, I spend about 33 and a third students didn’t think so, but most
percent of the day asleep,” I confirmed. seemed perplexed. I knew this
Judging by their responses, I wasn’t question was going to be difficult for
sure that students understood how them to think about. Sometimes I’ll
many hours 331/3 percent represented. throw in a question like this to test the
I decided to ask a probing question to waters and see how far I can go with a
find out. “Do you think I spend more concept. “Sometimes percents greater
or less than 12 hours asleep? I want than 100 make sense, depending on
you to talk with someone at your table the situation,” I said. “For instance,
about this question.” After a moment, sometimes the price of food or the cost
I asked for the students’ attention and of a house increases more than 100
called on Juan. percent.” I stopped there, knowing
“You sleep less than 12 hours,” he that I’d probably reached the edge of
said. their understanding about percents.
“How do you know?” I asked. “The next number is the age of my
“I don’t know, I just think that,” car,” I said.
he replied. “The answer could be three, ten,
“It’s important that you’re able to or 17 years,” said José. No one else
explain your thinking,” I told the class. raised a hand.
“I may agree with you, Juan, but I’m “I’ll give you another clue,” I told
curious about how you figured the them. “The number on the board that
answer.” represents the number of miles on my
“It’s because there are 24 hours in car is 134,155.”
a day, okay?” Reba began. “So half of “How about three years?” Tawny
that is 12, and you said you sleep 33 guessed.
and a third percent of the day, and “That can’t be!” Reba exclaimed.
that’s less than half.” “We have a new car and it has about
“What percent would be the same 10,000 miles on it.”
as half of the day?” I asked. “I think your car is 17 years old,”
“Fifty!” the students chorused. said José.
“So which number on the board “The only other number that
tells what percent of the day I stay works is ten years old,” added Miguel.
awake?” I asked. Almost every hand “You’re right,” I said. “I bought
was raised. I called on Mary. my car when I started teaching in
“Sixty-six and two thirds,” she Oceanside, exactly ten years ago.”
answered. “It’s because that number When the students had guessed
Navigating the
Number System
José used mostly fractions to describe things in
his life.
Navigating the
Number System
Amy thought about numbers in a variety of
I only like half of them. Which number numbers on the chalkboard and read
means the same as 1/2? your clues to the class?”
Students used 100 percent to The students were eager to share,
describe the amount of time our heart and many hands shot up. I called on
beats, how much of the time we Emma. She walked to the front of the
breathe, and the score on a test. And class and carefully wrote these
they used decimals to describe how numbers on the board: 1987;
much they paid for things, like 3,850,684; 2; 122,889; .5; 1/3; 17/30; 30;
Nintendo games. /24; 9,417,826. “Remember, Emma,
Not all students had an easy time when you read a clue, don’t give away
writing their clues. For example, some the number that you’re describing,” I
had difficulty writing large numbers reminded her. “Read one clue at a time
correctly, and I spent time showing and let’s see if someone can guess
them where to place the commas in which number fits.”
numbers like 7,545,483. Others “Okay, this number is the year I
struggled with how to describe was born,” Emma said. Lots of hands
fractions. One student wrote that 1/2 raised. She called on Jenny.
represented the number of sisters in his “That’s easy,” said Jenny. “It’s
family. When he realized that he didn’t 1987. That’s also the year I was born.”
have half of a sister, he laughed and Emma smiled, then continued
rewrote the clue this way: 1/2 represents with her clues. “Okay, this number is
the portion of my brothers and sisters that the portion of our class that are girls.”
are sisters. This difficulty with It was obvious that Emma enjoyed
describing what the numbers meant being the “teacher.” She smiled as she
was common and made me realize how scanned the room, looking for
important the role of language is in someone to call on. Finally she chose
math class. Rich.
“Is it point five?” he asked.
“Yes, that’s it,” Emma replied. “I
A Class Discussion used it because it means the same as
one half, and half of our class are
When all the students had finalized girls.”
their papers, I called for their “If you wanted to use a percent for
attention. “Today we’re going to play a one half, what number would that
guessing game with our personal be?” I interjected, taking the op-
numbers, like I did with you portunity to help students make a
yesterday,” I began. “Yesterday I wrote connection between fractions,
my personal numbers on the decimals, and percents. Drawing out
chalkboard, then I read a sentence that the mathematics during classroom
told about one of the numbers and you discussions is an important part of the
guessed which number fit the sentence. teacher’s role.
The sentences were like clues. Who “That would be 50 percent,” she
would like to volunteer to write your replied.
Navigating the
Number System
The number 1,000 is an important and useful landmark in our number system
and is a benchmark for comparing numbers. This activity focuses students on
thinking about 1,000 in various contexts. Students talk about what they know
about the number, then listen to the book How Much, How Many, How Far,
How Heavy, How Long, How Tall Is 1,000? After listening to the story,
students develop their own questions about 1,000 related to a topic of their
Materials Needed
A copy of the children’s book How Much, How Many, How Far, How Heavy, How
Long, How Tall Is 1,000?, by Helen Nolan, with illustrations by Tracy Walker (Kids
Can Press, 1995).
Teaching Directions
1. Ask the students what they know about the number 1,000 and record their
2. Read aloud the book How Much, How Many, How Far, How Heavy, How Long,
How Tall Is 1,000?
3. Review some of the topics addressed in the book, and ask students to suggest
other topics in which they are interested.
4. Choose an example topic and have students brainstorm questions related to this
topic that involve the number 1,000. 99
Navigating the
Number System
5. Ask each student to choose one topic and write down several questions related to
that topic that involve the number 1,000.
6. Have each student explore one of their questions, first estimating the answer,
then finding an accurate answer.
I said. “I’m going to read the story, and 1,000 Is a Lot at the top of another
then I’ll ask you some questions about piece of chart paper and recorded
the number 1,000.” Mike’s idea underneath.
The students listened attentively to “How about 1,000 headaches!”
the book’s conjectures about what cried Susan. Everyone giggled.
1,000 looks like in different contexts “If you owned 1,000 TVs, that
(they also enjoyed the illustrations, would be a lot,” said Sagan.
which I held up as we went along): “One thousand volcanoes erupting
What do 1,000 dandelions look like? would be scary and a lot!” exclaimed
What about 1,000 acorns in a pile? How Joe.
about a forest of 1,000 oak trees? One “One thousand years is a long time
thousand people sitting in rows would fill and 1,000 seconds isn’t,” Alma
a small hockey arena. What would 1,000 observed.
people waiting in line to get in look like? I continued reading the book.
When I got to the page that reads, When I got to the page with a picture
How much is 1,000? Is it a lot?, I said of a girl, a boy, and their dog eating
to the class, “The author says that lots of french fries, I held it up. “What
when it comes to hair on your head, about 1,000 french fries? Could you eat
1,000 isn’t very many. When isn’t all of them?” I quoted. “The author
1,000 a lot?” Their ideas didn’t flow says a single serving has about 40 fries.
easily at first; it took time. There were How many friends would 1,000 french
many silent moments. But I wanted fries feed?” I wrote 40 on the
students to get an idea of the relative chalkboard and asked the children to
size of 1,000. think about this and talk to someone
“If you have 1,000 pieces of grass,” next to them. Although the problem
said Pat. I recorded Pat’s idea on a was too difficult for most of these
piece of chart paper under the heading beginning fourth graders to solve
1,000 Isn’t a Lot and added to the list mentally, hearing estimates and plans
as other students volunteered their for solving the problem would expose
thoughts. students to lots of ways of thinking
“How about 1,000 atoms or about the problem and give me insight
electrons? That would be teeny tiny!” into their thinking about numbers and
said Jellian, exaggerating the words operations. After a moment or two, I
teeny tiny. called the class back to attention. “Any
“A thousand feathers wouldn’t estimates?”
weigh very much,” added Asha. “I think maybe eight friends,”
“Or 1,000 little ants or cookie Zach said.
crumbs,” said Christopher. “What made you think of eight?” I
“The book says that if you don’t asked.
like freckles, 1,000 is a lot. When is “ ’Cause 40 is a lot of fries!” he
1,000 a lot?” I asked. replied.
“It’s a lot if you have 1,000 “Maybe seven,” said Susan.
dollars!” Mike exclaimed. I wrote After several other students had
All About 1,000
shared their estimate, I asked my author of the book posed her 1,000
second question. “How would you go question, she reported the answer.”
about solving a problem like this?” I then reviewed the book,
“Divide 1,000 by 40, because reminding the children of the things
there’s 1,000 fries and 40 in each that had been discussed: stars,
serving,” Pat explained. dandelions, acorns, oak trees, books,
“I’d add 40 until I got to 1,000,” hockey, french fries, money, running,
suggested Susan. etc. I then asked them what things
“You could subtract 40 starting they were interested in and filled half
with 1,000 until you get to zero,” said of the chalkboard with their ideas:
Sagan. basketball, science, math, social
Jellian used her number sense, studies, art, Europe, animals,
starting with a calculation she knew. “I dinosaurs, Goosebumps books,
know that 40 times five is 200, so reptiles, cheetahs. The list was a long
that’s five friends right there, so I think one.
it’s a lot more than seven or eight,” she When I finished writing all of
said, referring to Susan’s and Zach’s their ideas on the chalkboard, I
estimates. modeled a 1,000 question about
“What would you do next?” I something I was interested in. “I’m
asked her. about to read a book called The
“Well, I know five friends could Spanish Civil War, I told the class. “It’s
eat 200, so I’d figure how many 200s 1,000 pages long, and I’m wondering
in 1,000,” she explained. about how long it will take me to read
I finished reading the book as it.” I wrote the question on the
math period ended. I decided to chalkboard: How long will it take to
continue our investigation of 1,000 on read 1,000 pages in the book The
the following day. Spanish Civil War? “Now I want you
to think of something you’re
interested in and ask a 1,000 question
A Class Discussion about it. Raise your hand when you
have an idea.” I waited till most hands
“Yesterday I read you a story in which were raised, then called on Chris-
the author investigated a number of topher.
different things,” I began. “First, she “How many Animorphs books
thought of something she was would 1,000 pages be?” he said.
interested in, like french fries. Then “Did people know about
she asked a question that had to do technology 1,000 years ago?” was
with 1,000 french fries. Do you Susan’s question.
remember when we thought about Sagan suggested, “How loud
how many friends 1,000 french fries would it sound if 1,000 dogs were
would feed?” Students nodded and barking?”
smiled. “We’ll call this a 1,000 Kay wanted to know, “About how
question,” I told them. “After the many bottles of juice would it take to
Navigating the
Number System
feed 1,000 parakeets at the Wild of them had a good grasp of 1,000 and
Animal Park?” others didn’t.
“Now that we have a few examples Khoa was interested in the length
of 1,000 questions, I’d like to take one of 1,000 dinosaurs and was busy
topic and develop a number of 1,000 determining the length of one. Joe
questions around it,” I said. I wrote wanted to find out how many
The Boxcar Children on the thousands of miles it is from the
chalkboard. “Everyone please think of United States to Europe. Susan wanted
a 1,000 question about this series of to know if people knew about
books, which I know most of you like. technology 1,000 years ago. Figure 8.1
I’ll write your questions on the shows Pat’s baseball questions. I
chalkboard.” overheard Mike wonder aloud whether
“How long would it take to read 1,000 solar systems would fit in the
1,000 pages?” was Mike’s suggestion. world. Someone at his table said that
“How many books could you buy was impossible, because we’re part of
with $1,000?” added Alexa. the solar system! I wondered what
“How much would 1,000 of those Mike thought of when he imagined
books weigh?” was what Reba the size of a solar system and if he
wondered. really knew what one was.
Joe raised his hand: “How many After about twenty minutes, I
Boxcar Children books would you read called the students to attention and
if you read 1,000 pages?” gave them further directions. “I’m
going to give you a new piece of paper,
and I’d like each of you to choose one
A Writing Assignment of your 1,000 questions and recopy it.
Then I’d like you to make an
“These are interesting examples of illustration and estimate the answer to
different questions you could ask about your question. Remember, when you
this topic,” I told the class. “I’m going write down your estimate, include an
to give each of you a piece of paper, explanation about your reasoning.”
and I’d like you to write your name, a
topic you’re interested in, and several
1,000 questions that you could Observing the Students
One aspect of assessment involves The children’s questions and estimates
gathering information about what were interesting and revealed much
students know and what they don’t about their understanding of 1,000
know, what their misconceptions are and the multiples of 1,000. I walked
and what they understand. Listening from table to table asking questions,
to students’ conversations informs my listening to conversations, and helping
teaching and guides my instruction. As when I was needed.
I walked around the classroom while Case was interested in Legos and
the children worked, I found that some wondered how much 1,000 big Lego
All About 1,000
Pat brainstormed “1,000” questions about
sets would cost. His estimate: I think it whether there could be 1,000 spots on
would cost 1,000,000 $ because 1 big set a dalmatian. Her estimate: Maybe
cost like 50 $. I know because my parents because there’s about 50 spots on a puppy
bought me one big set (see figure 8.2). that’s just getting its spots and when it
Assessing a student’s understanding grows it gets older it gets lots more spots.
often generates more questions than AnaMaria, like Sagan, used a
answers. I wondered whether Case benchmark to help her make an
would realize how far off his estimate estimate. Her question: What would
was once he figured the correct answer. 1,000 bugs look like stacked up? Her
Would he have a sense of the difference estimate: I estimate about ten meters
between $50,000 (the correct answer) because about 100 bugs to one meter.
and $1,000,000? She drew a picture of a child holding a
Sagan likes dogs and wondered meter stick with 100 bugs on it. Using
Navigating the
Number System
Case’s estimated answer to his question was
Pat’s estimated answer to one of his baseball
from Pat’s explanation that he has a pound bags of dog food would be
good feel for numbers and estimation. needed to feed 1,000 dogs in one day!
Knowing a lot about baseball also Asha was interested in finding out how
helped him know that 50 pitches per much space 1,000 polar bears would
game and 20 games per year are take up. And Christopher wanted to
reasonable numbers to use. know how long it would take to read
Students asked questions about 1,000 Animorphs books. His estimate:
height, area, length, width, time, I think it will take me six months because
weight, distance, and amounts of they have about 155 pages. It takes me
money. Alexa wondered how many 50- three days to read one (see figure 8.4).
Navigating the
Number System
Christopher’s question and estimated answer.
you about how you could solve it.” collected at the end of math period the
After a moment, I asked for their day before, and students returned to
attention and repeated the question. At their seats to investigate their question.
first only a few hands popped up, but as
I waited, many more students raised
their hand. I called on Susan. Observing the Students
“You’d have to know how many
pages are in one Boxcar Children While some students searched for
book,” she said. encyclopedias and calculators and got
“There’s about 100,” Alexa right to work, others raised their hand
volunteered. immediately. I reminded them that
“Okay, you’d divide 1,000 by 100 they could solicit help from students at
to get your answer,” Susan continued. their table.
“Or you could add 100 till you get Some of the questions students
to 1,000,” added Christopher. were investigating were not easy to
“So first you have to figure out answer. Rick wondered what would
what information is needed, like how happen if 1,000 dinosaurs stomped
many pages there are in one book,” I the whole state of California. He
said. “Then you might have to do predicted that it would create an
some arithmetic to find the answer. earthquake! We both agreed that
Any questions?” measuring the effect of 1,000 dinosaur
“So what’s the answer?” asked Rick. stomps would be impossible, given
Several hands shot up. I called on Pat. that dinosaurs are extinct. I suggested
“I remember from the other day that he think of another question that
that there’s ten 100s in 1,000, so about could be more easily investigated.
10 books would take up 1,000 pages,” Mike wondered whether 1,000
reasoned Pat. His ability to apply what people liked Alan Iverson, an NBA
he knew about 1,000 to this new basketball player for the Philadelphia
problem was further evidence of his ’76ers. His prediction: Yes, because 3
well-developed sense of numbers. people I know like him. Imagine the rest!
The more I worked with Mary- I suggested that he collect data about
ann’s class and the more questions I his question in order to verify his
posed, the more information I was able prediction. Instead of collecting data,
to gather about their number sense. It he made a conjecture that included
is this experience with children over some logic: I still think the same because
time that allows a teacher to build a a lot of people like him in Philadelphia
profile of students’ understanding and that’s where the home team is so I
about numbers. think 1,000 people will like him!
“What you’re to do is figure out However, most students were able
the answer to your 1,000 question and to use mathematics to answer their
explain how you got your answer using 1,000 questions. Christopher
words and numbers,” I instructed. I wondered how long it would take him
passed back their papers, which I had to read 1,000 Animorphs books. He’d
Navigating the
Number System
sense. The problems that students Animorphs books and then needs to
create and solve in this activity push figure out a way to answer his
them to apply the concepts and skills question. First he thinks about how
they’ve learned in new and different long it takes him to read one book
ways. They develop a 1,000 question, (three days). This gives him the
define the problem to be solved, numbers to use: three and 1,000. Then
identify the numbers and operations to he starts skip counting by threes until
be used, and perform the calculations he realizes that he can multiply three
in a way that makes sense to them. For times 1,000. This is very different from
example, Christopher wonders how being given a problem and being told
long it will take him to read 1,000 which numbers and operations to use.
9 Stand Up and
Be Counted
Students’ number sense is enhanced when they have many opportunities to think
about numbers in a variety of ways. At the beginning of this activity, the class
brainstorms how to describe the number 25 in as many ways as possible. Then, each
student draws a number (1 through 100) at random from a paper bag and, using
these earlier ideas as a model, writes sentences that describe this number. Volunteers
then take turns reading statements about their number. Students stand up if a
statement is also true about their number.
Materials Needed
A 1–100 chart, cut into separate numbers.
A bag or other container.
Teaching Directions
1. Ask students to describe the number 25 in as many ways as they can, and record
their ideas on the chalkboard or on a projected transparency.
2. Pass around a bag filled with 100 squares of paper numbered 1 through 100.
After each student has drawn a number, ask the class to write down
statements that describe their number, just as they did as a class for the
number 25.
3. Ask a volunteer to read one statement at a time from his or her list as the other
students listen. If a statement is also true about their number, students must 113
Navigating the
Number System
stand up. If a statement isn’t true about their number, they must remain seated.
(Students who are standing when a statement is read that isn’t true about their
number must sit down.)
number sense. I continued probing. tell you how to play it when you’re
“How else could you make 25?” finished writing.”
“Twenty-four and one more,” said After I’d distributed the numbers,
Terry. I reminded students about what they
“One dime and three nickels,” were to do and gave them about
added Kimberly. twenty minutes to write. While they
“It’s the answer to 100 divided by worked, I circulated through the room,
four,” said Denny. observing and offering my help when
“It’s the date that Christmas falls it was needed. (Figures 9.1 and 9.2 are
on!” cried Carl. Everybody laughed. examples of clues two students came
“Or the weight of a turkey on up with.) When the twenty minutes
Thanksgiving!” Ashley exclaimed. The were up I called the class back to
students laughed again. attention.
“How about the cost of a daily “To play Stand Up and Be
newspaper?” said Brennan. “That’s Counted, a volunteer reads the
how much the North County Times statements about his or her number, one
costs. at a time,” I began. “If the statement
“The ones digit is greater than the that’s read fits your number, you’re going
tens digit,” said Jenny. to stand up. If the next statement that’s
I had nearly filled up the read doesn’t fit your number, you sit
chalkboard with their ideas about the down. You’re to listen to each statement
number 25. “I have room for one more that’s read to see whether it’s true about
idea,” I said. your number. We’ll practice first using
“It’s a quarter of a century,” said our statements from the number 25 so
Jenny. you can see how the game is played.” I
At this point I thought the read from the board, “The ones digit is
children had enough experience greater than the tens digit.” A few
thinking about the number 25, and students hesitantly stood up next to
turned their attention to the brown their desk. “Remember, if your number’s
paper bag I was holding. Before class, ones digit is greater than the tens digit,
I’d cut up a 1–100 chart and placed please stand up,” I reminded them.
the little numbered paper squares Several more students stood up. “What
inside the bag. As I shook the bag, I numbers might be standing up right
told the students what was inside. now?” I asked.
“As I walk by, I’d like each of you “Any number like 89 or 34 or 12,”
to take one number from the bag,” I said Jenny.
instructed. “When you get your “I think that half the class should
number, you’re to think about it and be standing,” Carl conjectured. “But
write down as many statements as you we didn’t use all the numbers in the
can, just like we did with the number bag and we don’t know which of the
25. After you’ve written your numbers between one and 100 people
statements, we’re going to play a game have.”
called Stand Up and Be Counted. I’ll “Why do you think the ones digit
Stand Up and
Be Counted
Michael’s clues for the number 10.
Ashley’s clues for the number 36.
Navigating the
Number System
is greater than the tens digit in half the “Why do you think that?” I
numbers between one and 100?” I probed.
asked. “Because if you count by fives, all
“I don’t know,” Carl began. “It the multiples either end in zero or
seems like if you’ve got the digits zero five,” he explained.
through nine to work with, then about “Count by fives and I’ll write the
half the time the bigger digit will be in numbers on the chalkboard to see if
the ones place and about half the time you’re correct,” I said to Michael.
the bigger number will be in the tens “Five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 . . . ,” he
place.” counted while I wrote the numbers.
“If we colored in a one-to-100 “See, they all end in zero or five.”
chart, I bet we could count and see,” Number sense requires an attitude of
suggested Anne. sense making on the part of the
“That would be one way to check learner. Michael’s confidence with
Carl’s idea,” I said. “Now I’m going to numbers and his ability and deter-
read the next statement. If you’re mination to identify patterns and see
standing right now, and the next relationships are indicators of number
statement fits your number, stay sense.
standing. If it doesn’t fit your number, Next I read, “One hundred divided
please sit down. If you’re seated and the by four.” Only Nick remained standing;
statement fits your number, stand up.” he had the number 25. “Some
“It’s an odd number,” I read. About statements will be true for many
half the students stood up. numbers, some for only a few, and
“It’s about half the class again,” some for only one number,” I said.
said Carl. “I think half the numbers are “Who would like to read your
odd and half are even.” statements one at a time for the class?”
I was impressed with Carl’s Lots of hands raised. I called on Jenny.
curiosity about numbers. “Are you “My number is odd,” she began.
sure?” I asked. This caused a stir. About half the students stood up. “My
Although we didn’t have time to number’s digits added together come to
investigate Carl’s conjecture then, I five,” she read. This time, only a few
wanted to acknowledge it. “This students were standing.
would be a good question for us to “Which numbers might be
investigate sometime.” Then I returned standing now?” I asked.
to reading statements from the “Numbers like 32, 23, and 41,”
chalkboard. “It’s a multiple of five.” said Elise.
Several students remained standing, “Or 50,” added Julie.
and a few others stood up. “What “My number is a prime number,”
numbers might be standing up right Jenny continued.
now?” I asked. “Can someone describe what a
“I think the numbers that are prime number is?” I asked.
standing up now all either end in zero “It’s a number that has only two
or five,” guessed Michael. factors, like two is prime and it has
Stand Up and
Be Counted
itself and one as factors and that’s all,” “What numbers could be standing
Don explained. now?” I asked.
“What else can we say about prime “Thirty-one,” said Julie.
numbers?” I probed. “It could also be 22,” added
“Well, I think most of them are Denny.
odd but two is prime so not all of “Eleven is a factor of my number,”
them are odd numbers,” said Mark. José continued.
“I want the students who are “What numbers could be standing
standing to call out your number one now?” I asked.
at a time, and I’ll record them on the “Forty-four,” Katie replied,
chalkboard,” I said. Students called out “because 11 times four is 44.”
2, 7, 11, 19, 23, and 47. “Let’s “Also 22, because 11 times two is
examine these numbers to see whether 22,” Kimberly noted.
they have only one and themselves as “It could be 11, 22, 33, 44, 55,
factors,” I told them. The students 66, 77, 88, and 99,” said Carl.
studied the numbers, and after a “There’s a pattern, too! It’s like 11
moment most were nodding their head times one, 11 times two, 11 times 3,
in agreement. like that.”
“All of them are odd except for the “My number is the number of Emitt
number two,” Mark observed. Smith of the Cowboys,” said José. He
“That’s correct,” I said. I then then stood up and announced that his
motioned to Jenny to continue. number was 22.
“My number is under 40,” Jenny “Now let’s have students read a
read as she finished her statements. statement from their paper that has
“Okay, Jenny. Tell us what your only one correct answer,” I in-
number is,” I said. structed.
“It’s 23,” she told the class. Xavier began waving his hand
“Who else would like to read their back and forth with enthusiasm. “The
statements?” I asked. I called on José. number on Steve Young’s jersey!” he
“My number is even,” he began. exclaimed. Everyone laughed.
About half the class stood up. “My “For those of us who aren’t ’49er
number has two digits.” fans or who don’t watch football, could
“Do I need to have a number you tell us your number?” I asked him.
that’s both even and two digits to stand “My number is eight,” he said as
up?” asked Kimberly. he stood up.
“Those students with two-digit “Two times a decade plus ten,” said
numbers, even or odd, can stand up Terry. Xavier sat down and Terry was
now,” I replied. “Listen to each clue the only student who stood up.
separately to see whether it’s true for “My number is the sum of 12 plus
your number.” 12 and the product of 12 times two,”
“The sum of my digits is four,” José said Devin. Devin stood up and Terry
read. Some students sat down, while sat down.
others stood up. “Can someone read a statement so
Navigating the
Number System
that more than one person will be numbers have different meanings
standing?” I asked. depending on the person who is
“The difference between the digits in thinking about the numbers.”
my number is one,” Anne read. Understanding the relative size or
“What numbers could be standing magnitude of numbers is an important
now?” I asked. element of number sense.
“Numbers like 45 or 54,” said That ended math class for the
Daniel. day, but Pam Long used Stand Up
“Or numbers like 98 or 89,” and Be Counted throughout the week
added Elise. as a warm-up. She found that with
“My number is a composite practice, the game’s procedural
number,” Katie read. elements became easier for the
“What’s a composite number?” I students. This freed them to focus on
asked, suspecting that some students the characteristics of the numbers
would need clarification. used and how the numbers were
“It’s not a prime number,” she related.
answered, “and it has more than two
factors.” This time, lots of students
stood up. Extending the Activity
Elise read next. “It’s a number when
you are old.” It took a few seconds for Patti Reynolds’s fifth graders had been
students to stand up; many of them playing Stand Up and Be Counted for
were thinking hard about this state- several days when I introduced an
ment. extension of the activity called Same
“What numbers could be standing and Different. I wanted them to focus
up now?” I asked. on how numbers relate to one another.
“Well, I think it depends on what While these fifth graders were building
you think old is,” said Andy. on the work they did with Stand Up
“I’m curious about the numbers and Be Counted, it isn’t necessarily a
that are standing up now,” I said. prerequisite.
“My number is 79,” said Xavier. Each student had already drawn a
“That’s how old I think my great- number from 1 through 100 and had
grandmother is, and she’s old.” written several statements about this
“My number is 45,” added Daniel. number. Their statements were in front
“That’s the age of my dad.” of them on their desks. I began by
“I wonder what age would be writing the number 25 at the top of
considered old by a kindergartner?” I the chalkboard. “Would anyone like to
asked the class. volunteer their number so that I can
“Probably 11 or 12, like us!” write it down next to 25?” I asked.
Jennifer exclaimed. Everyone laughed. Jaime wiggled his hand in the air,
“I agree,” I said. “You all would desperate to volunteer. I finally called
probably seem pretty old to a child on him.
who is only five years old. Sometimes “Seventy-one,” he said. “I don’t
Stand Up and
Be Counted
like my number. It’s too hard to think “Well, it’s like a number that’s easy
of things to say about it.” to work with,” he replied. “Like if you
I wrote 71 next to 25 on the have to multiply 26 times five, you
chalkboard and asked Jaime why he could go to 25 times five first and
thought his number was difficult. that’s easier.”
“I don’t know,” he replied. After a “What other numbers are easy to
few seconds, he said “Maybe because work with?” I prodded.
it’s a prime number. It’s kind of weird.” “Numbers like ten, 50, and 100,”
“Let’s see if we can learn more Angela said.
about Jaime’s number,” I said to the “Or 500 or 1,000,” added
class. “We’re going to compare the Jaime.
numbers 25 and 71. I want you to Landmark numbers are numbers
think about how these numbers are the which are familiar landing places,
same and how they’re different.” which make for simple calculations (as
“They’re both odd numbers,” José pointed out), and to which other
Jaime said. “I knew that already about numbers can be related. Because our
my number.” I wrote odd numbers on number system is based on powers of
the chalkboard in the Same column. (I ten, the numbers 10, 100, and 1,000
added each successive comment to the are especially important landmarks.
chart as the students shared their Knowing about these landmark
ideas.) numbers, their multiples, and their
“They both have two digits,” factors is the basis of good number
offered Anna. sense.
“Both numbers have themselves as “How else do 25 and 71 com-
factors,” added Joe. pare?” I continued.
“Seventy-one is prime and 25 is a “Twenty-five is one fourth of 100
square number,” said Mary. “When we and 71 is almost three fourths of 100,”
learned how to play Stand Up and Be observed Vicky.
Counted, we talked about the number “Twenty-five is divisible by five
25.” and has three factors, and 71 has only
Lots of hands were raised now. I two factors,” said Steve.
called on Asha. “Twenty-five is a day of the month
“Seventy-one is greater than 25,” and 71 can’t be,” Krissy said.
she said.
“The sum of the digits in 25 is
seven, and the sum of the digits in 71 A Writing Assignment
is eight,” added Vicky.
“When you double 71, you get an When the chart on the chalkboard was
answer in the hundreds,” said José. filled with phrases describing how the
“Twenty-five is a landmark number numbers 25 and 71 were the same and
and 71 isn’t.” how they were different, I gave the
“Explain what you mean by a students directions for their next task.
landmark number, José,” I said. “Now I’d like for you to find a
Navigating the
Number System
partner,” I began. “When you have a years! Also, if you round both of our
partner, raise your hand and I’ll give numbers to the nearest hundred, you’d
you a piece of paper. You and your round them to 100.”
partner will write your names at the “Our numbers are 88 and 87,”
top and also write your two numbers. said José. “They’re only one number
Work together to write as many away from each other, and Roald
statements as you can about how your Dahl’s book Esio Trot has 88 pages.
two numbers are the same and how And if you rounded them to the
they’re different, just like we did with nearest ten, you’d round them to 90.”
the numbers 25 and 71. I would like “Both of our numbers, 88 and 33,
you to take turns doing the writing, have digits that are the same and both
and remember that each of you needs have 11 as a factor,” said Carryanne.
to contribute ideas.” “Eighty-eight is the age of an old adult
and 33 is the age of a young adult.”
(See figure 9.3 for the rest of
A Class Discussion Carryanne and her partner’s work. )
“Our numbers are 78 and 83,”
After about thirty minutes, I called the Samuel chimed in. “One is odd and
class together for a discussion. “What one is even, and when we added them
was easy and what was difficult about together we got 161, and that’s odd.
this task?” I asked. When we multiplied them together we
“It helped that we already wrote got 6,474 and that’s even!” (Samuel
about our numbers before,” said and his partner’s work is shown in
Shaun, “and it helped that we worked figure 9.4.)
with a partner. It was more fun.” When partners had finished
“I liked taking turns writing,” sharing ideas about their numbers,
offered Antonio, Shaun’s partner. “It Brandy asked a final question: “Why
made it easier.” are we doing this activity?”
“Sometimes it’s hard to figure out I paused and several students
what factors the numbers have in giggled nervously. “That’s a good
common,” said Angela. “We had to question,” I said. “Whenever I teach a
find the factors of each of our numbers lesson, I need to know why I’m
and that took some time.” teaching it and how it helps you with
“It helped that we worked with 25 math. I think this is a good activity for
and 71 before to give us an idea about several reasons. One is that it helps you
how to do the job,” Melissa said. recognize that numbers can be used in
“Would anyone like to share many different ways. It also helps you
something you think is interesting understand what numbers mean and
about your numbers?” I asked. how they relate to one another. This
“Our numbers were 75 and 66,” activity may also help us all think
Tabatha reported. “Vicky told me that about math in a different way.”
the longest-living parakeet has lived 75 “I think this is a good activity
Stand Up and
Be Counted
because it gives me an idea of what you used in the world.” Later, Patti
know about numbers,” added Patti commented that she thought having
Reynolds, their teacher. “I’m impressed the students work together and discuss
that you know so much about factors, their thinking was a very effective
prime and square numbers, odd and approach.
even numbers, and how numbers are
Carryanne and her partner compared 88 and 33.
Navigating the
Number System
Samuel and his partner compared 83 and 78.
Stand Up and
Be Counted
• Can you relate your number to • Are students familiar with the
someone’s age? Does your number language of numbers and
represent the age of a young person? operations? This might include such
a teenager? an older person? things as factor, multiple, sum,
• What’s half of your number? twice difference, divisible, prime numbers,
your number? composite numbers, and square
• Can you get to your number numbers.
counting by twos? fives? tens? • Are students able to figure out the
• Is your number greater or less than factors of their number?
the number of students in the • Do students know whether their
room? number is a multiple of other
• Do students understand the relative
What are some ways to assess a
size of numbers? Do they use or
student’s number sense in this
understand clues like more than, less
than, and halfway between?
This activity can be used to assess • Are students able to think about
what an individual student or the class numbers in different ways? Can they
as a whole knows about numbers, relate numbers to a variety of
operations, and mathematical contexts?
vocabulary. When teaching this • Do students understand that
activity, keep the following questions numbers can be taken apart and put
in mind: back together? (For example, the
number 50 can be thought of as 25
• Do students know if their number is plus 25, or ten times four plus ten,
odd or even? or 20 plus 20 plus 10, etc.)
10 Guess My
Guess My Number is a simple warm-up activity that gets students thinking and
participating. Students always enjoy guessing games, and this one gives them
practice with thinking about characteristics of numbers as well as experience with
thinking strategically. Students guess a secret number from within a range on the
basis of being told whether their guesses are greater or less than the number. The
game (and variations of it—see the extensions below) can be played many times
over the year.
Teaching Directions
1. Choose a secret number within a wider range (1 to 500, 1 to 1000). Then give
one clue about your secret number (ends with zero; odd; sum of the digits is ten;
etc.). Ask students to investigate the possible numbers and play the game as before.
2. Play the game using a fraction or a decimal as the secret number.
Navigating the
Number System
numbers and arrows on the overhead, logical thinking to try to narrow down
which were: the possibilities.
I asked for another guess.
90 ↓ “Eighty?” asked Hans.
65 ↑ “My number is greater,” I told
51 ↑ him.
69 ↑ “Eighty-nine?” guessed Carolina.
73 ↑ “It’s less than 89. Put a thumb up
if you think you have a pretty good
“Okay, I’m going to give you a idea of what my number might be,” I
minute or two to talk at your tables directed the class. I wanted to make
about my secret number. Tell each sure everyone was still actively
other what you think you know about involved. “Okay, raise your hand if
my number and what number you you want to guess.” I called on Mae.
might want to guess next.” After a “Eighty-five?”
short time, I called everyone back to “My number is greater than 85.”
attention. “Can someone tell us “Eighty-eight?” guessed Eddie.
something you think you know about “Yes. That’s my number. Now let’s
my secret number? I’m not asking for a try the super challenging version of
guess right now. I’m asking about my Guess My Number,” I invited. “This
number.” time I’m going to pick a secret number
“We know it’s less than 90 and between one and 500. That’s a lot of
greater than 73,” Abbie said. numbers. Since there are so many
“All right,” I replied. possibilities I’m going to give you one
“I think it’s in the 80s, most hint. The hint is that my number ends
likely,” added Jack. with a zero. Would someone give us an
“Why do you think that?” I example of a number that’s possible?”
questioned. Many students were ready and willing.
“Because there’s more numbers left “One hundred,” suggested Andy.
in the 80s than in the 70s,” Jack “Yes, 100 is possible because 100
explained. “It can’t be 70 or 71 or 72 ends with zero,” I agreed. “How about
or 73 because we already guessed 73 an impossible number? Can you give
and you said it’s greater. But it can be an example of a number you can
anywhere in the 80s.” definitely eliminate?”
Brief discussions like this help “Two hundred and sixty-eight,”
build number sense. Having students offered Joaquin.
think, talk, and explain their views “Right,” I said, “because 268 ends
helps them build confidence and with eight and not zero. So who wants
strengthen their understanding of the to guess my number?”
number system. Students have time to “How about 410?” volunteered
consider relative quantities and use Linda.
concepts such as greater than, less “My number is less.” I wrote 410
than, and in between. They also use with a down arrow next to it.
Navigating the
Number System
“Three hundred and thirty?” asked impressed with her number sense. She
Eddie. clearly had a grasp of the problem and
“Less,” I replied. understood how to use division to find
Ryan tried 150. the answer.
“It’s greater than 150,” I told him. Although the question itself hadn’t
been much of a challenge for Andy, I
decided to push her by asking her to
Introducing an write about her thinking. “Wow,” I
Investigation said, “that’s an interesting way to think
about it. Can you write that down and
Since the students understood the explain it on your paper? That way I’ll
parameters and were engaged in be able to remember.”
thinking about the numbers, this Donald also had a “chunking”
seemed like a good time to push a little approach. He counted by tens on his
harder. “I’m getting curious about fingers to 100. “Oh, it’s 50,” he
something. I wonder how many announced upon reaching 100.
numbers there are between one and “How do you know?” I asked.
500 that end in zero.” He explained. “There’s 10
“Fifty,” Andy blurted out almost numbers that end in zero up to 100, so
instantly. times that by five for 500.”
I ignored her for the moment. I visited some other tables to see
“I’m going to give you a little time to how they were doing. My visits
talk at your tables about this. Don’t uncovered a range of thinking, and I
just come up with an answer. I want to was able to make some important
hear how you figured it out. Use paper observations about the students’
and pencil so you can prove your number sense. Carolina was struggling
idea.” with 50 times ten. She had been
sitting next to Andy and had
overheard our earlier conversation. I
Observing the Students think she was trying to use Andy’s
idea, which didn’t really make sense to
While the students worked on this her. I asked her why she chose the
question, I circulated. I asked Andy numbers 50 and 10, and she couldn’t
about her answer. “It’s simple,” she tell me. I was also alarmed to see she
explained, “because every ten numbers was implementing the standard
ends with zero, and 500 divided by ten multiplication algorithm to solve the
is 50.” It took me a moment to digest problem. She had written:
this. Andy realized that numbers that
end with zero are multiples of ten. So 50
she had divided 500 into groups of ten × 10
to find out how many multiples of ten 00
there were. Those numbers would be 50
the numbers that end in zero. I was 500
Guess My Number
Why did she go to all that trouble? trying to hint that a plan is a good
If there was ever a problem for a fourth thing.
grader to solve mentally, 50 × 10 is it. “I’m writing down numbers that
Was it possible that she really didn’t end with zero,” he replied.
have the ability to solve the equation “How will you know you found
any other way? Or had she just been them all?” I asked, again hinting at a
programmed to deal with all bigger picture.
multiplication problems only in this “I’ll just count them when I’m
way? Did she stop to think about the done.”
numbers at all before she began? I The conversation appeared to be
couldn’t make a judgment about going nowhere. I decided to let him
Carolina’s number sense from this one continue his haphazard quest for the
event. I had a lot more to find out moment. I counted on the upcoming
about her. I knew she was struggling whole-class discussion to help him see
with the problem in general, so I didn’t other ways to think about the job.
want to put additional pressure on her
at the moment. I needed to get back to
her in another context and ask her to Continuing the Activity
solve 50 × 10 in her head. That way I’d
know if she was able to do it mentally It was time we finished the game we
and she just didn’t think to use mental had started. I referred to the three
arithmetic in this situation. clues we already had. “So you know
Some other students were my number is less than 410, less than
counting by tens and writing each 330, and more than 150. You also
number down. Then they were know a lot about numbers that end in
counting up all the numbers on their zero from all the work you just did.
paper. Others were counting by tens Who would like to take a guess?” I
aloud and keeping track with their called on Chalisa.
fingers. While these methods didn’t “Two hundred and fifty?” she
have the elegance of Andy’s, the asked.
students were at least organizing their “My number is greater.”
work in a systematic way. “Three hundred and fifty?” Reggie
I was concerned about the tried.
students who were just randomly “My number is less.”
writing numbers that ended in zero. “Three hundred,” guessed Abbie.
They didn’t seem to be organizing their “My number is less than 300,” I
work or taking control of the problem. replied.
Joey, for example, had started by “It has to be 260, 270, 280, or
writing the guesses the class had started 290,” Donald volunteered.
with: 410, 330, 150. Then he “Really?” I challenged.
continued adding to the list: 240, 60, “Yeah,” interjected Andy, “because
110 . . . . it’s between 250 and 300.”
“So what’s your plan?” I asked, “How about 280?” Eddie asked.
Navigating the
Number System
500 possibilities, because the number about your job right now?” The
has to have digits that add up to ten. I students were clear on the assignment,
wonder how many numbers there are so I let them get to work.
between one and 500 that fit my rule.
When we played Guess My Number
earlier, we found that there are 50 Observing the Students
numbers between one and 500 that
end with zero. Do you think there are The investigation was very rich, and I
more or fewer numbers with digits that had a lot of time to circulate
add up to ten? Let’s get some throughout the room while the
estimates.” students worked on the problem. My
“I think there are going to be 50 visits to different tables were fascinating
again,” speculated Bryan. and told me a great deal about the
“I’d say 100,” countered Serena. students’ number sense. The primary
“Probably 55,” Andy estimated insight I gained was about different
“More like 400!” Vicky jumped in. views of the number system. Many of
I accepted all the estimates the students began randomly listing
without comment. My goal was to numbers that fit the rule. Others
get students to think and make began systematically, breaking the
predictions. They really didn’t have range of one to 500 into smaller, more
enough information or experience to manageable groups of 100. As they
make an accurate judgment at this continued working, quite a few of the
point. I just wanted them to start to students noticed patterns emerging.
think—and wonder—so they’d be The patterns were powerful tools for
motivated to investigate. organizing their papers and for
“Okay, here’s the plan,” I establishing the total number of
proceeded. “You’re going to have some possibilities. I talked to the children
time to work at your tables to while they were working and I also
investigate this question. Just how had them write a little about their plan
many numbers are there between one of attack and how they found all the
and 500 whose digits add up to ten? possibilities.
You’ll probably want to use paper and Quite a few tables figured out how
pencil to organize your work and keep to apply the commutative property to
track of the numbers you find. I also identifying numbers that fit the clue. If
think it will be very helpful for you to 19 works, 91 works; if 361 works, so
work together and talk at your tables. do 163, 136, 316, 613, and 631. As
There are probably different ways you Kate wrote: Well first we tried to figure
can work on this problem so you can out what adds up to ten and we wrote
get a lot of ideas from one another. the numbers on a piece of paper and I
After you’ve had some time to also got some numbers by putting them
investigate we’ll get back together to backward like: 73–37, 91–19, 64–46.
discuss your findings and to play Guess Bhavna found a handy use for
My Number. Are there any questions zero. After she had written all the two-
Navigating the
Number System
digit possibilities, she added zero to the I started this pattern. It was to make the
end of them for a bunch more. tens digit number to go up one and the
Edwin noticed that if one digit is ones digit number to go down one. 19,
decreased by a certain amount while 28, 37, 46 . . . . But after you finish the
another digit is increased by the same pattern with the tens you look for the
amount, the sum stays the same. He lowest number that equals 10 but in the
used this discovery to help him one hundreds, then 2, 3 and 4 hundreds.
organize his work. He wrote: I started But you do the exact pattern as you did
by looking for the smallest number that in the tens. Edwin had then
equals 10. I got 19. After that I went on systematically listed every number
and got 28. Right when I got 28 a using the method he had described:
pattern popped in my head. Mousqa and 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91,
Albert used columns to organize his work.
Guess My Number
109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 154, 163, possibilities in each column also
and so on. appears to have a bell shape and
Interestingly, he was not confident corresponding numerical pattern, 9,
that he had found all the numbers. He 10, 9, 8, 7. I was impressed. Here was
wrote at the end of his paper: I don’t an opportunity to consider many
think you will know all of these numbers properties of numbers simultaneously
through 1 and 500. But if you work on to build number sense.
this problem for maybe a while you can
find them all. This taught me a
valuable lesson. Even when children Continuing the Activity
find patterns, they need time to realize
their usefulness and applicability. The With less than ten minutes of math
search for and discovery of patterns in class left, the students were at many
the number system is a fundamental different stages in their work. Pam and
building block of number sense. I agreed they needed some time the
However, the next step is to use these following day to finish up their papers
patterns to help solve problems. The and share their work. For the moment,
connection does not occur auto- I decided to bring them back together
matically. Children need many to finish the game of Guess My
opportunities to use the patterns in Number before I left. I called for their
order to appreciate their value in attention.
problem solving. “Now you have quite a bit of
Several tables used columns as information about numbers whose
their organizing tactic. Some students digits add up to ten,” I told them.
divided their paper into five categories, “I’ve seen a lot of incredible work and
1–100, 100–200, 200–300, 300–400, thinking going on here. I’m going to
and 400–500. Then they listed all the give you an opportunity to put your
possibilities under each column, some knowledge to the test. You can use
doing so randomly, others being more your papers to help you when we play
organized. Guess My Number. I have a secret
Albert focused on the digits in number whose digits add up to ten.
each column to provide additional Who would like to take a guess?”
organization. He headed each column Everyone signaled. I called on
with three lines, for three digits. Then Andrea.
he filled in the first digit of each “Three hundred and twenty-five?”
column and listed the possibilities for “My number is less than 325,” I
the second and third digits underneath responded.
(see figure 10.1). I was intrigued by the “Two hundred and forty-four?”
elegance of this method, which reveals asked Joelle.
several patterns at once. Looking across “My number is greater than 244,”
the rows shows one pattern. Going I told her.
down each column shows the pattern “Two hundred and eighty?” Lisa
Edwin described. The total number of guessed.
Navigating the
Number System
e estimate every day. Do I have enough spaghetti to feed
the six people who are coming for dinner? After I pay the
rent and my bills, can I afford a weekend getaway? About
how much punch should I buy for my daughter’s birthday party? We
answer these questions through a combination of mental computation
and estimation. We don’t usually pull out a calculator in order to figure
the tip in a restaurant. We don’t use paper and pencil to decide whether
we have enough time to stop at the grocery store before meeting a friend
for lunch. Estimating also helps us spot an answer that doesn’t make
sense. When the cashier rings up a dozen donuts and the total comes to
over $20, we both know something is wrong.
It’s extremely important that students have many opportunities to
estimate, because the skill develops over time and with experience. The
types of practice, discussion, and thinking associated with estimating
help build number sense. Estimating helps students think of numbers as
quantities, and opportunities to think about numbers in context are key.
Context makes numbers real. It is also important for students to be able
to decide when accuracy is essential and when an estimate will be good
enough (or even better).
As students gain skill and experience with estimating in different
contexts, they bring more and more number sense to tasks. They learn
to use benchmarks—I know how many beans are in the small scoop so I
can use that information to estimate how many beans are in the larger
scoop. They begin to get a feel for quantities that are reasonable—there
are 30 students in our class, and it looks like there are enough chairs in
the auditorium for five classes. They develop a sense of relative 139
A jar, a scoop, and a quantity of beans are common materials that students can use
in estimating activities. In this whole-class activity, students first estimate how many
beans a jar will hold. Then, they determine the number of beans in a scoop and
begin filling the jar with scoops of beans, adjusting their estimates with each scoop
they add. Repeating this activity with different-sized jars, scoops, and beans can
provide further experiences with estimation.
Materials Needed
A jar.
A scoop or a large spoon.
A bag of dried beans.
Teaching Directions
1. Show the students an empty jar, a scoop, and a bag of beans. Ask students to
estimate how many beans the jar will hold and record their estimates.
2. Have the students determine how many beans a typical scoop holds.
3. Put a few scoops of beans in the jar and ask the students to calculate mentally
approximately how many beans are in the jar and to explain their thinking.
4. Ask students to reestimate how many beans the jar will hold.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the jar is full.
6. Have students count the beans in the jar to find an exact total; ask them to
compare this total with their final estimate. 141
asked her to quickly count them. She how many scoops fill the jar.” I asked
reported there were 29 beans in the for a volunteer to record the numbers
scoop. “Do you think every scoop will on the chalkboard. Then I took a level
have the same number of beans in it?” scoopful of beans and poured them
I asked the class. They responded with into the jar. I held the jar up high, so
a chorus of nos. “Why not?” I asked. everyone could see.
“Because some of the beans are “Thirty!” the class chanted.
probably big and some are little,” I poured three more scoopfuls of
Crystal explained. “They’re different beans into the jar.
sizes.” “Sixty, 90, 120,” students
“That’s right, Crystal,” I con- counted. Skip counting by 30s was
curred. “Each scoop might have a easy for these fourth and fifth graders.
slightly different number of beans.” Everyone was engaged, their eyes fixed
I knew that taking one sample on the jar, which now held a layer of
wasn’t going to give us the best number beans at the bottom.
for a typical scoopful. I could have “That’s four scoops,” I said. “Raise
given each pair of students in the class your hand if you’d like to change your
a scoopful of beans and had them estimate.” About a fourth of the class
count them, after which we could have raised their hand. “It’s okay to change
taken an average to arrive at a typical your estimate,” I assured them. “In
number of beans per scoop. But to fact, I want you to think about your
keep the focus of the activity on estimate every time you see me pour
estimation and mental calculation, I more scoops into the jar. Think about
decided to collect only one sample. what your new estimate might be and
“I’m going to put scoopfuls of why.” Asking students to think about
beans in the jar, and you’re going to their new estimate based on what’s
keep track of the number of beans,” I already in the jar is important. Having
continued. “But could we use another a reference, or benchmark, to guide
number of beans per scoop instead of their thinking helps them produce
29, to make it easier for us to count?” I reasonable estimates.
wanted the students to think about I poured three more scoops of
using friendly numbers in problem beans into the jar as students counted:
situations. Rounding the number of “One hundred and fifty, 180, 210.”
beans made sense, since they’d already After seven scoops, the jar was over a
realized that each scoop wouldn’t have third of the way filled. “About how
the same number of beans. many beans do you think the jar will
“How about 30 beans,” suggested hold now?” I asked, waiting until
Barbara. “That’s only one more, and many hands were raised.
30 is easier to count by than 29.” Wait time, as it’s commonly
“Watch carefully while I scoop referred to, is critical during class
beans into the jar,” I instructed. “I discussions. It allows students to
want you to count the running total of formulate thoughtful ideas rather than
beans out loud. Let’s also keep track of quick guesses. It also helps you include
the children who are not fast thinkers about 20 scoops when we’re done, and
or strong personalities. Waiting isn’t ten times 30 is 300, so 20 times 30 is
easy for me; my impulse is to call on 600.”
the first student whose hand goes up. Reba waved her hand vigorously
Although this moves the discussion after Jean’s comment. “I don’t think
along, it doesn’t serve students’ it’ll be twice as much, because the jar is
thinking. Children need time to think bigger at the top.” She had noticed
about numbers in order to develop that the jar was slanted, so that its
their number sense. circumference continued to get bigger
“I think there will be about 500 bottom to top. Reba’s observation
beans,” said Jill. caused a stir, and a lot of hands were
“Because . . . ,” I prompted. raised.
“Because there’s already 210 beans “I think the jar will hold more
and there’s room for a lot more,” she than 600 because of what Reba said,”
explained. Josh agreed.
“Other ideas?” I asked. Josh’s comment gave me an idea
“I think there’s gonna be 500, too, for a question that would prompt all
because the jar isn’t half full yet and the students to rethink their estimate.
400 is twice 200, so it’s gonna be more “Raise your hand if you think the jar
than 400,” reported Nick. will hold more than 600 beans,” I said.
I continued scooping beans into Most students did. “Raise your hand if
the jar. “Two hundred and forty, 270, you think the jar will hold about 1,000
300,” students chanted. I held up the beans,” I continued. This time no one
jar and walked slowly through the raised a hand, not even Mark, who had
room so that the students sitting in the originally thought the jar would hold
back could get a closer look. 1,000 beans.
I returned to the front of the room “I think it’ll hold somewhere
and said, “We have ten scoops of beans between 600 and 800,” said Tammy.
in the jar. That’s about 300 beans so Estimating gives students a chance to
far. Now how many beans do you compare quantities and think about
think the jar will hold?” number relationships. Children need
“About two times 300,” offered to develop a feeling for what it means
Simon. to use relative terms like between,
“Why do you think that?” I asked. about, near, close, and so on.
“Because the jar’s about half full “Let’s keep scooping so that we
and 300 times two is 600,” he can find out about how many beans
explained. Estimation often involves the jar will hold,” I said. I put scoop
mental computation as a preliminary after scoop into the jar as the students
step. Lots of students nodded their counted: “Three hundred and thirty,
head in agreement. 360, 390, 420, 450, 480, 510, 540,
“I think about 600, too,” said 570.” The entire class was focused on
Jean. “But I thought about it different. the jar, the scoop, and the beans.
We have ten scoops now, so we’ll have Comments were flying.
How Many Beans?
“It’s almost full!” cried Jaime. of beans in the jar,” I said, “but when
“It’s going to be over 600!” Reba would it be important to figure an
exclaimed. exact answer? And when is an estimate
“It’s gonna hold another 30, good enough?” I allowed the students
probably 60!” Mark added. some time to think and talk about
I continued to scoop beans until different situations that required
the jar was full—22 scoopfuls, or estimates and exact answers, then I
about 660 beans. asked them to report their ideas. “So
what do you think?”
“Well, I agree with Juan that with
A Class Discussion the beans we only have to have an
estimate,” said Simon. “But when I go
After an initial moment of excitement, to the store and buy something, I want
the room grew quiet. Then Reba raised to get the exact change when I pay for
her hand. “Are there really 660 beans something.”
in the jar?” she asked. Up until now, “If the beans were like quarters or
the activity had been about estimation, something, and we wanted to share
not exact answers. Reba was shifting them, I’d want to know exactly how
the focus, and if she hadn’t asked the many,” said Megan.
question, I would have. “You need to be exact when you
I handed the question back to her. do your taxes, that’s what my mom
“What do you think?” says,” added Crystal.
“Well, I don’t think so, because “Sometimes my dad just estimates
every scoop didn’t really have exactly when he cooks,” said Juan. “He just
30 beans,” she said. throws in a little of this and a little of
“Do you want to find out how that.”
many beans there really are in the jar?” “So what about the beans?” I
I asked the class. asked. “If an estimate is okay, how
“Not really,” Juan said. “They’re close is close enough? Our estimate is
only beans. Let’s just stick with the 660. How close do we have to be in
estimate.” Other students, however, order for our estimate to be
were curious about how close our reasonable?” This question stumped
estimate was. the class. I don’t think they really
I used Juan’s comment to propel understood what I was asking.
the activity in another direction. In “If there are really 2,000 beans in
order to build number sense, children the jar, would you be satisfied with our
need to have opportunities to estimate estimate of 660?” I asked.
and opportunities to be precise. They “No!” they responded.
also need experience making decisions “Why not?” I asked.
about how precise an answer needs to “Because that’s way off,” said Jill.
be, and this depends on the problem’s “It should be closer than that.”
context. “Maybe some of you aren’t “What if the actual number of
interested in finding the exact number beans is 700? Would 660 be close
enough then?” I asked. Students estimates the previous day. Only one
nodded, and seemed content with this student, Tasha, had a significantly
amount of difference. larger estimate—5,000 beans.
“I’d be happy with anything that After I recorded their estimates on
was about 100 away,” said Jill. the chalkboard, I held up the new
“Let’s count them and see how scoop. “This scoop holds about 40
many beans there are!” Nick piped up. beans,” I told them. I wrote about 40
So that we could accomplish Nick’s beans per scoop on the chalkboard. “I’m
suggestion quickly, I poured some going to put some scoops into the jar,
beans on each table for partners to then I’m going to ask you a question
count. As pairs finished counting, I about the beans.” I carefully poured
wrote the totals on the chalkboard. five scoops of beans into the jar.
Together, we calculated that the jar “About how many beans are in the
held exactly 702 beans. jar now?” I asked. This was the same
question I’d asked the day before, only
this time I didn’t give them a chance to
Continuing the Activity skip count. I waited very briefly, then
called on Joanna.
I liked what had happened during the “I did 40 times ten first, because I
first experience with the jar, the beans, know that’s 400, then I took half of
and the scoop: students had gotten that, which is 200,” she explained.
experience with estimating and “I just counted in my head by
computing in context. Since skip 40s,” added José.
counting by 30 had been easy for the “Another idea?” I asked.
students, when I returned to “I think there’s about 200 beans in
Christina’s class the next day, I posed a the jar now,” said Branden. “I did four
similar problem that would challenge times five equals 20, then I added a
them in a different way. I brought with zero and it’s 200.”
me the jar, the scoop, and the bag of “Why did you add the zero?” I
red beans we’d used the day before. I asked.
also brought a bigger jar and a wider “Because it’s not really four times
scoop. five, but that makes it easier to do. I
I showed the class the new jar and learned that you just look at it like it’s
scoop, and we compared them with four times five, and you add a zero,
the ones we’d used the day before. and you get the answer.”
Students noticed that the new jar was I had to stop and think. Did
taller and bigger around and that the Branden really understand the
new scoop had a wider mouth than the numbers, or was he applying a trick or
first one we’d used. I then asked them shortcut he’d learned? Although
about how many beans the new jar shortcuts can eliminate a lot of work,
would hold. I thought the students’ they can also prevent students from
estimates—ranging from 850 to thinking about the numbers and what
2,000—were better than their initial they really mean. I pressed on. “Can
How Many Beans?
someone else explain why Branden’s students a new benchmark from which
method makes sense?” to make an estimate. I was also curious
“It’s not really four times five, it’s about how they would think about 20
40 times five, and four times five is 20, times 40. “How many beans do you
and you add the zero from the 40 to think are in the cup now?” I asked.
the 20, and it’s 200,” explained Juli. When only a few hands popped up, I
“What happens to a number when asked them to talk to the person next
you add a zero to it?” I asked. “For to them about the problem. Soon,
example, when you add a zero to two, there were lots of hands in the air. I
what happens to the two?” called on Jill.
“It becomes 20,” said Courtney. “There’s about 800,” she said.
“How do two and 20 compare?” I “Two times four is eight and 20 has
asked. one zero and 40 has one zero, so it’s
“Twenty is a lot bigger,” Megan 800.”
responded. “Forty times ten is 400, so I
“It’s 18 more than two,” added doubled it to make 800,” explained
Ben. Orlando. “I remember us talking
“Twenty is ten times bigger than about 40 times ten before.”
two, because two times ten is 20,” “I tried to count by 40s,” added
Orlando explained. Najee. “But you were going too fast.
“When you add a zero to the two So I did what Orlando did.”
it makes it ten times bigger, so if four These students were in control of
times five is 20, then if you add a zero their own reasoning and calculations,
to 20 it’s gonna be ten times bigger and their explanations made me
than 20, and that’s 200,” said Branden. realize how important mental
Sometimes I worry that a di- calculation is to number sense. After
gression like this will lead us too far listening to several additional
afield. In this instance, I think the explanations, I wrote 20 scoops =
conversation was worthwhile, because about 800 beans on the chalkboard.
it helped both to clarify Branden’s idea Then I walked through the room,
and to illustrate the importance of showing the students the jar, which
place value. was now over half full of beans. As I
“Now that you know that there’s made my way around, I posed a
about 200 beans in the jar so far, raise question. “How many beans do you
your hand if you want to change your think the jar will hold now?” I gave
original estimate,” I said. Only about students time to mull this over, and
six students raised their hand. there was lots of conversation. Then I
I wrote 5 scoops = about 200 beans called on Dave.
on the chalkboard, then I put fifteen “Now I think the jar will hold
more scoopfuls into the jar. I held up 1,400 beans, because I think 600 more
the jar so everyone could see. It now will fill the jar, and 800 plus 600 is
held 20 scoops of beans, and it was a 1,400,” Dave said.
little over half full. I wanted to give the “I think the jar will hold about
1,200 beans, because it’s over halfway replied. “So it’s a little more than half
full and there’s about a quarter of the full now, so it’s about five eighths.”
way to go,” added Jill. “About how many beans would be
“I think the jar will hold 1,200 in the jar if it were half full?” I con-
beans, because we’re two thirds of the tinued.
way with 800,” explained Orlando. “About 700,” he said. “Seven
“I think 1,300 beans, ’cause we’re hundred plus 700 is 1,400, and that’s
a little over halfway, so I think about how many beans I think the jar will
500 more will fill it, and 800 plus 500 hold.”
is 1,300,” said Chris. “About how many beans would be
“Other estimates?” I asked. in the jar if it were two-eighths full?” I
“I think the jar will hold 1,000, asked, pressing for more information
beans because there’s one fourth of the about his understanding of eighths.
way to go before we fill it,” said Nick thought for a couple of
Cheryl. seconds, then replied, “About 350
“What makes you think that?” I beans.” His thinking was solid.
probed. Sometimes probing questions can
“Well, it’s about three-fourths full reveal a student’s number sense. My
now, so a couple hundred more would conversation with Nick also gave other
be 1,000,” she replied. “There’s about students an opportunity think about
250 something for each quarter of the the problem in a different way.
“I think it looks about half full
now, so my estimate is 1,600, ’cause A Writing Assignment
800 and 800 is 1,600,” said Vanessa.
“I’m estimating 1,400, because When the students had finished
there are 800 beans now and the jar is discussing their estimates, I told them I
five-eighths full,” said Nick. wanted them to explain their thinking
“What made you think about in writing so that I could get some
eighths?” I asked. I was curious about insight into their reasoning. I put two
whether Nick was just guessing or if he prompts on the chalkboard:
really had an understanding of
fractions in this situation. • Twenty scoops is about 800 beans
“Well, I used eighths because I because ___________ .
wanted to be different than everyone • Now I think the cup will hold ____
else,” he began. “The higher the beans because _____________.
denominator is, the more detail you
can put into your estimate. I was just The class wrote for the remainder
estimating when I thought five of math period, about fifteen minutes.
eighths.” Before I left, I collected their papers
“If the jar was half full, how many and finished scooping beans into the
eighths would that be?” I probed. cup. The cup held 31 scoopfuls, for a
“That would be four eighths,” he total of about 1,250 beans.
How Many Beans?
The papers were very revealing. 1,600 beans in the cup, and they
Most of the students who had supported their estimates with logical
participated in our class discussions arguments that made sense. (Figures
seemed to have pretty good number 11.1 and 11.2 are two examples.)
sense. Most estimated that there would Their reasonable estimates and
be somewhere between 1,000 and calculation methods made me think
Megan explained why 20 scoops is about 800
Orlando thought the jar would hold 1,200
beans because at two-thirds full the jar holds
about 800 beans.
Tasha’s estimate for the number of beans is
scoops, then after it held seven scoops, rather than make a wild guess. The
again after ten scoops, and finally manipulatives also give students a way
when it was full, at 20 scoops. Along to verify whether their final estimate is
the way, students readjusted their reasonable or not. Once they arrive at a
thinking based on the new final estimate, they are able to count
mathematical information made the items and compare the total
available. number to their estimate.
The other important aspect of the
activity involves mental computation. You mention that one sample isn’t
To arrive at a reasonable estimate, sufficient to find the best number
students are required to calculate of beans for a typical scoop. Can
mentally as a preliminary step. For you say more about this?
example, when the jar was about half
As teachers, we make decisions based
full with ten scoops and about 300
on the goals of the activity and the
beans, Simon offered this line of
amount of time we have to teach it.
reasoning: “[There are] about two
In How Many Beans? one of my
times 300, because the jar’s about half
goals is for students to gain ex-
full, and 300 times two is 600.”
perience estimating and calculating
mentally. The focus isn’t on
Is it important to use beans in collecting and organizing data or
this activity? learning about averaging. Finding
the typical number of beans in a
There’s nothing magical about using
scoop is certainly important here, but
beans; cubes or pennies work just as
finding the best number takes too
well. What’s important is that these
much time.
concrete objects provide a context for
thinking about a problem. A math
How can I vary this activity?
problem with a context is more
meaningful for students and gives There are many ways to structure an
them a purpose for computing and estimation activity. You could start
estimating. with a jar full of beans (or cubes or
Whatever manipulatives you use whatever) and then ask your students
help students view numbers as to estimate the total number. After
quantities and establish benchmarks that, the students could count about
from which to make estimates. For half (or a fourth or an eighth) of the
example, the first time I did the beans in the jar and then make another
activity, when the jar was a little over a estimate of the total number.
third of the way filled, it held about No matter how the activity is
210 beans. Students used this reference structured, you can help your students
to guide their thinking when develop their number sense by asking
estimating how many beans the jar them to rethink their estimates along
could hold. In other words, the beans the way and to explain their reasoning
helped them think mathematically once they’ve made an estimate.
How Many Beans?
While it is important for students to learn to multiply accurately, it is equally
important for them to learn to estimate answers to multiplication problems. When
students can estimate, they are better able to judge whether answers, in whatever
way obtained, are reasonable. In this game, students work in pairs. They figure
mentally or use a calculator to multiply numbers together to produce a product that
falls within a predetermined range. The goal is to hit the target in as few steps as
possible. (In a more advanced version of this activity, students often need to
multiply using decimals—see extension 1, below.)
Materials Needed
A calculator for each pair of students.
1. Players choose or are given a target range (800–850, for example), in keeping
with the kinds of numbers they are comfortable with.
2. Player 1 chooses a number between 1 and 100 (50, for example).
3. Player 2 chooses another number to multiply the first number by, either
mentally or with a calculator (50 × 10, for example), and player 1 verifies and
records the result.
4. If the product doesn’t hit the target range, player 2 goes back to the original
number and multiplies it by another number (again, either mentally or with a
calculator), and player 1 verifies and records the result. 155
5. Players repeat step 4 until the product falls within the target range.
6. Players repeat the game, this time alternating roles.
1. If the product doesn’t fall within the target range, students use the product (not
the original number) as their new starting number and determine what number
to multiply it by to hit the target range. This version of the game often involves
multiplying by decimals to get to the target. Before playing it, students should
have spent some time exploring decimal numbers with calculators, seeing what
happens when they multiply a number by another number that is less than one,
what happens when they multiply a number by 1.5, etc.
2. Play Hit the Target using addition and subtraction rather than multiplication.
Hit the Target
“Listen to my idea and see if you can with a partner,” I told them. “Let’s
explain why it makes sense,” I said. “I switch again. I’ll be player 1, and the
know that 12 times 50 is 600, that’s class will be player 2. I’m going to have
twelve 50s. But I need two more 50s to you start with 75. Is there a friendly
get fourteen 50s, and two more 50s is number you can multiply 75 by to
100 more. So 14 times 50 is 100 more give you a good start?”
than 600, and that’s 700. Can Multiplying by “friendly” numbers
someone explain my idea in your own is a strategy some students don’t think
words?” of using. Suggesting strategies can be
“Well, to start with, we already helpful, but I’ve learned that if
figured out that 12 times 50 is 600,” students don’t understand why a
said Rebecca. “So 12 times 50 is like strategy works, they won’t apply it to
twelve 50s. It’s like you’re counting by other situations in which it makes
50s. So you keep counting up a couple sense to do so. Since number sense is
more 50s, and that’s 700.” making “sense” of mathematics, it’s
“So we know that fourteen 50s important that students understand
won’t get us into the target range,” I what they’re doing.
said. Nicky recorded 14 × 50 = 700 on “Seventy-five times ten is 750, and
the transparency and checked the add another 75 and that’s 825,” said
answer on the overhead calculator. Anita. “Do 75 times 11, and you’ll get
“Does anyone have an idea about within the range.”
where we could go from here?” I asked. “Why did it make sense to
“Multiply 50 times 17, because 50 multiply 75 by ten to start with?” I
times 16 is 800, and you add another asked.
50 to get 850,” Jenny explained. “Because the target range is 800 to
“How do you know that 50 times 850, and multiplying 75 by ten makes
16 is 800?” I asked. it in the hundreds real fast. You add a
“Well, in 100 there’s two 50s, and zero to the 75 to make 750, because
split 16 in two you get eight, and eight it’s ten times bigger than that,” she
times 100 is 800,” she reasoned. explained.
“You could do 50 times 16 or 17, I wanted students to get the idea
because both answers are within the that there are many ways to calculate.
range,” observed Rebecca. “Is there another way to think about
“Do you think 50 times 18 would this?”
work?” I asked. “Pretend 75 is like three quarters,”
“That’s too high,” answered Don. said Anne. “So try to get up to 800 or
“If 50 times 17 is 850, then 50 times 825 by counting by 75s in your head.
18 is 900, and that’s above the range.” Like 75 and 75 is 150, and four 75s is
Again, Nicky recorded the 300, and so on.”
equation, then checked the answer on “You could divide 825 by the
the calculator. number and see what happens,” added
“Let’s do one more together, then Michael.
you’ll be able to play Hit the Target “Tell us more,” I prodded.
gave me, which is 99,” said Michael. With a little help, Cam multiplied
“Ninety-nine times nine is 891, and 99 nine times 80 by subtracting 80 from
times eight is 792. I can’t get in the 800 to get 720 and realized he needed
range.” to go higher. With Mitch’s help, Cam
“What’s between eight and nine?” used trial and error to make his way to
I asked. 89 times nine and was able to get into
“Eight point five?” Michael said, the target range.
smiling. He multiplied 99 times 8.5 At another table, Katie wanted to
and got 841.5. start with 99.5 just for the challenge!
When I visited Cam, he was trying
to think of a number to multiply by
the starting number, nine. Cam A Class Discussion
struggles with arithmetic and often
needs help getting started. His partner, After about twenty-five minutes, I
Mitch, didn’t seem to know how to called the class together for a dis-
help. cussion. “Did anything surprise you
“Is there a number that’s close to while you were playing Hit the
nine and friendlier to start with?” I Target?” I asked.
asked. “All the numbers we used were
He thought for a moment, then easy,” Gordon reported.
hesitantly said, “Ten?” “What numbers did you use?” I
“Yes, let’s start with ten,” I asked.
confirmed. “We want to get an answer Gordon scanned his paper.
between 800 and 850. Let’s focus on “Twenty, 60, 90, and eight,” he said.
getting to 800. What can we multiply “I think even numbers are easier
by ten to get to 800?” Cam stared into to start with,” said Jenny. “Numbers
space, wearing that look that’s so like 37 or 77 are kind of hard.
familiar when students haven’t made Whenever my partner gave me a
sense of an idea. I posed a question number like that, I rounded it off to
that I hoped would stretch his thinking an easier number and worked from
or at least give him a way into the there.”
problem. “What’s ten times ten?” I “I think higher numbers are easier
asked. to work with,” said Terry. “Like if you
“One hundred,” he replied. start with 85, you can multiply that by
“How about ten times 20?” I big numbers and it’s easier to think
continued. about getting to the target range.”
“Two hundred?” he said. “When we started with 72, we had
I pressed on. “Ten times 30?” to multiply it by 11 point five on the
“Oh, I get it!” he exclaimed, calculator to hit the target,” said
beaming. He continued until he got to Mindy. “We forgot that there were
ten times 80. numbers between 11 and 12, then we
“Now we’re at 800,” I said, “but remembered about decimals.”
we need to multiply by nine, not ten.” “Raise your hand if you had to use
decimals in this game,” I said. Several “What did you do then?” I asked
hands went up. “What if we changed Katie.
the rules of the game so that your “Then we multiplied 1,200 by
partner could give you any starting point six and got 720,” she replied.
number, not just numbers between one “We kept going, multiplying next by
and 100?” I wondered. “How would point seven, and we hit the target!”
that change the game?” “I noticed that when you multiply
“Let’s try it!” Blanca said. “How a number by a decimal, you get a
about starting with a number bigger smaller number,” said Brennon.
than the target range.” Blanca’s idea fit “Is that always true?” I asked.
perfectly with where I was going. If she Brennon looked puzzled, as did several
hadn’t made the suggestion, I would other students. “Eight point five is a
have done so. decimal number that’s greater than one,”
“Okay, let’s start with 1,200,” I I said. “Try multiplying eight point five
said. “You and your partner use your by five and see what happens.”
calculators and explore this problem. “I got 42 point five!” several
Start with 1,200 and see if there’s a students chorused.
number you can multiply it by to hit “What’s another decimal number
the target.” that’s greater than one?” I asked.
This exploration was initially “How about five point three?”
confusing and challenging. I let the suggested Anne.
students struggle as they experimented “Multiply five point three by ten
with lots of different numbers. After and see if the answer is larger or
several minutes, I called for their smaller than ten,” I said. “Make a
attention. “What did you find out?” I prediction first.” After several seconds,
asked. lots of hands were raised. I called on
“I realized that you can’t multiply Jenny.
1,200 by a whole number or you’d get “The answer’s larger than ten,” she
a larger number than 1,200,” said said.
Jenny. “When you multiply a number by
“You have to multiply by a a decimal number that’s smaller than
decimal number, and it’s hard,” added one, the answer will be smaller,” Katie
Xavier. “We tried all sorts of things.” concluded. “That’s what we did when
“Was anyone able to hit the we multiplied 1,200 times point five.”
target?” I asked. This spontaneous exploration in
“We knew that point five is a half, the activity was exciting for the
so we multiplied point five by 1,200 students. It was a detour that I hadn’t
and got 600,” said Katie. expected to make, but it was
“Let’s try it,” I suggested. worthwhile because it gave students an
Students tested Katie’s idea on their insight into decimal numbers. In order
calculator. to allow my students to take the
“It’s like dividing by two,” activity in different directions, I have
observed Michael. to be familiar with the mathematics
Hit the Target
involved and flexible in my approach gave me was 17. That took me more
to teaching. than 3 tries to figure it out. First I
guessed 17 × 90 which equals 1190.
Finally I guessed 17 × 40 which is 680
A Writing Assignment so then I knew it had to be in the 50s so I
chose 17 × 50 which is 850.
I then asked the students to write Rebecca wrote: I like Hit the
about the game. On the chalkboard, I Target. It isn’t easy sometimes, but I like
listed several questions they could use how it gets your mind thinking.
to help them get started: Michael wrote: This was a pretty
fun game. I like mostly because I’m good
• What did you like about Hit the
at the game. I got all the ones he gave
me on the first try. Except when
• What was easy?
he gave me 95.5. That was the only
• What was difficult?
hard one. Some of my strategys were
• What surprised you?
if he gave me a number between 80–85,
• What methods did you use to
I would multiply in my head. If he gave
multiply numbers mentally?
me a number under that but in the 70s,
• If you used decimals, what did you
I would multiply that by 10.5.
Additional examples of student
Cam wrote: When I played hit the work are shown in figures 12.1
target with David the hardest one that he through 12.4.
Katie used decimal numbers while playing Hit
the Target.
Hit the Target
Katie and Mindy’s score sheet for Hit the
Anita noticed that Hit the Target helped with
her mental math skills.
Hit the Target
Nicole’s score sheet for Hit the Target.
50 × 10 = 500
What are some questions I could
The number is too
ask that would stimulate students’
50 × 20 = 1,000 The number is too
thinking about the mathematics
in this game?
50 × 15 = 750 The number is As a teacher, you play an important
closer but still too low. role in building students’ number
50 × 17 = 850 The number is sense. One way to help facilitate the
within the target development of number sense is to
range. ask questions that require more than a
right answer and that can prompt
With each calculation, the player students to explore a mathematical
is thinking about the product and idea. The following questions, which
comparing it to the target range. By can be asked while students are
estimating, she produces an ap- playing Hit the Target, during a class
proximate answer, one that is “close discussion after the game, or as
enough” to allow her to decide What prompts for a writing assignment, will
do I do next in order to get into the target help you stimulate students’ thinking
range? and generate important discussions:
Calculating mentally helps
students develop their own strategies • What numbers were difficult to start
for applying operations and helps them with and which were easy? Why?
think flexibly. When I used the activity • What strategies did you use when
in Pam Long’s classroom, for example, calculating mentally? Explain your
we were trying to hit the target range strategy.
of 800–850 by using 75 as a starting • Did you change the target range?
number. Anita said, “Seventy-five If so, what new target range did you
times ten is 750 and add another 75 use? How did the target ranges
and that’s 825.” Anne thought about compare?
money when solving the problem: • Did you ever start with a number
“Pretend 75 is like three quarters. So that was greater than the target
try to get up to 800 or 825 by range? If you did, explain what
counting by 75s in your head. Like 75 happened.
and 75 is 150, and four 75s is 300, and • How did the calculator help you in
so on.” Michael took a completely playing this game?
different approach. He suggested that • Did you have to use decimal
we divide 825 by 75 to get the number numbers in the game? If you did,
you need to multiply 75 by. All three explain what happened.
13 In the Ballpark
While many estimation activities involve students with thinking about whole
numbers, this activity engages them in thinking about fractions and percents.
Students first think about real-world examples for various quantities—less than 1/4,
about 2/3, close to 33%, and so on. They then analyze other real-world examples
and apply them to the students in their class.
Materials Needed
9 pieces of chart paper, each bearing a label:
less than 1/4
about 1/3
about 1/2
about 2/3
about 3/4
about 25%
close to 33%
a little less than 50%
more than 75%
81/2-by-11-inch sheets of paper labeled with different categories (are only children,
have an older brother, had cereal for breakfast, etc.)
Teaching Directions
1. Post the sheets of labeled chart paper, in nonconsecutive order, along the front
of the room.
2. Have students generate real-life examples of things that would fit under each
quantitative heading.
3. Present the students with one of your predetermined categories, have them apply
it to the students in the class, and ask them to discuss which quantitative
heading it fits under and why.
4. Show the students the rest of your predetermined categories and have them
choose one to explore and write about.
In the Ballpark
“About one third of the families in the class back together and asked
Oceanside have dogs,” he predicted. students to share their ideas.
Brenda had a pie comparison. Alicia began. “I think it’s about
“When you cut up a pie for people to one third,” she announced, “because
eat, each piece is less than one fourth there aren’t as many boys as girls in the
of the pie.” class.”
I made sure the students provided “It could be less than one fourth,”
at least one example for each ballpark countered Alberto.
posted, writing their ideas on the “Why do you think that?” I asked
appropriate sheet. Then I continued to him.
explain the activity. “Here’s what’s “There are nine boys in the class
going to happen now. I have some and 17 or 18 girls,” he explained.
pieces of paper with me on which I’ve Although the numbers didn’t support
written some categories of things. his idea, I decided not to push him at
When I hold up the first category, your this point but to check in with him
job is to think about which of these later. My goal was to explore different
ballpark numbers the category belongs ways to think about the question. I
under.” I held up the first piece of looked around the room and counted
paper, which said Boys in the room. the boys. “I just counted nine boys in
“Now take a few minutes to talk at the room. How many people are there
your tables about where you think Boys in the room altogether?” After a
in the room fits. And when you talk to moment of counting, we determined
each other, make sure you’re explaining that there were 26 people in the room,
your thinking, not just telling answers. including the students and the
It’s the thinking that’s really important teachers.
here and your reasons for your an-
I circulated among the tables as A Writing Assignment
the students discussed where Boys in
the room might fit. All students began “Okay,” I said, “so there are nine boys
talking eagerly and animatedly, but the out of 26 people altogether.” I wrote
effectiveness of their discussions varied /26 on a projected transparency. “I’m
greatly. Some students fixated on going to give you a few minutes for a
determining the exact number of boys quickwrite. Each of you will write your
in the class. They counted and ideas about which ballpark you think
recounted the boys present and /26 is closest to. Don’t just write an
identified who was missing. Other answer. Explain why you chose the
students quickly agreed that there were ballpark you did.”
fewer boys than girls in the class, “Can we make a picture to show
eliminated the about 1/2 option, and it?” Mary asked.
concentrated on identifying which of “Sure, a picture or diagram is a
the other categories could be used to great way to show an idea,” I replied,
quantify the number of boys. I called “but you’ll also need to write some
In the Ballpark
words to explain your picture and how 13.1). Alicia drew a pie graph divided
it helps you.” into 26 sections and shaded nine of
I gave the class about ten minutes them, showing that it was close to 1/3
for their quickwrite. There were two (see figure 13.2). She also rounded
reasonable options: close to 33% and 26 to 27 in her written explanation.
about 1/3. I wondered whether anyone Even the papers of the students who
would mention both, but no one did. did not choose the most reasonable
But the papers were interesting. Gary ballpark provided useful information
used words and a picture to explain about their number sense.
why he chose close to 33% (see figure
Gary told why 9/26 is close to 33%.
Alicia used a pie graph to help with her
In the Ballpark
writing your ideas. Let’s take some ballpark is close to 33% because every
quiet time so that everyone has a week day kids around the world are
chance to get some ideas down on getting up early for school. We don’t get
paper.” enough time to eat cereal so we want
I collected the papers before the something on the go so we eat something
students went to lunch. Interestingly, we like—toast—and we can eat it
all three choices received about equal quickly. She included illustrations to
attention. The papers showed a variety emphasize the morning-rush breakfast
of approaches and a range of thinking. dilemma.
Some of the students used Many students worked on the PE
empirical information exclusively to shoe category. Sariah included a
explain their ballpark choice. Mary written explanation and a picture on
wrote, About 75% of the people in this her paper (see figure 13.4). She
class are wearing P.E. shoes because I took imagined what the two groups
a peek under everybody’s desk. Calvin (wearing PE shoes and not wearing PE
used his own experiences as well. He shoes) would look like if they were on
wrote, I think about 1/2 the class has a two different soccer teams. She wrote,
younger sister because I know 9 people I think that more than 75% of the class
and 5 of them have a younger sister. is wearing P.E. shoes today, because if you
Since there’s more than 9 people in the were playing a soccer game, and you
class I think it’s about 1/2. needed to have even teams. So if you took
Several of the students used a the people that were wearing P.E. shoes
broader generalization as a rationale for for a team and boots, high heels, ect. in
their decision. Although the task another team to make two teams it
focused on people in the classroom, would be very uneven.
these students started with a bigger The papers gave me an insight
picture and then worked back to the into the students’ number sense,
smaller. (For some reason, this type of particularly their estimation strategies.
broad thinking occurred mostly in Did they use sample data to predict?
connection with the breakfast cereal Which ballpark did they equate with
category.) Emma was thinking which numbers? Did they compare
nutritionally. She explained, About 1/3 whole numbers with fractions and
of the kids in my class eat cereal for decimals? How? The assessment
breakfast. That is because when kids get possibilities of this activity are rich,
older they need more to eat, not just and repeated discussions and writing
cereal. Nida had a global perspective assignments will definitely strengthen
(see figure 13.3): I choosed cereal. My the students’ estimating capabilities.
In the Ballpark
Nida explained the breakfast dilemma.
Sariah pictured uneven soccer teams.
In the Ballpark
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
Number sense is not a specific skill or concept, but a broader
idea that encompasses students’ ability to think and reason
flexibly, make sound numerical judgments, and see numbers as
useful. Along with computation and problem solving, number
sense is an important part of instruction that builds arithmetic
competence and confidence.
Rusty Bresser has been an elementary
classroom teacher since 1979. He
currently teaches in the Oceanside
Unified School District in Oceanside,
California. He is also the author of Math
and Literature (Grades 4–6), Math
Solutions Publications, 1995.
Both Caren and Rusty are Math Solutions Inservice instructors, Math Solutions Publications
teaching courses offered by Marilyn Burns Education Associates
to elementary and middle school teachers nationwide.
Math Solutions ®
Rusty Bresser and Caren Holtzman
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0