Role of Controlled Switching On Transmission Line For SOV Mitigation-A Review
Role of Controlled Switching On Transmission Line For SOV Mitigation-A Review
Role of Controlled Switching On Transmission Line For SOV Mitigation-A Review
In the deregulated competitive scenario of electricity mar-
ket, the energy utilities across the world are focusing in
delivering electricity with high reliability & quality. Con-
trolled Switching of HVAC Circuit breakers play a domi-
nant role in reducing switching transients thereby causing
failure of equipment and deterioration of the power qual-
The paper describes the functioning of Controlled Switch-
ing techniques and their application in mitigating switch-
ing overvoltage. This paper elaborates the literature review
on application of controlled switching devices on transmis-
sion lines for mitigating Switching over voltages. Different
methods were proposed to implement the control switch-
ing scheme for mitigating switching over voltage on shunt
and un-compensated transmission lines. Some are based
on principles of zero voltage crossing, detection of polarity
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
1 Introduction
Charging of unloaded transmission line causes power frequency
over-voltage in system. This over voltage may increase above 3.0pu
and adversely affects the power system. Pre-insertion resistor equipped
circuit breakers along with use of suitable surge arrestors mitigate
switching over voltage upto 2.0 pu. But these resistors pose some
reliability issues and maintenance cost. For achieving the mini-
mum switching over voltage, the circuit breaker is required to close
at zero crossing of Voltage wave [1].
In the later 90s, there are a very less number of Controlled
Switching devices installed across the world due to immaturity in
the technology. But due to versatile features of CSD, their popula-
tion increased upto 2400 in 2001 and consequently population rose
to 4500 in 2007[2].
Controlled Switching of HVAC Circuit Breakers is a technique
in which an intelligent electronic device is used to control the trip-
ping/closing time of individual pole of three phase circuit breaker.
Conventionally, three phase circuit breakers having three individual
poles are operated at same instant of time with reference to phase
angle of reference voltage or current.
In controlled closing, there is an intended delay in closing of
individual poles for achieving the optimum point of closing. Opti-
mum point of closing is that instant which causes minimum SOV
in system. In the earlier decades, closing resistor was used to limit
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
tclose = topen + fsource
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
age wave while for shunt compensated transmission lines the opti-
mum closing instant is the zero source crossing and the minimum
line beat. In case of compensated transmission lines, oscillating line
voltage wave appears across breaker. In this case line frequency is
also accounted during calculating the optimum closing time. The
optimum instant for re-closing of shunt compensated transmission
is expressed as equation (2) which contain frequency parameter of
both source side and line side as:-
tclose = topen + fsource −fline
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
f1 = √1 (6)
2π L1 C1
f0 = √1 (7)
2π L0 C0
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
2 Discussion
Controlled Switching Scheme is beneficial to Power System during
both short and long terms. Circuit breaker operating consistency
is the prerequisite for implementing Controlled Switching Scheme.
Most SF6 type HVAC circuit breakers installed across the world
show greater consistency in opening and closing time. They have
adequate RDDS rating so as to avoid pearcing with voltage deriva-
tive. The reduction in cost can be achieved in terms of reduced
insulation requirement of apparatus and reduced rating of Surge
Arrestor. Zero crossing technique is used by various authors to de-
tect optimal making instant. Different scenarios were considered for
evaluating the performance of proposed methods including different
degree of compensations. Significant reduction in switching over
voltage is achieved using controlled switching schemes discussed
All authors conducted comparative study to analyze the perfor-
mance of Controlled Switching Scheme with PIR and Surge Arrester
and the results showed that CSS are very efficient in mitigating
Switching over voltage on shunt compensated and un-compensated
transmission lines during normal closing and auto re-closing. Table
I shows the performance of controlled switching schemes designed
by authors described above.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
3 Future Scope
CSS presently installed in industry are satisfactorily performed
however there is still a scope for various addressing protection co-
ordination issues. Considering the desirable features of CSS, a novel
CSS model is that, voltage/current signals derived from source/line
be fed to IED. This IED continuously store the samples voltage and
virtually train the data set. Fault classification and other allied ac-
tivities are concurrently executed by algorithm. New optimization
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
[1] CIGRE Working group A3.07, Controlled Switching of HVAC
Circuit Breakers- Guidance for Further Aplications including
Unloaded Transformer Switching, Load and Fault interruption
and Circuit Breaker Uprating Electra, 19th Jan 2004.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
[9] G.Pilz et al, A Algorithm for the three pole controlled auto-
reclosing of shunt comepnsated transmission lines with a opti-
mization for the second and third pole, CIGRE A3-115 Session
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue