Role of Controlled Switching On Transmission Line For SOV Mitigation-A Review

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 118 No. 16 2018, 579-597

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue

Role of Controlled Switching on

Transmission Line for SOV Mitigation-
A Review
Ajay Kumar Pathania1 , Inderpreet Kour2
and Urmil parikh3
Research Scholar, Chandigarh University,
Gharuan, Mohali, India
Head Electrical Engg. Deptt,
Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali, India
Smart Asset Management Specialist,
ABB India Ltd, Gujrat, India
January 11, 2018

In the deregulated competitive scenario of electricity mar-
ket, the energy utilities across the world are focusing in
delivering electricity with high reliability & quality. Con-
trolled Switching of HVAC Circuit breakers play a domi-
nant role in reducing switching transients thereby causing
failure of equipment and deterioration of the power qual-
The paper describes the functioning of Controlled Switch-
ing techniques and their application in mitigating switch-
ing overvoltage. This paper elaborates the literature review
on application of controlled switching devices on transmis-
sion lines for mitigating Switching over voltages. Different
methods were proposed to implement the control switch-
ing scheme for mitigating switching over voltage on shunt
and un-compensated transmission lines. Some are based
on principles of zero voltage crossing, detection of polarity

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

& maximum beat detection. All these methods have been

tested either on simulation software or field tested. Signifi-
cant developments have been noticed in this field with the
evolution of time and technology and literature reviews of
several authors reveals that it not only reduces switching
over voltages but also increase the reliability of power sys-
tems. The implementation of Controlled Switching Scheme
gives direct monetary benefits in terms of reduction in in-
sulation cost of apparatus and system.

Key Words : Controlled Switching, Switching Over-

Voltage (SOV), Alternative Transient Program, Surge Ar-
rester, Pre-insertion Resistor.

1 Introduction
Charging of unloaded transmission line causes power frequency
over-voltage in system. This over voltage may increase above 3.0pu
and adversely affects the power system. Pre-insertion resistor equipped
circuit breakers along with use of suitable surge arrestors mitigate
switching over voltage upto 2.0 pu. But these resistors pose some
reliability issues and maintenance cost. For achieving the mini-
mum switching over voltage, the circuit breaker is required to close
at zero crossing of Voltage wave [1].
In the later 90s, there are a very less number of Controlled
Switching devices installed across the world due to immaturity in
the technology. But due to versatile features of CSD, their popula-
tion increased upto 2400 in 2001 and consequently population rose
to 4500 in 2007[2].
Controlled Switching of HVAC Circuit Breakers is a technique
in which an intelligent electronic device is used to control the trip-
ping/closing time of individual pole of three phase circuit breaker.
Conventionally, three phase circuit breakers having three individual
poles are operated at same instant of time with reference to phase
angle of reference voltage or current.
In controlled closing, there is an intended delay in closing of
individual poles for achieving the optimum point of closing. Opti-
mum point of closing is that instant which causes minimum SOV
in system. In the earlier decades, closing resistor was used to limit

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

the switching surges of transmission lines.

In absence of compensation, even after de-energization of un-
loaded transmission a dc trapped charge exists. During closing/auto-
reclosing of shunt compensated transmission line, the difficulty arises
in recognizing complexity of voltage wave shape across open breaker.
As the degree of compensation increases, complexity of voltage wave
decreases and it is easier to find zero crossing.
In case of tripping of a shunt compensated transmission lines,
no any residual charge is left after the tripping but the voltage
oscillates at a frequency determined by capacitance of lines and in-
ductance of shunt reactor. Normally this frequency is lower than
power frequency, oscillation causes voltage wave to be different from
sinusoidal. Hence, difficulty arises in finding zero crossing in that
case. Test demonstration shows that when two shunt reactors are
connected at both ends of transmission lines the resonant frequency
is about 45Hz while when only one shunt reactor is connected across
500kV transmission line, it oscillates at a frequency of 33Hz. Fig-
ure(1) indicates the line voltage waveform for shunt compensated
transmission lines with higher degree of compensation and it is easy
to recognize the beat minimum of line voltage wave undertaken as
optimum point to close[4]. With the decrease in resonant oscillat-
ing frequency during lower degree of compensation, there may be
some periods of voltage wave which are having no zero crossing as
shown in fig.(2).

Fig. 1. Voltage waveshape after opening a shunt compensated

transmission line with higher degree of compensation.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Fig. 2. Voltage waveshape after opening a shunt compensated

transmission line with lower degree of compensation.

The pre-requirement for the application of Controlled Switching

Scheme is availability of consistent circuit breakers. Presently SF6
type circuit breakers are installed in most of the utilities in EHV
System. These breakers have consistent operating time of the order
of 50ms tripping time and 20ms closing time over a wide range of
operating conditions. CIGRE Task Force 13.00.1studied the bene-
fits of controlled closing and indicating the beat minimum being a
optimal point for compensated transmission lines [3][4] in late 1995.
First micro-processor based Controlled Switching Device for use
at BC Hydro Canada for controlled switching of 500KV Shunt com-
pensated transmission line was developed [5][6] in 1997. The objec-
tive is to delay the pole closing instant so that pre-strike of contacts
occur at optimum time window. The algorithm is designed to get
adapted to any degree of compensation.
Controller takes 300ms to collect samples of voltage signals
across circuit breaker to find optimum closing windows. The sig-
nal to be synchronized is sampled during one cycle and is stored
in memory and similarly new sample is stored. If both the stored
samples are matching, periodicity of signal is concluded. But if
there is variation in both samples then another sample is collected
for checking the similarity. From the data set obtained from sig-
nal, frequency and time difference between voltage zero crossing are
From zero crossing data, pattern is recognized for about 100ms
ahead the moment. This algorithm continuously sampled and rec-
ognized the signal till breaker receives command to close. After

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

receiving the closing command at the controller, controlled switch-

ing algorithm extends closing command to breaker with intentional
delay so that next optimal closing instant is targeted. Algorithm
predicts the occurrence of zero crossing of voltage wave for optimal
closing. Signal Pattern recognition method used for finding zero
crossing also consider scatter for various operations.

Fig. 3. Pattern recognition and prediction of optimum switching


The role of IVT and CVT on controlled switching of un-compensated

and shunt compensated transmission lines was added by [7] in their
work. In case of un-compensated transmission lines equipped with
IVT, trapped charge of healthy phase gets drained through IVT and
faulty phase get drained through fault. In case of un-compensated
lines with CVT, the trapped charge of healthy phase could not be
drained whereas faulty phase gets drained through fault. The op-
timum closing time is related to breaker opening time and source
side frequency. Author proposed new relationship for calculating
optimum closing instant as given in equation (1) as:-

tclose = topen + fsource

K is the number of cycles required for re-closing of working

phases. The optimum instant for re-closing of un-compensated
transmission lines with IVT is the zero crossing of source side volt-

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

age wave while for shunt compensated transmission lines the opti-
mum closing instant is the zero source crossing and the minimum
line beat. In case of compensated transmission lines, oscillating line
voltage wave appears across breaker. In this case line frequency is
also accounted during calculating the optimum closing time. The
optimum instant for re-closing of shunt compensated transmission
is expressed as equation (2) which contain frequency parameter of
both source side and line side as:-

tclose = topen + fsource −fline

Simulations were carried out in EMTP/ATP on 400kV Trans-

mission line and result showed that 2.1pu SOV attained for 30%
compensated line for SD of 0.25ms using controlled switching and
surge arresters.
A new controlled switching algorithm was proposed [8] for auto-
reclosing of shunt compensated line along with optimization of sec-
ond and third pole energization instant. This algorithm uses sig-
nal analysis method to estimate future voltage wave across circuit
breaker. Pattern recognition method is first approach which was
applied on standard processor. This approach works on a loop and
the sub-period is divided into individual time windows for voltage
wave and its envelop is also calculated. Similar step is followed
for second window. If a similarity established then switching in-
stant could be estimated. Otherwise, first window will be deleted
and second window is stored which serves as a reference for next
sample. The algorithm was tested on 80% and 30% compensated
transmission line.
Author used Prony Method as second approach for predicting
the switching instant. This approach works on loop data windows.
Prony method is helpful in minimizing squared error over all of
the sampled data. This method adopts two processes for checking
accuracy of estimated parameters. In first method, signal shape
of 1st window is recalculated based on estimated parameters and
comparison is done between measured and recalculated signal to
estimate the quality. In the second method, estimated parameters
are used to re-calculate and compare to the second window. This
comparison is done at 3rd window and optimum switching instant
is considered in forth window. The zero crossing of future voltage

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

wave can be used as optimum switching instant.

Fig. 4 Pearcing voltage characteristics.

Fig. 5. Optimal Instant for energization considering zero crossing

and smallest voltage derivative.

During switching, if pearcing occurs it leads to high switching

over voltage. For avoiding pearcing, zero crossing with smallest rate
of rise of voltage will be selected with switching window. Author
used fixed and variable time shifting method to predict closing point
keeping in view of pearcing voltage characteristics in +ve direction.
Simulations were carried out in EMTP for different pearcing voltage
and are observed that no time shifting is required for lower values

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

voltage derivatives of the order of 60KV/ms. If there is zero crossing

of other phases before the instant of smallest rise of voltage; then
earlier zero crossing will be switching instant for the two phases
and later will be switching instant for third phase.
Results of single phase reclosing using variable time shift shows
no pearcing and maximum switching voltage observed was 70kV.
Prony method requires large computation hence poses burden on
Controlled switching system using MODELS language in ATP
was developed to minimize electro-magnetic coupling effect [10][11].
The system was tested on Northeast Brazilian Power System Grid.
This method also uses zero crossing detection algorithm for identi-
fying the possible favorable windows for breaker pole closing. Ad-
ditionally, polarity of line side voltage is checked for minimizing the
electromagnetic coupling effect between phases in line.
The bus voltage signal is fed to zero crossing algorithm for pre-
dicting the possible zero crossing. This algorithm evaluates both
the Bus side and the line side voltage signals. In case of de-energized
transmission line, bus side voltage and line side voltage have dif-
ferent magnitude and phasor. Line side voltage leaves different
pattern for different level of compensation. Amplitude of voltage
signals are determined by calculating absolute value between two
zeros. Whereas periods of these signals are determined by compar-
ing two consecutive zero crossings.
Also, auto-reclosing leaves trap charge in transmission line whose
measurement is also required for optimum operation of controlled
switching device. In this algorithm, DC component polarity is mea-
sured in event of auto-reclosing of un-compensated transmission

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Fig. 6. Block diagram of Controlled Switching scheme.

Fig. 7. Optimal making instant of voltage signal of shunt compen-

sated line.

Figure-6 indicates the complete block diagram of control switch-

ing scheme having interactions with Power system through PT/CT,
auxiliary contacts. This system consider the usual values of oper-
ating time of breaker pole and continuously stores the last value
of period, amplitude, zero crossing of voltage signal and DC po-
larity in memory of Device. Upon receiving the closing command,
Control Switching Scheme estimates the reference signals for fu-
ture. When closing command is issued at tcommand , tzero2 becomes
last zero crossing point and Sref is predicted signal is estimated as
shown in figure (7) as t1. As expressed in equation (5), the optimal
instant for closing is 1/4 cycles after zero crossing attaining Ncycle
to complete reclosing operation.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Sref (t) = A. sin(ωsr .(t + ∆T )) (3)

∆T = Toperating + (tcommand − tzero2 ) (4)

toptimal1 = tzero2 + Ncycles + 4 .(2Tsr ) (5)

Electromagnetic coupling effects were considered between phases

in transmission lines during this method. This inter-phase coupling
adversely affects the working of CSS in mitigating SOVs and can be
minimized by closing the second and third phase as fast as possible.
Delaying the closing command to second and third phase could en-
hance the coupling effect with the phase first charged. The use of
CSS effectively reduces the SOVs to 1.55pu.
The fault conditions were not considered and simulated in con-
trolled switching scheme earlier. A new algorithm was designed [12]
which address the fault conditions occurred during auto-reclosing
of shunt compensated transmission lines using Karrenbauer Matrix
as operator. No such conditions are taken care by previous algo-
rithms till 2011. Dead time for auto-reclosure operation is constant
in conventional protection schemes of transmission lines. According
to [12], two frequencies oscillate during opening / auto-reclosing of
shunt compensated transmission lines namely mode-0 and mode-
1[9]. Magnitude of oscillating frequencies are expressed as given by
eq. (6) & (7) as:-

f1 = √1 (6)
2π L1 C1

f0 = √1 (7)
2π L0 C0

During occurrence of fault, the phase voltages are de-coupled

to sequence voltages. Further during single phase to ground fault,
the frequency of oscillations are governed by argument of cosine
function of sequence voltage.
Consequently, after extinction of fault, the modal frequencies
are de-coupled and circuit start oscillating as per mode-0&1 fre-
quency. Author proposed co-efficient of Determination R2 to dis-
tinguish and evaluate the type of fault/extinction time happened
on transmission line. R2 is continuously evaluated and actual dead
time of transmission line is also calculated. By actually calculating


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

the dead time, the algorithm is designed to issue closing command

after extinction of fault by measuring R2. In this way the dead
time of closing operation is reduced and line can be closed earlier
as compared to fixed dead time as discussed above. The scheme is
simulated in Real Time Digital Simulator and type of fault is iden-
tified by calculating the value of R2. Author considers single phase
to earth fault and double phase to earth fault in this study. Simu-
lations are done on 500kV North-Brazilian Power System Grid.
Author also considers the mechanical scatter during closing op-
eration and added this scatter to operating time of Circuit Breaker.
400 simulations were run on EMTP and is concluded that Switch-
ing Over voltage are considerably reduced on the line. This method
not only reduced the SOV but also reduced the dead time, thus in-
creases the reliability of transmission line.
Synchronous Swithing Scheme designed by ABB having model
Switch Synch PWC 600 [14] assume first phase to be closed which
undergo first zero crossing and second phase will be closed after
lead of 120 degree electrical and third phase will be energized after
240 degree of first phase.
Controlled switching scheme with trade name of RPH3 was de-
veloped by Areva Ltd. simulated on BC Hydro Engineering Canada
[15]. This point on wave controller distinguish type of operation
like simple closing and fast reclosing based on measurement of time
duration. Identification is faulty phase is done by comparing the
magnitude and phasor of current with stored data history. There
are number of methods available with controller include Zero of
source voltage, min/max source voltage, zero of sine voltage, min
of beat pattern, prony method. Prony method is used to analyze
voltage signal for 100ms, composed of magnitude, frequency, phase
and damping factor. The algorithm create a set of optimum closing
time in form of a array and best point is selected on the basis of
minimum scatter and minimum time period from starting of reclos-
ing window.
A controlled switching scheme for mitigating switching over
voltage was designed considered Switching instant as a random vari-
able [16]. Uniform Distribution and Gaussian distribution methods
are considered as density functions. This scheme is based on con-
ventional zero crossing algorithm. Different cases are studied i.e.
standard deviation(SD) of closing instant of 86% around peak, 10%


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

SD around peak, 86% SD around zero crossing and 10% SD around

zero crossing. Simulations show that minimum switching over volt-
age occurs with 10% SD near zero crossing in case of D as shown
in fig.8.

Fig. 8. Different Cases for distribution of closing instant.

Case study was done on 400kV Transmission Line having line

length of 200kms using Gaussian distribution. For larger value
of SD, values of mean doesn’t affect over voltage. On the other
hand smaller SD tends to reduce over voltage significantly. Authors
prefer this approach for reducing switching over voltages of shunt
compensated transmission lines because line voltage oscillates at
a frequency below the fundamental frequency after the opening of
line. The zero crossing algorithm can be applied for finding the
zero of line voltage beat wave. However, in case of un-compensated
transmission line, resonant frequency does not occur and leads to
trapped charge hence zero crossing algorithm is not applicable in
this case.
Second approach proposed by author is meant to mitigate over
voltage of un-compensated transmission lines using polarity check-
ing method. In case of un-compensated transmission lines, breaker
must be switched on at an instant the polarity of DC component
and bus voltage is identical. Controller device stores the polarity
of DC component of last opening and based on last polarity, relay


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

predict the next zero crossing. If polarity of trapped charge is +ve,

closing operation is executed at +Vm /2 of source side voltage as
shown in Fig. (9).

Fig. 9. Optimum instant for closing un-compensated transmission


If polarity of DC component is -ve, optimal closing is done at

-Vm /2 . By doing this the voltage across breaker is reduced which
reduces over voltage occurrence in network. If operation is done at
zero crossing, the voltage across breaker is +Vmax and similarly if
operation done at peak again the voltage across breaker is +Vmax .
Simulation results shows that if operation is done at +Vm /2, the
voltage at breaker will be +Vm /2. Effect of positive and nega-
tive slope while charging is also simulated which shows closing at
negative slope gives reduced over voltages.
A new method for implementing control switching scheme was
developed in order to mitigate switching over-voltages on shunt
compensated transmission lines based on Voltage envelop method
[17][18][19][20]. During auto-reclosure of three phase shunt compen-
sated transmission lines, the maximum magnitude of beat decreases
with time and minimum magnitude tends to increase. Patricia pro-
posed 1st beat minimum to re-close the highly compensated trans-
mission lines. For lower degree of compensation, beat occur very
frequently. Considering the dead time of protective relay, the opti-
mum making instant is considered as 3T/2 or 5T/2.
Voltage signals are subjected to filtering process to drain high
frequency signals for which a low pass butterworth filter is em-
ployed. The envelope of voltage signal is determined by evaluating
its maximum value. The whole process works on maximum volt-
age magnitude crossing rather than zero crossing which might be
missing for low compensated transmission lines.


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

The method offers greater reliability as compared to previous

methods. Reclosure action is initiated earlier and transmission line
is also be loaded earlier as the process of determining first minimum
of beat begins early. In the previous schemes, voltage signal is sam-
pled upto zero crossing and if only the next sample matches first,
the closing command will be issued for next zero crossing. Hence,
it requires one additional cycle to initiate closing. The method is
tested offline on EMTDC program and physically tested on hard-
ware using 3PC processor containing 3 analog ADSP-21062.

2 Discussion
Controlled Switching Scheme is beneficial to Power System during
both short and long terms. Circuit breaker operating consistency
is the prerequisite for implementing Controlled Switching Scheme.
Most SF6 type HVAC circuit breakers installed across the world
show greater consistency in opening and closing time. They have
adequate RDDS rating so as to avoid pearcing with voltage deriva-
tive. The reduction in cost can be achieved in terms of reduced
insulation requirement of apparatus and reduced rating of Surge
Arrestor. Zero crossing technique is used by various authors to de-
tect optimal making instant. Different scenarios were considered for
evaluating the performance of proposed methods including different
degree of compensations. Significant reduction in switching over
voltage is achieved using controlled switching schemes discussed
All authors conducted comparative study to analyze the perfor-
mance of Controlled Switching Scheme with PIR and Surge Arrester
and the results showed that CSS are very efficient in mitigating
Switching over voltage on shunt compensated and un-compensated
transmission lines during normal closing and auto re-closing. Table
I shows the performance of controlled switching schemes designed
by authors described above.


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


It is concluded that major requirement for successful operation

of CSS is the minimum voltage across the breaker during closing op-
eration keeping in view the polarity of the trapped charge [21]. By
implementing controlled switching for mitigating Switching Over
voltage, power quality and reliability of Power System is also im-
proved. Presently, Controlled Switching Devices are being man-
ufactured by several agencies with trade name of CSD, Point on
Wave controller etc. CSS are also helpful in uprating the useful life
of circuit breakers in service.
Review of authors stated above shows that better model of CSS
were presented with passage of time and technology. In 1997 first
kind of CSS controller is used for mitigating SOV, it doesnt have
feature for identifying the trap charge polarity. Thereafter, features
were added to identify polarity and algorithms was designed to get
adapted for auto-reclosing operation with various degree of com-
pensation. Performance of CSS were continuously improved with
adding new features like fault condition recognition in 2011.

3 Future Scope
CSS presently installed in industry are satisfactorily performed
however there is still a scope for various addressing protection co-
ordination issues. Considering the desirable features of CSS, a novel
CSS model is that, voltage/current signals derived from source/line
be fed to IED. This IED continuously store the samples voltage and
virtually train the data set. Fault classification and other allied ac-
tivities are concurrently executed by algorithm. New optimization


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

techniques can be applied to inherit all the essential features of CSS.

The algorithm should be adapted to any degree of compensation
and doesnt depend on the dimensionality of space. Scheme should
carefully examine the fault extinction time and continuously eval-
uate the dead time. Therefore if dead time is also optimized, the
reliability of transmission line is increased alongwith reduction of
SOV. Also, the CSS should be the integral part of circuit breaker as
compared to those which are retrofitted. Retrofitting causes some
suitability and modification difficulties in utilities.

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