Structure Report
Structure Report
Structure Report
Table of Contents
1.0 Project Detail..............................................................3
1.1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................
1.1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................3
1.1.2 STRUCTURAL MODELING...................................................................................4
1.2 STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS FOR THE BUILDING..............................................................
1.3 GENERAL DATA FOR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS.........................................................
1.3.1 Grade of Concrete...................................................................................................................
1.3.2 Reinforcement Steel................................................................................................................
1.3.3 Cover to Reinforcements........................................................................................................
1.3.4 Reference Codes.....................................................................................................................
1.4 LOAD CALCULATIONS......................................................................................................
1.4.1 Gravity Loads.............................................................................................................6
1.4.2 Live Loads..................................................................................................................6
1.4.3 Dead Load..................................................................................................................6
1.5 Seismic coefficient method......................................................................................................
1.6 Soft Storey.............................................................................................................................
1.7 LOAD COMBINATIONS....................................................................................................
1.8 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN PROCEDURE.........................................................................
2.0 Structural Analysis..............................................................13
2.1 3D modeling of the building:................................................................................................
2.2 User Coefficient Auto Seismic Load Calculation.........................................................................
2.3 MODAL PARTICIPATING MASS RATIOS..............................................................................
2.4 INTER STORY DRIFT:................................................................................................................
2.5 Irregularity Check of the Building.................................................................................................
2.5.1 Eccentricity Check....................................................................................................23
2.5.2 Torsional Irregularity Check.....................................................................................23
2.6. Base reaction:................................................................................................................................
3.0 Design of Elements..............................................................26
3.1 Design of Mat /Raft Footing..........................................................................................................
3.2 Sample Design of Slab...................................................................................................................
3.3 Beam Summary.............................................................................................................................
3.4 Column Summary..........................................................................................................................
3.5 Strong Column Weak Beam..........................................................................................................
4.0 Design input municipality format.....................................44
1.0 Project Detail
Type of Building: The Building covers a total plinth area of 2653.31 Sqft. The
building has been designed for seven numbers of stories with a
staircase cover.
This report has been prepared as a part of the structural engineering analysis and design
of the residential building to be built as partial requirement of application for permit to construct
building. This Report describes in brief about the Structural Aspects and Design Report of the
proposed building. The analysis and design have been carried out using finite element software
ETABS 2016. This software provide the Structural Engineer with all the tools necessary to
create, modify, analyze, design, and optimize the structural elements in a building model. The
structure design is intended to be based primarily on the current National Building Code of
Practice of India taking account of relevant British Codes for the provisions not covered in this
and is generally in conformance with NBC.
A three-dimensional mathematical model of the physical structure should be used that
represents the spatial distribution of the mass and stiffness of the structure to an extent that is
adequate for the calculation of the significant features of its dynamic response. Thus, the essential
requirements of the model are that, it should include the sufficient detail in geometry, support,
material, members, loading, strength, rigidity, stability etc. such that it reflects the real and true
prototype of a physical structure. In modeling, for the vertical loading system, the deflection on the
column in axial direction is so minimal that we can neglect it. It is because of high rigidity of
column in axial direction whereas in horizontal loading system, the in-plane stiffness of floor is
assumed to be very high compared to the stiffness of other frame members in that plane. It is
because of the presence of floor slab. Since, floor slab has very high in-plane rigidity, the member
like column, wall and braces connected to that plane are assumed to move as a single unit in the
lateral direction. This system is known as rigid floor diaphragm in which beam is monolithically
connected with slab providing negligible bending in the vertical plane.
For the modeling of this building, ETABS 2016 software was used. ETABS 2016 is a
sophisticated, yet easy to use, special purpose analysis and design program developed specifically
for building systems. ETABS 2016 features an intuitive and powerful graphical interface coupled
with unmatched modeling, analytical, design, detailing procedure, powerful numerical methods
and many international design codes all integrated using a common database. Although quick and
easy for simple structures, ETABS 2016 can also handle the largest and most complex building
models, including the wide range of nonlinear behaviors, making it the tool of choice for structural
engineers in the building industry.
Foundation: M20
Column: M25
Beam: M25
Slab: M25
IS 875:1998 (Part I) Code of Practice for Design Loads (Part I: Dead Loads)
IS 875:1998 (Part II) Code of Practice for Design Loads (Part II: Imposed Loads)
IS 456:2000 Plain and reinforced concrete Design Code of Practice
IS 800:2007 Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel
IS 13920:2016 Ductile Detailing of Criteria Reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to
Seismic Force
IS 1893:2002 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Construction of Buildings
IS 4326:1993 Earthquake Resistant Construction of Buildings
SP 16: Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete
NBC 105:2077:Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal
1.4.1 Gravity Loads
Gravity loading is primarily due to the self-weight of the structure, superimposed dead
load and occupancy of the building. Following loads have been considered for the analysis and
design of the building based on the relevant NBC.
Unit Weight of
Brick Masonry= 19.2 KN/m^3
Unit weight of
Plaster= 20.4 KN/m^3
Beam Depth= 0.55 m
Wall to Plaster
Thickness Floor Height wall Thickness Total
(mm) Ht. of wall wt/m run (mm) Plaster wt/m wt/m run Remarks
250 3.3528 2.8028 13.45344 25 1.709928
8 without
125 3.3528 2.8028 6.72672 25 1.709928 8.436648 without
Parapet 1 230 4.416 25 0.51 4.926
Wall= KN/m
S.N. Type: weight: Thickness: Load:
KN/m3 mm KN/m2
1 Plaster 21 12.5 0.2625
2 Screeding 21 35 0.74
3 Marble 26.7 20 0.534
Total Floor Finishing (FFL) 1.536
= 5
1.5 Seismic coefficient method
The NBC 105:2077 contains provisions for both the static analysis and the dynamic
analysis of buildings. Static analysis using equivalent lateral force procedure is restricted to
regular buildings having height less than 40 m and irregular buildings having height less than 12
m in seismic Zone D. At the core of seismic analysis is the use of response spectra plot as given
in figure 4:1 of NBC105:2077, in which the spectral acceleration is plotted for wide range of
fundamental natural period of the structures. For the static analysis, the static forces in the
structure are derived from the design seismic base shear (Vi) given by:
For the ultimate limit state, the horizontal base shear coefficient (design coefficient),
Cd (T1), shall be given by:
Cd(𝑇1)=C(𝑇1)/Rµ x Ωu ………………………………………. ….
For the serviceability limit state, the horizontal base shear coefficient (design coefficient),
Cd (T1), shall be given by:
Cs(T1) = Elastic Site Spectra determined for Serviceability Limit State as per 4.2
Soil Type- B
Seismic forces are calculated for Full Dead Load plus 30 percentage of Imposed Load.
The lateral seismic force (Fi) induced at each level ‘i’ shall be calculated as:
• for structure having period between 0.5 sec and 2.5 sec, k shall be determined by
linear interpolation between 1 and 2.
Soil type: B
T =1.25 * kt H ¾
= 1.25*0.075*(23.46)3/4
= 0.993sec
1 + (𝛼 − 1) × (𝑇 /𝑇𝑎) 𝑖𝑓 𝑇 < 𝑇𝑎
Ch (T): 𝛼 𝑖𝑓 𝑇𝑎 ≤ 𝑇 ≤ 𝑇𝑐
𝛼 [𝐾 + (1 − 𝐾) (𝑇𝑐/ T )2 ] ( 𝑇𝑐/ 𝑇 )2 𝑖𝑓 𝑇𝑐 ≤ 𝑇 ≤ 6
Ta and Tc - the lower and upper periods of the flat part of the spectrum
Ta 0.1
Tc 0.7
α 2.5
K 1.8
Ch(T): 1.726
The Elastic site spectra for horizontal loading shall be as given by equation 4.1(1).
C (T) =Ch(T) Z I........................................................................4.1(1)
C (T) =1.726*0.3*1.25
The elastic site spectra for Serviceability Limit State shall be given by:
Where C (T) = elastic site spectra for horizontal loading determined from clause 4.1.1.
Cs (T) = 0.20*0.64741
Cd (𝑇1) = C (𝑇1)/Rµ x Ωu
=0.64741/ (4*1.5)
= 0.108
Serviceability Limit State
Cd (𝑇1) = Cs(𝑇1)/ Ωs
= 0.12948/1.25
For, T=0.993 sec
For structure having period between 0.5 sec and 2.5 sec, k shall be determined by linear
interpolation between 1 and 2.
We get, K=1.24967
1.6 Soft Storey
A soft storey can be detected by comparing the stiffness of adjacent storeys.
Soft storeys are present in buildings with open fronts on the ground floor or tall storeys.
Where seismic load effect is combined with other load effects, the following load combination shall be
1.2DL + 1.5LL
DL + λLL + E
When lateral load resisting elements are not oriented along mutually orthogonal horizontal directions,
structure shall be designed for the simultaneous effects due to full design earthquake load in one direction
plus 30 percent of design earthquake load along the other horizontal direction. In this case, the following
load combination shall be adopted.
1.2DL + 1.5LL
The RCC design shall be based on NBC 105:2077 Code of practice for plain and
reinforced concrete, following Limit state philosophy. Structural design for typical members has
been done for the combination of loads that produces maximum stress in the structural elements,
and in turn requires maximum reinforcing steel provisions.
Slab 125 mm M25
Soil Bearing Capacity
Foundation Mat Footing M20
is taken as 138 kN/m2
The design of Columns and Beams is done directly using ETABS 2016 design software. The
design of Slab and footings are done by in house developed Worksheets in Excel. The size of
columns and beams are provided as per requirement.
The total lateral seismic load (base shear) is then distributed by the program among
different levels of the structure.
Mass Source
Load Multiplier
LIVE 0.6
The analysis and design have been carried out using software called SAP2000 &ETABS
v 15.2.2. It provides the Structural Engineer with all the tools necessary to create, modify,
The building geometry based on architectural drawings been generated using above
named software. The dead load, live load and lateral loads were supplied to the digital
models as per standard code of practices. Several analysis run were performed to achieve
v. Live loads
2.1 3D modeling of the building:
i. 3D model of the building
ii. Plan of the building
iii. Elevation of the building
Plan of the building
2.2 User Coefficient Auto Seismic Load Calculation
User Coefficient Auto Seismic Load Calculation
This calculation presents the automatically generated lateral seismic loads for load pattern eqx
ULS using the user input coefficients, as calculated by ETABS.
Direction and Eccentricity
Direction = Multiple
Eccentricity Ratio = 10% for all diaphragms
Factors and Coefficients
Direction Used C
(kN) (kN)
X 0 0 27454.0304 2965.0353
X + Ecc. Y 0 0 27454.0304 2965.0353
X - Ecc. Y 0 0 27454.0304 2965.0353
Applied forces
calculation presents the automatically generated lateral seismic loads for load pattern eqyULS
using the user input coefficients, as calculated by ETABS.
Direction and Eccentricity
Direction = Multiple
Eccentricity Ratio = 10% for all diaphragms
Factors and Coefficients
Direction Used C
(kN) (kN)
Y 0 0 27454.0304 2965.0353
Y + Ecc. X 0 0 27454.0304 2965.0353
Y - Ecc. X 0 0 27454.0304 2965.0353
Direction = Multiple
Eccentricity Ratio = 10% for all diaphragms
Factors and Coefficients
Base Shear Coefficient, C C=0.104
Base Shear, V V =CW
Direction Used C
(kN) (kN)
X 0 0 27454.0304 2855.2192
X + Ecc. Y 0 0 27454.0304 2855.2192
X - Ecc. Y 0 0 27454.0304 2855.2192
calculation presents the automatically generated lateral seismic loads for load pattern eqy sls
using the user input coefficients, as calculated by ETABS.
Direction and Eccentricity
Direction = Multiple
Eccentricity Ratio = 10% for all diaphragms
Factors and Coefficients
Direction Used C
(kN) (kN)
Y 0 0 27454.0304 2855.2192
Y + Ecc. X 0 0 27454.0304 2855.2192
Y - Ecc. X 0 0 27454.0304 2855.2192
NBC105:2020 clause 7.3 states that number of modes to be used in the analysis should be such that the
sum total of modal masses of all modes considered is at least 90 percent of the total seismic mass of the
structure. The analysis was carried out for 20 modes so that the mass participation satisfies this criterion
in both orthogonal directions. The table shows time period and mass participation ratio for all modes.
Table: Maximum displacement and Story Drifts due to EQx and EQy For SLS
Drift Ratio Check For Serviceability Limit State-NBC105:2020-Clause 5.6.3
Displacement Drift Ratio Drift Check
Dis-X- Dis-Y-
Elevation-m Location mm mm X Y X Y
Story7 23.4696 70.162 56.727 0.001280 0.000993
Top <0.006OK <0.006OK
Story6 20.1168 65.87 53.397 0.002196 0.001733
Top <0.006OK <0.006OK
Story5 16.764 58.508 47.585 0.003098 0.002479
Top <0.006OK <0.006OK
Story4 13.4112 48.122 39.272 0.003997 0.003239
Top <0.006OK <0.006OK
Story3 10.0584 35.387 28.988 0.004118 0.003361
Top <0.006OK <0.006OK
Story2 6.7056 21.317 17.551 0.004040 0.003310
Top <0.006OK <0.006OK
Story1 3.3528 7.772 6.453 0.002318 0.001925
Top <0.006OK <0.006OK
Base 0 Top 0 0 0 0
2.6. Base reaction:
Base 212 252 DD+LL 1137.1637
NOTE: More than 50% of area will be covered with isolated footing so construction of mat
footing is recommended. Design of mat footing is done.
3.0 Design of Elements
3.1 Design of Mat /Raft Footing
soil bearingcapacity∗factor of safety
Soil subgrade modulus of elasticity (K) =
permissible settlement
= 16560 kN/m3
Required reinforcement along Y- direction
Concrete grade M 25
on major axis in mm 8
on minor axis in mm 8
Clear cover in mm 20
Bending Moments
From IS 456:2000
αx⁺ = 0.03567
αx⁻ = 0.047
αy⁺ = 0.035
αy⁻ = 0.047
Respevtive moments
Hence Safe
Calculation of Reinforcements
M = 0.87*fy*Ast*(d-
Spacing of bar in y-axis (support), in mm 194.15 150
From IS456:2000,
Value of α, 26
Value of γ, 2
From IS456:2000,
Area of corner reinforcement = 3/4 * max. +ve reinforced area in mm² 132.79725
Dia of bar in mm 8
3.3 Beam Summary
Third & Fourth floor beam layout
Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) bf (mm) ds (mm) dct (mm) dcb (mm)
400 550 400 0 32 32
Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
25000 25 1 500 500
Shear Force and Reinforcement for Shear, Vu2 & Tu
Shear Ve Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
263.6789 0 334.823 226.383 1791.16
End Mid End Mid End Mid End Mid End Mid
section section section section section section section section section section
1--1 Top 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH)
20ø(EX) 25ø(EX) 25ø(EX) 20ø(EX
Bottom 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 2-25ø 2-25ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH)+2-
20ø(EX) 20ø(EX) 20ø(EX) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH
) )
2--2 Top 2-25ø 2-25ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH)
20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 25ø(EX) 20ø(EX) 20ø(EX
) )
Bottom 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2-
20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH
) ) ) )
3--3 Top 2-25ø 2-25ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH) (TH)
20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 25ø(EX) 20ø(EX) 20ø(EX
) )
Bottom 4-20ø 4-20ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH) (TH) (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)
20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH
) ) )
4--4 Top 2-25ø 2-25ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH) (TH)
20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 25ø(EX) 20ø(EX) 20ø(EX
) )
Bottom 4-20ø 4-20ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH) (TH) (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)
20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH
) ) )
5--5 Top 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH) (TH)
20ø(EX) 25ø(EX) 25ø(EX) 20ø(EX
Bottom 2-25ø 2-25ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)
20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(EX) 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH
) ) )
6--6 Top 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH) (TH)
20ø(EX) 25ø(EX) 25ø(EX) 20ø(EX
Bottom 2-25ø 2-25ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)
20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 25ø(EX) 20ø(EX) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH
) ) )
A--A Top 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH) (TH)
16ø(EX) 16ø(EX) 16ø(EX) 16ø(EX
Bottom 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH) (TH) (TH) (TH)
20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH)
) )
B--B Top 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH) (TH)
16ø(EX) 16ø(EX) 16ø(EX) 16ø(EX
Bottom 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH) (TH) (TH) (TH)
20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH)
) )
C--C Top 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH) (TH)
16ø(EX) 16ø(EX) 16ø(EX) 16ø(EX
Bottom 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH) (TH) (TH) (TH)
20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH)
) )
D--D Top 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH)+2- (TH) (TH) (TH)
16ø(EX) 16ø(EX) 16ø(EX) 16ø(EX
Bottom 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 2-25ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø 4-20ø
Bars (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH)+2- (TH) (TH) (TH) (TH)
20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH 20ø(TH) 20ø(TH)
) )
3.4 Column Summary
ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design
IS 456:2000 + IS 13920:2016 Column Section Design
Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm) Cover (Torsion) (mm)
609.6 609.6 58 30
Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
25000 25 1 500 500
N/A: Not Applicable
N/C: Not Calculated
N/N: Not Needed
4-32 ø and 8- 8-25ø and 4- 4-25ø and 8- 8-20 ø and 4-
A1,A2 C1 25 ø 20 ø 20 ø 16 ø
8-25ø and 4- 4-25ø and 8- 8-20 ø and 4- 8-20 ø and 4-
A3 C2 12-25 ø 20 ø 20 ø 16 ø 16 ø
4-32 ø and 8- 8-25ø and 4- 4-25ø and 8- 8-20 ø and 4- 8-20 ø and 4-
A4 C3 25 ø 20 ø 20 ø 16 ø 16 ø
4-32 ø and 8- 8-25ø and 4- 4-25ø and 8- 8-20 ø and 4- 8-20 ø and 4-
A5 C4 25 ø 20 ø 20 ø 16 ø 16 ø
8-32 ø and 4- 4-32 ø and 8- 8-25ø and 4- 4-25ø and 8- 8-20 ø and 4-
A6 C5 25 ø 25 ø 20 ø 20 ø 16 ø
4-32 ø and 8- 8-25ø and 4- 4-25ø and 8- 4-25ø and 8-
B1 C6 25 ø 20 ø 20 ø 20 ø
8-25ø and 4- 4-25 ø and 8- 8-20 ø and 4-
B2 C7 12-25 ø 20 ø 20 ø 16 ø
8-25 ø and 4- 4-25 ø and 8- 8-20 ø and 4- 8-20 ø and 4- 8-20 ø and 4-
B3,B4 C8 20 ø 20 ø 16 ø 16 ø 16 ø
4-32 ø and 8- 8-25 ø and 4- 4-25 ø and 8- 8-20 ø and 4- 8-20 ø and 4-
B5 C9 25 ø 20 ø 20 ø 16 ø 16 ø
4-32 ø and 8- 12-25ø 12-25ø 8-25 ø and 4-
B6 C10 25 ø 12-25ø 20 ø
C1 C11 4-32 ø and 8- 8-25 ø and 4- 8-25 ø and 4- 8-25 ø and 4-
25 ø 20 ø 20 ø 20 ø
8-25ø and4-20 4-25 ø and 8- 8-20 ø and 4-
C2 C12 12-25 ø ø 20 ø 16 ø
8-25ø and4-20 4-25 ø and 8- 8-20 ø and 4- 8-20 ø and 4-
C3,C4 C13 12-25 ø ø 20 ø 16 ø 16 ø
4-32 ø and 8- 8-25 ø and 4- 4-25 ø and 8- 4-25 ø and 8- 8-20 ø and 4-
C5 C14 25 ø 20 ø 20 ø 20 ø 16 ø
4-32 ø and 8- 8-25 ø and 4- 8-25 ø and 4- 8-25 ø and 4- 8-25 ø and 4-
C6 C15 25 ø 25 ø 25 ø 25 ø 16ø
4-32 ø and 8- 8-25ø and 4- 4-25 ø and 8- 8-20 ø and 4-
D1,D2 C16 25 ø 20 ø 20 ø 16 ø
D3,D4, 4-32 ø and 8- 8-25ø and 4- 4-25 ø and 8- 8-20 ø and 4- 8-20 ø and 4-
D5 C17 25 ø 20 ø 20ø 16 ø 16 ø
8-32 ø and 4- 4-32 ø and 8- 8-25 ø and 4- 8-25 ø and 4- 8-20 ø and 4-
D6 C18 25 ø 25 ø 20ø 20ø 16 ø
Upper Column
Material Characteristics:
Concrete Grade: M25
Steel Grade: TMT Fe 500
Section Characteristics:
Size of column =600mm*600mm
Effective Cover (d') = 40 mm
D’/D= 0.06~ 0.1 for all Column
Lower Column
Pu= 711.95374 KN
Reinforcement provided= (8-25+4-20) mm dia. Bar,
Area of steel in column=5176 mm2
Therefore, percentage reinforcement (pt) =1.43%
Pu/fck∗b∗D= 0.0791
From chart
Mu/fck∗b∗D2 = 0.08chart (48),
35 Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building
Muv= 432 kN-M
Lower Column
Reinforcement provided =4-32+8-25 mm dia. bar
Area of steel in column= 7143.982mm 2
From chart
Mufck∗b∗D2 = 0.11, chart (48),
Muv= 594 KN-M
TOTAL MOMENT= (432+594)KN-M = 1026 KN-m
Beam of ground floor
Left beam
Concrete Grade = M20 (fck= 25N/mm2)
Steel Grade = TMT Fe500 (fy= 500 N/mm2)
Width of Beam (bw) = 400 mm
Overall depth (D) = 550mm
Effective cover (d’) = 37.5 mm
Effective depth (d) = 512.5 mm
Limiting moment capacity of the Rectangular Beam
Mu,lim= 0.133fckbd2(for Fe500)
Balanced Depth of Neutral Axis
(Xu,lim) = 0.46d = 0.46*512.5 = 235.75 mm
Moment =298.2271 KN-M
Right beam
Width of Beam (bw) = 300mm
Overall depth (D) = 500mm
Mu,lim= 0.133fckbd2(for Fe500)
Balanced Depth of Neutral Axis
(Xu,lim) = 0.46d = 0.46*462.5 = 235.75mm
Moment = 305.30 KN-M
Total moment=(298.2271+305.30)KN-M=603.5271 KN-M
Check for strong column weak beam
Ratio of total column moment/total beam moment=1026/603.5271=1.70>1.5 ok
ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design
IS 456:2000 Column Section Design (Envelope)
Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm) Cover (Torsion) (mm)
609.6 609.6 58 30
Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
25000 25 1 500 500
Design Axial Force & Biaxial Moment for Pu - Mu2 - Mu3 Interaction
Design Pu Design Mu2 Design Mu3 Station Loc
Column End Controlling Combo
kN kN-m kN-m mm
kN kN-m kN-m mm
Top -16.3502 -13.8284 225.0184 2802.8 DL+0.3LL+RSY
Bottom 9.681 135.2521 622.3573 0 DL+0.3LL+RSX
Shear Shear Joint
Joint Shear Controlling
Vu,Tot Vc Area
Ratio Combo
kN kN mm²
Major(Vu2) 0.321 596.7177 1858.0608 371612 DL+0.3LL+RSY
Minor(Vu3) 0.321 530.5168 1858.0608 371612 DL+0.3LL+RSY
Though the Architectural and Structural drawings of 5 storey building is only
provided but the building is designed for 7 storey so that in future it can be add up
to 2 storey above it and reinforcement provided in 5 storey building are adequate
for future expansion also.