Structural Report of 1270m3 PDF
Structural Report of 1270m3 PDF
Structural Report of 1270m3 PDF
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
1.0 Project description and Assignment ........................................................................................................ 2
2.0 Documents .............................................................................................................................................. 2
3.0 Description .............................................................................................................................................. 2
4.0 Design Parameter .................................................................................................................................... 3
5.0 Loads and load combinations.................................................................................................................. 4
6.0 Calculation for Seismic Design (Spring Mass Model for Seismic Analysis) ......................................... 4
7.0 Analysis and Design of Water Tank Tower Based on Software ........................................................... 11
8.0 Design of Water Tank Dome including Tower and Footing................................................................. 25
Lists of Table
Lists of figure
Figure 1: 3D Model With Section Size And Dome Load As Udl ............................................................... 11
Figure 2: Earthquake Load as Calculated ................................................................................................... 11
Figure 3: Bending and Shear Force Diagram.............................................................................................. 12
Figure 4: Displacement due to Eqx and Eqy............................................................................................... 12
Figure 5: Drift due to Eqx and Eqy ............................................................................................................. 13
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
In this report, the detail structural design calculations of each elements of the planned Intze type
Overhead water tank is presented. The foundation design is based on the geotechnical
investigation report of the constructed SRT tank in Kirtipur.
2.0 Documents
3.0 Description
Among the different types of tanks used for water towers “intze” tank is a very economical type
for reinforced concrete water towers of large capacity, because of its ability to carry part of water
load by direct compressive forces.
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Description Unit
Characteristic Compressive Strength Mpa
M30 30
Density Of Concrete KN/M³ 25
Allowable Tensile Stress In Concrete As Per IS456- Mpa
For M30
Direct Compression 8.0
Compression due to Bending 10.0
Modular Ratio
M30 9.33
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
6.0 Calculation for Seismic Design (Spring Mass Model for Seismic Analysis)
Geometry Parametre
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Weight Calculations
Top Dome 706.50 KN
Top Ring beam 231.73 KN
Cylindrical Wall 4888.10 KN
Bottom Ring beam 1534.68 KN
Circular Beam 2417.80 KN
Conical Dome 2802.06 KN
Bottom Spherical Dome 1208.90 KN
Column 5558.4 KN
Braces 7253.4 KN
Stair 103.13
Weight of empty container 13789.76 KN
Weight of staging 12914.925 KN
18094.73638 KN
Weight of empty container + 1/3 weight of staging
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
2.68 sec
Cc 3.2
4.293 sec
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Base Shear
Base shear at the bottom of staging, in impulsive mode
1740.87 KN
Base Moment
Overturning moment at the base of staging in impulsive mode,
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
4795.11 KNm
Hydrodynamic Pressure
Impulsive Hydrodynamic Pressure
3.060 KN/m2
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Qcb(x) 0.56
pcb 4.25 KN/m2
Pressure Due to Wall Inertia
Pressure on wall due to its inertia,
pww = (Ah)i t ρm g 0.76 KN/m2
20.89 KN/m2
This maximum hydrodynamic pressure is about
74 % of hydrostatic pressure at base (ρ g h = 1,000
x 9.81 x 4.5 = 29.43 kN/m2).
In practice, container of tank is designed by
working stress method. When earthquake forces
are considered, permissible stresses are increased
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
2.251 sec
1180.7 KN
260.7 KNm
Since total base shear and base moment in tank full condition are more than base
shear and base moment in tank empty condition, design will be governed by tank
full condition.
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Table 2: Displacement
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Name of work:- Over Head Water Tank Top Dome
1 Tank capacity 1270000 Ltr. 1270 m3 100 mm thick
2 Height of tower from G.L. 16.30 mtr Foudation from G.L. 3.00 mtr Top Ring Beam
3 Live load on Dome 1.50 kN/m2 Finishes load 0.1 kN/m2 400 x 400
3.00 m
3 Intensity of wind 1.50 kN/m2 wt of water 10 kN/m3
4 Noumber of columns 8 No. Bearing capcity of earth 100 kN/m2 B1
4 Conrete M 30 unit weight 25 kN/m3 400 18.00 m
scc 8 N/mm2 m 9.33
scb 10 N/mm2 Q 0.897 7.50 m
5 Steel HYSD fy 415 Tensile stress (Tank) 150 N/mm2
Resistance to cracking sct 1.5 N/mm2 scb 2 N/mm2 500 Bottom Ring Beam Conical Dome
6 Nominal Cover 25 mm Effective Cover 40 mm 2000 x 1000 mm 1100 mm thick
7 Depth / diameter Ratio 1: 0.65 Spacing of Bracing 4.08 mtr B2
8 Reinforcement Bottom spherical Dome550 mm
Top Dome (main / distri. ) 12 mm F 200 mm c/c both way 2.00 m
2.80 m
Top Ring Beam (B1) 16 mm F 10 Nos. Bottom 2.00
two ledge srirrups 10 mm F 150 mm c/c Circular Girder 14.00 M B3
Vertical wall 1100 x 2000 B3 4.1.m
1.88 m from top hoop ring 12 mm F 200 mm c/c both side
3.75 m from top hoop ring 16 mm F 170 mm c/c both side
4.Nos @ 4.1.m
7.50 m from top hoop ring 20 mm F 140 mm c/c both side
1.88 m from top Distri. Steel 12 mm F 180 mm c/c both side columns
3.75 m from top Distri. Steel 12 mm F 160 mm c/c both side 1200 1200 4.1.m
7.50 m from top Distri. Steel 12 mm F 150 mm c/c both side 900 900
Bottom Ring Beam (B2) 16.3.m
Main 25 mm F 32 Nos. 4.1.m
Distri. Steel 10 mm F 150 mm c/c
Conical wall
Main 32 mm F 150 mm c/c
Distri. Steel 20 mm F 150 mm c/c 4.1.m
Bottom spherical Dome 16 mm F 200 mm c/c both side Circular
Bottom circular girder (B3) Main top 25 mm F 9 Nos. Girder for Raft B4 G.L.
Vertical strirrups 12 mm F 100 mm c/c 6 Ledge 1300 X 1400 3.00 m
Main bottom 25 mm F 14 Nos. mm
Vertical strirrups 12 mm F 200 mm c/c 4 Ledge 1400
Column supprting tower Main 28 mm F 44 Nos. O.K. 11.90 2.10 m 1400
Column Height 19.30 m 25.90 m
Latral 12 mm F 150 mm c/c
Column size 1200 1200 mm
Bracing main 25 mm F 3 Nos. at top and bottom
strirrups 10 mm F 125 mm c/c 4 Ledge strirrup
Circular girder for Raft (B4) bottom 25 mm F 16 Nos.
top 25 mm F 16 Nos.
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
strirrups 16 mm F 140 mm c/c 6 Ledge strirrup
Raft Foundation slab main 32 mm F 170 mm c/c
Distribution 20 mm F 170 mm c/c
25 mm f @
12 mm f @ 200 mm c/c Both side 9 Nos. top
100 2000
10 mm f @
150 mm c/c strirrup
400 3.00 m Bottom circular girder 1100
Reiforcement in circular girder
B1 9.00 m columns 1200X1200
16 mm f @ 10 Nos.
400 10 mm f @ 150 mm c/c
1.875 m
400 12 mm f @ 200 mm c/c
mm 12 mm f @ 180 mm c/c 300 x 300
450 12 mm f @ 160 mm c/c Fillet 10 mm f strirrup
mm 16 mm f @ 170 mm c/c Braces 125 mm c/c
1.875 m 900 25 mm f
20 mm f @ 140 mm c/c 3
3.750 m 25 mm f
12 mm f @ 150 mm c/c 3 nos.Bottom
500 Reinfocement in Brace
mm 1300
25 mm f @ 32 Nos. 25 mm f mm f
10 mm f @ 150 mm c/c 10 mm f 16
1100 mm 150 mm c/c 16 mm f 25 mm f
28 mm f 140 mm c/c 16
44 mm c/c 1400 32 mm f 12 mm f
170 mm c/c 16
Reinforcement Detail in r columns
25 mm f @
9 Nos. top 28 mm f 12 mm f
12 mm f @ 44 nos. 150 mm c/c Cross -section of Bottom Ring girder
100 mmc/c.strirrup 2000
12 mm f @
9 Nos.both side
25 mm f @
14 Nos.bottom
Reinforcement detail in Intze Tank.
Reinforcement Detail in circular girder and Raft foundation slab
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
15 94 20 62 33 45 18 43 20 41 20 40 18 40 16 34 16 34 40
Tank capacity 1270000 ltr or = 1270 m
Height of tower from G.L. 16.3 m foundation from G.L. = 3.00 mtr
2 2
Live load on Dome 1.50 kN/m Finishes load = 0.10 kN/m
Intensity of wind 1.50 kN/m wt of water = 10
Noumber of columns 8 No. Bearing capcity of earth = 100 kN/m
Conrete M- 30 wt. of concrete = 25 kN/mm3
scb 10 N/mm m = 9.33
sct 8 N/mm Q = 0.897
Steel HYSD fy 415 N/mm2 Tensile stess = 150 N/mm2
Resistance to cracking scb 1.5 N/mm2 scb = 2 N/mm2
Nominal cover 25 mm Effective cover = 37.5 mm
2 Design Constants:- For HYSD Bars Cocrete M = 30 wt. of concrete = 25 kN/mm
2 2
for water Tank sst = 150 N/mm sst = 230 N/mm
scb = 10 N/mm m = 9.33
k = 0.383 k = 0.289
J = 0.872 J = 0.904
R = 1.671 R = 1.217
3 Dimention of tank:-
D = Inside diameter of tank Assuming the average depth = 0.65 D
We have, p x D2
x 0.65 D = 1270 m3 D "= 13.550 Say 18.00 m
\ Height of cylindrical portion of tank = 0.65 x 13.55 = 7.50 m
Depth of conical Dome D/5 or D/6 = 18.00 / 6 = 3.00 m
Diameter of supporting tower = 14.00 m
Spacing of bracing = 4 m
The stress are with in safe limit. However provide minimum reinforcement @ 0.3 % of area in each direction.
0.3 2
\ Ast = x 1000 x 100 = 300 mm
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 12 x 12
using 12 mm bars A = = = 113.0 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
Spacing of hoop Bars = 1000 x 113.0 / 300 = 377 say = 200 mm
Hence Provided 12 mm F bar, @ 200 mm c/c in both circumferenially and meridionanlly.
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 16 x 16
using 16 mm bars A = = = 201 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of hoop Bars = 1230 / 201 = 7 No. say 8.0 No.
Hence Provided 10 No. 16 mm F Ring bar, for symetry.
Actual , Ast = 8 x 201 = 1608 mm
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
0.30 2
At bottom , Ast = x 500 x 1000 = 1500 mm
Provide half the reinfocement near each face, Asd = 750 mm2
3.14xdia 3.14 x 12 x 12
using 12 mm bars A = = = 113 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
The spacing of 12 mm f bars = 1000 x 113 / 750 = 150 mm c/c
Hence Provided 12 mm F bar, @ 150 mm c/c both direction from top 4 to 8 meter upto
Keep clear cover 25 mm
7 Design of Bottom Ring Beam :-
Load on ring beam:
(A) Load due to top dome = (Meridional trust x sin f )
= 41.00 x sin 60.0 = 41.00 x 0.866 = 35.51 kN/m
(B) Load due to top ring beam = 0.40 x 0.40 x 25 = 4 kN/m
© Load due to cylendrical wall = 0.45 x 7.50 x 25 = 84.375 kN/m
(D) Self load of Ring beam
Assuming Beam 2.000 x 1.000 = 2.00 x 1.00 x 25 = 50 kN/m
Total = 173.89 kN/m say 174.00 kN/m
Horizontal force = H = V1 cot f = 174.00 x 1 = 174.00 kN/m
\ Hoop tension Hg =((H x D )/2 =( 174.00 x 18.00 )/ 2.00 = 1566 kN/m
Hoop Tension due to water pressure =(( wh.d.D)/2 )
Hw =( 10.00 x 7.50 x 1.00 x 18.00 ) / 2 = 675 kN/m
Total Hoop tension = Hg + Hw = 1566 + 675.0 = 2241.00 kN/m
This to be rested entirely by steel hoops, the area of which is Ash= 2241 x 1000 / 150 = 14940 mm
3.14xdia 3.14 x 25 x 25
using 25 mm bars A = = = 491 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of hoop Bars = 14940 / 491 = 31 No. say 32 No.
Hence Provided 32 No. 25 mm F Ring bar, for symetry.
Actual , Ast = 32 x 491 = 15700 mm2
2241 x 1000 1.044 N/mm
< 1.5
Stress in equivalent section = =
2000 x 1000 + 9.33 x 15700 Hence safe
The 10 mm f distribution bars (vertical bars) provided in the wall @ 150 mm c/c should taken
round the above ring to act as strirrups.
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 20 x 20
using 20 mm bars A = = = 314 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
The spacing of 20 mm f bars = 1000 x 314 / 1650 = 190 mm c/c
Hence Provided = 20 mm F bar, @ 150 mm c/c on both face along the meridions.
1266 x 1000 1.06 N/mm
< 1.5
Maximim tenssile stress = =
1100 x 1000 + 9.33 x 10718 Hence safe
\ Hoop strss =( 137.7 x 1000 ) /( 1100 x 2000 )= 0.06 < 8.00 N/mm2 safe
Vertical load on ring beam =( T1 sin a + T2 sin b )
= 536.0 x 0.707 + 583.0 x 0.701 = 788 kN/m
Self weight of Beam = 1.10 x 2.000 x 25.00 = 55.00 kN/m
\ Total Load 843.0 kN/m
Total design load on the Ring girder = W = 3.14 x D x w
W = 3.14 x 7.500 x 843 = 19853 kN
The circular girder supported on 8 column. Using the moment cofficient given in table 4.1
Maximum negative bending moment on supports = 0.0083 x wR
M = 0.0083 x 19853 x 7.00 = 1154 kN.m
Maximum Positive B.M. at mid span section = 0.0041 x wR
= 0.0041 x 19853 x 7.00 = 570 kN/m
Maximum Torsional moment = 0.0006 x wR
= 0.0006 x 19853 x 7.00 = 84 kN/m
Shear force at suppoprt section is = V = (w.R.p/4)/2 = 843.0 x 7.0 x 0.7850 )/ 2 = 2317 kN
Shear force at section of maximum torsion is (At an angle of 12.75 degree from higher support)
V = 2317 -( 843.0 x 3.14 x 7 x 12.75 )/ 180 = 1005 kN
Design of support section M = 1154 V = 2317 kN
1154 x 1000000
\ d = = 1097 mm
0.872 x 1100
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Provide depth = 2000 mm cover = 50 mm Afective depth = 1950 mm
Mc 1154 x 1000000
Ast = = = 4523 mm
sst. j.d 150 x 0.872 x 1950
3.14xdia 3.14 x 25 x 25
using 25 mm bars A = = = 491 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 4523 / 491 = 9 No.
Actual , Ast = 9 x 491 = 4416 mm
2317 x 1000 2
tv = = 1.08 N/mm
1100 x 1950
100 Ast 100 x 4416
% of steel used = = = 0.2059 % \ tc = 0.19 N/mm2
bxd 1100 x 1950
Since tc < Tv 0.19 < 1.08 Shear reinforcement required
0.19 x 1100 x 1950
Shear taken by concrete = = 408 kN
Balance shear = 2317 - 408 = 1909 kN
Using 12 mm f 6 legged strirups, spacing is,
150 x 6 x 113.04 x 1950
sv = = 103.90 mm
1909 x 1000
Hence Provided 12 mm F bar, @ 100 mm c/c center near supports.
Design of mid span section:-
Mc 570 x 1000000 2
Ast = = = 2234 mm
sst. j.d 150 x 0.872 x 1950
0.30 2
But minimum area of steel is = x 1100 x 2000 = 6600 mm
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 25 x 25
using 25 mm bars A = = = 491 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 6600 / 491 = 14 No.
Actual , Ast = 14 x 491 = 6869 mm2
1159 x 1000
tv = = 0.54 N/mm2
1100 x 1950
100 Ast 100 x 6869
% of steel used = = = 0.3202 % \ tc = 0.24 N/mm2
bxd 1100 x 1950
Since tc < Tv 0.24 < 0.54 Shear reinforcement required
0.24 x 1100 x 1950
Shear taken by concrete = = 515 kN
Balance shear = 1159 - 515 = 644 kN
Using 12 mm f 4 legged strirups, spacing is,
150 x 4 x 113.04 x 1950
sv = = 205 mm say 200 mm
644 x 1000
But Sv > 0.75d or 300 mm whichever is less = 0.75 x 1950 = 1463 mm
Hence Provided 12 mm F , 4 legged strirrups @ 200 mm c/c .
Design of section subject to maximum torsion:-
T = 84.00 kN D = 2000 mm d = 1950 mm
V = 1005 kN b = 1100 mm M = 0
1+D/b 1+ 2000 / 1100
Mt = T = 84.00 = 140.00 kN.m
1.7 1.7
\ Me1 = (M+M1)= 0 + 140.00 = 140.00 kN.m
Mc 140 x 1000000
Ast = = = 549 mm2
sst. j.d 150 x 0.872 x 1950
But minimum area of steel is = x 1100 x 2000 = 6600 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 25 x 25
using 25 mm bars A = = = 491 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 6600 / 491 = 14 No.
Actual , Ast = 14 x 491 = 6869 mm2
Equivalent shear = Ve = V+1.6T/b = 1005 + 1.6 x = 1127.182 kN
Ve 1127.18 x 1000
Tve = = = 0.525 N/mm2
bd 1100 x 1950
100 Ast 100 x 6869
% of steel used = = = 0.3202 % \ tc = 0.24 N/mm2
bxd 1100 x 1950
Since tc < Tv 0.24 < 0.53 Shear reinforcement required
Using 12 mm f 6 legged strirups,with side cover of 25mm and top and bottom cover of 50mm
Asv . Asv 6 x 113.04 x 150
Spacing sv = = = 324 mm
Tv-Tc)b 0.525 - 0.24 ) x 1100
Hence Provided 12 mm F , 6 legged strirrups @ 200 mm c/c .
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
3351 x 1000
Direct compressve stress = s'cc = = 8.81 N/mm2
93.0 x 1000 x 1000 x 1200
Bending stress = s'cb = = 0.26 N/mm2
Permissible stress in concrete is increased by 33.33% while considering wind effect.
s'cc s'cb 8.81 0.26
= + < 1 or +
scc scb 8 x 1.33 10 x 1.33
= 0.828 + 0.0194 = 0.85
= 0.85 < 1 O.K.
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
12 Design of Bracing :-
Moment In Brace = 2 x Moment in column x (2)0.5 = 2 x 93.0 x 2.00 (1/2)
= 264.00 kN.m
Section of braces = 900 x 900 mm
\ b = 900 mm and d = 850 mm
Moment of resistance of section is
M1 = 0.897 x 900 x 850 2= 583274250 or 584.00 kN.m
Balance moment = M1 - M2 = 264.00 - 584.00 = -320.00 kN.m
Mc 584 x 1000000
Ast1 = = = 3306.0 mm
sst. j.d 230 x 0.904 x 850
Mc -320 x 1000000
Ast2 = = = -1925.0 mm
sst. j.d 230 x 0.904 x 800
\ Ast = Ast1 + Ast2 = 3306 + -1925 = 1381 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 25 x 25
using 25 mm bars A = = = 491 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 1381 / 491 = 3 No. bars at top and bottom
Actual , Ast = 6 x 491 = 2944 mm2
Length of barces L = 2 x 4.08 x sin 22.5
= 2 x 4.08 x 0.38 = 3.12 m
Moment in brace 264.00
Maximum shear force in brace. = = = 170.00 kN
1/2 x brace length 0.5 x 3.12
170.00 x 1000
tv = = 0.23 N/mm2
900 850
100 Ast 100 x 2944
% of steel used = = = 0.3848 % \ tc = 0.26 N/mm2
bxd 900 x 850
Since tc < tv 0.26 > 0.23 Shear reinforcement required
0.26 x 900 x 850
Shear carried by concrete = = 199.00 kN
Balance shear = 170.0 - 199.00 = 29.00 kN
Using 10 mm f 4 legged strirups, spacing is,
150 4 x 78.5 x 850
sv = = 1381 mm Say 1380 mm
29 x 1000
But Sv > 0.75d or 300 mm whichever is less = 0.75 x 850 = 638 or 630 mm
Hence Provided 10 mm F , 4 legged strirrups @ 125 mm c/c .
13 Design of foundation:-
A circular girder with raft slab is provided for tower foundations.
Total load on foundation = 3368 x 8 = 26944.0 kN
Self weight of foundation @ 10% = 2694.0 kN
Total Load = 29638.00 kN
Sefe bearing capacity of soil at site = 100.00 kN/m2
\ Area required = 29638 / 100 = 297.00 m2
Providing a raft slab with equal projections on either sideof a circular ring beam and if
\ b = width of raft slab, then = 3.14 x 8 x b = 297.0 or b = 11.82 m
Adopting a raft slab having inner diameter = 14.00 - 11.90 = 2.10 m say b = 11.90 m
and Outer diameter = 14.00 + 11.90 = 25.90 m
Design of circular girder of raft slab
Total load on circular girder = 26944.00 kN
Load per meter run of girder = 26944.00 / ( p x 8 )= 1073 kN/m
Refering to moment coeffiecents given in table 4.1, the maximum moment in the circul;ar girder is computed.
maximum negative moment at support. K1.W.R. = 0.0083 x 26944 x 7 = 1566 kN.m
maximum positive moment at MID span. K2.W.R. = x 0.0041 26944 x 7 = 774 kN.m
maximum Torsional moment (at 12.75 from support 0.0006 x 26944 x 7 = 114 kN.m
1073 x 7.00 x p/4
Shear force at support section is V = = 2949 kN
Shear force at section of maximum torsion is
1073 x p x 4 x 12.75
V = 2949 - = 1995.00 kN
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
The support section is designed for maximum moment
maximum negative moment M = 1995.00 kN.m Shear force V = 2949.00 kN
Assuming the width of section = 1300 mm
M = 1995.00 V = 2949 kN
1995 x 1000000
\ d = = 1308 mm
0.897 x 1300
Adopt depth = 1310 mm cover = 75 mm Over all depth = 1400 mm
Mc 1995 x 1000000 1400
Ast = = = 7326 mm
sst. j.d 230 x 0.904 x 1310
3.14xdia 3.14 x 25 x 25
using 25 mm bars A = = = 491 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 7326 / 491 = 16 No.
Actual , Ast = 16 x 491 = 7850 mm
2949 x 1000 2
tv = = 1.73 N/mm
1300 x 1310
100 Ast 100 x 7850 2
% of steel used = = = 0.461 % \ tc = 0.28 N/mm
bxd 1300 x 1310
Since tc < Tv 0.28 < 1.73 Shear reinforcement required
0.28 x 1300 x 1310
Shear taken by concrete = = 477 kN
Balance shear = 2949 - 477 = 2472 kN
The section subjected to maximum torsional moment and shear should be design for the following forces.
T = 114 kN.m D = 1400 mm
V = 1995 kN b = 1300 mm
M = 0 d = 1310 mm
Mt = 1 + D/b 1 + 1400 / 1300
T = 114 x = 140.00 kN.m
1.7 1.7
\ Me1 = M + M 1 = 0 + 140 = 140 kN.m
Mc 140 x 1000000
Ast = = = 514 mm2
sst. j.d 230 x 0.904 x 1310
0.85 x b.d 1 x 1300 x 1310
But minimum steel Ast = = = 3489 mm2
fy 415
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 25 x 25
using 25 mm bars A = = = 491
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 3489 / 491 = 7 No.
Actual , Ast = 7 x 491 = 3434 mm2
Equivalent shear Ve = V +1.65T/b = 1995 + 1.6 x( 114 / 1.3 )= 2136 kn
2136 x 1000
Tv = = 1.25 N/mm
1300 x 1310
100 Ast 100 x 3489
% of steel used = = = 0.2049 % \ tc = 0.19 N/mm2
bxd 1300 x 1310
Since tc < Tv 0.19 < 1.25 Shear reinforcement required
0.19 x 1300 x 1310
Shear taken by concrete = = 324 kN
Balance shear = 2136 - 324 = 1812 kN
Using 16 mm f 6 legged strirups, spacing is,
6 x 200.96 x 230
sv = = 261 mm
1.25 - 0.19 )x 1000
Hence Provided 16 mm F 6 legged strirrups @ 200 mm c/c center near supports.
Structural Design of 1270 m³ Intze Type Water Tank “Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project.” In Mahakal, Kathmandu
District, Central Development Region, Nepal
Design of Raft Slab:-
Maximum projection of raft slab from face of coloum
11.90 - 1.25
= = 5.323 m
Soil pressure = = = 52 kN
p x( 12.95 2 - 1.05 2)
Considring one meter width of raft slab along the circular arc.
wL 52 x 5.323 2
Maximum Bending moment = = = 737 kN.m
2 2
737 x 1000000
\ d = = 907 mm
0.897 x 1000
Adopt depth = 1125 mm cover = 75 mm Over all depth = 1200 mm
Mc 737 x 1000000 2
Ast = = = 3151 mm say = 4727 mm2
sst. j.d 230 x 0.904 x 1125
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 32 x 32
using 32 mm bars A = = = 804 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
Checks for Stability of Frame Staging
For the water tank to be safe against overturning, the Overturning Moment MOT generated due to
the lateral earthquake shaking should be smaller than the Restoring Moment MR due the self-weight
of the tank system (i.e., tank, staging and foundation). But, Restoring Moment is reduced when the
effects due to vertical motion of earthquakes are considered. The design vertical acceleration spectrum
is taken as two-thirds of the design horizontal acceleration spectrum as specified in Clause
6.4.2. of IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002. To ensure safety, a factor of safety of 1.5 is considered to be a
minimum value against overturning, i.e.,
MR ≥ 1.5M.ovt
Overturning Moment= 37045.62KNm
Toatal Dead Load (0.9xSelf 13352.34KN
Diametre of Base= 25.9m
Depth of Base= 1.4m
Resisting Moment(MR) 172912.84KNm
𝑀𝑅 172912.84KNm
= 4.668
𝑀𝑜𝑣𝑡 37045.62KNm
Hence the structure is safe against Overturning