Ga Legacy Doc Sgsu VIV
Ga Legacy Doc Sgsu VIV
Ga Legacy Doc Sgsu VIV
Welcome 1
CSI Team #fam 2
Assistant Director, Leadership & Gov. (MHK) 2
Graduate Assistant, Leadership 2
Assistant Director, Events & Traditions 2
Graduate Assistant, Events & Traditions 3
Graduate Assistant, Dance Marathon & Social Media 3
Assistant Director, Clubs (Angel) 3
Graduate Assistant, Clubs 3
Director, CSI (Bernie) 3
Timeline 3
Weekly Duties 3
Quarterly 4
Fall Goal: Team Bonding 4
Winter Goal: Wellness 4
Spring Goal: Leaving a Legacy 4
Yearly Goal: Advocating for Students, Doing the Work 4
Campus Partnerships 4
Organization 4
Advising & SGSU Team 5
Events/Projects 6
Recommendations 7
2017 – 2018 Timeline (Optional to Review) 8
Welcome to CSI! I am excited for you to begin your journey with this fabulous team of folx.
These next two years will change and shape you in ways that I believe will leave you challenged
and growing deeper into your identities. I hope that this document helps provide some
institutional context and history to ground you in this work. I encourage you to treat this as a
living document, take note of what you have learned, and continue to pass on the knowledge
you have gained from this role.
As your supervisor, they can guide you in your experience and shape it into the professional
development that you need. Take advantage of this, and advocate for yourself. They can be your biggest
support and can advocate for your needs along with those of your students. Use them as a sounding
board and develop a relationship where you can bring in your creativity and knowledge to support in
both your professional growth and positively impact your students.
Communication is key! Ask questions! MHK helped me get a lay for the land when I first started and
provided me the opportunity to ask multiple questions. I communicated my questions, interactions to
students and other happenings to her almost daily. I would often have a sticky note of all my questions
that I would save up to help balance her time and make the most of our discussions.
There is a mutual level of support that can be achieved by working directly with the GA in this role.
During my time, I was part of the iLead committee (a leadership conference for all student leaders on
campus) overseen by this GA.
Social Media is a collateral role that is sometimes held by this role, but may change depending on
skills/interests. They help get the word out about events and happenings on campus. I encourage you to
leverage this social media for getting the word out about happenings in SGSU (e.g. legislative agenda,
policy, initiatives, voter ballot).
There’s a sample timeline from 2019 – 2021, but don’t stress following it as much since it changes.
Weekly Duties
Your duties will include the following:
● Create agendas for week🡪 this includes: 1:1 w/ Supervisor, Team Meeting Updates, Exec, 1:1s
w/ Execs, Rep Assembly, etc.
● 1:1 w/ Supervisor🡪 review updates on team dynamics, upcoming events/projects, logistics
info/general questions
● Review Upcoming Projects & Events
● Rep Assembly 6 – 8pm every Wednesday evening, the intention of being here is to guide
students through these processes (Robert’s Rules, the “Why” piece—why do we care about
these issues) & fostering healthy team dynamics.
● Create your schedule to see how it might need to flex depending on events, etc.
Begin each quarter documenting your plan for the next 10 weeks and integrate the quarterly events
occurring. You will meet quarterly with your representatives, so this is a great time to understand the
work they are doing at least at a quarterly level.
Campus Partnerships
Campus Events 🡪 go to as many as you can, it’ll help you get to meet those around campus and you’ll get
a pulse of what you should vs. shouldn’t attend
I would check in with MHK. The CSI office has a strong presence on campus. SGSU can change up
depending on the year. Currently, we’ve done a lot of work to grow in our partnership RHA, which is the
Resident Hall Association aka the SGSU but for residents living on campus.
Below are opportunities for collab w/ RHA
● How we engage with administrators, deciding bodies, etc. (Both process to follow and approach)
● Deciding bodies/university structure
● Project planning & event planning
● Advocacy training
● What it means to make large-scale decisions on behalf of other students
● Robert’s Rules
● Diversity, equity, inclusion, and cultural competency—individual, as a team, and particularly in
relation to advocacy work
Get to know Senior Leadership, GAs, other offices around campus, clubs—these will all help you to
understand the roles of these groups/people and how to leverage this understanding to build better
● Use OneNote, Google Doc, etc
o 1:1s Page
▪ Create an agenda beforehand (includes Committee Updates, weekly 1:1s with
Execs, quarterly 1:1s with Reps, Projects)
o Projects Page
● Outlook—this will better help you track!
o Email folder for all SGSU members
o Email folder for Committees (will include President’s Advisory Board, Steering, Finance,
and University Affairs with any other committees that come up during the year)
● Recommend creating folders for each position (e.g. I have a Folder entitled “SGSU Members”
and when I open it, I have subfolders of each position) & committee emails will go there too
(e.g. Finance Committee emails go into “VP Finance”)
● Keep folders for additional projects (e.g. iLead Committee)
● Afternoon times are generally best to speak w/ students, but use mornings to get stuff done &
lulls in the day
● An outline of the quarter will help you think ahead, but your supervisor can help you while you
get the hang of things
While SGSU is primarily an advocacy organization, there are some events that the team annually holds.
Here are two guiding principles for events:
1. Leverage Relationships
a. We are not an event planning body, so encourage collaborations with campus partners
whether that be departments or clubs.
2. Integrating Legislative Agenda
a. We can plan events but we are not an event planning body
Committees/Projects are listed below, note that you have flexibility in what you choose to be a part of,
but this is to give you an idea:
● Divisional Committees
o These can vary from year to year. Depending on bandwidth, you could join 1 -2 more,
but no more than that.
● Finance Binder
o Remember to work with supervisor on transferring money via Journal Entries into sub-
budgets to reflect internal budget allocations (supervisor will know what this is)
o Track all receipts and cross reference it against InformSU
● iLead
o This is the leadership conference hosted by your Co-GA. I encourage you to be a part of
this as it will deepen your understanding of what leadership looks like on campus,
increase partnerships with divisions across campus, and show tangible support for your
● Legislative Agenda
o While this is relatively new, there are now extensive documents on it from the past 2 – 3
years in our google drive now
o These are the guiding principles for the work that we do throughout the year
Remember, much of your first year will be about getting a lay of the land and familiarizing yourself with
the role. Be patient with yourself! Use this time to get a feel for the work, your advising style, the impact
you can have and build campus relationships.
● Beginning of each quarter to schedule 1:1s and committee meetings
● Thinking of ways to collect data
● Managing team dynamics
● Integrating conversations on identity and privilege
● SGSU Reputation🡪 not perceived as fun
Below is a slightly outdated timeline. Unfortunately I cannot give you an accurate timeline as I spent
majority of my time virtually due to Covid.
(Note: Fall Quarter begins 3 weeks early to account for GA & SGSU training)
Week T-Minus 2 (August 28th)
GA Training
Week T-Minus 1
GA Training Continued
SGSU Meeting w/ Execs if Time
Week 0
SGSU Trainings (Connect w/ RHA if possible)
Over Break
PAB Reviewing SUSS Questions & Leg Agenda
Goal: Team-Bonding & Wellness
Week 1 (Jan. 8th)
Leg Agenda Presentation
Get Office Hours
SUSS Questions Finalized by EOW
Exec Reflection Meeting (schedule earlier next quarter?)
Goal: Legacy
Week 1 (April 2nd – 8th)
Elections Candidates
SUSS Analysis Due
Legacy Docs Due
Office Hours
SGSU Mid-Year Report
Steering Budget, EOY Banquet Prep
Staff Position
SUSS Presentation Draft (Due April 5th)
Use this time to get governing docs changes