Recruitment (BRIEF)
Recruitment (BRIEF)
Recruitment (BRIEF)
Recruitment: to renew or restore the health, vitality, or intensity of; to regain lost health or strength, recover; seeking a new member of an organization or body. What does it take to be successful with recruitment? A successful recruitment program is built on the satisfaction and the enthusiasm of the current membership. Naturally, if the members are having a good experience, it is easy for them to jump at the opportunity to share that with others. This doesnt mean the chapter has to be polished, so long as there is a feeling of excitement, of progressan attitude that Things are headed in the right direction. That is something the members can believe in and sell! Everyone, including alumni, wants to be associated with something successful, so before anything else is planned for rush, take a couple of hours and evaluate the experience being provided by the chapter today versus a year or two ago and try to gauge the current attitude. Is it positive? Is there good participation in meetings and social events? Does the Ritual mean something to the members? Is the house clean (a test of tidiness in common areas is whether you would be comfortable having your parents walk in and sit down)? Are all available beds filled? Is the chapter prominent in campus activities? How about gradesis the chapter above the all-mens average? If the answer to any of these questions is no, then perhaps a retreat is in order. Regular chapter retreats are an excellent tool for keeping the chapter on course. The Chapter Retreat BRIEF has all the information on scheduling, agenda, exercises, and follow-up. One of the most important of these is a needs assessment (a description of this technique can also be found in the Chapter Management BRIEF). The members ability to sell the chapter is based on having a positive view of the services being provided and of the direction in which the chapter is heading. The chapter should be aware of, and utilize, the resources available to it. Greek Advisors, International Officers and Regents, Vice Regents, Headquarters staff, faculty, community and business leaders, and area alumni have a wealth of knowledge that often goes untapped. By bringing together these resources and giving them the opportunity to offer their assistance, the chapter members will learn something new and perhaps develop innovative ways to move the chapter forward. Chapters need to remember that the resources available to them may often be limited or subject to time restraints. Plan ahead. Dont wait until just before formal rush period to contact those people from whom you are seeking assistance. Now, what about the responsibility of individual chapter members? How often have we heard (and said), Well be fine if everybody goes out and gets a man? That sounds great when the rush chairman uses it at the meetingshort, simple and catchy. But in reality, it rarely works. What happens is that everyone is made responsible and, therefore, no one is ultimately responsible. Nobody will miss my little part, one brother thinks. Then a second brother gets the same idea, then the members who are capable of doing more settle for the one man they are asked to get, and so on, until, once again, the chapter fails to meet its needs. A more foolproof method is to have an overall plan that allows each man to get involved by using his particular strengths (some are proficient at designing publicity materials, others enjoy getting out and meeting people, still others are the organizers behind the scenes). By utilizing the members strengths, with specific responsibilities and individual accountability, the chapter can start happening to rush instead of it happening to the chapter or, worse yet, it not happening at all! Goals are also important in rush. You know there are going to be problems when someone uses We only want quality men, because ITS NOT A GOAL! It cant be measured. When does the effort become a success? The results cant be assessed and the program itself cant be evaluated, because a true yardstick is missing. Are their grades above the all-mens average? Are they involved in community service or hold campus leadership positions? Are they athletes? See? Saying that you want quality is easy. It means that anything you do can be labeled a success after the fact. On the other
Recruitment Recruitment
hand, deciding prior to recruitment what quality is and working towards affiliating a predetermined number of men who meet those standards provides a tangible measure of your performance and ultimately your success. Quality rush is measured not by how few you get, but by how many you turn down. The larger the number of individuals the chapter has contact with, the larger the number of prospective brothers. With more prospective brothers, the chapter can associate a larger number of higher quality men. In other words, Quantity breeds quality. The chapter members must believe in and develop the goals together. This is yet another reason to have a retreat before the recruitment process begins. So, an essential part of your recruitment program is, ALWAYS have a goal. Once you have determined your goal, you must start making plans to achieve it. Utilize methods that will allow you to be reminded of your goal as often as possible. If your goal is to recruit 20 men, then place the number 20 on large sheets of paper and put them in areas that the men in the chapter will see daily. Remember though, in order to recruit 2i0 men, you will need to make approximately 100 contacts. What you may want to do is have your goal be, Meet 100 new men and initiate 20 of those men. Constantly being reminded of your goal will reinforce the need to strive for success. Now you have developed your goal, you are reminded often about what the goal is, you have only one thing left achieve it! This BRIEF will take you through the process of developing a successful recruitment programutilizing all available resources and achieving the goals set by the chapter. You will find that the only limits you have are the ones that you have placed on yourself. Recruitment, in actuality, is much easier than we normally think. Its taking advantage of the skills that we have learned as Delta Chis and sharing our brotherhood with potential members. Its about forming relationships, challenging ourselves, making friends, and building a better fraternity, our fraternity Delta Chi!
Be outgoing and assertive Do not expect prospective brothers to come to you during formal rush. Go to them. Bring them to your recruitment events. Recruit in the residence halls, student union, athletic fields, classrooms, meetings of other organizations, etc. Stay in contact. Use the telephone, but you must also keep personal, face-toface contacts as your primary tool. By being outgoing and assertive, brothers can expand the number of prospective members to include those quality individuals who do not know enough about fraternities to participate in a structured rush system. Expand the prospective member base Recognize that all unaffiliated undergraduate men are potential brothers, not just those who participate in formal rush. Do not limit your efforts to freshmen. Recruit high school students, college sophomores, juniors, and transfer students. Allow for ongoing associations Do not associate men only in groups or classes. By recruiting men 365 days throughout the year, chapters will be able to associate men continuously. Chapters should organize their fraternity education and big brother programs so that new associate members may join at any time as school regulations permit. Provide the opportunity for a prospective brother to join when the time is right for him, not just two weeks per year when it is right for the chapter. Develop a recruiting mentality Do not recruit only during certain time periods. Incorporate an organized, year-round recruitment campaign that involves all chapter members. Never give up on a man. Continue to recruit associate members to initiation, brothers to graduation, and alumni forever. Quantity vs. Quality Quality rush is measured not by how few you get, but by how many you turn down. The larger the number of individuals the chapter has contact with, the larger the number of prospective brothers. With more prospective brothers, the chapter can associate a higher number of higher quality men. In other words, Quantity breeds quality. Establish Standards Dont be ashamed to communicate to prospective members that your chapter has certain expectations such as a GPA above the all mens average, prompt payment of bills, participation in events, etc. When you lower your standards to get more men, you end up weakening the organization.
THE FIVE-STEP PROCESS Meeting and making new friends is 90% of the effort needed to get a man to join your chapter. Once you have made a friend, the next part of selling your product Delta Chi is the easy part. The five-step process is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Meet him. Make him a friend. Introduce him to your friends. Introduce him to Delta Chi. Ask him to join.
Many chapters mistakenly skip the first three steps. Brothers fail to establish the friendships upon which fraternity is built. How many times during rush does your chapter skip these basic steps? The concept is simple; remove the barriers and make friends. It is only natural that you will not develop a friendship with everyone you meet. Nor is it natural that you will introduce every one of your new friends to each of your fraternity brothers. You may even decide that a few of your friends are not right for Delta Chi. You can also be sure that not everyone who receives a bid will join. Your chapter will lose people at each and every step. Therefore, the more people you meet, the more men who will carry on to the ultimate step joining Delta Chi. Whether your campus has a formal, deferred, summer, or informal rush system, it is necessary to use the five-step process to develop the relationships needed to recruit new brothers. Those chapters that believe in the Field of Dreams approach to recruitment (build it and they will come) will continue to struggle in the recruitment of the 90s and beyond. There are two things a chapter must understand in order to improve its recruitment efforts: 1) A chapter must actively recruit new members. 2) Brotherhood is based on friendship; therefore, recruitment must be based on making friends. This BRIEF is intended to assist your chapter with recruitment and to provide guidance in assimilating the five-step process into your recruitment program. This is not a substitute for developing your own recruitment program.
The recruitment chairman should be just that - a chairman of a committee - and not a one-man show. The recruitment chairman is in charge of organizing the recruitment program in which the brothers will be involved. He should delegate and coordinate a committee composed of a cross section of the chapter. Include older brothers with experience in recruitment and younger ones who can train for future leadership. While this committee will be responsible for the overall recruitment effort, every member of the chapter must play a role. No single person can recruit as effectively as the entire chapter. Every individual has something to offer in making the effort a success. RESPONSIBILITIES Chair the recruitment committee. Recruit and, with approval of the chapter, appoint the recruitment committee members. Lead the recruitment committee and chapter in planning, organizing, and implementing the recruitment program within the allocated budget. Involve the entire chapter - brothers and associates alike - in recruitment. Acknowledge all brothers who sent rush recommendations and notify them of the outcome of their referral. Secure alumni support and involvement by inviting area alumni to chapter functions. Instill a year-round awareness of the importance of recruitment and implement specific programs and scheduled activities. Increase the effectiveness of the chapters recruitment abilities rather than doing most of the rushing himself. Organize a chapter recruitment retreat to inform the brothers of how to market the chapter. Coordinate communication with potential members and direct the preparation of recruitment publications and other printed materials.
COMMITTEE The recruitment committee needs to be organized to assist the recruitment chairman and carry out the chapters recruitment program. The recruitment committee should meet regularly throughout the year (once each week, twice a month, etc.). In this manner, informal, summer, and formal recruitment programs can be continually planned and evaluated. The duties of the recruitment committee can be divided so one or more individuals are responsible for specific duties. Each of these committee members should call on brothers and associates to help carry out smaller portions of their responsibilities, thereby involving everyone in the process.
Activities Plan the events Purchase and prepare food and drink Prepare the house or other location Transportation for guests Correspondence Contact prospective member and parents Contact alumni asking for recommendations Ensure that all men who receive recommendations are contacted Follow up with alumni concerning recommendations Write thank-you letters to alumni who host functions or otherwise support the recruitment effort Records Maintain a file with information on all prospective members, including summary of any contact Keep brothers informed of status of each prospective member Keep up with the number of men initially contacted, actually rushed, bid, and associated
Follow-up Identify prospective members and develop a list of names Coordinate informal contact See that personal contact follow-up is accomplished Maintain contact/follow-up sheet Publicity Create posters, pictures, bid cards/letters, and publications Maintain scrapbooks, Quarterly, Cornerstone Prepare written copy and pictures for IFC recruitment booklet Obtain recruitment brochures, nametags, and business cards COMMUNICATION Recruitment meetings, workshops, or reports should occur throughout the year to: Remind the brothers of recruitment events and other functions Remind the brothers that recruitment is a continual process Rededicate the chapters commitment to the recruitment program Chapter Meetings: In meetings, set manpower assignments, evaluate the recruitment program as it is occurring, and decide on extending invitations to join. Summer meetings: The membership should be kept informed as to the progress of the recruitment program throughout the summer. If location prohibits meeting, then this can be accomplished through update letters to the brothers throughout the summer. WRITTEN PROGRAMMING Once the recruitment committee has planned the type of recruitment, the events, the background activities, and the workshops/retreats, put it all together into a written program. A written program is nothing more than the compilation of the planning. However, it can now be used as a reference guide for the brothers to help them know what to do when, where, why, and how, as well as for future recruitment chairmen. A recruitment chairman notebook should include: Written recruitment program List of recruitment goals List of resources Recruitment committee information The budget The recruitment calendar Rushee information sheets List of new associates All contact/follow-up sheets List of all involved alumni
Heres a sample agenda for your recruitment retreat. 1. Review the Chapters Goals for Recruitment - At an early stage in the planning process, the chapter should set a goal for how many men it would like to pin during this term. As many as we can is not a goalit needs to be specific and should fit in with the chapters long-term growth plan. It also avoids the syndrome of calling whatever you end up with Just what we wanted! If it is not already in the by-laws, decide what GPA will be necessary in order to join and what other characteristics are important for men who would become members. Go Over the Recruitment Schedule - Be sure that everyone knows exactly what he needs to do and by when. Post a calendar with the schedule on it (hand out photocopies too) and with all deadlines noted. Make a special effort to see that all out-of-house brothers know the schedule and will have rides to the house before each event. Review the Recruitment Committees Assignments - Describe the responsibilities of each committee member. This way, they will know who is handling what aspects of recruitment. Give each member of the committee a minute to make requests for additional help, go over a special point, etc. Distribute the Facts - It is of major importance that everyone is telling the same story in recruitment. Nothing is so embarrassing as being contradicted while trying to impress a guest. Hand out fact sheets with all the information the brothers will need to know. For summer recruitment, prepare your brothers for the typical questions asked by freshmen and their parents. You should also include some basic material on the university/college. Check with the admissions office for handouts and advice. How to Recruit - This is where a guest speaker can be really valuable. Take the members through all the Dos and Donts and view The Right Way To Rush video. A key to successful recruitment education is to emphasize the use of good shortcomings, but show them in the light of opportunities for further achievement. Also stress the skills of good communications. During recruitment, the prospective member wants to know what Delta Chi is, who they are and what Delta Chi has to offer him. For this to happen, you need to get to know one another. You need to become friends. 6. The Brothers Responsibilities - Let them know youll need their full cooperation and willingness to help when asked for the recruitment to be a success. They should arrange their schoolwork whenever possible so that it doesnt interfere with their ability to contribute to recruitmentafter all, they have the schedule in their hands. During the events, the most important thing is to be friendly and honest. Let them know how they should dress for each event. Make it clear that regardless of the circumstances, you expect them to stay presentable during recruitment. The brothers also need to understand the record-keeping system. If there is a time and place for them to make written comments on individuals, let them know. The Importance of Follow-Up and Follow-Through - Explain the procedure, the various elements and what the brothers will have to do to make it succeed. Membership Selection Procedure - Whether you call it a bid session, hashing, or whatever, be sure everyone understands the rules. Also explain the necessity of punctuality, rational thought and diplomacy, if the chapter hopes to do a good job of evaluating the prospects. Avoid late night sessions or allowing anyone to participate who is under the influence of alcohol. Bidding - See Section XI in this BRIEF. Explain it in detail. Role Playing - This is a chance for everyone to practice their recruitment skills, from handshakes to bidding. Break up into small groups and alternate parts and situations until everyone has had an opportunity to try a variety of roles.
7. 8.
9. 10.
The recruitment retreat is also a good time to decide on the teams for making advance contact.
RECRUITMENT RETREAT TRAINING ACTIVITIES NAME THAT ONE PERSON Ask chapter members to name the one person who influenced him to join your chapter. Think back to that moment. Processing questions: How did he approach you? What did he say? How did he show his interest in you? What did he say? What closed the sale? How can we make recruitment a more personalized process?
Remind the chapter that recruitment is simply making friends. SALESMAN Have all the chapter members pair up (with larger chapters, ask the men to get in groups of three; one student will serve as the group observer). Ask pairs to assign one person as the first salesman. The salesman gets 60 seconds to sell the fraternity to the brother. After the 60 seconds, ask the listener if he thought the salesman did a good job. Ask for a few nominees to stand and give their sales pitch to the entire chapter. Take another 60 seconds for the listener to play the role of the salesman. Again, ask for outstanding salesmen and demonstrate their skills to the group. Processing questions: Why are these men considered good salesmen? What made the salesmen believable? What did the good salesmen say that really sold you on their experience? What hooked you? In order to be a good salesman you have to believe in your product. How did the good salesmen prove their belief in the chapters product?
COMMON QUESTIONS Each chapter member should be able to answer the following questions. Put these on 3x5 cards with numbers 120 on the back. Randomly distribute the cards to chapter members. Ask the person with #1 to stand up, read the question and answer it in front of the group. When finished, the member should sit down and the group can offer feedback or ways they might answer the question differently. Continue on with numbers 2-20. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. How much does it cost to become a member? Are you really close to every brother in your chapter? My parents believe that all fraternities do is party. How can I convince them differently? Why is your chapter so small/large? I heard the ABCs are jerks. What do you think of them? What do you do for service projects? Do you have to do them? What do I have to do to be initiated? My sister is in XYZ sorority. What do you think of them? What will your chapter do to help me with my school work? Have you noticed a change in your chapter since you joined? What do you do with your alumni? What does national do with all the money that you give them? My brother was a Delta Chi at North/South State. Doesnt that mean I automatically get in here? On average, how much will the fraternity cost me each month? I dont drink. What do you do at parties? I dont think I can afford the fraternity... Im afraid the fraternity will hurt my grades... My parents dont want me to join. What if I just didnt tell them? I dont think I have time to join a fraternity... Will I be hazed? What will you guys make me do?
SELL, SELL, SELL! In order to assist the potential members in learning more about your chapter, the members of the chapter first need to know and discuss what the chapter has to offer and expects from a new member. Know your product! In a typical chapter, if each member were asked to write down five reasons why someone should join his chapter, the majority of the brothers wouldnt be able to think of five reasons. This has to be corrected. As a group, compile a list of chapter selling points. Be specific. Add other categories to the following list if needed. Once you have your list, go back through the selling points one at a time and try to reword each one to maximize its appeal. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Chapter activities and achievements Your brothers interests and personalities Leadership and management opportunities and responsibilities Ways your chapter can fit the new members needs and interests Chapter loyalty, pride and heritage Financial commitment (the primary source of funding everything we do!) Chapter goals and organization Friendship (brotherhood development) Academic requirements Membership education program for new members
ROLE PLAYING Have members volunteer to role-play all the different characters during recruitment (i.e., chapter members and potential members) and assign different personality types to each (e.g., jock, serious student). They should then practice recruiting each other and have the chapter evaluate their performance. Getting men who are uncomfortable with recruiting involved in this exercise can make them feel more confident in their capabilities, as long as their uneasiness is not mocked by other members. RE-RECRUITING YOUR CHAPTER MEMBERS Make the recruitment retreat fun and exciting. Make your brothers want to be there. Give prizes for the previous recruitment: Most Improved Recruiter Elite Five (voted upon by the chapter and awarded to the five best recruiters) Best Attitude Best First Time Recruiter Most Approachable Best Conversationalist Most Interfraternal: Best Go Greek Message Fraternity Fact King: Most Knowledgeable Most Supportive Alumnus Add your own! Be creative with positive recognition certificates. Give exciting prizes promoting the Fraternity: buttons, mugs, water bottles, baseball caps, t-shirts, sweatshirts, Badge guards, etc. (Some of these items are available from the International Headquarters.)
As recruitment tools: Invite alumni to recruitment functions Ask a prominent alumnus to give a brief address to the guests Ask a prominent alumnus to write a letter to prospective members parents For financial assistance: Your advisors or alumni association may be willing to sponsor a portion of your recruitment program. ALUMNI ADVISORS Help make available prominent area alumni to attend rush events Actively seek alumni recommendations Help advise in chapter recruitment seminars or workshops
CAMPUS IFC : Your IFC can provide rush rules and regulations, as well as dates of rush and up-to-date recruitment publications and statistics. Greek Advisor: Your Greek Advisor can assist you with suggestions and with handling problems particular to your campus or chapter.
Personalized recruitment goes far beyond mere public relations. Publications and videos can raise awareness, but its the chapter members who produce new associate members. Identifying prospective members and getting them to a chapter event for recruitment functions is sometimes the most difficult, yet still a crucial part of recruitment. However, meeting prospective members is the most important part of the process and can occur anytime or anywhere, when a Delta Chi interacts with a non-affiliated student. When face-to-face interaction takes place between an unaffiliated student and a Delta Chi, the encounter develops a relationship between two people. Continued interaction develops the relationship into a friendship. Introductions to other friends expands the scope of the friendship. Such a friend jumps at the chance to join a brotherhood. Such a friend jumps at the chance to join Delta Chi. Making new friends is something you can do each and every day. INITIAL CONTACT
Forms of initial contact that have proven to be most successful include: Personal visits to the prospective members home during the summer Brothers and friends who serve as residence halls advisors Contacts made by brothers serving as freshmen orientation leaders Approaching officers of student organizations on campus Introduction to potential members through mutual contacts, alumni, high school guidance counselors, parents, etc. Presentations at high schools, churches, other organizations, etc. Lists of graduating high school seniors Men on academic scholarship (local newspapers recognize award recipient and school district offices have lists of names) Men at summer school Upperclassmen in the residence halls In class, the library, or in extracurricular activities Pickup games at the gym Activities with honor societies, service organizations, student clubs, or student government organizations Individual handwritten letters from brothers introducing themselves, the Greek system and Delta Chi Helping freshmen during orientation and registration to get settled in their residence hall Friends of brothers and friends of friends Referrals from girlfriends, female friends, or sorority members Lists of freshmen or transfer students LEGACIES A legacy is a potential member who has a relative in Delta Chi (i.e., father, grandfather, brother, uncle, or cousin). Unfortunately, too many fraternities, including Delta Chi, are failing to associate many good legacies. This is ironic, since quite often with a legacy you already have your foot in the door. His association can enhance your chapters tradition. When he associates, the interest of his predecessors and their close chapter friends are rekindled. Your chapter should continuously collect and evaluate information from alumni who will identify these legacies. Remember, your basic policy must continue to be that your brothers are not required to associate anyone whom they would not be proud to call their brother. You should, however, treat each legacy just as you would want your brother or son treated. It is your chapters responsibility to investigate fully the possibility of associating a legacy and make sure each one is given careful and courteous consideration. Similarly, your chapter should not take a legacy for granted and automatically assume he is going to pledge because of his father or relative. PERSONAL VISITS A personal visit to the prospective member on his turf will help immensely in establishing the relationship that is key to the success of your recruitment. Subsequent recruitment events will be more effective where a prior relationship is established. Visits to the prospective member, whether prior to, during, or following an event, confirm your interest in the prospective member and allow you to answer questions, reinforce previous statements, and extend invitations to subsequent events while learning more of the prospective members interests.
EXTENDING AN INVITATION The key to success in extending an invitation is not to give the opportunity to say no. Never give the prospective member any possible cause to doubt your sincere interest in his attendance. Say, We are having an event Wednesday and would really like for you to be there. A number of the brothers are interested in meeting you. The event starts at 7 p.m. What time can I pick you up? ORGANIZE YOUR FOLLOW-UP The goal is not to let any prospective member fall through the cracks before he reaches his decision to associate with Delta Chi. Guest books, prospective member lists, prospective member profiles, index cards, etc., used to document your recruitment, can also be used to guide your follow-up. Follow-up teams, one older and one younger brother, can be organized so that follow-up recruitment is always being both taught and learned. MAINTAIN REGULAR CONTACT Regular contact reinforces your sincere interest in the prospective member and can reflect the diversity of the opportunities in Delta Chi. Examples of follow-up contact include: Personal visits at his residence hall or apartment Repeat visits to the fraternity house Meetings on neutral turf (e.g. campus events, IFC rush events, campus facilities) Telephone calls Written invitations (as a last resort) INTENSIFY YOUR FOLLOW-UP AS INTEREST GROWS Invite the prospective member to become increasingly more involved in the normal activities of the chapter. Phone and personally visit all prospective members prior to each function to secure their commitment to attend and to bring their friends with them (e.g., they become both prospective member and recruiter). Assign brothers to escort prospective members to functions. Accompany the prospective member to visit his parents (if possible) to overcome parental misconceptions of fraternity and to enlist their support.
CONTACT/FOLLOW-UP SHEET As the saying goes, If everyone is responsible, then no one is responsible. It cannot be assumed that everyone will get involved in the recruitment process and that everyone asked to make a follow-up visit or phone call will do so. By creating a Contact/Follow-up Sheet (see example in appendix), the recruitment chairman can track the progress of the recruitment effort, see who is involved, assign specific duties, and display the results. Members of the chapter should constantly be solicited for names of potential brothers. Once a prospective member reaches step three (introduce him to your friends), the recruitment chairman should write down his name and the name of the brother who supplied it. Once the prospective member has met brothers or attended an event, a brother should be assigned to follow up with the prospective member. This may be the same person who had initial contact or someone else in the chapter who has made friends with the prospective member. The follow-up might include going to lunch, inviting the prospective member to go out with a couple of brothers, bringing the prospective member to another chapter activity, or a phone call. The brother in charge of follow-up may change several times once more brothers have made friends with the prospective member. This process continues through steps four (introduce him to Delta Chi) and five (ask him to join).
Follow up on any sort of contact you have with potential members during the summer. Send a hand-written thank you note after they have attended an event, and be sure to pick up the phone and personally thank them for taking time out of their summer. 10. Throughout the summer, form a spreadsheet of all potential members. This will keep things much more organized and manageable. It is also very important to keep good records on potential members. The Recruitment Chairmen will want to keep track of what events he has been to, what contact the chapter has had with him, who knows him the best, etc. Sample Calendar for Summer Recruitment March 21st-28th Recruitment teams should meet and plan out their summer activities. Invite area alumni to be involved in this process. Plan two or three events. Discuss how to work with parents. April 14th-21st Compile a list of freshmen from the university/college, recommendations from alumni, sororities, friends, and guidance counselors. Use this information to create a contact database split into groups by geographic regions, or even high schools. May 14th-21st Send out an information packet prepared by the chapter to all potential members in your database. If you cant afford this then focus on an area, only those who have indicated an interest in going Greek, or sample a random selection and ask them to bring a friend. May 25th-31st Have the recruitment teams make follow-up phone calls to all potential members who received information. The recruitment teams should talk up the summer game plan, and possibly answer any questions. June 18th-24th Event One - Have a BBQ at an alumnus or parents house Get a firm commitment from brothers and rush guests who will be attending. Follow up with a phone call to each man who attended and a phone call to all who were unable to attend. Personal contact is the key to successful personal recruitment. July 1st-July 7th Event Two - Plan an outing to a sporting event. Again, remember to follow up with some sort of personal contact to thank the men for taking the time to attend. July 20th-26th Event Three - Have a get-together at a local park, or rent out a room at a local restaurant. Ask an alumnus to speak about Delta Chi. Use this time for a quick informational session and a short orientation to the university they will be attending in the fall. Finish with a question and answer session. August 3rd- 9th Event Four- Have an event at school or at a chapter members house. It is important to have prospective members meet the chapter/colony as a group so they know what type of organization they may be joining. This is also a great chance to get to see brothers who may have been working all summer. As always, remember to follow up with some personal contact. Encourage them to go through rush/recruitment in the fall, or simply let them know to get in touch with you when they arrive at school. Or, better yet, find out how you can get in touch with them! If appropriate have an event during the first week of school. In addition, when holding an event, it is important to be prepared. Every area needs to be covered, such as dress for the occasion, location, time, what to bring, etc. When Should the Recruiting Start? All chapters/colonies should recruit 365 days a year. Too many groups rely on university-structured rush weeks and do little, if any, preparatory work during the summer. Getting ready for summer recruitment is not something that can be done mid-summer. In reality, preparation should begin shortly after spring break, if not before. If a chapter/colony waits until the end of the semester, there will not be time to properly prepare the members of the chapter/colony for a solid summer recruitment effort. The chapter will want to be in a position where it is picking and choosing who it wants. Remember, recruitment is about quantity AND quality. Ideas to Get Started on a Summer Recruitment Program: Talk to guidance counselors. Dont hesitate to go back to your old high school to see about the graduating
seniors who will be attending your university. Utilize alumni! We often forget how important a resource alumni can be. Get them involved in planning summer recruitment. Have alumni assist you in all facets of summer recruitment, including planning or hosting events. Always remember that personal contact is the most proven recruitment technique. Potential members will be much more at ease if you meet them on their own turf. Being in a comfortable environment makes them much more open and accepting. This is also the perfect opportunity to impress the parents of a potential member in hopes of showing them the benefits of their son becoming a Delta Chi. Pay attention to the parents of potential members. Parents are often apprehensive about the idea of fraternity. Take some time to dispel the myths of Animal House and the things that they hear about on television. This is an area where alumni support can be invaluable. Another great resource can be the parents of members. Parents may be willing to allow the use of their home as a location to hold summer recruitment functions. Such a gesture should not go overlooked by the chapter, so remember to offer help in setting up for the event and to show your appreciation after the function. It is also understood that behavior at these functions should be respectable before, during, and after the event. Remember the basic selling points of recruitment. You get what you recruit. For example, if you are talking to a prospective member solely about partying, dont expect that person to take on a huge leadership role. You will also see how retention and your recruitment sales pitch points tie in with each other. Involvement in other organizations is always beneficial to Delta Chi. For summer recruitment, you would like to have brothers involved in summer orientation, and programs directed at helping freshmen settle into their new surroundings. If they are not currently involved, this fall would be a great time to start working for next summer. In the chapters alumni newsletter, develop a section where alumni can send in names of young high school men who will be attending the university. Recommendations could be sent via e-mail if you have an alumni list serve or chapter website. Alumni can also recommend current students who would make good members. Work as a team! When everyone is putting in a great deal of effort, the results are going to be that much better. Members cannot simply rely on just the Recruitment Chair to do the work. If brothers often feel that no one will miss their small part of the recruitment effort, eventually all the members will arrive at this same thought, and nothing will be accomplished. Lead by example as opposed to taking the easy way out.
Additional Thoughts on Summer Recruitment: By setting goals and developing, implementing, and executing a well-run summer recruitment program, your chapter/colony will benefit in several ways. Considering the fact that most other fraternities do not have any summer recruitment, the chapter will be able to get a jump on the competition. While the usual rivals from formal rush are waiting around for that magic two-week period in the fall, the men of your chapter will be forming the associate member class for the fall. If Delta Chi is the first to contact the young men who will be attending the university/college, then Delta Chi will be able to select the highest quality potential members. The chapter will see the results from its hard work and will be able to enjoy its success. Overall, things will fall into place, and the chapter will improve in all areas of operation. Again, the importance of inviting potential members must be reiterated. Everything you will need for a successful summer recruitment plan is in place. However, all of the hard work will amount to nothing if there is only planning and not contacting. Follow up and follow through with potential members! Remember that recruitment starts with going out and meeting people. The biggest return on the investment of hard work in summer recruitment will be the enthusiasm of interested young freshmen when they first move into their dorms in the fall. They will be doing a form of dorm storming that the chapter would never be able to accomplish. The buzz will be all over campus, and you will have taken care of 80% of recruitment for the fall. Utilize the new guys, as they can be your best recruiters. Even more so, the chapter will find that once one guy decides to join, so do his friends. Recruiting can be challenging, but remember that there are several things to help keep you motivated: Your chapter/colony will be an even stronger force on campus. There will be more brothers with whom you can establish friendships. More talented men to fill to critical leadership positions. With more members, the chapter will also be doing better financially. When the chapter is doing well financially, the chapter can have more programming (social events, scholarship, etc.) All in all, you will end up having a better experience!
What sports do you like or have you been involved in? Why? How do you feel about (sports team, figure, or issue)? What is your favorite ____ (sport, team, etc.)? What movies have you seen lately? What did you think of _____?
Vacation: What did you do over the summer? How was your trip to ______? Job: What did you do this summer? How did you get that job? Why did you want to get that kind of job? What is the best job you have ever had?
Activities: What activities were you involved in during high school? How did you get into that activity? What activities do you hope to pursue in college? Each brother should have several questions prepared to begin a conversation. They should be questions regarding something that is of genuine interest to himself or something he would want to know about another individual. The important thing to remember is that these questions are used to start the conversation. You need to listen to the individual and respond to his answers and continue the conversation from that point. Too often brothers have a handful of questions that they ask one after another regardless of the response, and when they are done with their list, they have nothing to talk about. Find out what the prospect is interested in and get him to talk about it. People want to hear three things: thank you, their names, and their own voices.
CHAPTER EVENTS Assign one or more recruitment committee members to plan and prepare for all of the functions. Make the functions enjoyable for everyone. A natural, informal atmosphere is best whenever possible. Put the emphasis on brother-perspective brother interaction, not entertainment. Recruitment should be nothing more than a brotherhood event that you invite other people to attend.
TYPES OF INDIVIDUALIZED EVENTS College athletic events Professional sports Canoeing, camping, backpacking Swimming Water skiing Snow skiing Speakers from the college or university Alumni night Sports films or movies
Informal athletic events and intramurals Cookout Parents night (or day) Exchange dinner with a sorority Associate member meetings Date functions Faculty dinners Community service project Chapter dinners Tutoring sessions, study breaks Casino party Trivia contest Pig roast Broom ball Frisbee golf Softball Bowling Rollerblading Basketball Golf Challenge an independent team in intramurals and go for pizza afterwards Before we place too much emphasis on events and large-group functions, do not forget that one-on-one and small-group rushing provides the best opportunity for getting to know prospective members and for closing the sale. A balance of these two types of recruitment atmosphere the group function and the personal touch will probably work best.
b. Easy adjustment with all kinds of people. They can handle themselves in a variety of situations. c. Decision-making ability. After considering the facts, they dont hem and haw or avoid a decision.
d. Ability to judge relevance, proportion and potential. They can distinguish between the significant and the insignificant aspects of a situation or problem and can judge future possibilities. 4. 5. 6. Integrity - Nothing erodes the brotherhood more than a lack of personal ethics and values. Men who cheat, steal, lie or fail to live up to their commitments have no place in Delta Chi. Ability to Pay - No matter how nice a man is, or what other strengths he brings with him, if he simply cannot afford Delta Chi, then by bidding him you are asking for problems later on. Find out ahead of time. Well-Rounded Personality - Its great for a person to excel at one particular thing, but he also needs at least a basic competence in other areas in order for him to be a good brother.
The point of these suggestions is to reinforce from the very beginning the idea that being a Delta Chi means living up to certain standards, not justifying the lowest common denominator. There are two questions you should ask yourself when assessing a potential member: What can he bring to Delta Chi? What can Delta Chi do for him? Fraternity is a two-way street. Few brothers are outstanding in all areas. Is the prospective member an All-American, a scholar, a leader, a hard worker, funny, enthusiastic, or a gentleman? What qualities does he possess that can aid Delta Chi? At the same time, how can being a Delta Chi aid the individual? LEGACIES When you are considering a legacy for membership, keep in mind that he may be coming from two or three generations of Delta Chi, maybe all from your own chapter. Instead of proving himself good enough to be associated, a legacy should have to prove himself truly undeserving of a bid. If, after full and careful consideration, you decide not to bid a legacy, you should contact the members of his family who are Delta Chis and explain your reasons before telling him. To do less is a slap in the face to those men in his family who have come before him and seriously damages the relationship between that family and Delta Chi. A concerted effort towards bidding legacies almost always benefits the chapter from the standpoint of improved alumni contact and relations.
SELECTION Your chapter must have a definite procedure for voting on whether to invite a man to join Delta Chi. It should be written down in the chapter by-laws. Whatever the method, it should respect the rights of every brother to speak his mind and to vote his own conscience. There is no requirement that the voting be by secret ballot. Often, a prospective member fails to receive a bid because not enough brothers have met him. It is not necessary for every brother to meet a prospective member. During the discussions, listen to what other brothers have to say about the individual. Dont just vote based on your personal experiences; instead, trust the opinions of your brothers and vote accordingly. Package Deals - If you want to bid a very sharp guy but he has a friend youre not sure about, look a little deeper. Theyre friends for some reason. Dont turn him down just because hes not as impressive at first glance as his friend. If you really decide the second man isnt of sufficient caliber, then you will be faced with two possibilities. 1. 2. Often, the two men are not as close as you think. They may be rushing together out of convenience (from the same high school, roommates, etc.). If they are close friends, then you need to say that if they join different fraternities it shouldnt change that fact.
BIDDING In the final step (ask him to join) the chapter should continue to develop the friendship with the individual. The bid should be extended to the individual personally by two or three brothers. At least one of these members should be someone who has developed a good relationship with the potential member. Present him with the bid card or letter and discuss the reasons why you believe this individual will benefit from being a member of The Delta Chi Fraternity and how your chapter will benefit by associating the prospective member. Be open and honest with the individual before he accepts his bid. Show him the budget, the associate member program, a calendar of events, and the dues structure. Your honesty and openness will be rewarded.
Within a week of the Associate Member Ceremony, ask each new associate to fill out a Recruitment Evaluation Form. (See Appendix for an example.) These forms help to understand what individuals going through the process think. An activity that the chapter feels is great may not be viewed the same way by someone going through the process. The completed recruitment evaluation forms serve as tools to improve your next recruitment effort. Be certain to save them, along with any personal observations, and pass them along to the next recruitment chairman. Remember that recruitment is a continuous process and any knowledge gained should be passed along for a smooth and successful transition.
DONT use racial or ethnic slurs. Its hard to talk about scholarship when you sound like a moron. DONT just talk about social activities. You get what you rush, and if the social aspect is all you talk about, dont expect to pin a Rhodes Scholar or a future President of the United States. DONT gang up on or monopolize a guest for the entire evening. The first practice makes him uncomfortable, and the second makes it hard for the rest of the chapter to get to know him. DONT ever, ever leave a guest alone. DONT lose your temper or get into an argument about anything. DONT gang up by yourselves when you have potential members in the room. It makes you look like youre not interested in them. DONT rush women. During rush, you are supposed to be getting members, not dates. DONT talk about disliking rush. Sample conversation: Guest: Gee, rush must really be a rough time for you guys. Brother: Yeah, its a pain in the rear end, but we gotta do it. Rush is the first fraternity activity most of your guests will ever have seen. If rush is not enjoyable, whats the rest of fraternity like? If they are told that rush is nothing but a big pain, it will be easy to conclude that fraternity life is a big pain. DONT criticize or stereotype other fraternity chapters. Remember, you cant throw mud without getting some on yourself. If a man rushes Delta Chi and is told that Alpha Beta Gamma is no good, and then rushes Delta Epsilon and they say that Zeta Eta Theta stinks, and then rushes Zeta Eta Theta and gets told that Delta Chi is a lousy fraternity, then hes just going to go back to his residence hall room and spend the next four years telling every freshman who moves in that fraternities are no good because they told him so themselves! If you start knocking another fraternity, it can only be because you dont have enough good things to say about yourselves. DONT use inside jokes or nicknames. Its rude and makes your guests feel even more like outsiders. DONT apologize for your chapters weak points. Talk about the opportunities for achievement. DONT discuss how many men you hope to pin. DONT talk fraternity business in front of a guest. DURING THE EVENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Always try to view rush from the guests point of view. Always display good manners and common courtesy. Do not congregate in large groups at the entrance to the event. Have greeters on hand to welcome each guest, register him and introduce him to others. Use a firm handshake and maintain eye contact when introductions are made. Do not release the handshake until you are sure of the guests name. Use the guests first name at least three times during a conversation (opening, middle and closing). Do not use the expression, I dont believe Ive met you before. You may have! Make sure each guest signs the guest book.
10. Dont refer to a potential member as a rushee. He is a GUEST or at least a rush guest. 11. Make sure the guests meet as many alumni, brothers, associate members and other guests as possible. (Introductions are always in order.)
12. Encourage every guest to Go Greek, regardless of fraternity. (You are selling Greek first, Delta Chi second.) 13. Make the guest feel at home. 14. Show genuine interest in him as a person. 15. Get every guest involved. 16. Have guests rush for you! 17. Use name tags. (Include major and hometown in large enough print to read.) 18. Each brother and each associate member should make an effort to find one guest they are interested in and put out a special effort in his case. 19. Members should not rush each other. 20. Bring the guests into the conversation. 21. If the guest has a date, make sure she is comfortable also. 22. Remember a guest likes to: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Feel important Be complimented Be asked for advice Express his opinion Talk about himself Hear his name Grant favors Relax Be appreciated Discover that you have the same interests as he does
23. Give your guests a publication and/or a favor to take home. 24. Thank each guest for coming. 25. Use a positive approach in asking a man to return to the chapter (i.e., See you tomorrow, instead of I hope to see you tomorrow.) 26. Dress properly. Guests expect to be impressed. DIPLOMACY Along the way, you are going to encounter objections to fraternity life, tough questions and possibly someone who will try to provoke you into an argument. Here are some techniques to help you address these situations: 1. Watch Your Temper Dont let your voice or facial expression convey any negative feeling you may have. 2. Listen Attentively Dont interrupt a legitimate objection with a clever answer. 3. Dont Argue Arguments dont convince but do cause hard feelings. 4. Convert an Objection Into a Question Questions can be answered, but objections lead to arguments. Example: answer I heard that fraternities hurt my grades, with Why do you think joining a fraternity will hurt your grades? 5. Dont Put a Concern Off Answer right away; dont beat around the bush. Not only will you hold his attention better, his confidence in you will be much higher if you dont duck the question. 01/04
Submitted by _________________________________________ Chapter and Year ______________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________ I understand this is only a recommendation and that the final decisions regarding association and initiation into Delta Chi belong to the chapter.
North/South Chapter
September 1, 20__ Dear Andy, The men of the North/South Chapter of The Delta Chi Fraternity are men of strict integrity. We understand the importance of academics and appreciate the value of education beyond the classroom. The men of Delta Chi believe strongly in the words of the Preamble of the Delta Chi Constitution that states: ...believing that great advantages are to be derived from a brotherhood of college and university men, appreciating that close association may promote friendship, develop character, advance justice, and assist in the acquisition of a sound education... We are constantly looking for men who possess the qualities that we believe will help in carrying on the traditions and honor of The Delta Chi Fraternity at North/South. In the past two weeks many of our members have had the oppurtunity to meet with you. You attended several of our events including the volleyball cookout, billiards night, and Pizzafest. Chris, Jerry, Rob, and Kevin took the oppurtunity to eat lunch with you last week, and I had dinner with you last night. In getting to know you, every one of our members has come to the conclusion that you possess the qualities of an individual who we believe will make Delta Chi an even stronger fraternity. It is with great pleasure that I extend to you an invitation to become an Associate Member of The Delta Chi Fraternity at North/South as requested by its members. Sincerely, [Signature of Contact Person] [Signatures of Entire Chapter]
Guest Guest Last Name First Name Johnson James Butler Chris Smith Billy Barnes Doug Phone Number 345-2948 345-5893 345-9284 345-2578 Hometown Pittsburgh,PA Orlando,FL Charlotte,NC Info # of Name of Sheet Events Initial Contact Yes 3 Kort Yes 5 Gardner Yes 1 Conder No 1 Colcer
Name Of Date of Last Follow-up Event/Contact Bid Accept Loftin 9/4/95 yes yes Pearson 9/11/95 yes yes Ellman 9/11/95 10/3/95