Arise Hand Held Products - QF
Arise Hand Held Products - QF
Arise Hand Held Products - QF
Mandatory Estimated
SR. Title and identification code of component. Level
NO / Optional size
1 Mandatory 12 Level 5
2 SAFETY Mandatory 20 Level 5
Level 5
Level 5
Level 5
Please attach any document giving further detail about the structure of the qualification – e.g. a
Curriculum Document or a Qualification Pack.
Give the titles and other relevant details of the document(s) here. Include page references showing
where to find the relevant information.
Version 6: Draft of 08 March 2016
How will RPL assessment be managed and who will carry it out?
YES. Learners who have met the requirements of any Unit Standard that forms part of this
qualification may apply for recognition of prior learning to the relevant Education body. The
applicant must be assessed against the specific outcomes and with the assessment criteria for the
relevant Unit Standards.
Describe the overall assessment strategy and specific arrangements which have been put in place
to ensure that assessment is always valid, reliable and fair and show that these are in line with
the requirements of the NSQF.
- - Criteria for assessment based on each learning outcomes, will be assigned marks proportional to its
- The assessment for the theory & practical part is based on knowledge bank of questions created
by trainers and approved by Examination cell of MSME Technology Centre
- For each Individual batch, Examination cell will create unique question papers for theory part as well as
practical for each candidate at each examination.
- To pass the Qualification, every trainee should score a minimum of 70% in Theory and 70% in Practical
Assessment comprises the following components:
>Record book/ daily diary
>Answer sheet of assessment
>Viva –voce
>Attendance and punctuality
MSME Technology Centre faculty teaching the ROOM AIR CONDITIONER & HOME APPLIANCES course,
also assesses the students as per guidelines set by Examination cell of MSME Technology Centre.
Faculties are been trained from time to time to upgrade their skills on various aspects such as conduction
of assessments, teaching methodology etc. as per guide line of Samsung Technical School.
Passing criteria is based on marks obtain in attendance record, term works , assignments, practical’s
performance, viva or oral exam, module test, class test, practical exam and final exam
Minimum Marks to pass practical exam – 70%
Minimum Marks to pass final exam – 70%
Minimum Marks to class test – 70%
Minimum Marks to pass viva / oral exam – 70%
Assessment evidence comprises the following components document in the form of records:
Job carried out in labs/workshop
Record book/ daily diary
Answer sheet of assessment
Viva –voce
Progress chart
Attendance and punctuality
12 Types of Mobile Phone & its Features 12.1 About Mobile Phone & Features.
12.1.1Introduction to the Mobile Phone, Block Diagram of
mobile phone.
12.1.3Introduction to the Basic Mobile Phone.
12.1.4 Introduction To Dual SIM Mobile Phone.
12.1.5 Introduction To Feature Mobile Phone.
12.1.6 Introduction To Smart Mobile Phone.
12.2 Introduction To Mobile Phone Sensors.
12.2.1 What is Sensor, About Grip Sensor, Barometer
Sensor, Accelerometer Sensor, Gyro Sensor, Magnetic
Sensor, Proximity Sensor and Ambient Light Sensor (ALS).
13 Assembly & Disassembly Process 13.1 Disassembly Process.
13.1.1 Basic Process of Disassembly, Required tools, How to
open or disassemble a mobile cell phone.
13.2 Assembly Process.
13.2.1How to assemble a mobile cell phone.
Passing criteria is based on marks obtain in attendance record, term works , assignments,
practical’s performance, viva or oral exam, module test, practical exam and final exam
i) Minimum Marks to pass practical exam – 70%
ii) Minimum Marks to pass final exam – 70%
iii) Minimum Marks to pass class test –70%
iii) Minimum Marks to pass viva / oral exam –70%
Awarding bodies will enter a proposed NSQF level for the qualification in the Qualification File
Summary. This section asks for the evidence on which that proposal is based. The evidence must
refer to the level descriptors of the NSQF.
NSDA recommends an approach to working out the level of qualifications which starts with the level
descriptor domains (Process, Professional knowledge, Professional skill, Core skill and Responsibility:
see annex A). Two variants for providing the evidence of level are offered here: Option A and
Option B in the following pages. Awarding bodies should choose the option which best suits the
Version 6: Draft of 08 March 2016
NSQF Outcomes of the Qualification/Component How the job role relates to the NSQF level descriptors NSQF
Domain Level
Process Design and Development standard In the occupation of Service Engineer each new product is considered as Level 5
service & maintenance chart for new challenge as product which shall come for service / maintenance purpose
regular service or maintenance and are always unpredictable and new from the previous one according to
Design and Development standard service point of view. e.g. even though the all preventive measures or defined
working process ( work instruction) work instruction ( guide line) but he/she has to face challenges of different
failures . Each product requirements shall change from product to another
product and job holder ( Service Engineer) has to provide tangible solution with
required quality and at optimum time and cost.
Can work in team, understand & practice soft skills, technical English to
communicate with required Clearly.
In this qualification Job Holder ( Service Engineer) has to carry out solution for
different failure, understanding the cause of repetitive errors ( problems) and
finding the solutions with permanent replacement of parts or consultation with
product manufacturers.
Job holder ( Service Engineer) shall review and approve the corrective
measure for prevention of regular service / maintenance work occur frequently
in the respective system of the product .
Version 6: Draft of 08 March 2016
NSQF Domain Outcomes of the Qualification/Component How the job role relates to the NSQF level descriptors NSQF
Professional Describe general service & maintenance As job holder ( Service Engineer) is dealing with various products. Level 5
knowledge practice he has to describe various process involving standard guidelines and
Describe elements of servicing of various procedures for doing the work.
products. Job Holder ( Service Engineer) shall use various methods for
Describe assembling procedure for completing the task in stipulated time by using various catalogues and
critical product. manuals supplied with the product . He should understand various
Describe Service / Maintenance assemblies and fitments related to product and desired mechanism.
Processes and process plan Through Cognitive knowledge job holder ( Service Engineer) shall
judge the best conceptual procedure to work in complicated systems
and logical system diagrams related to product
Professional skill Identify customer’s requirement and Job holder ( Service Engineer) shall carry out the regular service / Level
create standard worksheet as per maintenance activity in service station / workshop. Assembling and
product. dis- assembling methods for various product .
Develop plan for daily, weekly and
monthly service / maintenance chart. Able identify and correct the cause of problems/error ,use of work
Demonstrate and understand various clamping & product holding device for product , cognitive & practical
service / maintenance techniques of skill required to accomplished tasks and solve problem & selecting
mechanisms on various product. basic method, principles, tools, material and information of standard
Develop creative solution to the practice of service product assembly.
predictable and unpredictable problems
in product Understand judge the product and create a report of problems and
Develop mathematical/Analytical skills errors. Identifying the basic problems/errors and resolving through
Develop quality consciousness concept related system solutions.
Prepare costing of servicing and its
related replace part.
Troubleshoot the problems in product.
Version 6: Draft of 08 March 2016
NSQF Domain Outcomes of the How the job role relates to the NSQF level descriptors NSQF
Qualification/Component Level
Core skill Use basic & advance knowledge of Job holder ( Service Engineer) shall work on product service where Level 5
the product and safety practices at he/she shall gather accurate information on maintenance or service scope
the workplace and requirements, Confirm the problems, preparation of service plan,
Work on service of the product selection of assembly process based on criticality and fitment, communicate
Develop entrepreneurship skills clearly about the failure to the group members through written /verbal/e
Communicate effectively mail etc. as per organizational standard, identify different solution options
which will meet requirements and design specification, , Analyze system
concepts to meet design requirements, identify problems with work
planning, procedures, output and behavior and their implications e.g.
unpredictable behavior of machines, different automatic systems and
standard parts de graded performance, prioritize and plan for problem
solving, communicate problems appropriately to others.
identify sources of information and support for problem solving, seek
assistance and support from other sources to solve problems, Identify
effective resolution techniques e.g. user manuals, maintenance manual, do
and don’ts of systems etc., select and apply resolution techniques, seek
evidence for problem resolution, inspect quality of own or other’s work,
analyze, information according to enterprise and work requirements, use
diagnostic skills to identify and determine causes of faults, including
interpretation of in-built fault indicators and error codes, take decisions
within if within own jurisdiction or take approval for case outside own
jurisdiction, Prepare cost estimate of the project, Prepare design &
development project plan with timeline and responsibilities of self and team
members, Carry out mathematical calculation required for various input
specifications e.g. economy factor calculation, different forces calculation,
tool element size design calculations, no. of cavities calculation etc., carry
out mathematical calculation for selection of optimum solutions.
Version 6: Draft of 08 March 2016
NSQF Domain Outcomes of the How the job role relates to the NSQF level descriptors NSQF
Qualification/Component Level
Responsibility Work independently and work as a Job holder ( Service Engineer) shall work independently during Level 5
team members with full analyzing requirements of the service ( product), concept generation of
responsibility of output of group and standard practice ( based on guide line of particular product) and finalizing
development. the requirements ( according to service point of view) with the customer.
After receiving confirm order from the customer, job holder shall prepare
service work sheet and development plan with time line ( visit date) and
with job responsibilities of team members like preparation of standard parts
( procure from store or purchase), preparation of material list as per service
point of requirement.. Verification of final service plan, after service of the
product final testing charts can be made for product performance, if its ok
and rectification along with tool validation and will have full responsibility
of output of service engineer.
Job holder ( Service Engineer) shall encourage team members for
continues learning and development by time to time discussing with them
various issues of service point of view like problems & its solution, frequent
failures to specified product, new development in product ( service point of
view), selection of parts, new development in various automation systems
according to service point of view.
Job holder ( Service Engineer) shall follow work standard , Product Service
Guide Line ( Service Manual), specific norms and procedures ( work
instruction) laid down by the organization. Job holder ( Service Engineer)
shall develop moral, values and ethical practices in business operation.
India-EU Skills Development project:
Qualification File
The qualification is in existence since 2014 and IGTR has trained more than 77 trainees as on date.
Communications with Industries during placement. Please refer Annexure II
What is the estimated uptake of this qualification and what is the basis of this estimate?
Skills Gap analysis Reports for industry demand and secondary research data, though these do not lend to
accurate demand projection. The link to NSDC Human Resource & Skills Requirement in Capital Electronics
Goods Sector is
What steps were taken to ensure that the qualification(s) does (do) not duplicate already
existing or planned qualifications in the NSQF?
The qualification is originally designed by curriculum committee comprising the training head,
industrial expert, academic professional experts and SAMSUNG Technical School experts.
The work group under the guidance of curriculum development committee already conducted desk
search as well as refers the qualification packs for as a supporting document for the mapping of
As per the search it is found that, the Diploma in Room Air Conditioner & Home Appliances course is
not available for the skill development of the candidates in Capital Electronics Goods Sector Skill
What arrangements are in place to monitor and review the qualification(s)? What data will be
used and at what point will the qualification(s) be revised or updated?
The curriculum committee meeting for review will be in the month of Jan 2018 which comprising
industrial expert, university professors with subject specialization.
The data used for revision or update will be impact analysis (student and industries) and new subject
area opportunities, multiple entry and exits incorporated or RPL strategy implementations.
The curriculum review and updates, in consultation with industries and expert of respective domain,
NOS approved by NSDA will also be referred to from time to time.
Version 6: Draft of 08 March 2016
What steps have been taken in the design of this or other qualifications to ensure that there is a
clear path to other qualifications in this sector?
Qualifying trainee will obtain a course of ‘Advanced Repair & Industrial Skills Enhancement 2 Program" in "
HAND HELD PRODUCTS". After completion of course and after 3 years of field experience the trainee can work
as a Senior Service Engineer and after that 6 years of experience, the person can work as a Manager (Service).
The below mention diagrams represent the vertical mobility for the job holder as a job progression in
capital goods Sector.
Please attach any documents giving further information about any of the topics above.
Give the titles and other relevant details of the document(s) here. Include page references showing where to
find the relevant information.
Fig. 1. Career Progression of Service engineer