Merritt Morning Market 3735 - Sept 12
Merritt Morning Market 3735 - Sept 12
Merritt Morning Market 3735 - Sept 12
and take a look at recycle
Pharmacy and Front Store
our catalogue! positions available immediately.
E-mail [email protected]
Office Supplies (250)378-6882 for details
Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808
1951 Garcia St., Merritt, BC 2037 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt BC 250-378-2155
gift certificate
News, opinion, community events since 1996! Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
Tel: (250) 378-5717 Fax: (250) 378-2025 Email: [email protected]
Wilford and Griselda Evans. Diddy
was the eldest of four children and she
For council: Deanna Palmgren, Paul
Petroczi, Melvina White (incumbent), (250) 378-5575
250-378-5575 • 1974 Quilchena Avenue
opened now. [email protected] Cell - 250 315 0022 the last 9 candidates put their papers in on
Many will remember Diddy from
the classroom—beginning her career Friday, the last day! That's a roster of 18
No clue where to start? in a one room schoolhouse on Doug- candidates for the 6 council seats!
Book a complimentary skin analysis valued at $75 las Lake Cattle Co. Ranch, she went on For School Board Trustee: Gordon
Swan (incumbent), Robert Leech, Justin mayor
with any purchase of skincare product or service.
To recieveto teach in Merritt, Quebec City, West-
bank, Kelowna, and finally in Peach- Jepsen, John Chenoweth (incumbent).
land. Many more will know her from Friday, September 16 is "Finalization Authorized by Linda A. Brown
her volunteering, from her work in the of Candidates", candidates can with- 250-280-1672
Summerland community, and from draw their candidacy until 4pm.Then it's
animated garden-side chats between game on until election day on Oct. 15.
GC planting and weeding sessions.
Diddy is predeceased by her Community
Authorized by - signature
youngest son, Michael Jordan Evans Nicola Valley Community Band
Cockle and she is remembered, with Come join the band! We are always
love and admiration, by her eldest son, looking for new members! We play on
Matthew together with her sisters, her Tuesdays in the high school band room
brother, her extended family, and her at 7pm. Dust off your instrument! The first night is Tues Sept 13th at 7pm. FMI
By appointment only
many and dearly cherished friends.
A celebration of Diddy’s life will be call Nancy 250-315-9199.
250-936-9200 • Merritt, BC
held Saturday, September 17, in Sum- Nicola Naturalist Society - AGM &
Skin Specialist Anastaszia Cash will assist
you with your product and skin goals
merland, BC. members’ photo night
Resuming our monthly meetings.
Murderer's appeal Come and enjoy excellent interesting
photos of local wildlife, wildflowers &
SPACE FOR YOUR AD scenery. Thursday Sep 15, 7pm at NVIT
TEL 378-5717 - FAX 378-4700 Lecture Theatre. All Welcome - member-
A three-judge panel of the B.C. Court
ship or donation requested.
[email protected] of Appeal has unanimously dismissed
Merritt Real Estate Services
the appeal of the man found guilty of the Merritt’s Children & Youth Choir
Now open to accept registration for 3499 Voght St. Merritt
high-profile 1978 murder of 12-year-old
Monica Jack. They released their ruling the Sept-Dec. term. Classes will run
on Friday. on Thursdays, 3:15-4 pm. Cost is mini-
In 2019, following 45 days of trial, a mal at $10 to help with costs. Come out LOOKING FOR LICENSED
List your garage sale &/or B.C. Supreme Court jury found Garry to discover and share your voice! No PROPERTY MANAGER
get our listing mail-out Taylor Handlen, now 72, guilty of the experience necessary. Ages 6-18. Call
first-degree murder, after a confession Glenda FMI & to register: 604-290-3457,
Email: [email protected]
was obtained during a Mr. Big undercov- [email protected] or someone willing to become
er police operation, which began in 2014. Police had some contact with Handlen in
the 1980s and 1990s, but the case went cold for many, many years.
licensed. Check out UBC
He received the mandatory life sentence with no eligibility for parole for 25 years. website → Real Estate →
Lawyers for Handlen appealed the conviction.
The Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs recently released a statement of support for the Property Management to see the
girl’s family. On Friday, Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, president of the UBCIC, said he
was grateful for the high court’s decision to reject Handlen’s appeal.
requirements for credentials.
“I think it’ll bring a measure of closure to the family. They’ve been living with
this terrible trauma for a very long time and I’m hoping now they’ll be able to move
For more information, contact
forward in their lives with a sense that justice has been served.” Source: Claudette Ednoste
The first five days after the weekend are the hardest.
What I if told you, you read the first part of this sentence wrong?
Just sold my homing pigeon on eBay for the 22nd time!
Dear Naps, I'm sorry I was a jerk to you as a kid.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer
March 21 April 20 - May 21 - June 21 - NO CHARGE
- April 19 May 20 June 20 July 22 FOR ANYTHING
To make real progress this week, This week, either ignore what This week, you have a chance It's easy to forget that words
you need to make sense of a you don't want to see, or face to reflect. Excellent. When life have real meaning. Be mind-
series of claims and counter it. Don't tell yourself a story brings reasons to celebrate this ful of what you say. You could
claims. This week brings the in- you don't believe. Honesty is week, you'll enjoy them even have a more significant effect
sight to recognize the truth. definitely the best policy. more. on someone than you think.
Going b
Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio
nities go me to when Free hot dogs and drinks
t togeth
Sunday er for a
July 23 - Aug 23 - Sept 23 - Oct 23 - family d
Games for children
Sack race
Aug 22 Sept 22 Oct 22 Nov 21 Egg race
Three-legged race
This week, you can take skilful A new chapter in the story of This week, you can clearly see This week, you can free your- Spider crawl
Please apply with Resume & Cover Letter advantage of your position and your life begins. use your mind that a phoenix is rising out of self from a source of stress Games for adults
use your influence to create a creatively, innovative ideas the ashes of a recent challenge. you've actually become at-
[email protected] change that will benefit many. stand a real chance of manifest- There's a sense of delightful lib- tached to. If you're prepared
Frisby toss
250.378.3923 People will look up to you. ing in tangible ways. eration. It's been worth it! to let it go, it's ready to leave. Watermelon eating
Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Bean bag toss
Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 T: (250) 378-5717 F: (250) 378-2025 E: [email protected] Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001
03 HYUNDAI Elantra GT, 2 sets of tires PATIO BRICKS $0.80 ea.Assortment Specialists INC.
gift certificate
days. In city limits. Arthur 315-1618 4 ORIG. mags from 2010 Mitsubishi from city furniture $50. 525-0392
LOST: set keys w/ black key fob, ball Lancer $100 378-2370 SONY TV STAND with 2 glass shelves.
fields 315-5573 4 TIRES lt 305/55R20 50% tread + Silver color. 47.25 in L by 16 in wide.
WHERE TO FIND? Need to transfer GMC 20” wheels 936-8188 Les Height is 16 inches. $20 250-319-2680
some home videos to updated equipment 4 ALUM. 5-bolt 17” Toyota rims. 4 QU SIZE bed w/ bedding 315-8256
Merritt Real Estate Services Message 378-5746 chrome Chev 225/50R17. 4 tires on rims FREE: buffet & hutch, gd shape
LOOKING FOR GARY POOLEY, 235/65R16 315-4781 378-5546
3499 Voght St. Merritt NIGHTRIDER EXTREME series 20
related to Ronald Dean, deceased from OFFICE desk 378-2832
Vancouver Island. Reply to Box 1193 inch curved LED Light bar w/ full wir- ANTIQUE desk, some hand carving,
Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 ing harness. EUC. Light bar is extremely made 1800’s, drawers, needs tlc, barley
website → Real Estate → TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly weight AWESOME CKC Black Lab for stud 2X2 SLIDE projector, gd cond. Debbie
loss support group. Meet Tuesday morn- 378-5038 378-1667
Claudette Ednoste
JPV ENTERPRISES: Landscaping - x20Wx23H $50. Small 16Lx10Wx10H UNIDEN scanner, nw in bx $250
$20. 378-6787 280-9951
To recieve
lawn care, pruning, hedging, gardening.
Lic'd, equipped. On Facebook. 280-7077 PUREBRED Ayam Cemani rooster, 6 PEAVEY $10 378-8140
'KEEP EM SHARP' ...knife & tool months old $75 604-839-8383 27” SONY tv w/ jacks for dvd &
sharpening. Make your tasks easier by for sale - miscellaneous vcr, have manual 378-1711, text 250-
keeping your tools sharp. Ross 315-8550 ORGANIC PEARS $1/lb, minimum 809-1217
DRYWALL, textured ceiling, painting. 5 lbs. Juicy organic purple plums soon 500W amp & 4 100w speakers, w/ 100ft
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 ripe, $1/lb. min. 5 lbs. Reserve now! high-end speaker wire. Offrs 378-7169
CERTIFIED TREE FALLER, w/ wd 378-2410 for sale - recreational
chipper, sml truck & trailer, will do resi-
GC Authorized by - signature
FREE: crab apples, u-pick 525-2046 BOAT seat $30 315-9536
for better health dential, fruit trees, etc. 378-6431
EAGER, RELIABLE man w/ 4x4 truck
GARLIC, Russian red garlic, 2505 Ab- 09 29 FT TOYHAULER. 8x11 cargo
erdeen Rd. Ken 280-1251 area, three queen size beds, Clean and
& trailer, avail. Dump runs, deliveries, FREE: used 32" metal door, 15-pane, lft-
plywood, sand, gravel, appl., housewares maintained. $21,000 firm 280-0569
hnd. Brand new 30" door, lft-hand $165. HOT TUB w/ all access. 315-8511
Tabitha Nichols Greg 315-7525, (250)320-2054 Fast, Both w/ frames 378-4572
Brand Ambassador courteous service PURATHLETICS multi chin-up bar,
FLOOD victims, ceiling lights avail NIB, $25. 378-2410
employment opportunity 378-4619
# 901522779 FLOTATION DEVICE, personal, hard-
FAMILY PLACE is seeking a qualified KIDS' plastic pool, 6" deep $10 ly been used. 1 x Outbound adult L/XL
E.C.E to join our team! For more infor- 315-1447 $25 1 X Fluid adult M $25 250-434-8378
778-639-0092 mation please call Joell 250-378-4878 JET 3ULTRA power wheelchair, in
DIXIE LEE/SUPERIOR PIZZA look- HOT TUB, 6-person, you take away. has
tabitha_ann_nichols@ storage last 7 years, estate sale $1200obo leak. 378-5928
ing for f-t waitress. Drop resume off at 378-8802
2052 Quilchena 8 BOXES of 6.5 Creedmoor Hornady
NEATFREAK Premium closet organi- Precision Hunter ELD-X 143gr ($55 per LABOURERS WANTED- Nicola Post zation 5-pc system, NIB $75 378-
& Rail. Positions available -full time box FIRM) Steve 315-5909
12-PC placesetting "Old Country Ros- 12 FT alum. boat w/ 5hp Mariner out-
(mon - fri), part time, evening shifts, es", lots of extras, 4 s&p shakers, teapots,
weekend shifts, and seasonal. Wage $22 board $1500 Ted 315-9597
creamers, gravy boats & china cabinet
per hour. Please apply if you are willing $1000 firm. By appt only 778-661-0922 SAVAGE MK 2 accu trigger bolt action
to work in an outside environment and 22 synthetic stock. Good condition. PAL
have strong work ethic. No mill experi- 105 LITRE hot water tank $35. Toilet required $300 280-4004
ence necessary. Call Tony 250-319-9891 with seat $25 280-0779
9’ ALUMINUM flat-bottom boat
Thomas Finnie P-T SEMI-RETIRED Handyman SHOP RIDER deluxe trail blazer
scooter heavy duty. Lightly used like
$500obo 315-0097
required for bldg. repairs and ground- 07 24' PROWLER, never smoked in, qu
Thomas Finnie work for multiple buildings. Call Robert
new!! $3500. 315-9311
11-PC fondu set, new $10. Elvis statue
bd, nice shape $11,000 280-2744
250-572-2842 HOMEMAKER WANTED immedi- still in box/nw, offers. Brand new toilet SEVERAL SCOPES: Zeiss Conquest
ately. Must have all Covid vaccine shots.
Have own transportation. $16.50 -
support rail, still in box $20 315-6603
VELUX SKYLIGHT, standard size
3.5-10x44MC $850, Steiner Predator
Extreme 2.5-10x42 $800, BSA 4-16x44 Check out
$175, Hawke Vanguard 3-9x40 $200,