Dor 06.06.2019

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BORL CPP (3x33 MW)

Daily Operation Report

TPCL/BINA/DOR-001; Rev:07

Boiler Parameters UOM Rated Value Boiler#1 Boiler#2 Boiler#3

Cum. Run Hrs (Present/Previous Best) Hrs NA 0 / 2991 2038 / 2380 227 / 2504
Avg. Steam Generation TPH 275 0 132 163
Coal Bunker Level (A/B) @ 00:00Hrs Mtrs↓ 15 0 3/0.5,0.5/0.5 3/0.5,0.5/0.5
Max./Avg. Main Steam Pressure Kg/cm 2
110 0/0 103/89 103/89
Avg. Combustor DP mbar 160 0 176 171
Hot PA Temperature °C 180 0 227 223
Hot SA Temperature °C 230 0 210 193
FW Temp at Eco inlet °C 110 0 108 106
FW Temp at Eco outlet °C 220 0 202 183
SPM mg/NM³ 50 0 31 26
SOX mg/NM³ <600 0 346 357
Boiler Performance Data UOM
Running Hours Hrs NA 0.0 0.0 361.5
Availability % 100 100.0 100.0 100.0
Steam Generation MT 4416 0 0 45075
HSD Consumption KL NA 0.0 0.0 90.6
Feed Water Consumption M3 4581 0 0 47727
Pet Coke Consumption MT NA 0 0 3935
Coal Consumption MT NA 0 0 1718
Efficiency (Direct) % NA 0.0 78.5 80.2
STG Performance Data UOM
Running Hours Hrs NA 0.0 0 0
Average Load MW 27 0.0 0.0 0.0
Availability % 100 100.0 100.0 100.0
Power Generation MWH 648 0 0 0
Plant Load Factor % 81.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Heat Rate KCal/KWH 2376 0 0 0
LP Extraction Flow TPH 36 0.0 0.0 0.0
Condensing Flow TPH NA 0.0 0.0 0.0
Steam Quality UOM Range Boiler-1 Boiler-2 Boiler-3
Conductivity at 25°C µs/cm 5-8 0.0 4.4 4.45
Silica as SiO2 ppm <0.02 0.000 0.005 0.005
pH >8.3 0.00 9.01 9.02
Boiler water Quality UOM Range Boiler-1 Boiler-2 Boiler-3
Conductivity µs/cm <100 0.0 27.8 36.1
Silica ppm <2.0 0.00 0.36 0.45
pH - 9.1-9.7 0.00 9.35 9.56
Phosphate ppm <10 0.00 5.64 6.80
Plant Cumulative Data UOM Daily MTD YTD
Plant Availability % NA 100.00 100.00 100.00
Power Generation (CPP) MWH 1194.00 7169 64068
Power Import from Grid MWH 1050.0 6339 80037
Auxiliary Power Consumption MWH 385.30 2176 20254
Total Coal Consumption MT 149.00 1151 6818
HSD Consumption KL 2.42 11 230
Total Pet Coke Consumption MT 661.00 3733 35214
Total Lime Stone Consumption MT 223.50 2528 25864
DM Water Consumption M3/Day 2970.00 16260 98193
Refinery Return Condensate M3/Day 3529.00 10864 6309933
Cooling Water Make up M3/MWh 3.5 2.956 3.789 3.26
Utility Boiler UOM Daily MTD YTD
Running Hours Hours 0.00 72 1536
Steam Generation TPH 160 0.00 24.63 48.11
HSD/ RFO Consumption MT 0.00 23 2521
Fuel Gas Consumption MT 0.00 123 3003
Non-availability of Critical Equipment's
Equipment Reason for Non Availability

SL.NO. High Lights / Major Concerns

1 Boiler-1: Drives energisation is under progress.
2 Boiler-2: Operating with mixed fuel firing petcock:coal::80%:20%.
3 Boiler-3: Operating with mixed fuel firing petcock:coal::80%:20%.
4 STG-1: Under shut down.
5 STG-2: Running in condensing cum LP,MP &HP extraction mode.
6 STG-3: Running in condensing cum LP extraction mode.
7 Utility boiler is under shut down from 03.06.2019.
8 Availability Status of lifts: Boiler#1- Not Available , Boiler#2- Available , Boiler#3-Available , STG- Available
3x33 MW)
tion Report
Report For
Reported By: K.V.Padindala
Average Temperatures in °C
Type Zone Rated Value Boiler#1 Boiler#2 Boiler#3
LTSH 489 0 475 460
FSH 550 0 499 518
FSH I/L 925 0 880 860
FSH O/L 725 0 588 593
Flue Gas LTSH O/L 615 0 464 435
ECO O/L 285 0 386 392
APH 0/L 155 0 160 177
LTSH I/L 400 0 367 351
LTSH O/L 450 0 487 453
FSH I/L 430 0 411 422
FSH 0/L 510 0 496 497
Boiler#2 Boiler#3
24.0 144.0 1600.6 24.0 144.0 704.6
100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
3177 18278 217778 3911 22593 101890
0.15 0.90 10.10 0.25 1.50 41.31
3519 20258 238068 4083 23577 112577
298 1606 21254 363 2127 10025
76 656 3599.5 73 495 1500
80.7 80.5 80.8 80.70 80.8 80.6
24.0 144 1607 24.0 144 1540
28.0 27.9 22.1 21.8 21.9 18.5
100.0 100.0 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0
672 4020 35576 522 3149 28492
84.8 84.6 67.1 65.9 66.3 56.1
2246 2292 2508 2612 2845 2913
70.5 62.5 30.8 22.6 3.8 0.4
71.0 73.7 67.8 70.4 80.6 70.3
Condensate-TG UOM Range STG-1 STG-2 STG-3
Conductivity µs/cm <5 0.0 5.3 5.36
Silica ppm <0.02 0.00 0.006 0.007
pH 8.8-9.2 0.0 9.1 9.07
Feed water UOM Range After Deaerator
Conductivity µs/cm <5.00 4.38
Silica ppm <0.02 0.008
pH - 8.8-9.2 9.02
Hydrazine ppm 0.01-0.02 0.019
Material Handling Plant
Coal Handling Plant UOM Daily MTD YTD
Run Hrs Hrs 9.5 53 524
Coal Feeding (4A+4B) MT 217.0 1270 10024
Pet Coke Feeding (4A+4B) MT 568.0 3886 36392
Coal Stock MT 1693
Lime Handling Plant UOM Daily MTD YTD
Mill #1 Run Hrs Hrs 4.3 33 242
Mill #2 Run Hrs Hrs 10.1 19 253
Lime Feeding (W.F.# 1&2) MT 567.0 2402 24308
Lime Conveying R/H 20.6 119 867
HSD Consumption KL 2.02 8.72 87.93
Bed Mtrl & Ash Handling Plant UOM Daily MTD YTD
Bed Material Consumption MT 10.0 10.0 609.5
Bed Material Stock MT 239.28
Fly Ash Silo Lvl. @ 0:0 Hrs Meters 5.50
Bed Ash Silo Lvl. @0:0 Hrs Meters 4.50

y Action

hts / Major Concerns

Available , STG- Available

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