JTB Pulse - Str1 - Data2 - FCA

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Verification of Flow Computer's Calculations

Calculation Input
Parameter Name Units Value Gas Composition Units Value
Line Pressure Psig 595.000 Methane mol% 92.5789273
Line Temperature Deg.F 84.674 Ethane mol% 2.8619872
Gas Velocity ft/s 4.759778 Propane mol% 0.4819145
Frequency (pulse) hz 88.677 nButane mol% 0.0000000
M-Factor 1.002 iButane mol% 0.0034957
K-Factor pulse/CF 18.000 nPentane mol% 0.0000000
Outside Diamater inch 15.371 iPentane mol% 0.0000000
inside Diamater inch 13.776 Hexane mol% 0.0004969
Temperature Exp Coeff /Deg.F 0.000020 Heptane mol% 0.0013758
Pressure Exp Coeff 0.000050 Octane mol% 0.0003892
Young's modulus Psia 29007548.000 Nonane mol% 0.0000000
Calibration spool pressure Psig 14.694 Nitrogen mol% 0.5815597
Calibration spool temperature Deg.F 66.200 Carbon Dioxide mol% 3.4897340
Base Pressure Psia 14.730 Water mol% 0.0001226
Base Temperature Deg.F 60.000 Hydrogen Sulphide mol% -0.0000003
Velocity of Sound ft/s 1374.289 Total mol% 100.0000026
Line Pressure Psia 609.730
Gross Heating Value Calculations (GPA2172)
Description Units FlowComp Calculated Error% Result
Standard Compressibility (Zs) - 0.99777204
Ideal Heating Value Btu/scf 1000.368086 1000.36806 0.0000026 PASS
Actual Heating Value Btu/scf 1002.601839 1002.601817 0.0000023 PASS

Density & Compressibility Factors (AGA 8 - 1994)

Description Units FlowComp Calculated Error% Result
Upstream Density lb/ft3 1.98876082 1.9887608534870 0.00000168 PASS
Upstream Compression Factor (Zf) - 0.92519581 0.925195807145820 0.00000031 PASS
Base Density lb/ft3 0.04666382 0.046663826 0.00001378 PASS
Base Compression Factor (Zb) - 0.99780694 0.997806936 0.00000037 PASS
Specific Gravity - 0.6097528 0.609753155 0.0000581 PASS
Air Molecular Weight (Mr-air) 28.96256
Air base compressibility factor 0.999585
Molecular Weight gr/mol 17.62859906 17.62859866 0.0000023 PASS

Pulse Flowrate Verification (AGA 7) & SOS AGA 10

Description Units FlowComp Calculated Error% Result
CTSM - 1.00110843 1.001108428 0.0000002 PASS
Strain - - -367013.3552
CPSM - 1.00055005 1.000550048 0.0000002 PASS
Gross Volume Flowrate MCFD 426.3528859 426.35312 0.0000549 PASS
Standard Volume Flowrate MMSCFD 18.17069063 18.17070008 0.0000520 PASS
Mass Volume Flowrate MlbsD 0.84791391 0.84791439 0.0000572 PASS
Energy Flowrate BBTUD 18217.96734 18217.97692 0.0000526 PASS
Speed of Sound USM ft/s 1374.289429 1372.021844 0.1652732 PASS
Speed of Sound Calculated Flow Comp ft/s 1372.021826 1372.021844 0.0000013 PASS

Project No./Project Name: Sales Gas Metering JTB Stream ID: STREAM A FCA data2

Client: PT Pertamina EP Cepu Test Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Test Conducted By: YIN Signature:

Test Witnessed By: Signature:



FQI-9100-01 CALCULATION REPORT 11/10/2022 17:49:41
METER ID 9100-A 9100-B
METER PRESS psig 595.00024414 594.64013672
METER TEMP Deg.F 84.67380524 84.31447601
GAS VELOCITY ft/s 4.75977802 4.69379091
FREQ Hz 88.6770 88.5200
METER FACTOR 1.00165880 1.00163667
K-FACTOR pls/CF 18.0001127 18.0001127
SPOOL EXT DIA in 15.371298 15.372464
SPOOL INT DIA in 13.776378 13.775984
TEMP EXP COEF 0.000020 0.000020
PRES EXP COEF 0.000050 0.000050
YOUNGS MODULUS 29007548.000 29007548.000
CALIB SPL PRES psig 14.694 14.694
CALIB SPL TEMP Deg.F 66.20 66.20
BASE PRESS(Pb) Psia 14.730 14.730
BASE TEMP(Tb) Deg.F 60.00 60.00
USM VOS ft/s 1374.28942871 1374.03320312


NITROGEN 0.58155972
CO2 3.48973396
H2S -0.00000029
H2O 0.00012264
METHANE 92.57892726
ETHANE 2.86198719
PROPANE 0.48191447
N_BUTANE 0.00000000
I_BUTANE 0.00349572
N_PENTANE 0.00000000
I_PENTANE 0.00000000
HEXANE 0.00049693
HEPTANE 0.00137577
OCTANE 0.00038923
NONANE 0.00000000
VOS ft/s 1372.02182617 1371.48489334
BASE DENS lbs/CF 0.04666382 0.04666382
METER DENSITY lbs/CF 1.98876082 1.98922791
BASE COMP(Zb) 0.99780694 0.99780694
UPSTR COMP(Zf) 0.92519581 0.92504290
STD COMP(Zs) 0.99777204 0.99777204
REAL RD (SG) 0.60975280 0.60975280
MOLAR MASS 17.62859906 17.62859906
SPOOL CTSM 1.00110843 1.00108687
SPOOL CPSM 1.00055005 1.00054919
IDEAL CV BTU/SCF 1000.36808553 1000.36808553
REAL CV (GHV) BTU/SCF 1002.60183946 1002.60183946
GROSS VOL FR MCF/d 426.35288588 425.58869873
STD VOL FR MMSCF/d 18.17069063 18.15845718
MASS FR M.lbs/d 0.84791391 0.84734306
ENERGY FR MMBtu/d 18217.96733932 18205.70206940
Bojonegoro, 11/10/2022 17:49:41
PT Pertamina EP Cepu PT Pertamina (Persero)

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