A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 6

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At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

1. Identify the ways/methods of separating mixtures.
2. Differentiate the ways/methods of separating mixtures.
3. Demonstrate their understanding of various ways/methods of separating mixtures.


Topic: Ways of Separating Mixtures
Reference: K-12 Curriculum Guide in Science VI, Code- S6MT-Id-f-2, Science
Materials: Projector, Laptop (PPT with video clips, pictures for activities), Book,
Board, actual sample mixtures
Values: Active, Appreciation, Collaboration


A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

1. Greetings

“Good morning class! “Good morning, ma’am!”

2. Prayer
Everybody, please stand and begin our lesson (The whole class stand).
with a prayer, okay? So, (called a student’s
Student: “Yes, ma’am. Everybody let
name), will you please do the honor to lead the
us close our eyes and let us pray.
In the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Father God. Come be with us today

and fill our hearts with joy. Fill our
minds with learnings. Fill our
classrooms with peace and fill our
lessons with fun. Fill our friendships
with kindness and fill our school with
love. Amen.
In the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
3. Classroom Management

Good morning once again. Okay (says the name of (Students began checking their places)
the student who led the prayer) thank you for
leading the prayer. Please look around and check for “Yes, ma’am!”
any litter you see and put them in the trashcan. Are
you done?

4. Attendance

So let us check your attendance first. Class

President, please check who is/are absent today and
Class Secretary please write their names and give “Yes, ma’am.”
them to me after our lesson, okay? Thank you.
5. Review

Before we proceed to our discussion, let us Ma’am, yesterday’s lesson was

have a review of our lesson yesterday. What is about Mixture and its 2 types.
it all about? (Called someone from the class)

Who can define the meaning of Mixture based Ma’am, a mixture is a combination of
two or more substances and
on our discussion yesterday? Yes? (Called
someone in class)
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
Very Good! And what are the 2 types of a
are the 2 types of the mixture,
mixture? (Called another student from the

Very Good! I am glad that you have recalled

what we discussed yesterday and that means
you understand it very well.

6. Agreement
Speak with respect to the teacher and your peers.
Come to class on time, ready to learn, and with all
necessary materials.
Interruptions or rudeness is NOT tolerated. Raise
your hand to speak.
Exercise safety and caution when conducting
No running, yelling or throwing objects.
Check your work carefully and pay attention to the
Explore ideas and concepts. Ask questions to find
the right answer.

B. Motivation

Before we start, we are going to have an “Ready!”

activity that is called “DECODE ME!”, this is
related to our lesson that will be discussed
later, alright? Th All you have to do is to find
the corresponding letters of each code
number on the chart. Those code numbers
have corresponding words/terms related to
our topic today. Are you ready, class?

Here’s an example for you to further

understand the activity, okay?

So, who wants to volunteer for the first code?

Yes (calls a name of a student raising a hand).

(Stood up and answered) “MIXTURE,

Okay, very good the answer is MIXTURE. Next
code, yes (calls another name)

“Ma’am, the answer is FILTER.”

Okay, very good. Seems like you are enjoying “Yes, ma’am another one please!” (Student
our activity. at the back)
Do you want another code to answer? Okay
for the last one. This is for you (calls the name
of the student at the back).

“The answer is MAGNET, ma’am.”

Very good! Those words or terms are related

to our topic for today which is all about
SEPARATING MIXTURES. Later, you will hear
those terms and what are those for so listen,
okay? But now, we are going “Yes, ma’am!

C. Activity Yes, Ma’am!

Now, we are going to do an activity. I

have here images of different kinds of
mixtures. All I want you to do is to identify
each substance that makes up the
mixture. Do you understand, class?

Okay. Now, who can identify the first

mixture in the picture? Yes? (Called
someone in the class)
Ma’am the picture shows a mixture of
rocks and sand.

Very good! How about the next one? You,

the boy at the back? The next picture shoes a mixture of
water and pebbles, ma’am.

Very Good! How about the last picture?

Ma’am, the last picture is a mixture of
sand, salt, and iron fillings.

That is also correct! Now, I have a

question for you, class. Do you think it is Yes, ma’am.
possible to separate mixtures like this?

Very Good! We can do the separation of

mixtures by using a lot of different ways
or methods. But how are we going to do
those ways or methods? Well, that will be
answered by doing another activity. Are Yes, ma’am!
you ready, class?

C. Activity Yes, ma’am!

So, I have prepared 3 different mixtures

with 3 different objects that you may use
in this activity.
This time, you will do this activity as a
group. Kindly form 3 groups class, please.

GROUP 1: mixture of WATER and SOIL

with a CLOTH
GROUP 2: mixture of SAND and PEBBLES
GROUP 3: mixture of NAILS and SAND Yes, ma’am!
with a MAGNET

All you are going to do is to observe each

substance being mixed and you have to
identify what way or method you are
Yes, ma’am!
going to use to separate those mixtures.
Do you understand?

Okay. You will perform the activity by a

group so members should share ideas and
cooperate with your groups, okay? You
have 10 minutes to do the activity.

(After 10 minutes. Students will be asked

what they have observed and how they Yes, ma’am.
have separated mixtures assigned to
them.) Ma’am, we used the cloth to separate
the water from the soil. We observed
Are you done, class? that the cloth filters or trap the soil and
the water becomes clear.
Choose a representative to discuss your
observation. Okay, let us start with group

Ma’am, upon using the strainer, we

Very good group 1. The method you have observed that sand is being separated
performed is called FILTRATION. from the pebbles. The sand is finer than
pebbles that is why sand passes through
the filter paper.
Next, Group 2.

We have used the magnet to separate

the nails from the sand. Magnets attract
Very good Group 2. And that method is the nails because it is metal while the
called SIEVING OR SIFTING. sand is not.

Last Group, Group 3, what is your

observation? (Students clapping)

Very good also, Group 3. That method is

SEPARATION. Give a round of applause to
everyone for a job well done.

Those methods you’ve performed are Yes, ma’am.

some of the different ways/methods in
separating mixtures. We have more
different ways/methods in order to
separate a mixture and we are now going
to tackle those and what examples they
have. Pay attention, okay class?


The individual substances in a mixture can Yes, ma’am.

be separated using different methods
depending on the type of mixture. Are you
ready to find out what are those methods,

People separate mixture for them to get the

banks or substances they need and give it
away with other substances from the mixture.

Mixing things are very important to everyone

and to our daily needs like cooking. On the Yes, ma’am.
other hand, there are lots of mixtures around
which specifically needed to be separated in
order to properly use and benefit by us
humans, right class?

For example, the rice grains. If we are going to

notice carefully, there are other small
substances mixed with it like small stones,
seeds, grass, dust, and insects which we don’t
want to be mixed in it right? And we don’t
want to eat those things, so we think of ways
on how to get rid of them. Another example is
the water.

In Barrios in the province, to get clean water,

people use a clean cloth to make sure it is
clean and safe to drink. The cloth traps the
dirt and the water pass through it.

These examples are some of the ways of

separating mixture, okay class? This means
how will you separate one thing from the
other. Again, what is separating mixture?
Anyone? Yes, (says the name)

That is correct. We to separate the unwanted

substance or things from the most needed
one. Now let us proceed to the
ways/processes/methods on how to separate

So, the first one is the MANUAL SEPARATION.

This is what is commonly called physical

manipulation where components should be
big enough to be seen and be picked by
hands. This is the process of separation where
you can use your hands to take away things
from the other. For example, is a jar of coins
or a piggy bank.

We separate the coins by its amount. Like we

put together the 5-peso coins, 1-peso coins,
and the ten-peso coins. Another example is
the laundry.

We separate the colored clothes from the

white ones. Same as we separate the dress
from pants. The next one is DECANTATION.

By this process, the mixture should be left

undisturbed. This can be done in two ways
which are the SCOOPING and POURING.

This can be applied when we are to cook rice.

We wash the rice and remove the water. The
water is less dense while the rice is the denser
one that is why it stayed at the bottom.
Another way is the SCOOPING.
When we boil beef meat or any other meat,
bubbles form and it contains fat which is not
good for our health, so we remove them by
scooping using cup or bigger spoon. Those
bubbles are less dense than the meat. The
next method is the FILTRATION.

This method which an insoluble solid is

separated from the liquid. During the process,
we use filter (mesh cloth or filter paper) to
separate the solid components from the
liquid. Example of this is water filtration.

In this process, we use clean cloth and put it

on a water container and filter the water so
that the dirt from like soil or sand or any other
components will be left on the cloth and the
water will be cleaned.

The next method is the SIEVING OR SIFTING.

This can be use in separating big and fine

In sieving, we use strainer or big screen to


Identify and write the process used in separating the following mixture by choosing
the right method inside the box.

_____1. Mixed nails with stones.

_____2. Mixed cold water and flour in a jar.
_____3. Mixed different kinds of fruit seeds in a basin.
_____4. Mixed sand and water in a basin.
_____5. Mixed needles from plastic paper clips in a container.


Direction: Find or sight another example of Methods or Ways in separating mixture

and give two examples for each.

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