A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 6
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 6
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 6
A. Preliminary Activities
2. Prayer
Everybody, please stand and begin our lesson (The whole class stand).
with a prayer, okay? So, (called a student’s
Student: “Yes, ma’am. Everybody let
name), will you please do the honor to lead the
us close our eyes and let us pray.
In the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Good morning once again. Okay (says the name of (Students began checking their places)
the student who led the prayer) thank you for
leading the prayer. Please look around and check for “Yes, ma’am!”
any litter you see and put them in the trashcan. Are
you done?
4. Attendance
Who can define the meaning of Mixture based Ma’am, a mixture is a combination of
two or more substances and
on our discussion yesterday? Yes? (Called
someone in class)
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
Very Good! And what are the 2 types of a
are the 2 types of the mixture,
mixture? (Called another student from the
6. Agreement
Speak with respect to the teacher and your peers.
Come to class on time, ready to learn, and with all
necessary materials.
Interruptions or rudeness is NOT tolerated. Raise
your hand to speak.
Exercise safety and caution when conducting
No running, yelling or throwing objects.
Check your work carefully and pay attention to the
Explore ideas and concepts. Ask questions to find
the right answer.
B. Motivation
Okay, very good. Seems like you are enjoying “Yes, ma’am another one please!” (Student
our activity. at the back)
Do you want another code to answer? Okay
for the last one. This is for you (calls the name
of the student at the back).
Identify and write the process used in separating the following mixture by choosing
the right method inside the box.