Photography Final Exam

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Julio Pacana St., Licuan, Cagayan de Oro City



Name:_______________________ Score:__________
Section:______________________ Date:___________
Instructor: Nicole Marie T. Posadas, RCrim

1. Estimation or calculation of subject distance to form a sharp image.

a) Focus b) Viewing system c) Movement of the lens d) All of the above.

2. Duration of time between the opening and closing of the shutter.

a) Lens sharpness b) Shutter speed c) Lens opening d) ASA number

3. A picture lies and even mislead. This statement is –

a) True b) Partly true c) False d) Partly false.

4. Photograph is admitted as evidence in court, if it is a true and faithful representation of the objects or subjects on the
crime scene.
a) True b) Partly true c) False d) Partly false.

5. A ruler or measuring device is considered as a marker and allowable only in the photographs if it does not distort any
portion of the original.
a) True b) Partly true c) False d) Partly false

6. Film developing room is different from the enlarging room because it does not have a red light.
a) True b) Partly true c) False d) Partly false.

7. Microphotography is the process whereby big objects are reduced to a very small copy.
a) True b) Partly true c) False d) Partly false.

8. An X-synchronization is a bracket for the synchronization of the camera electronic flash.

a) True b) Partly true c) False d) Partly false.

9. Enlarging with the aid of enlarger is primarily used to obtain larger print.
a) True b) Partly true c) False d) Partly false.

10. Photographs must be presented in court together with the crime scene sketch in order to show the correct orientation of
objects within. –
a) True b) Partly true c) False d) Partly false. -

11. Camera and subject position are factors that will lead to misleading photographs.
a) True b) Partly true c) False d) Partly false

12. In fingerprint photography, the use of panchromatic film is essential because of its sensitivity to all colors and capacity
to produce contrast.
a) True b) Partly true c) False d) Partly false

13. An art or science that deals with the study of the principles of photography, the preparation of photographic evidence
and its application to police work.
a) Forensic photography b) Police photography c) photography d) Digital photography

14. A problem usually encountered by the photographer when he uses a flash unit
(a) parallax, (b) keystoning effect (c) synchronization, (d) double image).

15. Primarily the controlling factor of the sharpness of the image in photography is the
(a) focal distance, (b) focusing, (c) focal length, (d)hyper focal distance).

16. The processing step where the image formed in the film or paper is made permanent is at the
(a) developer, (b) stop-bath (c) bleacher, (d) fixer).

17. A lens that is generally characterized by the fact that it is always thicker at the center and thinner at the sides is called
(a) negative lens, (b) positive lens, (c) concave lens, (d) diverging lens).
18.The wavelength of an electromagnetic energy referring to visible light are those from ____________ nanometers.
(a) 001-30, (b) 30-400, (c) 400-700, (d) 700-1000)

19. The film with the widest range of sensitivity to the different energies of the electromagnetic spectrum is the
(a) x-ray, (b) orthochromatic, (c) panchromatic, (d) infra-red).

20. In the examination of fibers, hairs, bullet or shell, there is a need to use a microscope. The process of taking pictures
through the microscope is known as
(a) Photomicrography, (b) microphotography, (c) photomacrography, (d)macrophotography).

21. Photography they say “do not lie”. However photographs sometimes mislead like in reversed photographs. In a
homicide investigation for example, a weapon found near the right hand of a victim will suddenly appear near the left
hand. This confusing and misleading photograph is brought about by the wrong placement of
(a) photographic paper on the easel, (b) the negative on the enlarger,
(c) the photographic paper on the developer, (d) the film on the camera).

22 Which of the following is not considered as one of the primary colors of light?
(a) blue, green, red) (b) cyan, magenta, yellow
(c) blue, white light, green (d) cyan, red, blue

23. The distance measured from the optical center of the lens to the film plane is known as the
(a) focal length (b) focal distance (c) depth of field (d) depth of focus)

24. The type of photographic paper ideally used for enlarging or projection printing is the
(a) chloride, (b) bromide, (c) iodide, (d) nitrate) paper.

25. A filter used in photographing fingerprints on a shinny or highly polished surface because it reduces or eliminate glare
is known as
(a) neutral density, (b) color, (c) polarizing, (d) contrast) filters.

26. The emulsion speed of a film expressed in logarithmic value is the

(a) ASA rating, (b) DIN rating, (c) BSI rating, (d) JIS rating,).

27. An ideal camera type for police photography due to its versatility, compactness, and interchangeability of lenses and
therefore an all purpose camera is the
(a) range finder type, (b) single lens reflex type, (c) press type, (d) box type).

28. The normal developing time of a normally exposed photographic paper in a dektol developer with a dilution rate of
One (1) is to Two (2)/(1:2) is
(a) 1 – 1 ½ minutes, (b) 3-4 minutes, (c) 6-10 minutes, (d)12-15 minutes).

29. In a negative one side is shinny while the other side is dull. The dull side is called the
(a) emulsion, (b) base, (c) anti halation backing, (d)gelatin).

30. When one use a filter, some portion of the exposing energy is absorbed by the filter. To compensate for the exposure,
we must consider the_____________________ of the filter.
(a) guide number, (b) f-number, (c) emulsion speed, (d) filter factor)

31. The layer found between the first and second layer of the color film is a _____________ filter.
(a) red, (b) green, (c) yellow, (d) blue)

32. The camera Obscura was used by the early painters to get the accurate _______________ of their subject.
(a) measurement, (b) perspective, (c) color, (d) lighting)

33. The discovery of the first true photography is attributed to

(a) Thomas Wedgewood, (b) Louis Jacques Mande Dagurre,
(c) William Henry Fox Talbot, (d) Joseph Nicephore Niepce.

34. One of the recent advancement of photography is in the use of laser. With, laser one is able to produce a three
dimensional photography called
(a) Ektogram, (b) Hologram, (c) Monogram, (d) Photogram).

35. The normal developing time of a film in a newly mixed D-76 developer. At ordinary room temperature, tank method
(a) 1-1 ½ minutes, (b) 6-7 minutes, (c) 10-15 minutes, (d) 20-30 minutes).

36. A lens with a variable focal length is known as

(a) normal, (b) zoom (c) macro (d) telephoto) lens.

37. The controlling factor as to how wide is the coverage of a lens is the
(a) depth of field, (b) focal distance, (c) focal length, (d) hyperfocal distance).
38. A lighting condition under sunlight wherein objects in open space cast a transparent shadow is called-
(a) bright, (b) hazy, (c) cloudy dull, (d) cloudy bright) sunlight.

39. Refers to the response of the film to the different wavelength of light source.
(a) Spectral sensitivity (b) Color sensitivity (c) Light sensitivity (d) Film sensitivity.

40. The main difference between the taking of an ordinary photography to that of infra-red lies in the three F’s. The first
two F’s are film and filter. The third F is
(a) Framing, (b) Focus, (c) field of view, (d) focal length).

41.Mechanical result of photography.

(a) Picture (b) portraits (c) photographs (d) all of the foregoing
42. Elements of photography.
(a) Light (b) Sensitized material (c) Camera (d) All of the above

43. The utmost use of photography in police work .

(a) Identification (b) Preservation (c) Record (d) Information

44. The study of the fundamental of photography, its application to police work and the preparation of photographic
evidence for court presentation.
(a) industrial photography (b) commercial photography
(c) forensic photography (d) aerial photography
45. Through photography, all perishable evidence can be-
(a) Identified (b) Substituted (c) Preserved (d) Communicated

46. A main source of light which is utilized for outdoor photography.

(a) Reflected light (b) Artificial light (c) Natural light (d) All of the above

47. Objects to open space cast strong shadows which are deep and uniform shade:
(a) Dull sunlight (b) Hazy sunlight (c) Bright sunlight (d) All of the above

48. An example of Natural Light.

(a) Fire cracker (b) Firewood (c) Firefly (d) All of the above

49. The objects or subjects in open space and cast no shadow .

(a) Bright sunlight (b) Hazy sunlight (c) Dull sunlight (d) All of the above
50. This aberration is caused by the light rays of different wavelengths that focus at different focal plane. Blue color will
focus at the shortest distance and red at the greatest distance. Since the natural rays of light are a mixture of colors, each
aberration will give a different value corresponding to each color thus producing blurred images.
(a) Coma (b) Spherical aberration (c) Chromatic aberration (d) Astigmatism

51. The vantage point or range that must be considered in taking crime scene photographs.
a) Medium range b) Close-up range c) Overall range d) All of the above

52. In taking a photograph of a crime scene it is important that the camera position must be at-
a) Eye level b) Going to North direction c) at 90 degrees angle d) All of these
53. The general types of photographic paper can be classified according to-
a) Chemical contents such as chlorides, bromides, or chloro-bromides;
b) Contrast such as #0, #1, #2 and #3;
c) Physical characteristics such as to weight-(single of double) or as to surface- (glossy, matte, semi-matte,
matte) or as to color-(white cream)
d) All of the above
54. Established the first basic theory of perfect optical lens.
(a) Abbe (b) Bertillon (c) Conrady (d) Douglas

55. Introduced hydroquinone as a developing agent and invited the copper bromide-silver nitrate method of negative
a) Abney b) Bertillon c) Conrady d) Douglas

56. Inherent characteristics of lenses, usually observe in simple lenses.

a) Aberration b) flare c) Chromatic d) Coma
57. Types of lenses in which two colors are brought to the same focus.
a) Anastigmat b) Broken c) Coma d) Distortion
58. Hardening agent used in fixing bath.
a) Axis b) Boric c) Chlorine d) Denatured

59. Distance measured along the lens axis from the center of the lens surface to the focal plane or film plane is called .
a) Axis of the lens b) Back focus c) Central plane d) Diagonal

60. Introduced the first developing but contact printing trademark below.
a) Abney b) Backland
c) Conrady d) Douglas

61. The inventor of Leica Camera.

a) ABBE b) Backman c) Conrady d) Eastman
62. A lens aberration in which the magnification of the image is less at the margin of the field than at the center.
a) Achromatic distortion b) Barrel distortion c) Pincushion distortion d) Optical distortion

63. The density or light reducing power of the base material of a film or plate, without consideration of the emulsion.
a) Coating density b) Base density c) Emulsion density d) Anti-halation density

64. He initiated the first negative process in photography patented in 1841 by Talbot.
a) Reversed process b) Negative process c) Callotype d) Daguerreotype

65. The combination of the primary color of blue and red is known as
(a) cyan, (b) yellow (c) magenta, (d) indigo).

66. The normal fixing time of a film or paper is from

(a) 1-1 ½ minutes, (b) 5-10 minutes, (c) 20-30 minutes, (d) 35-60 minutes).

67. The part of the enlarger that will assure the even illumination of the negative when enlarging is the
(a) lamphouse (b) condenser, (c) bellows, (d) focusing speed).

68. In determining the correct lens opening when using a flash unit, one has to look for its
(a) guide number, (b) f-number, (c) scale-bed, (d) shutter speed

69. A photographic paper ideal for printing a normal exposed or normal contrast negative is the____________ paper.
(a) number 0, (b) number 1, (c) number 2, (d) number 3

70. To get the maximum depth of field of a lens, we look for the
(a) hyperfocal distance, (b) focal length, (c) scale-bed, (d) focal distance
71. Specifically, the camera is needed in photography to
(a) record the image (b) exclude all unwanted and unnecessary lights
(c) make the image visible, (d) make the image permanent

72. The most difficult lens defect to correct is known as the

(a) coma, (b) chromatic aberration, (c) distortion, (d) astigmatism

73. The need for the long and continuous washing in water of a negative or a finished print is to remove the presence
of_________________ because its presence will result to the early fading.
(a) sodium sulfite, (b) acetic acid, (c) potassium alum, (d) hypo

74. Error in the processing step like overdevelopment could be remedied by the use of a
(a) reducer, (b) bleacher, (c) intensifier, (d) stain remover

75. To readily determine the degree of magnification of a subject in a photograph a___________ should be placed beside
the subject.
(a) ruler, (b) rangefinder, (c) scale-bed, (d) gray-scale
76. Sidelight photography is usually done to show_____________ in a questioned document.
(a) stamped out writing, (b) watermarks, (c) faded writing, (d) erasures

77. Infra-red radiation is also sometimes known as

(a) heat rays, (b) black light, (c) coherent light, (d) Laser light

78. To show a watermark in a disputed document

(a) side-light, (b)reflected light, (c) transmitted light, (d) bounce light

79. To give more contrast to a black fingerprint with a red color background we
must use a filter with a_____________ color.
(a) blue, (b) yellow, (c) red, (d) green

80. A basic exposure for a film with ASA 100, at the bright sunlight, normal subject would be
(a)1/30 f-8, (b) 1/60 f-4, (c) 1/125 -11, (d) 1/250 f-2.8
81. In photography, contrast means.
a) Subject difference b) Camera difference c) Tonal difference d) Total difference

82. Camera essential which is responsible for the image formation

on the focal plane.
a) Light tight box b) Shutter c) Film holder d) Lens

83. Sensitivity of the film in recording light is determined by:

a) Its trade mark b) Its t-number c) Its chemical composition d) Its ASA number

84. The process of making photographs of minutes objects with the use of a camera attached to a microscope is-
a) Macrophotography b) Microphotography c) Chromatography d) Photomicrography

85. Normal or common developing time for a normally exposed paper is about:
a) 3 minutes b) 2 minutes c) 1 minute d) 1 ½ minute

86. Light travel in a straight line in the form of-

a) Clouds b) Wind c) Rains d) Wave/vibration

87. Photographing the crime scene with a very narrow space, the lens that should be used.
(a) Wide angle lens (b) Telephoto lens c) Zoom lens d) Normal lens
88. Device used in measuring the intensity of light as a basis for the correct setting for the allowance of photographic rays
to strike the film.
a) Range finder (b) Rapid rectilinear c) Densio meter d) Exposure meter

89 . Light gathering power of the lens.

a) Range finder b) Focal plane (c) Focal length (d) Aperture

90. Distinguish or sharpness of details in a photograph.

a) Contrast b) Composition c) Tone d) Density

91. Curtain with slots various widths located immediately in front of the film, in which the movement of any of the slots
across the film provides the exposure when the release button is pressed.
a) Before the lens shutter b) Central plane shutter c) Between the lens shutter d) After lens shutter

92. Comes from the Greek words “phos” and “grapho” which means draw by light.
a) Forensic photography b) Photography c) Police photography d) Forensic photography

93. Light sensitivity of the film.

a) ASA number b) DIN c) ISO d) All of the above
94. Light sensitive part of the film and the photographic paper.
a) Emulsion b) Acetate c) Silver halides d) Chemical compounds

95.Which of the following is not a factor in the computation for exposure-

a) ASA rating c)Type of subject
b)Lighting condition d) Synchronization
96. Which of the following factors does not affect developing time of the film?
a)Agitation & exposure c) Temperature
b)Concentration of chemicals d) Fixation
97.In chemical processing for film and paper, the tray must be in the order of-
a)Developer, Stop-bath, Fixer, Washing
b) Stop-bath, Fixer, Developer, washing
c)Fixer, developer, stop-bath, washing
d) Washing, stop bath, fixer, developer
98.This is the chemical that prevents fog on the film during development-
a)Potassium bromide (c) Sodium sulphite
b)Boric acid (d)Potassium alum
99. The literal meaning of the word photography is the drawing with
(a) Camera (c) Film
(b) Light (d) Developer.
100. Which of the following is not a factor in the computation for temperature?
(a) Asa rating of the film (c) type of camera
(b) lighting condition (d) Type of subject)

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