Mock Board Exam in Crimin Set A

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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only one answer for each item by marking the box corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use
pencil no.1 only.

1. The personnel in the police laboratory whose concern and expertise is on

firearm’s design, type and other matters including the projectiles are termed
A. SOCO team
B. Ballistic engineer
C. Forensic engineer
D. Firearms prober

2. The other term for “lie detector” is;

A. Galvanograph
B. Polygraph
C. Monograph
D. Seismograph

3. In polygraph examination, the act of finding out something which is made

obscure or secret is called”
A. Reception
B. Deception
C. Discovering
D. Detection

4. In fingerprint identification, the pattern which conforms to one of the

definition but is not a plain arch is what?
A. Accidental whorl
B. Tented arch
C. None of these
D. Ulnar whorl

5. The main and official purpose of a medico-legal post-mortem examination of a

cadaver is to determine the:
A. Proper treatment
B. Origin of death
C. Complications
D. Cause of death

6. The component of the lie detector machine responsible in recording pulse rate,
amplitude and changes of blood pressure is called:
A. Calvanograph
B. Cardio sphymograph
C. Smearnograph
D. Pneumograph

7. The existence of more movement impulse in the questioned signature as compared

with the standard signature indicates what?
A. Poor line quality
B. Forgery
C. Traced
D. Poor pen lift

8. In firearms study, the normal diameter of a shotgun barrel is called:

A. 7mm
B. Gauge
C. Caliber
D. 22 mm
RKManwong Criminology Solution Mock Board Exam in Criminalistics Set A - 1
9. In polygraph examination, is the taking of medicine like tranquilizer and for
colds affect the result of the tests?
A. Yes
B. It depends
C. Never
D. No

10. In handwriting examination, the imaginary line upon which the writing rests is
called what line?
A. Note C. Vase
B. Base D. Stroke

11. In the study of crimes with the use of firearms, the energy generated at muzzle
point is called:
A. Muzzle energy
B. Muzzle control
C. Velocity
D. Gravity

12. Firearms identification deals with the study, comparison and identification of
weapons alleged to have been used in the commission of crimes against whom?
A. Sorority of state like the Magdalo groups
B. Property
C. Persons
D. Chastity

13. A historic event in police photography happened in Denver, Colorado, USA, with
the court admitted for the first time a “coloreds” photograph and that year
A. 1956 B. 1977 C. 1943 D.1928

14. The process of photographing or recording crime scene or any object in the
crime scene for court presentation is called?
A. Forensic photography
B. Crime scene sheets
C. Photographing crime
D. Police photography

15. What is the first country in the world who used photographs in police work
particularly in the identification of criminals?
A. Philippines
B. Germany
C. France

16. In polygraphy, the second most important section that records the subject’s
respiratory movement and the changes and variations of the graph is what
A. Pneumograph
B. Cardio
C. Diastolic
D. Sphygmograph

17. One of the ways in determining the date of the manufacture of the paper is by
A. Secret code
B. Copyright
C. Production code
D. Watermark

18. Which of the following government issued ID cards on documents had an edge over
the others with respect to the authenticity, acceptability and legality? The
document with:
A. Signature and thumbmark
B. Signature only
C. Thumbmark only
D. Photo and signature

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19. Which of the following should be a must or be included in the sketch?
A. Name of witness
B. Time prepared
C. Place prepared
D. Compass direction

20. In addition to medical certificates, as prober, how can you preserve perishable
evidence like injuries, contusions, hematoma and the like? By:
A. Photographing it
B. Written interrogatories
C. Tape recording them
D. Memoirs

21. A positive print or a reproduction made with a camera, light and sensitive
material or in common use the end result of “SMILE!” is:
A. Memento
B. Photograph
C. Computerized Photostat
D. Machine copy

22. In polygraph test, the primary purpose of asking irrelevant questions on

subject is to:
A. Recheck shock reaction
B. Ascertain subject’s normal reaction
C. Stimulate subject in order to cooperate
D. Give temporary relief to subject

23. In key classification, no matter where the impression is found, is always

placed to the extreme left of the numerator of the classification, is it
A. Yes
B. Possible
C. No
D. sometimes

24. In firearm identification, the movements and attributes of the projectile after
it has left the muzzle of the gun is what kind of ballistics?
A. Exterior
B. Superior
C. Suicidal
D. Interior

25. What is the test used in determining whether the blood is a human origin or
A. Acid hematin
B. Albumin test
C. Precipitin test
D. Alkaline test

26. Generally, the presence of gunpowder at or near the entrance wound show the gun
muzzle when fired is not more than how many inches?
A. 8 B. 12 C. 24 D.10

27. A mandatory requirement, before a lie detection examination can be legally

conducted, it is really a must that the subject be directed to sign and submit
A. Biodata
B. Waiver
C. Urine sample
D. List of medicines taken

28. The document examiner’s work is basically that of comparing the questioned
document to that of the:
A. Official specimen
B. Certified copies
C. Admissible specimen
D. Standard specimen

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29. The sum total of all numerical values of whorls in a set of fingers plus the
fraction of one (1) is what kind of classification?

30. If the evidence firearm itself cannot be produced in court, can a photograph of
the same be legally admitted in evidence?
A. Sometimes
B. Yes, as an object of proof
C. Yes, as a secondary evidence
D. No, the firearm itself is needed

31. A document duly signed or notarized by a former RTC Judge is what kind of
A. Private
B. Personal
C. Official
D. Public

32. In questioned documents, the retouching or going back over to a defective

portion of a writing stroke is called?
A. Slicing
B. All of these
C. Embracing
D. Patching

33. In firearms examination, the individual characteristics of firearms are

generally found where?
A. Exterior portion of the cartridge
B. None of these
C. Interior surface of the gun barrel
D. Interior portion of the rim

34. In questioned signature document examinations, the number of standard specimen

required is at least how many?
A. 10 B. 6 C. 8 D. 7

35. The fingerprint pattern usually found in loops and whorls is what?
A. Insufficient recurve
B. Core
C. Delta
D. Type lines

36. In dactyloscopy, the lifting of fingerprint in the crime scene is necessary in

cases of?
A. Rape
B. Crimes against persons
C. All of these
D. Kidnapping with ransom

37. In fingerprint study, the pattern that has two deltas and with at least one
ridge that make a turn through one complete circuit is called what?
A. Accidental
B. Loop
C. Whorl
D. Arch

38. In the Holy Bible (Genesis 1:3-5), GOD, after creating the heavens and earth,
commanded, “Let there be light”, and there was light which we call “day” and
darkness as “night” and there was evening and there was morning. Which of the
said creations are the basic components of photography?
A. Light only
B. Earth and heaven
C. Light and darkness
D. Evening and morning

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39. If in drowning cases where a prober found “live fleas” in the clothing of the
victim, it indicates that the drowning did exceed how many hours?
A. 12 B. 36 C. 15 D. 18

40. It is the metal cup containing highly sensitive chemical compound that ignites
when hit by a firing pin. It is called?
A. Powder
B. Primer
C. Slug
D. Cartridge

41. The main purpose of the fingerprint system is to confirm the identity and the
criminal history of the?
A. Relatives of the suspect
B. Suspect
C. Victims
D. Gangmates

42. Can there be an accidental whorl even if there is only one (1) delta?
A. It depends
B. Yes
C. No
D. Sometimes

43. Onset of rigor mortis means the setting of body changes due to:
A. Death
B. Putrefaction
C. Obesity
D. Poisoning

44. In questioned document examination, it pertains to any property or mark which

distinguishes them from the other. It is called?
A. None of these
B. Characteristics
C. Peculiar strokes
D. Writing habits

45. Like fingerprints, no two (2) sets of fingernails are:

A. Alike in their makings
B. Easy to analyze
C. None of these
D. The same color and texture

46. What is the test used in confirming the presence of blood?

A. Benzidine test
B. Simon’s test
C. Takayama test
D. Marquis test

47. There are two main types of firearms and these are?
A. Artillery and small firearms
B. Automatic and semi-automatic firearms
C. Hand and shoulder arms
D. Calibered and caliberated firearms

48. In firearms identification, the marks found in the anterior portion that are
generally found on bullets or slugs fired from revolvers are called?
A. Groove marks
B. Strippling marks
C. Riffling marks
D. Skid marks

49. In photography, an exhibit shown in court for scrutiny by litigants and others
is what?
A. Vivid photos
B. None of these
C. Hand exhibit
D. Negative exhibit
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50. In a robbery case, the photographs should include the close-up shots of what?
A. Good stolen
B. Entrance and exit
C. Cohorts
D. Escaped car

51. The approximate center of a fingerprint pattern, usually found in loops and
whorls is?
A. Middle ridge
B. Core
C. Central ridge
D. Slope

52. Just in any other aspects of investigation, crime scene photography can be used
in obtaining what?
A. Clear vision of the crime
B. All of these
C. Confession
D. corroborative

53. To a biologist, it is a microscope; to a document examiner, it is?

A. Telescope
B. Cameras
C. Stethoscope
D. Magnifying glasses

54. In photography, the undeveloped sensitized material is known as the?

A. Positive
B. Flash
C. Film
D. Negative

55. In firearms examination, the distance advance by the rifling in one complete
turn is?
A. Pitch of riflings
B. None of these
C. Depth of grooves
D. Depth of twist

56. In violent death, it is indispensable that the victim’ death is due to the
natural and direct consequences of the injuries inflicted. If there is an
intervening cause, the offender can:
A. Invoke mitigating circumstances
B. Be held liable
C. Be held joint liable
D. Escape liability

57. The part of the gun that pulls the empty cases or shells from the cylinder
simultaneously is called:
A. None of these
B. Extractor
C. Hammer
D. Cylinder remover

58. The kind of firearms that contain no rifling are?

A. Caliberated firearms
B. None of these
C. Smooth sailing firearms
D. Smooth bore firearms

59. Who was that scientist who developed his own method of systolic blood pressure
test for detecting deception?
A. Fenne
B. William Maston
C. Angelo Mosso
D. John Larson

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60. The courts and other agencies since time immemorial take cognizance of the
importance and reliability of fingerprints as a means of personal?
A. Socialization
B. Indemnification
C. solicitation
D. Identification

61. In questioned documents inquiry, the addition of writing and other materials
between lines or paragraphs or the addition of whole pages to a document is
A. Insertion or interlineation
B. Attribution
C. Supplication
D. Contrition

62. In fingerprint probe, which of the following refers to the rolling of finger
onto the rolling impression columns?
A. rolling impression
B. impression
C. Palm impression
D. little fingers column

63. Can a strong acid completely and never to recur fingerprint?

A. None of these B. It depends C. No D.Always

64. Basically, the main job of a document examiner is to compare the questioned
document with the?
A. Stolen but readable documents
B. Stolen but recovered documents
C. Highly suspected altered documents
D. Standard documents

65. What do you call this type of bullet which is designed to be fired at night
which emits a bright flame at its base usually colored red-top?
A. Armor piercing
B. Double action
C. Reflectorize
D. Tracer

66. What is this death that is due to a sudden, fatal stoppage of heart
A. Heart attack
B. Death from syncope
C. Thrombosis
D. Myocardiac infarction

67. When there is alteration or erasure in a document such document is

questionable. When such change is effected in order to speak the truth, such
action is?
A. Disputable
B. Questionable
C. Fraudulent
D. Alright

68. There are several classes of questioned documents but MOST disputed documents
are documents with:
A. Questioned signature
B. Questioned typewriting
C. Forgery
D. Alterations

69. In polygraphy, what is the part of the cardio component which indicate air
pressure in the system in millimeters of mercury?
A. Anode indicator
B. Electrode
C. Sphygmomanometer
D. Polygram

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70. The mechanical and chemical result of photography which uses light and
sensitized material is termed called?
A. Photograph
B. Representation
C. Image
D. Replica

71. I typewriting examination, the first step to consider in the procurement of

typewriting exemplars is to:
A. Study the questioned typewriting
B. Prepare the exemplars
C. Locate the typewriter used
D. Acquisition of similar typewriter

72. In typewriter examination, the type face defects in which the letters are
printed to the right or to the left of its proper position is termed as what?
A. Horizontal malalignment
B. Off-beat alignment
C. Twisted print
D. Vertical malalignment

73. The modern definition of photography covers the recording of images of scenes
of objects not only with the use of conventional camera but also of other
instruments used in taking digital imaging and?
A. Accessories
B. Computers
C. Microscope
D. Filters

74. In police of even in ordinary photographing activity, when we say tripod, the
stand has how many legs or vertical support?
A. 3 B.4 C. 1 D. 2

75. The investigation and identification of firearms by means of the ammunition

fired through them and used in the courts of law is what kind of ballistics?
A. Terminal
B. Laboratory
C. Velocity
D. Forensic

76. Questions intended to absorb the response generally acquired by the first
relevant question in the series is what kind of question?
A. Sacrifice relevant
B. Symptomatic
C. Peak of tension
D. Control test
77. The type of forgery which is made when the writer exerts no much efforts to
effect resemblance of facsimile between the forged and the genuine signature is
A. Traced
B. Spurious
C. Simulated
D. Simple

78. Fingerprint evidence is supreme than a testimonial witness because it cannot be

persuaded or motivated by whom?
A. The court itself
B. Anyone interested in the case
C. The prosecutors
D. Any consideration or prejudice

79. Flash bulb and electronic flash are two examples of light sources of short
duration. One that remains very popular even today is the?
A. Electronic flash
B. Flash bulb
C. Organic flash
D. Electrical bulb

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80. Blood may remain fluid inside the blood vessels up to between how many hours
after death?
A. 8 to 10 C. 2 to 4
B. 4 to 6 D. 6 to 8

81. In questioned documents, the retouching or going back over to a defective

portion of a writing stroke is called?
A. All of these
B. Embracing
C. Slicing
D. Patching

82. In dactyloscopy, particularly fingerprint patterns, the symbol of tented arch

A. TA B. A C. U D. T

83. In questioned documents, any stroke which goes back over another writing
strokes is called?
A. Retracing
B. Restroking
C. Retouching
D. Reforming

84. Murder should be discounted if there exists in photographs of the crime scene,
broken glasses, disarray of furniture which shows the possible defense put-up
by the:
A. Probers
B. Assailant
C. Victim
D. Bystanders

85. In photographing a dead victim, see to it that its identity is duly?

A. Stored
B. Recorded
C. Proven
D. Measured

86. If after the polygraph test, the subject voluntarily informed the examiner on
his involvement in the crime, your next action is to inform the?
A. Witness
B. Investigator
C. Relative of subject
D. Victim

87. In the study of dactyloscopy, the approximate center of a fingerprint pattern

which is usually found in loops and whorl is called?
A. Core
B. Middle ridge
C. Central ridge
D. Delta

88. In crime probe, cadaveric lividity is important because it may indicate the
cause of death and also indicate if the body was what?
A. Injured
B. Embalmed
C. A victim of suicide
D. Moved

89. When the photographing of crime scene or any other object has the purpose or
goal of using them in court as evidence in any litigation, then it is defined
as what kind of photography?
A. Modern/technical
B. Police
C. Forensic
D. legal

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90. When we speak of “forensic” ballistics, the firearm subject of the study has
something to do with a crime or a case in?
A. Controversy C. Consideration
B. Progress D. Court

91. The type of cartridge with a rim diameter smaller than the body is what kind of
A. Center
B. Belted
C. Rebated
D. Rimmed

92. In searching for latent prints on a crime with forcible entry, look for:
crowbars, screw driver, electrical systems, etc. because those are the possible
source of scene fingerprints, correct?
A. Not true C. Maybe
B. Possibly true D. yes

93. The process of writing the symbols of the corresponding patterns on the space
provided in the fingerprint card is called:
A. Blocking
B. Pairing
C. Fingers system
D. Spacing

94. Which of the following documents is the other term of questioned documents?
A. Disputed C. Guided
B. Blurred D. Cased

95. The post-test interview is conducted after the polygraph test. It is conducted
if the examination shows subject’s involvement in the crime and the purpose of
which is to conduct what?
A. Further investigation
B. None of these
C. Background check
D. Deception detection

96. What do you call of the innermost ridges running parallel or nearly parallel to
each other which diverge and surround to tend to surround the pattern area?
A. Delta lines C. Diverging lines
B. Type lines D. Eyelet lines

97. In dactyloscopy, when we speak of polydactyl hands, if refer to persons with?

A. Abnormalities in the fingers
B. Less than five fingers on one hand
C. More than normal number of fingers
D. Exceedingly long fingers

98. Which of the following evidence is not material or no bearing in the conviction
of an accused?
A. Inadmissible C. Optic/real
B. Documentary D. Circumstantial

99. Along with fingerprints, which of the following is a mandatory requirement in

securing NBI clearance to ensure one’s identity?
A. None of these
B. Photograph
C. Thumbmark
D. Signature

100. A victim’s cadaver if exposed to either heat or cold may result to a post-
mortem lividity color of:
A. Violet
B. Bright-red
C. Yellowish
D. Pole

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